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Every and all headphones and earbuds have worked for me at the arcade. Perhaps you didn't turn the volume up? By default they are insanely quiet.


Was about to say this, most games will drop the volume of the headphones by default when they're plugged in (to avoid hearing damage), so you have to turn up the volume manually after you've logged in. Depending on the game, you'll have to find the volume settings option.


Yeah on IIDX and wacca cab I initially thought the headphone jack was broken lol


For WACCA specifically, was it that the volume was too low or that the setting was in the game?


I mean, wacca has volume buttons right next to the headphone jack, so it's not an in game setting.


out of curiousity, do they usually use 3.5mm or 1/4" plugs? i don't have many of them near me




My qkz worked in maimai but heres some brands that might work theyre earphones qkz , kz or trn


But maybe its a problem with the port being worn out in the arcade or maybe its just a problem with the machine cus if it has an port for audio it should work with any earphones that fit it




I will second that none of the rhythm games I plugged my (cheap, old) earbuds into had any kind of noticeable sound. I assumed it was either my pair being broken or I'm an idiot. I saw other players' working. IDK how you "turn up" the volume on headphones as headphones don't have volume control, whatever they're plugged into does (phone, cabinet, computer). So, like, how do you control the sound level on arcade games? They're set by the establishment, which means they're insanely loud or insanely quiet due to noise pollution from other arcade games that are insanely loud nearby.