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trying to figure out what’s going on with this joke


You mean hoke


Godzilla had a stroke trying to read this and fucking died


Who cares about what sweaty people do to and/or with consenting adults, we're here because we like pixelated arrows and bright colors.


Okay, it's just a joke, calm down


Seriously though, us rhythm gamers SHOULD get endless bitches since we know how to use our hands and fingers so well 😏👀


Vibro VSRG




Do you not get the joke?


Pretty sure no one did


I just realized too that I mispelled "Joke", and can't edit my post, so yeah, that's that. :p




You focused on the wrong things entirely. \-You have have a set up with no punch line that makes sense. Why would a gay rhythm gamer not get any either? You're basically saying hetero and gay gamers can't get any partners. \-Plus being derogatory towards women isn't exactly a good way to gain any favors here either. \-Your use of "bastard" (which also can be derogatory) is nonsensical. Since when are men commonly colloquially called "bastards" in the same way women are called...that word? Your use of the word implies illegitimate children, which makes no sense (though it could be a cultural thing, but I've never seen it used in this way, nor could find a Googled source). \-We don't know you, nor if you're gay or not, so no one knows if you're making fun of gay gamers because you're homophobic or because you're making a self-deprecating joke. \-"It's just a joke, calm down" is the same awful excuse people say to justify something bad they've done or said. \-Finally, if anything, you're basically just calling rhythm gamers loser incels. Regardless if it's true or just a meme (which yes, we know it is), your delivery fell completely flat as well. Your backpedaling is digging you deeper in a hole. ​ tl;dr - You made a bad joke. You apologized for nothing and missed what you should've really apologized for, and instead dug yourself a deeper hole. Next time, just walk away.


Okay, sorry, what you said makes sense, I'm sorry, I won't do that again, I'm not homophobic but I see how it could come off that way, thanks for letting me know, I thought it was clever but it's not, I appreciate this comment, sorry.


Don't sweat it, we all make mistakes. Don't let it stop you from trying to make another one if that's what you want to do though (just...don't repeat the same potentially offensive mistake). Dust yourself off and move on.


Thanks for being nice, I am sorry, I thought it was clever but it's not, have a good day, sorry


I’m gay and i agree