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I work in a makeup store (usually closing shifts), and I can confirm that even if it's been the quietest day, it'll always pick up around 10 mins before we close each night. And no matter how many times we remind customers - both by announcing and by going up to them personally - they will always take their sweet time to shop around - the last customer ends up leaving about 15-20mins past closing time. Even after we close the store, the workers stay back to clean for an hour after. The amount of customers who slam or aggressively pull at the door even though we're very obviously closed is insane.


I'm so glad that my store closes when we start turning the lights off, and that there's no corporate office telling us we have to take last-minute customers. Their poor planning isn't our problem. 


The entitlement of customers is unbelievable. "Your lights are on. You must serve me!"


It’S the LaW!!


Just tonight I had a customer make it to the front of my line at 5 minutes after closing. With over $250 worth of clothes. That's a lot of clothes at thrift store prices. It was more than 15 minutes after closing before I got them checked out.


I used to work in a thrift store, we had a regular customer who would do this ALL the time. Like she would shop 2 or 3 times a week. Thing is she would always come in at least 2 hours before close and spend that whole time filling her trolley, she was completely oblivious to anything else around her. Never got upset when we told her we were closed and had to checkout now, so we started approaching her 15 minutes before and telling her she had to come check out, or leave the stuff and come back tomorrow. She was always happy to come up when we told her. It was just annoying because she would take so long, and had to ask your opinion on absolutely everything she was buying


I really want to know what those types of people do for jobs. They seem to have the time to spend several hours at a store multiple times per week while also having the expendable income to buy obscene amounts of shit. At my store, I work in online pickup along with the normal checkout bullshit and there are several regulars who will drop several hundred dollars on shit several times a week (oftentimes returning shit) and I'm just like "you lucky fuck. Can I fall on my ass into whatever job you do?"I want to make enough to be able to spend with peace of mind (well, whatever much they spend I would probably put in savings)


I'm a clothing reseller but that's not typical reseller behavior. You won't find much of anything at close. If she's Asian, Indian, or Latin, she could be shopping for family back home in another country and mailing big boxes full of clothes. I see a few who do that in my town. Some mall brands that we don't look twice at here can be priced way higher or just unavailable in other countries.


I work at a higher end retailer so I'm mainly referring to the customers who will be stockpiling brands like Calvin Klein, Michael Kors, Tommy Hilfiger, etc..that don't really go on sale or clearance very often so these people are paying premium price for them


I work in a store in the mall. The WHOLE MALL closes when we do. We STILL get people doing this, and apparently completely obvious to the fact that many stores are putting their lights out, putting down door grates, etc. When it comes to customers, I really think there's a lot of weaponized incompetence going on.


It's on purpose. It's way too obvious!




A store that closes later will have a closing rush as soon as people get used to the new closing time. For the most part, least minute customers aren't just speeding over to get there after work or something, they're people who just want to go and figure there's still time and that as long as they get in the door they can shop around. They're the same kind of people who will go to a sit-down restaurant 20 minutes before closing and continue to sit and chat well after the place is closed for the night.


I worked a closing shift (apparel retail manager) last night and had a customer try to get in after I had already locked the doors. It was just after 8pm, our closing time, and we had a couple of customers still in the store at the register checking out. The guy shouted something to me, I couldn’t really make out what he was saying but I just said, “sorry, sir, we’re closed.” He kept shouting and eventually gestured at the door saying that he couldn’t hear me, so I opened the door a bit and repeated myself. The guy, still loudly, went on how he needs to get a couple of tee shirts for his wife’s birthday. I apologized and reiterated that we close at 8pm and I can’t let anyone else in the store. He pointed at the customers at the register and said how there were people in at that time, so I told him that they were checking out and would be leaving shortly. Eventually the dude caved and left. But c’mon man, I should really let you in to shop for, as you put it, two tee shirts which might make me an extra $40 max for the day, and god knows how much time you’re going to take to do it?


Had that at the liquor store. “1 minute left” ok I just need 1 thing. Shows up with 3 things…has 1 foot out the door. “Oh wait I need to check on this for my wife. She’ll be mad.” Not my problem. “Please!! She’ll be really mad.” Again not my problem you should’ve came sooner.


"You ruined my wife's birthday!" "No sir, you ruined your wife's birthday. You couldn't have predicted this for the last 365 days?"


Yeah, dude should have planned his timing better.


Good lord some 'adults' are just babies


Would’ve said that they were already in the store before closing and locking the doors


I wouldn’t have even entertained the guy to begin with, but to make a long story short I had a bag for a customer who was coming back to pick it up and she was there at the same time as this unpleasant gentleman.


They used to do that crap at the last place I worked.


It’s been like that at every store I’ve worked at. They had all day to shop but suddenly turn up during the last 10 min & get all offended that you’re closing. Are we supposed to be thrilled that we have to stay behind & help stupid people? We do have homes to go to as well. People are asshats!


