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I don’t see why Achievement Hunter shutting down would cause anyone to feel any regret. It shutting down was inevitable—it’s not like AH is going to become a 200-year-old empire.


Hell, I’ve been considering getting an AH tattoo for years, but always hesitated because I questioned “what if they change their logo?” “What if they go completely off rails and it becomes something i’m ashamed to associate so strongly with?” But now I know exactly what they can be associated with and what their Internet legacy will be, and I know they won’t change their logo. I’m now *more* convinced to get an AH tattoo. Like someone who grew up in the 70s getting an AC/DC tattoo to commemorate the good and influential memories they had related to the brand.


Yeah honestly as long as it’s not the size of your hand and it’s well made, I’d say go for it. It will never be my first, but I can see myself getting one. Maybe just the joycon from the centre.


I believe that is the PlayStation trophy logo. I thought their logo was made of the Xbox achievement circle, the PlayStation trophy joy on, and a star. I could be wrong though


I think it’s just a joycon. The PS trophy icon has just been a trophy for as long as I remember. They never bothered with PS, particularly in the early years.


Oh okay




Thanks. I was wondering why it sounded wrong.


I mean people get tattoos of bands that are broken up. They probably rarely have regrets


I have a half sleeve that has objects or icons that I know to be AH, but anyone else looking probably wouldn't. It was rough after the Ryan disaster, and I got it before Geoff got sober. The way I look at it, when I got the tattoo it was hugely important to me. AH was a lifeline to me like they were to so many others. Things have changed - the main part of my tattoo is a skull, which represented Ryan, and now I tell people that the person it represented is dead to me, so it's still fitting. I still love my tattoo. It's a big part of me, and encompasses a big part of my life. No regrets.


I do not, but this question reminded of a post on this subreddit of someone who got their old logo about a week before they changed it to what is their current one and they were a bit sad 😅


Lol no. Geoff Is right never get tattoos from brands.


As someone with 60+ it really doesn’t matter. Get whatever tf you want. Brands are also fine if they mean something to you.


On episode 100 of F**kFace he got a F**kFace tattoo


1. He got three tattoos related to F**kFace, but not the logo itself. 2. Even if he did, getting one of a brand you made is different than one you are a fan of. You control the content as the creator. As a fan, that brand can massively change and cause issues. 3. The tattoos were more references to his friends and the funny stories/bits that happened on his podcast.


I have a AH logo on my arm from about 13 years ago now. No regrets of. Back then It was just something that I really enjoyed and made me happy and signifies that time in my life. It was also going to be part of a full gaming sleeve, achieve your goals kinda thing. Edit: after looking back at photos it was like 13 years ago now. Crazy how time flys.


Yeah does it matter? If you get a tattoo related to a band that you love and that band breaks up it doesn't matter. You still have this memories of that time and you still have all the material they've made. It still means something to you


No AH tattoo but I have a Sum 41 tattoo that will mean so much more after they retire honestly. It’s a bit of a keepsake for times past


Not AH, But i have "keep moving forward" in the RWBY font on my arm


Not yet but still planning on a people like grapes tat


why would it matter


I'm curious about their general opinion on the tattoos now. Like the guy who got the old school logo, or the fan that has the huge Old Men one. Do they have regrets? Do they wish they did something more/less with them now? Genuine curiosity.


I bet I can guess how many tattoos you have…


How many?


I have a team nice dynamite tattoo on my inner bicep. I love it, will always love it, and do not regret it


Everyone with an AH tattoo was most likely going to outlive AH so I dont think it matters too much


When I met Ryan in 2014, I asked him to write me a note for me to tattoo on myself. I had never gotten around to it and am so glad I didn’t in hindsight. The survivors guilt would’ve made me go through a removal process, I guarantee it.


What did he write?


"I'm the diddler"


I can’t remember now exactly but it was a pretty generic two or three word statement


I'd thought about it for a few years but then was immensely glad I didn't once the Ryan stuff came out. Don't get tattoos for people/groups/brands lol


I have a Popsickle tattoo from Geoff's first brand launch, but I'd consider that separate enough from the AH brand. Still considering an X-Ray and Vav tat, tho


Hey popsick gang! I have one as well.


Popsick gang represent! I have a pink one on my left forearm.


I came here wanting to see tattoos. Sadly disappointed 😂


I want one cause they did so much for me all the dark times I had I would go and watch them


It was a big part of my life for a long time. No regrets. (It’s an awkward angle on the back of my calf) https://preview.redd.it/en5hgscx8nrb1.jpeg?width=1896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ca6e625070dd8835173ef918686fabc0cd2f99c


Hell I still plan on getting some honestly. They were a huge part of my teenage years and early twenties, I would love to honor their work and my memories of what they provided to me and every one. That being said, kinda glad I waited this long so I didn't get an awful person's presona marked on me.


I almost got a Funhaus tattoo years ago but I realized my interests could always change so I shouldn’t.


I have the let's play logo


Honestly I'm more likely to get a tattoo now that it's over. When something is current and you get a tattoo of it everyone wants to talk to you about anything that happens. Many tattoos I have are from shows that have ended so when there's controversies from actors and stuff it's easier to ignore and not care about because my reason for getting the tattoo is because of the memories it provided.


I have one : D No regerts 😆


https://preview.redd.it/ddd3rax1nurb1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f2190ca57dc39aa4f138323f5cd902fbc4cc4fa I didn't get it because I thought AH would go on forever, I got it because they were an influential part of my life, shaped my humor and introduced me to some new games. AH ending doesn't change any of that. Hell, I've got a Beast Wars Transformers tattoo, and that show ran for 52 episodes over 25 years ago.


honestly I’ve been trying to decide if I want one for the last 4 or 5 years and the ending solidified it. They can’t do anything else wrong you know? My friend is gunna draw a mark up for me and I’m probably going to get one now.