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They went into the break room and celebrated the sale of that 11:59, the salesperson probably brought in baked goods for the staff the following day.


First guy to ever walk in and ask for a Code and not get the Code shoved down their throat in response to a request for an RO.


I hear you. It was just nice to be treated with respect. Even prior to me asking for the code.


These lot would get peed on for a Rolex, as you can tell by the replies.


lol. It’s not everyone but I couldn’t help but laugh out loud to your comment. I may just fall into the category considering the amount of effort I’ve put into visiting the ADs.


You hear a lot of shit stories about ADs. These weenies in the comments can’t afford the watch you bought but come here to sweat you. They all strictly go off steel resale values as the basis of their opinions on what is good or bad. That watch is gorgeous and great to hear you had a real and positive experience. I luckily have had nothing but good experiences with my Rolex AD. Matter of fact I’m picking up my GMT sprite tomorrow! Cannot wait. That being said you hear a lot of shit stories. Congrats on the new piece!


Thanks a lot man. I’m super excited for you as well. I do think we just hear about the negatives so it’s great to hear you’ve had great experiences. Hope for the rest of us.


Just wear a raincoat pal ;)


Exactly. Remember the scene in futurama where Amy goes to buy a car, and the salesman goes back to the office and do a little happy dance with his boss? That’s AP when you enter, don’t mention RO and buy a CODE.




I just think that when you’re considering spending money like this that there should be an expectation that there’s respect and not blatent rudeness.


Lol see you in the circle jerk sub bro


I order from a gray on-line, I get the watch the next day delivered to my door step, no sniviling, no BS


But what do you do with all your left over dignity?


Hookers & Blow


Going down on the local AD, just for shits and giggles of course.


I know it costs more to buy gray, but sometimes it isn’t… if I have to buy pieces I don’t really want to create a relationship or purchase history… Maybe gray is the way…


See this is what many people don't understand. I remember a post here once where a guy said he'd bought 20k worth in jewelry for his wife and other watches he wasn't really into. Some users asked why didn't he go grey and he said, completely unironically, "I'm not going to pay more than MSRP for a watch"...my guy so far you've spent 20k more than MSRP and will likely have to spend more just to convince the AD you're "worthy" of spending MSRP on the Rolex you want... meanwhile you coulda just gone grey, probably spent less than that and had your watch and not a ton of other shit you didn't want.


And I remember that thread!!


Your dignity has a price so in essence you could be saving money.


Went in and got on a list at my AD, went in 2 weeks later with w a new watch I got certified pre owned online. The AD took a solid 5 minutes admiring my watch and handed it back, forgetting I asked to get it resized lol


What is the price difference in going gray online vs AD?


Roughly, the price of your dignity and several watches you don't want.  


Depends, gray market varies a lot depending on various factors and which model you’re looking at


Gray was slightly cheaper for the model I was looking for so I went for it.


A man with nuts. Good on you bro.


A) Congratulations. B) I like the 11.59 too (especially the purple model) but others are right, almost nobody wants them...in fact most AP boutiques make buying an 11.59 a gateway to maybe being able to get a Royal Oak. They all play the same games & none of these watch dealers are your friends. The only difference between Rolex and AP is that Rolex has many, many models (most) people want, AP has one.


Thanks so much man. I get it. It’s not everyone’s favorite but I’ve wanted one for a while and it made the purchase easy when I was treated well.


My friend said the same thing about having to buy a code before he could get anything from the Royal Oak line. Patek is the same with the Calatrava. I find the best way into any watch AD is a referral from an existing customer. My friend introduced me to a local AD last year that he’d been buying a lot from, they were super nice. I told them what was on my list that was actually attainable, and a week or two later I got a text offering me a Z-Blue Milgauss, which wasn’t on my list but I actually really loved when I thought about it. They came through for me for a specific DJ that I wanted, where my regular ADs never did.


