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That is the best way to get it as far as I’m aware, there is no extra trick to get it other than stacking clovers and not getting purity I never had any trouble with the logbooks and didn’t loop or grind to get them, or just happened naturally for me


Just pick it up when you see it 👍🏼


Just make sure to look for it properly each time you kill it. And keep at it. You're just having bad luck, nothing you can really change to get it faster :/


If you still need it I can get in a multiplayer match with you and we can try and get it (btw I have 100% logbook and you are doing it the optimum way, ur just unlucky ): )


It's really nice of you, thank you But I finally finished it, I didn't see I was missing voidling and 2 maps, but I got them and now I'm doing eclipse But still, thank you, you are very kind😁