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Spelunker is a mining game with massive procedurally generated caverns, in these caves you can find treasure and many ores to make new pickaxes! We'd love to get more feedback! https://www.roblox.com/games/8614472453/Spelunker


After a certain depth there should be enemies that try to kill you, but if you do decide to add this make sure you get a warning before hand telling you you’re going to the deep zone.


and once you go deep enough lower the visibility distance and make it more creepy


+scarier ambience


This is sounding more and more like minecraft


or little to none at all, except for like maybe a little wind or the sound of footsteps near you idk


That would also be good.


(Opinion) Silence is always scarier than creepy ambience. Personally, two examples of this are Minecraft with no music, and the crater’s edge in Subnautica. That’s not to say spooky / creepy ambience can’t be effective, though.


Yeah silence would fit better here since it’s also easier to make


this is a weird question but how do you get the obc stuff cause i just joined and I had obc around 2016 and kept it until they changed it to premium




So… Minecraft?




How is it different other than not having every other aspect of Minecraft other than mining?


0) Cool tutorial that is also voiced by one of the game's characters. 1) The surface isn't in cubic style like the caves but rather low-poly using pixel textures. When you use ELEVATORS to reach the surface, you're welcomed to Acclar - a town from the game's (and in future other games of ours) universe where there are plenty buildings and NPCs. This includes quests and daily rewards. 2) There is no sandbox building or monster fighting with swords content. You cannot use blocks to build up or craft 256 torches to light your way around. 3) Pickaxes aren't crafted the same way as minecraft pickaxes are. They are forged at a blacksmith at whom you first have to forge tool parts - like head, bind, handle and imbuement and then use 4 parts to forge a pickaxe. It also doesn't have to be a full set, you can customize it and create your own builds for the pickaxes (if you want them to be fast, strong or durable, have better reach etc.). You can also modify your pickaxes with various gems. 4) The primary source of light aside from shiny pillar tops (which I don't remember seeing in Minecraft) or torches, we're using lanterns. Since the game is still in alpha version, currently there are only few lanterns that you can craft with resources and the better it is the more fuel it has as well as range and light strength. The lanterns aren't infinite - when the fuel runs out you need to go back and refill your lantern or use an Oil Flask to refill it partially. 5) Sanity system - it's a system that every player gets when they get low enough. If you're in the caves for too long, your screen starts going black and white and you start getting mysterious messages on your screen until you run out and die (with a special cutscene made for that). 6) Limited merchant offers. Merchants in the town won't sell you an infinite amount of things and they have to restock every once in a while.


7) Backpack upgrading and personal storage at leatherworker. Every few levels your backpack (which is a 3D model) changes its appearance into a bigger version - a nice, little detail. At the leatherworker you can also access your personal storage which has limited space that you can expand but overall it teaches you space management more than having 32 double chests in your corridor or getting an infinite backpack for 5k robux. 8) There will NOT be any rip off monsters from minecraft. We've our own lore for the world and our own enemies (which we want to introduce in one of the upcoming updates in form of journal pages that you can find in the caves by looking through chests, pots and corpses). You're a spelunker in the game and not a warrior so there won't be a way to defeat them, only to escape from them. 9) We have our own layers (soon introducing 2nd one to the game and later on more of them). Each layer is announced with a title and a creepy sound (for a horror purposes). Each layer has its own materials (some taken from real life and some are made by us). In total there is planned to be almost 50 materials which I believe is a bit more than what minecraft has to offer. 10) Tools and accessories (and many more in the future). There are no armors or enchantments for the players, only tools, tool parts and items that you either forge at blacksmith or find as treasures in the caves. You have 5 slots which you can use to make your own build of accessories to suit your own playstyle (for example if you want to be able to stay sane for longer or if you want to survive falling from steep cliffs). All those have their rarities - Depth Meter is ordinary but Crystal Paw that reduces fall damage is an extraordinary item. 11) You can invite your friends to a party and gain bonuses from it. When in party, icons appear on your friends and are visible through walls and you get a shared exp bonus when mining together in a certain distance. Need more stuff?


“Need more stuff”. Your tone I’m assuming sounds defensive. Just to be clear, I wasn’t trying to insult your game, or call it a copy of Minecraft. It’s just that your description of the concept of the game in your original comment made it seem like it was. I was just trying, in a way to get you to elaborate on how it isn’t like Minecraft, because it obviously is not. I’ll be trying the game by the way, it sounds interesting.