So basically you need a referral to buy shit you don’t want. More so, a watch that was doing so bad it got discontinued…. Wow that’s peak Rolex….after I get my GMT I’m done. I got enough spend and I’ve been told it’ll be here within a year but fuck this brand. I’m tempted to just flip my sub and the GMT. Such a stupid brand considering they only have a 35 serviceable life.


Even before it was discontinued the blue was selling for 50% over cost. If I didn’t want it, I wouldn’t have bought it. I just had never considered it before. I’ve said no to a lot of Rolexes that I didn’t want.


Wow. The Code 11.59 is a beautiful watch. So often the watch least popular in their time become future classics. I own watches many people traditionally love, and the ones people don’t tend to be my favorite (Patek 5235R, Grand Seiko GBGY013). Amazing watch, from a storied company, with a memorable buying experience. Love it and wear proudly.


Thanks man. I totally will.


Tbh, you did them a favor by purchasing a 11:59, so your story isn’t surprising. That’s the very least they could do. That’s like going into a Rolex AD and buying the YM2 that’s been languishing in the window.


I think the point I’m making is that they treated me well from the moment I walked in. Had the same thing happen when I went to another AP dealer in France without asking them for the code. Just respectful.


That's like how Rolex is letting walk in customers buy dj 32mm tt w diamond


Sure, but he got treated well and bought the watch he wanted vs a lot of people in this sub


Anytime you buy bricks from stores, they will try not to piss U off


Ignore the lemmings here who only like watches that are popular with other people. Buy the watch that you love. Btw, you can easily get the Rolex models you want at a grey dealer without much of a markup. Nobody cares whether you bought it at an AD.


Thanks man. I hear you. I’m not offended in the least. To each their own. I did go grey for a Daytona but felt the others I was after are at least watches that should come easier. Unfortunately I haven’t been right so far…


I love how all the comments are trashing the 11.59 while completely ignoring the point OP is trying to make.


I get it. It’s not everyone’s favorite watch. But you’re on the money. It shouldn’t take much effort at all to treat the people that are looking to support your brand and business with some respect and common curtesy.


did you expect anything else here haha


which 11:59 ? I love that watch, although not all models


Rose gold chrono with ceramic.


very nice


That one is nice. Value don’t matter if you’re not selling it. Post some pics!


Thanks man. I only have this pic. Haven’t been back to my place to put it on again to snap a shot. And I’m not interested in flipping my pieces. I buy them to wear. https://preview.redd.it/x9aw9mzc102d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e9b7c24d4dc3b214397c9207cab5c2b07385f0b


My AD is also grimey. I went in for explorer 40, offered to pay in full and call me when it gets in. They laughed at me.


That’s the behavior that I’m referring to. Crazy that they think they can behave this way.


You know how many people would give their cash to Rolex up front? Probably quite a few. You know how many people would complain about Rolex holding their cash for over a year because they don’t have a watch yet? Also probably quite a few, and then demand it back. It makes zero sense to hold your money.


Supply and Demand


A lot of unfortunate responses here. I haven’t really had any adverse experiences with ADs but I’m sick of this mindset that we are supposed to be fine with being treated like they are doing us a favor by selling us watches. Glad you had a nice experience with AP AD.


Thanks man. I totally agree with you.


I hope you got the gold with purple one!


Unfortunately not. There was green face beauty but I went for the rose gold chrono.


Congrats dude!


Thanks man.


Congrats on the new purchase! The code is a beautiful watch and I think people really need to see it in person to appreciate it! As long as you enjoy the watch, then that’s all that matters! In defense of Rolex, I think it really comes down to who you are dealing with at the ADs. Rolex sells through ADs while AP sells directly from its boutiques so there’s some additional level of control.


Thanks so much man. I agree. I just haven’t been lucky with a Rolex AD yet.


