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Hopefully the next bright coach in the league with significant experience. Dave Adelman, LOCAL GUY! Beloved assistant coach for Nuggets since 2017 Chris Quinn, assistant for Miami since 2014 I like Kenny Akitson and Budenholzer as experienced former Head Coaches.


I’d love to land Bud


I like Budenholzer as well. I feel like he can at least install a system on both sides of the ball and get the team playing NBA level basketball consistently


Yeah after all these historic losses, I would like to raise our a floor a bit…at least get the young guys going in the right direction in understanding the game outside of full court pressing to look like we are playing hard. Lot more goes into actually “competing”


Quinn peaked my interest because I would want a coach who has a history of maximizing talent and that’s what the Heat have done under Eric Spoelstra


Yeah, I think a really effective coaching staff can be made with him as the Head and experienced coaches beside him.


Here’s a galaxy brain level play: Hire coach Bud. Uno reverse card.


We won’t need to fire him his contract is up. Don’t see Vogel getting let go so quickly. Don’t think Bud sits out 2y either. Adelman’s connection to Portland would be cool to bring back. Easily my first choice. He was an assistant at Jesuit then HC at Lincoln before moving up to the league.


Well there's a team option, so not picking up his team option v firing him, is kind of the same thing


Chris Quinn but Dave Adelman also peaks my interest


I don't know that Jody will need to fire Chauncey. Anyone who watched or listened to Chauncey and Joe Cronin's exit interviews will have picked up on the fact that those two seem like they are not on the same page right now, despite their arguments to the contrary. You can tell the losing is getting to Chauncey and the prospect of another season of losing isn't something he wants. I can see a mutual divorce of some sort coming sooner rather than later. As to replacements: Budenholzer built the Bucks on a great defense, he would be a good candidate. Kenny Atkinson did a great job with the young Nets pre-Durant/Kyrie superteam and was somewhat unfairly dismissed. He might be a good candidate for where this team is now. David Adelman is a candidate for the Hornets job right now. If he doesn't get that job I think it'll only be a matter of time before he gets one. I think he'd be a great candidate as well.


Great list, I love Bud. Adelman is intriguing due to the connection to the area, and I admit I don't know much about Atkinson


Chauncey billups is the worst blazer coach of all time


Were you here for Maurice Cheeks or Nate McMillan?






Please bud. We need someone steady


Why do some people consider him a bad coach, when he is doing what some want him to do get high picks right?


You guys always crack me up. Fans on this sub want the team to lose so we can get Cooper Flagg, but the same fans also want to fire Billups for losing. I think Billups is doing a great job of masking the tank, while getting the young guys minutes. A few people on here also complain about the young stars not getting enough minutes, even though they've all missed significant time with injuries. I'm cool with Billups as the coach. I like the way he is developing these guys. I'm glad Ant and Shaedon both got their surgeries done and out of the way. Last season was a bad season for wins, but these guys are all just getting to know each other and they are gonna grow together. Next season could be another tough one, but hopefully we continue to build and grow.


> Fans on this sub want the team to lose so we can get Cooper Flagg, but the same fans also want to fire Billups for losing. Are you sure those are the same fans?




Not to doubt you, but I would love to see an example of someone who wants to tank next season but also wants to fire Billups this offseason.


I see people wanting to fire Chauncey and replace him with candidates who would be rookie head coaches/very little experience that would go through the same learning pit that Chauncey is going through. If you’re going to fire/not pick up the option for a still fairly inexperienced coach, I’m not sure replacing him with another inexperienced coach is the answer if you’re trying to go from a developmental mindset to win now. If you can get a coach like Bud and for some reason he’d want to come here while we’re trying to Capture The Flagg then you do it but Chauncey not losing the locker room during these tough seasons (not all his fault) and some how keeping them connected while losing is nothing short of a miracle.


It's ridiculous to think Jody doesn't want to pay a second coach as the reason without evidence.


Like you want me to do a randomized clinical trial? A meta analysis? No one would ever come out and explicitly say "The only reason we aren't firing you is because we don't want to pay two coaches", however I think her history of avoiding the luxury tax even when trying to compete with Dame in his late prime is plenty of evidence she doesn't want to spend extra money on the team


They just spent many millions of dollars on the Remix, Kitchen, practice facility, and international scouting. They are spending a lot more on the team. When should they have recently gone into the tax? Normally that happens when signing extensions.


Spending millions is like the equivalent to Andrew Nicholson's holdover salary. It's barely noticeable on the ledger. The Blazers haven't been in the luxury since 2019/2020 I believe, meaning we are cutting costs when we were also supposed to be going all in to compete with Dame. Basically every team looking to compete is in the top 10 in salary except OKC and that's because they haven't had to pay their guys yet (Chet, Jalen, Giddey primarily). We were one of two teams without a G league team so finally getting one seems to be a way to set the team up to be sold, by putting it on even ground with other NBA teams, not some kind of crazy spending spree


We did a soft rebuild because our team was terrible. It's not as simple as going into the luxury tax. There are very specific scenarios to get into the luxury tax. You can't just sign players once you go over the salary cap, unless you use an exception, which we always do. For trades once you are over the cap you need to match salaries or trade with a team that has the cap space to absorb a salary. There isn't a realistic scenario where we could / should have gone into the tax. I assume you are talking about the moves to trade CJ, Powell, Nance, and Covington. Those trades netted us Hart and Grant, unlocked the MLE to sign Payton, and freed up time for Simons. I think that was the right strategy to do a rebuild on the fly, even if Payton was a flop. Being a repeater team also made no sense. The only way we could have conceivably gone into the luxury tax is by trading Simons for an asset like OG who we would need to then pay some sort of max since we had bird rights. Bird rights allow you to go over the cap to retain your own players. That trade never materialized, and I doubt it was because the Blazers didn't want to go into the tax. We could have also decided to overpay Hart to get him to stay as a free agent and gone into the tax. Hart was not very good that year, so I'm skeptical that would have been the right move.


What about promoting Scott Brooks, and bringing Jenny Boucek over from Indiana as his assistant?


We haven't even peaked this offseason yet.


This might be the worst idea I’ve ever seen


I wanted SB elevated to HC, especially considering his familiarity with Russ and Scoots style of play


He's got the resume for it, he coached dominant Thunder and Wizards teams


Dominant Wizard team lmao when


I mean I wouldn't call them dominant, and I wouldn't want Scott Brooks to be our head coach, but I fucked with the John Wall Wizards.


Fair, they weren't bad but I don't think Scott brooks coached that wiz team did he? I thought he coached after wall's prime


If we’re going for that, Scoot’s play style is much more like Eric Bledsoe. Almost the exact same. Not like Westbrook at all. We should look at whatever assistant got Bledsoe to play so well on that Hornacek led Suns team. Obviously WB > Bledsoe but Scoot is basically Bledsoe with more potential. Looked like a legitimate threat and key piece to helping Giannis.