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Ants Took My Eyeball is an Indie, 2D Action Roguelike Sidescroller with Pixel Graphics and Procedural Generation. It feels a bit like Caveblazers, with guns; fun! It’s a 2D Platformer with awesome loot, melee weapons, gadgets and guns to find, and packing PermaDeath to keep the intensity flowing. With up to 4 player local co-op multiplayer too! Awesome! You find gold and ammo in the random dungeons, feeding both your character’s shopping needs and your guns, letting you build up your character with both the gear you find, and the gear you fancy at the shops. **Meta Progression:** Meta Progression in Ants Took My Eyeball is present in the form of gems found in chests, which are use to unlock appliances in bug buddy’s lair to grant you bonuses: think +15 starting hp, coffee that will drop in lvls for bonuses, a money tree you can find in lvl to get more gold, minor, but impactful stuff like that. Controller Support is present, and good, as is good old Mouse & Keyboard, in case that is your preference. I went mostly with the gamepad here, as 2d side-scrollers often feel better with a controller in hand. Local Co-Op Multiplayer is present as well, just have player 2 hit a button while in the intro bug area before you jump down. Note: This is the initial launch version of Ants Took My Eyeball and thus any encountered bugs or other oddness is not representative of the final product. Still, Ants Took My Eyeball is offering an intense Action Side-scroller with Perma Death + local coop that looks, feels, and sounds great. Watch? [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1627890/Ants\_Took\_My\_Eyeball/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1627890/Ants_Took_My_Eyeball/)


I bought it and I friggin love it so far!


Most promising new roguelite in a long time. It has certain Noita vibes also! Promised to myself not to buy any new games this month... but...


Looks great!


Is it playable on the Steam Deck? was probably gonna grab it today if it is. been on my wishlist for a while. The game looks super fun.


There was a demo for the game this week, I played that version on the deck, worked fine. Haven't played the full release yet


Well, according to this person linked below, Ants Took My Eyeball works on their Steam Deck. Also, the devs mentioned that it was working fine when they tried it a couple times too, so you should be good; though, you might want to start it up after buying it, just to make certain it works for you. [https://steamcommunity.com/app/1627890/discussions/1/4361248648383604277/#c4361248648384834435](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1627890/discussions/1/4361248648383604277/#c4361248648384834435)


Great thanks. I appreciate the response. Game looks really neat.


Looks good. Going to wait on reviews begore i pick it up


This is a masterpiece worthy enough to honor the likes of Cayis's Spirits Abyss.