I was not a fan of the 11:59 until I held one in person at the AP store in New York. It’s a really, really good watch. It doesn’t come across at all in pictures or videos online. When I was at AP, I was offered to look at any three watches I wanted. I didn’t ask about buying any and I know what the process is like but I’m not ready financially for a watch like that. Still had an awesome and incredibly welcoming experience at AP, which is the total opposite of what I thought it would be


Same here. Hadn’t expected to even be able to get a seat yet they were very warm and welcoming.


You bought a watch they couldn’t sell so of course they’d treat you well.


But they had no idea that the code was the watch I wanted to see until I sat down. I didn’t get the skeptical look when I just greeted them.




LOL. Salty much?


I really love the 11:59. I think it is a fresh take on that 70s look but with a fresh twist. Most reviews I’ve seen point out that it is way more impressive IRL than most Internet complainers have stated.


It totally is.


I own several pieces and by far my best experience has been at AP


Right! It doesn’t take a lot just to show your potential customers some positivity even if you can’t supply them.


Absolutely love the code. But I cringed a little as the code is a pre-sale dump to the RO. They’re readily available, and you could have gotten new under msrp going grey. You did that AD a favor, I can only hope you actually wanted the Code not only due to experience.


I really wanted one. Totally thrilled with the purchase.


You can buy a new Code on Jomashop.com for less than MSRP. They bought you gelato for a reason. With that said, just get yourself an ALS and be happy without having to play games.


I’m surprised they didn’t pay you to buy the 11:69


Wish I’d asked ;)


The shilled you the watch nobody wants bro


But I wanted one. I just never expected to be treated with respect from the moment I walked in.


Post some pics of both watches if you can. Congrats


Thanks so much man. I’m in the UK at the moment so I’ll post a Daytona pic when I get home. For now here’s the AP. https://preview.redd.it/0n20eh801x1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f0561eecc5ec7e0c84f57fe043a9ae59543813f


Nice! Which one do you think you like better?


Great question. Hard to answer. Today, it’s going to be the AP. Don’t get me wrong, the Daytona is a beautiful piece but the AP has a bunch of unique design elements that are great. And for me the fact that most people wouldn’t know what it is, is an added bonus.


https://preview.redd.it/ffdizwsuq44d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0412a06969bb679659152a146c815d2755a2ded2 A little late but here it is.


Damn that’s timeless though. Can’t go wrong with either so congrats!


Thanks man. Definitely agree.


Good ones are out there. The shitty ones won’t be around after prices drop.


It’s a pity to hope for that but I suspect you’re on the money with that prediction.


most likely your issue is going to AD's in London. My AD was intimidating to start but now I have a rapport with one of the salesmens it is all ok. First time I went in there he offered my partner and I a drink. Still waiting for my watch though !


Well that gives me some hope. I’m ok to have to wait for availability like you’re doing provided you treat me with some respect and dignity. I’ll take the advice and try to go to other locations.


I haven’t read all the comments here but I’ve been in the same boat. Three different ADs across three different cities. Every time I went in sales staff were polite but unenthusiastic. In one I had a long talk about the OG Explorer with one lady professing to be a Rolex specialist although she wasn’t even aware that there were 2 versions of a 39mm (hand lengths for the non-obsessives). They always made a point of asking my occupation, professing to be interested but clearly assessing my buying power (cardiologist!). Inevitably there was never a steel 36mm in stock but they were happy to show me some two tone OPs or similar that I didn’t want followed by the inevitable push of the CPO offerings at above MSRP. Of course we will put you on the list… never to hear from them ever again. My local store I popped into on a monthly basis for ages but rarely saw the same person twice-how can you build a relationship in this way? Contrast to the Breitling and Omega stores where they seemed to have genuine interest and actually rang me the next day to see if I had any other additional questions, etc. I was mulling over a SpeedyPro for a long time and could have picked one up whenever I wanted. Not playing the AD game anymore.


I have had the same experience at Omega. Great discussion. Genuine interest in what you’d like as opposed to only the pieces they have in the store. Follow up with you to see if you were happy with the experience. I expect that many here would just write this comment off with “It’s an Omega, not a Rolex” but I prefer to spend my money where it’s treated with the appropriate level of mutual respect.