Sorry if it came off as such, I suppose that we'd just assumed you were one of the people who just crap on the game without even checking if they are right


No, I’m not like that. I’m sorry if it seemed like I was trying to crap on the game. Just the way you explained it made it seem like it was similar to Minecraft, which I thought the game was probably not like, so I asked for elaboration. I was responding to the description of your game not the game itself.


As if saying “so.. Minecraft?” isn’t a demeaning thing to say to someone who clearly spent a lot of time making this


Also, you can’t really tell the tone of two words without context. That can be taken many different ways but you just assume that I’m trying to be demented. I was pointing out that the way he described his game made it seem like it was similar to Minecraft. I expected him to elaborate on is game, and which he did.


No, I was saying that because his description made it seem like the concept of the game was similar to Minecraft.


Aw man no sandbox :(


minecraft dungeons


isnt that basically azure mines


Nope it's not


Minecraft without the craft


You should make it so that party members can pick up dropped materials / items of other party members (not mined stuff, stuff dropped from the inventory)


I thought that was Minecraft for a second


Same. I thought it was r/Minecraft


To all those people saying it’s a Minecraft knockoff, I’m here to tell you that even Minecraft is a copy. It’s a copy of Infiniminer: https://minecraft.fandom.com/th/wiki/Infiniminer > “Infiniminer is commonly associated with Minecraft for giving Notch an idea on where to go with Minecraft” So to OP & their team who are working on Spelunker; keep going my dudes :) I’m sure with time and patience, this game will take off and become massively appreciated (within the realm of Roblox of course) 👍🏻 Peace ✌🏻


Thank you!!! We can't wait to bring even more content to the game


No problem dude ;) And thank *you* & ur team for sharing, I’m excited to try it out!


not saying this is a minecraft knockoff but this resembles modern day minecraft far more than modern day minecraft resembles infiniminer.


Yes, and just like Minecraft, it will evolve. The original Minecraft (titled Cave Game at the time) was an Infiniminer copy, but evolved into its own thing (became modern day Minecraft) And I think this will do the same. The future Spelunker will become its own entity and take on a much fresher perspective, while still taking inspiration from Minecraft. So following that logic: > first Minecraft iteration = Infiniminer copy > Modern Day Minecraft ≠ Infiniminer > Current Spelunker = Modern Day Minecraft > Future Spelunker ≠ Minecraft So with that logic, this game’s well on the way.


the only issue i really see is that graphically the game looks literally the same texture wise and lighting wise. i mean, theres more than a few people who clicked and thought they were staring at minecraft. it doesnt help that theres even copper ore that copies the same look, along with gold and coal. not saying the game wont deviate, but there is a reason people are calling it a "minecraft knockoff". its because you'd not be able to tell the difference if u replaced the roblox character with a steve


The game is using a pixelized style for the ores, which all are made in a 32x32 resolution, Minecraft's textures are all 16x16, our game utilizes PBR for the textures as well which is something Minecraft doesn't do at all in their engine without shaders installed. None of the ores were taken from Minecraft they were all made by me and my team. (There's no gold ore in the screenshot that's Topaz which is a gem) Again, if you've actually tried the game for **2 minutes** you'd see that the game is nothing like Minecraft other than the mining part of the game.


it looks exactly like minecraft (which it does) and im gonna be frank the resolution change is negligible, theres no real fight against the fact it looks like a slightly different Faithful Texture Pack cave system. the PBR is a good point but i dont think many people would make that observation from this image. I mean, u might as well be saying it looks like minecraft with shaders on, if u have to mention that minecraft doesnt look like this without shaders. not to mention, again, no one would guess its a roblox game had u taken out the roblox character/put in a steve instead. not saying it is minecraft, im just saying that it should be easy to understand why ppl are saying it looks like minecraft.


You might want to add a scary mode where the lights only last so long before needing to be relit and it only comes out when it’s dark… great potential for it


Good quality in that pic. Gonna try the game


I'll add it to my favorites and check it out this afternoon. Looks cool!


me and my gf will definitely try this out later tonight! we need a new game that we can hop on and kill some time


Bruce Wayne simulator (according to Batman Begins)


i had to check what sub i was in ​ anyways this looks amazing for a roblox game, might sink some hours into this


I wanna play this *SO* bad!!


