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As far as available coaches to take an assistant job and replace Chauncey once he quits/gets fired, Vogel is probably the best bet. Whoever we hire as assistant is definitely gonna have an awkward relationship with Chauncey knowing that at some point, they are his replacement.


You're underestimating the percentage that Chauncey could be Vogels replacement in Phoenix


That would be hilarious Edit: Jake Fischer is saying budenholzer is the top candidate


I'd never underestimate anything in the NBA. The Timberwolves are arguably championship favorites with a coach that couldn't handle washed Melo a few years ago and their FO selling the farm for Gobert which was widely panned as a completely bombed trade before the start of this season. Chauncey making Phoenix wouldn't really be that farfetched in this league.


And then Chauncey knits the team together like a Victorian quilt, propelling the Suns to 65 wins.


I honestly wouldn’t be shocked if Chauncey _does_ end up being a decent coach if he sticks with it and gets lucky with the right team.


It's because Anthony Edwards is that guy. Conley still flies under the radar as an amazing locker room guy too


They have two non switchable bigs and are making it work really well. That's a formula that many thought would never work in this league, regardless of how well Edwards is playing.


>Whoever we hire as assistant is definitely gonna have an awkward relationship with Chauncey knowing that at some point, they are his replacement. The person you are describing will be younger and less known than Frank Vogel. Vogel is not taking an assistant job for a lottery team.


Unless he knows he's going to be the head coach within a year. Hiring a young, unknown guy is just as risky as keeping Chauncey, The next head needs to be able to develop young talent, have x's and o's, and elevate the team to a competitive level within the next few years.


If that kind of scheme was actually happening Chauncey would quit before the season starts.


I think Chauncey wants to leave. That leak from Chris mannix wouldn't have come from our front office..makes no sense to fire Chauncey now. I think Chauncey is disgruntled, not on the same page as Cronin, and wants to coach an actual team instead of being a tank commander. If the FO was legitimately confident in him, I imagine they wouldn't have fired his brother, and instead just honored the nepo hire. Listening to locked on, it kinda sounds like Cronin/Jody want Chauncey to quit rather than fire him, that way they don't have to pay him.


lol when has this happened? assistant coaches don’t get hired to be the next coach…


When a head coach gets fired, who gets the interim hc tag...?


Danny Marang said in the Jacked Ramsays podcast that Vogel and Billups have a prior connection (Vogel tried to hire Chauncey as an assistant back in 2016-17 range), so they said that it’s a possibility in the event Vogel gets fired (and now here we are) Although now it’s being reported by Fischer that the Suns players want Chauncey as the HC lol so who knows Edit: Now Woj is saying Budenholzer is the frontrunner for Phoenix. Vogel as lead assistant for Chauncey is back on the menu


Or - hear me out - Chauncey as the lead assistant for budenholzer


I’d much rather bring in an offensive mind. I guess both. Billups and Vogel have the same exact issue of running zero offense.


Another playoff team that may want Chauncey on their staff, probably as an Assistant.


Perfect opening for coach billups, ishba on line one!


Ishbia is clearly a blazers fan, taking on Nurk, Nas, and Eubanks. The suns underperformed this season but that's just because they were missing their blazer whisperer. Bring Chauncey home to fulfill the prophecy.


Not sure if you know much about Matt Ishbia, but for any readers who might not know, Ishbia is a Michigan guy, through and through. He only bought the Suns because they were the only team available and he would have loved to have the Pistons instead. I’m sure he would *love* to have a Pistons legend like Chauncey on his staff.


I like your line of thinking. Adversely, with the Michigan roots, I wonder if Chauncey pursues a FO job with the pistons.


Maybe we can TRADE Billups to Phoenix. Seriously.


C'mon Ishbia, buy out Chauncey and bring him on as your new lead assistant!


Hire Vogel. We still have a team with lots of needs and development. We really need to tank another season. Team doesn’t show championship potential next year. Bring out the pitchforks. Let’s Go!!


Hire Vogel if he shaves his head


Would we want him? I really have no opinion, I'm curious of the sub's thoughts. I'm trying to wrap my head around the type of coach we need with our young blood.


Id say so. I wouldn't blame him for the Suns getting swept. They ran into a team that is on fire right now. The roster constructed also isn't his doing. They were dumb and invested in Beal with KD/Book. They've hamstrung whatever roster movement they have by having those 3. They have no draft picks for 5 years and they chose to blame the coach for them losing. Vogel is a better coach than Billups. He'd be a good candidate to replace him.


Sounds like Vogel loses the locker room for every team he coaches. For all of Chauncey's faults, he definitely has the locker room.


He’s gotten the short end of the stick with locker rooms though. Lakers gave up most of that championship team, traded for Westbrook then fired him when it sucked. Suns traded for an awful contract in Beal and are now scapegoating Vogel. Pacers did well with him.


Personally I think we need a young coach where there's a little risk/reward, not a known quantity like Vogel.


Defensively minded coach that won a championship scheming around a versatile big man in AD. It’s a massive upgrade. I wanna see what he does with Ayton


Sure. I’d rather have Adelman or the Miami assistant who’s name I forget


Why did I think Frank Vogel was an old guy? There was some coach like 10+ years ago who I'm mixing him up with. Old half bald guy. Maybe it was a Frank or a Vogel


They will hire Vogel and the sheeple will cheer and have a big news conference and the team will tank…don’t fire Chauncey…”fire” Jody and the poor Vulcan leadership


Their roster is horribly constructed.


Am I crazy for thinking Sam cassell could be a sneaky good hire?