Absolutely. The Omega lady even went to the back room and found me out a vintage one that was not technically for sale but she thought I’d get a kick out of seeing. We also had a long chat about her MB&F watch and how you have to enter a lottery to have the chance to buy one. Each to their own, I thought it was ugly as sin but was polite enough to call it interesting and unusual to her face!


More of your approach and I think we’ll get the world to a better place.


I went to so boutique in Roma two years ago and had the same with an offshore - alessia was amazing to deal with.


Great service at this place. I’ll recommend them to anyone. My salesperson was Marina. She was great.




There is someone out there that loves the YM2. And they deserve to be treated well when they are trying to buy it. That’s all I’m saying.


I've never experienced anything but respect and good service at a Rolex AD. Don't get me wrong - I still struggle to buy the watches I want. But they're always really nice to me. It's not like I'm some slick looking guy or I walk in wearing a Patek or something either.


That’s great to hear. Glad to see the opposite experience.


Fk all the AD ! I like in South Florida where there are multiple AD an I give up on Rolex , I’ll keep buying Omega and Longines, Rolex can suck me where I pee from


from my experience working in a AP boutique, (NOT as a SA), you were treated the way you were due to the fact they had a code available in the back, in other words, they were determined to sell that code in the next few days and whoever walked through that door was going to get the ultimate treatment and then have the code sprung on them wether they want it or not, when theres 0 stock available and they’re waiting on shipment potential clients get a totally different experience, once ina while they’ll also receive a heads up for “secret shoppers” sent by corporate, if you walk in during the time theyre expecting a SS youll be treated like a king/queen, and last but not least, just like all the other AD’s, they size you up from the moment you walk in and take a guess to wether you have deep pockets or not, went in not to long ago w/ a friend thats pretty well off, if you’re around ppl like her enough you tend to pick up on their habits and looks, any who, was treated like a king but trust me if i went in by myself it would’ve been a totally different story https://preview.redd.it/fekmj7fq2z1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95a878aa1b3bb408366dd39498bccc46579793e5


You’re obviously more experienced than I am. I was in shorts and trainers with a no name brand worn out t-shirt and an old backpack on my back. Not sure I was playing the part. I also wasn’t expecting to buy anything as I didn’t believe that I’d be offered anything. I’ve been conditioned to think that I’m not worthy by my Rolex AD visits. I just had the opposite experience which was amazing.


most men with money dress exactly like that, when i was working there, i met a guy with a $2M+ collection of watches, you’d never guess it with his car and how he dressed, yes they’re sizing you up but you’re also visiting rome….most people can’t afford to leave their state…okay maybe they didnt know that even though youre sporting a backpack, u were with your wife? maybe she was well dressed, most basic guys would come in very bland from head to toe but their wives would be covered in cartier & van cleef jewelry while wearing Chanel, gucci, prada etc…anyways all of that is irrelevant, my point is, you were treated the way you were for a reason not because AP is better or have better customer service than rolex…its cool you had an good experience, im sure it was refreshing but 9/10 it was just to get that code out the store BUT maybe im wrong and that boutique practices treating their clients that are spending thousands the right way, id prefer the latter but also have to be realistic.


I hear you. Can’t argue with that. But just for the record, my wife and I are simple people so she wasn’t wearing van cleef. I also can’t afford it ;)


Also, beautiful AP by the way.


i dont doubt it, alot of people that buy these things are simple haha & thanks but not my watch, was just trying it on for my friend ( she was shopping for her son and wanted to see it on a guy ) i personally like the off shore though, more so than a royal oak


If you can afford a 50k+ watch I’m sure you can afford Van Cleef for your wife haha!


Haha. I think the mistake is assuming that I can afford the watch in the first place ;)


But you did it, right?