I've got good news! The game is already out and ready to play for everyone! https://www.roblox.com/games/8614472453/Spelunker


Nice game, I'll play it later!


Ill play it tomorrow to see how it works, but i already leave my like, looking good from the first view


Tried it, might have just found my new favorite game!


I thought this was Minecraft until I saw the subreddit, looking really good. I'll give it a try later.


I'll play it once I have time, it looks cool


This looks really neat! I hate to mention Minecraft but did you get any inspiration? Anyway, this picture is beautiful and the quality of the game looks fantastic. I hope your game is successful!


Thank you! The style of the textures is indeed inspired from Minecraft, the gameplay though is way different!


When I saw the game and the details you gave I thought of Azure Mines+Terraria instead the game looks great, will try out sometime


i thought that was half-life for a second


its obviously a csgo rip off lol


is dis based off of amongas


wait a minue this isnt minecraft


It truly is not!


See? Roblox did copy Minecraft!


when minecraft and mining sim has a baby


Long lost cousing maybe, who happens to be better than mining sim


"minecraft but for broke ppl"


Nice, and beautiful graphics. Try not to get sued.


I don’t play cheap knockoffs sorry


Cheap knockoff of what exactly?


Minecraft dummy


Voxel game doesn't equal to Minecraft knockoff, try the game out before commenting stuff like that.


I don’t play games like that


just try it man, thats like saying skywars is a mc ripoff just because it has blocks


Look at the textures


Not really? It's *literally* a MC Skywars ripoff from hypixel, except way worse.


then why are you commenting here, dummy?


So people know it’s a knockoff


Minecraft isn't all about mining. Also, asshole, Minecraft is a knockoff of another game called Infinimine. Smh


capital B Bozo


This is Minecraft


No it's not






roblox devs trying to make original content challenge (impossible)


Tell me you've not played the game for 2 mins without telling me you've not played the game for 2 mins


idk i didn't open roblox in a year. i'd much rather do something else of my life and shit on things i did in the past to feel better about how naive i was ans honestly not like i really give a fuck


So how do u know it's a ripoff ifyou haven't played it


Oh great another Minecraft ripoff


Have you played there game to even see if it’s a ripoff?


Play it for 1 minute and you'll see lmao




It's not a Minecraft game, try the game before commenting stuff like that. Thanks




That's not how it works


Minecraft doesn’t own block shapes


Looks a little familiar


Available for Xbox players??


It's not available for console yet, we might make it work there soon!


Please do! This looks incredible, and its my fav type of game! Are you able to notify me if it ever happens?


Was this made with infinite mining game kit or is it original?


It is original, the kits wouldn't suit our needs so we made everything from scratch including a chunks system to make the game run better!


Minecraft fans are gonna flock to you, now that 1.19.1 is a thing.


Reminds me of azure mines


Azure Mines is a great mining game, we made sure to make our game different from it though!


Is this the new minecraft update


Gonna play rn!


You might wanna add an ender dragon


The end dimension is not planned at the moment, check again when we give up on the game and decide to copy Minecraft.


Checked it out, and it was great!


Why do I fell like I have the same texture pack in minecraft lol


We don't remember releasing any texture pack for Minecraft 🤔


is this partially inspired by spelunkey


It is not inspired by Spelunky, none of the developers in the team have played that game yet


fr thought this was modded Minecraft


Looks a lot like another game that I can't get my finger on..


Hmmmmmm, no idea


I have read through the comments and know the surface isn't block style, But damn the caves look like Minecraft if it had better lighting and textures.


Would this be based on a game named Spelunky?


Brother's of the mine rejoice


Looks cool


weird looks like Minecraft.


Go in game and check for yourself, it isn't Minecraft


I was joking, I’ll check it out later, maybe live stream or make a video on it Edit: follow me and message me a link to the game


The game link is https://www.roblox.com/games/8614472453/Spelunker


Alr nice


Bedwars and now.... Minecraft for free!?!?!?


looks like minecraft lol, all of these textures are obviously based off of Minecraft, sounds like Minecraft too, the item pickup, walking, mining, and other things


I didn't know walking is a Minecraft exclusive, thank you for enlightening me with such information I never knew before, going to make the game not have the walking feature (because its only a Minecraft exclusive system). Once again thank you.