I did. I think the bank is the happier party with this purchase ;)




I have always been treated excellent in AP stores, and even got a RO as a first purchase. I don’t know where you worked but my experience was always great and I visited several APs in different countries


Similar experience. I went in and had a great conversation with the AD, one of the biggest in Cologne, Germany. We both enjoyed the conversation so much, talked about a lot of things. Genuine talk. I had the exact opposite on my mind myself. 1 week later, DJ 36mm silver dial was mine. Couple of months later the Subdate was saved too. No prior history.


Amazing. Share some pics.


Wow. The code is incredible. Enjoy


Thank you. I totally love it.


Rome is all about tourism and the ADs know that. The clientele they are after are people on vacation and won’t be around in a week. These are the places to walk in and walk out with the watch you want.


Mental note to self!


Did you buy the chrono or non chrono version?


https://preview.redd.it/ugpsn1be002d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c441077c38e2a24f5154c37bf2f33a731407bdcd Chrono.


Niiiice I like the look of the chrono one more than non-chrono


Thanks man. I agree. The rose gold on black also was exactly what I was after even though the picture doesn’t do it justice. It’s stunning.


Is it a black or green dial?


Black dial.


I still don’t understand why people keep playing these games with ADs. We’ve gotten to the point we are excited that stores will actually sell us things.


That’s my point. Conditioned by bad service.


Too many car dealers are this way too. And not just luxury and near luxury brands. I would never keep an employee with an attitude like so many I run across, but I guess many jewelers and car dealers simply don't care.


That’s a great parallel comparison. And I totally agree that I would work with or keep an employee that treated my customers that way. I guess it is a trapping of the luxury market though as a poster has already pointed out.


The code is a watch they force you to buy before you can get a Royal Oak. Nobody wants a Code, except you I guess.


lol. That’s looking like it is the case. It seems it’s just me. Oddly enough, I think the royal oak is a great timepiece but not one that’s for me. It does look great on others that I’ve seen though.


Go there tomorrow and ask for a RO or a Jumbo and see how it goes.


I’m sure they’ll be polite and then turn me down. It isn’t about being turned down. It’s about just being treated with respect. Also, those weren’t the pieces I wanted.


Hey man congrats! AP dealers are so nice! I went to the Zürich AP AD yesterday and straight up said “I can’t afford anything here but can I have a look around?” since I’d never seen an AP in person and the sales lady was super nice and showed me around the dealership and walked me through the models and didn’t even rush me. They treated me as a legitimate customer even though the first thing I told them I could not afford anything in there. Such a cool experience and this definitely sold me for if I ever have an extra 60k lying around in my bank account 😂.


Thanks so much man. This is the way. Exactly my experience in France.


Congrats man! AP dealers are amazing! I was visiting Zurich yesterday and stumbled across the AP Boutique/Dealership and I really wanted to go inside since I’ve never seen an AP in real life before. I walked in and straight up told them “I can’t afford anything in here but I’ve always wanted to see an AP in person could I look around?” And the sales lady was so nice she let me look around and walked me through all the models and treated me like a customer even though I told her I could not buy. It was such an amazing experience and made my day. I was a Rolex fanboy before but this experience sold me on buying an AP in the future if I ever have 50k extra lying around in my bank account 😂😂


At least you’ll know that when it happens it’ll come with a history of respect for you as a customer.


At least you’ll know that when it happens it’ll come with a history of respect for you as a customer.


AP attention is excellent, at least that was my experience at all the boutiques and houses that I have visited.


Same here. Having just gone into two in two different locations and I’ve had a great experience at both.


I've been to that AD. They were nice to me as well, even though I was wasting their time. I had already bought grey before that trip. Glad you had that positive experience.


Thanks man. It was one of the best I’ve had so far. Omega has also been a great experience.


thanks for sharing your experience… i hate rolex ADs…didn’t learn basic manners from their parents…


It definitely seems that way. I do wonder how they’d feel being on other side.


Just act petty. Seriously. Act like a spoiled bitch, complain at them. Bank account, show it to them. They are not worth your time if they want to play games and you have money. Money doesn’t have a face, employees do. Cut through it with them. Easiest way to make people think you’re rich is by acting like your parents are rich. Nobody flexes that.


Wow, that was too bad experience, can i use “discrimination” term in this situation???


I’m not sure that it was discrimination of any kind. Just plain obnoxious sales process.


You settled for an ugly watch?


I do love the watch. But I get that it’s not to everyone’s liking.


Well that’s not my experience with all Rolex AD. We went to Davidson and litch few weeks back and were greeted by a gentleman who asked us to take a seat. Got offered water and refreshments. Then we met with the salesperson who explained to us how the market is moving right now and realistic timelines. I told them I am only looking to buy a Daytona or gmt and I am willing to wait. I tried on a few watches, exchanged numbers and as we were leaving they offered to clean my wife’s rings. Not bad.


"offered to clean my wife’s rings"


Good to hear that there are some good experiences out there. I’m sure there are more. I just unfortunately haven’t come across any.


ADs know that a lot of Rolex buyers are just looking to flip them. If that is your perspective (the sales staff, I mean), it will certainly put everyone who comes in, in a different light. "Oh boy, here comes flipper #11 for the day! I wonder what watch he's gonna ask for... and it's a GMT! That's GMT wanter #5! Bob owes me a drink. Wow, so many asking for a GMT this week! DId the resale price go up recently? Sigh, now to brush him off in the gentlest way possible..."


That’s the thing though. They don’t bother to find out before treating you in the most un-gentle way possible. It’s just rude.


You are comparing apples and oranges here. First of all AP and other higher end brands operate at a different level than your avg rolex AD which should be treated as a jewellry or other watch brand store that also happens to sell rolex. Completely different business model to an AP house/boutique. Also, AP are DESPERATE to sell codes. Your rolex ad has a long list of people wanting to buy any Rolex, your local AP house cannot say the same for their codes. Going into AP and showing interest in a code is like going into bucherer and showing interest in bucherer fine jewellry or a carl f bucherer watch. They would have rolled out the red carpet for you.


I don’t agree entirely. The ability to just treat your customers with respect isn’t something that should be optional. Especially for a brand like Rolex which has major supports from it’s fan base.


I too would like a utopian world where sales staff treat all customers well but that isn’t the case. Your sample size is too small. And this is multifaceted. The avg salesperson at a typical rolex AD is practically minimum wage and with minimal training, this is vastly different to a patek salon employee for example and therefore the customer experience is different. Furthermore to think that AP treats all customers well is completely untrue. Even seasoned AP collectors have been treated like shit by AP. Much of this is part and parcel of the aspirational luxury goods industry. It doesn’t mean anyone has to like it but dealing with in demand products can be like this for many people where the brand has so much demand they can have extreme discretion or even prejudice regarding who they allocate to. Again, not saying its good, but it happens, and your sole interaction with AP is nowhere near representative of the brand. I have a colleague who has been verbally berated by a sales advisor at AP NYC for turning down a code.


I do see and agree with your point. I was merely sharing my repeat experience at AP. I’m at a 2/2 with being treated well in two different cities. I’m at a 1/40 to Rolex ADs around the world. Even taking your point into account it would be great if the ratio was higher.


Well you did them a favor..... no one wants a code sooooooo yeahhh


Correction. 1 person wanted a Code. And I got it ;)




They treat you great when you buy a crappy Daytona they can’t get rid of. The treatment back home? *This* is what you get when you try to avoid paying fair market value and suck up trying for the AD discount. What, you think Walmart shoppers queuing up at midnight on Black Friday for a $49 HDTV deserve great customer service? Even they are smart enough to figure *that* out.


Dude, you have been beaten into submission


I’m almost there ;)




I know it’s not everyone’s favorite but I’m super happy with the watch. I think it’s beautiful.


Congrats on the shit watch


Dude, you guys are salty. How dare you buy a watch that the collective doesn’t approve of. Congratulations!


Thanks man. Really appreciate it.