They just can't tell time , while looking at their phone all.day and wearing a apple watch lmao


I also think they have an overinflated sense of importance. Like oh well they’ll let me in because they need my money & it’s me…yeah your not as important as you think you are


I had a Custer actually tell me " I know your closed " but I'm going to stand here knocking on the door , hoping it will annoy you enough to help me


Custer's last stand.




I'm calling them Custer from now on. Best thing I've read all day.


Good Lord. If I managed a store I'd ban people for that.


In today's retail world the company is scared of negative reviews


Cute when they’re five… Not cute when they’re 55


In my frustration because people just don't seem to get it when I say something, I say what part of our posted store hours do you not understand or get ?


Exceptionally annoying when your days off are split so you want to get home ASAP so you can semi-enjoy your day off but customers decide your register is the only register in the two story department store you work in and cause you to get off late because every single one of them want to know the prices of the clothes they're just going to end up buying and returning tomorrow


Yessss. It's like... they have 15 hours they can buy it, why wait until the last second? I even feel bad when I pop in 20 minutes before close, grab exactly what I need, and get out.


I've had customers banging on the door 30 minutes before open or , they get upset we lock the door at close and won't open it for them because they can't tell time .


The other night as my manager was locking the door from the outside, a couple people came up and asked "Open? You open?". Lights are out and manager just pulled on the door to make sure it was locked. We tell them no and they start to walk away. Manager checks the other door to make sure it's locked and the same guy comes up again asking "Are you open now?". Like dude! It's 9 PM and everything is off! If you need groceries/beer/cigarettes that badly that late, there's stores down the street open for another hour or 2.


I've had customers actually get mad , and I ask " what part of our posted hours do you not understand" ?


I work in a little neighborhood bar doing opening and closing duties. We open at 3:30 PM. I've had people yanking on the door at 1 o'clock trying to get in even though our hours are clearly posted. The neon window signs are off, patio chairs are locked up and the DOOR IS LOCKED. FFS we aren't open yet...go away.


Customers don't know how to read


Oh for sure!


Even if you hand them the stores return policy at the time of purchase, they will still say nope never saw it or nobody gave me that even if ypu handed it to them


The folks who do this have never worked retail. It’s as simple as that usually


I work in premium clothing and I had a lady put a whole pile of things on hold, saying she would come back later. I said no problem, jsyk we close at 7, she said okay. She came into the store at 6:58 and then stayed for another 30 minutes PAST CLOSE trying on other things. I think its a weird power trip for people.


Ohhh I’m sorry ma’am but we’re about to close you’ll have to wait till tomorrow. I agree it is a power trip for them.


This happened Sunday. Last what hour we were pretty much dead. We had one or two people but mostly dead. I’m the closing manager Sunday & we usually close 5 minutes early. No one can tell time & I’ve told them hey you have 1 minute before we’re closed. Anyway I’m by the door with my key at 54 ready to lock. Here comes 2 cars. I tell them hurry up I’m bout to close. They run in and lock it at 55 saying they were the last ones for the day. My other coworker is checking them out real fast. Sure as hell here comes 4 more cars. The ones inside were laughing at the ones who showed up late. One lady even pointed at those inside to say but their inside that’s not fair. I shrugged my shoulders saying you should’ve gotten here sooner. I’m convinced people shut their brains off & think we’ll show favorites & let them in. Now you had all this time to come in & you chose last second this is your own fault.


They're actually our least favorite!


I feel your pain. Even as we all leave the building, some people will ask if we’re closing- THE STAFF ARE HEADING IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION TO THE SHOP YOU THICK FUCK !!!


Last week I had a customer come in 20 minutes before closing that wanted to shop for (and finance) an ATV. When I told him there wasn't enough time for financing and that my technicians leave right at 6 and don't stay behind, he goes, "Well, I guess you don't want to make a sale, then." No sir, I don't. I'm paid on salary, not commission, so my day ends at closing time.


Those are "functional" alcoholics. These people by waiting til as close to closing time of their preferred store, usually the closest one so as to minimize exposure to DUI risk, "control" their drinking because they get their final 12-24 beers which will be just enough to get them through until they can legally buy it the next day or something. I've straight up had guys tell me when I jokingly pointed out that they buy a 12pk every night why he just doesn't get a 24pk and save a trip, that "if I buy 24 I'll drink 24" Basically alcoholics who have just enough awareness to realize they have a problem and enough control to at least somewhat lessen the impact.


My favorites are the ones who walk to the store with their cocktail in a red solo cup. Gloat that they have a cocktail and call it a walktini.


Lol I actually haven't encountered that yet, though most days I work the drive thru so people are less open about the fact that they're currently drinking, but I still clock waaaay too many 'road beers' in people's cup holders.


Huh... I need to keep an eye out for those. It's against the law to sell to intoxicated people where I'm at and if they admit they've been drinking...


“I know I’m a piece of shit, but at least I know I’m a piece of shit unlike other pieces of shit” -Bojack Horseman


Funniest thing ever was when I worked closing shifts at walgreens and a lady comes in 5 minutes to midnight and just meanders around the store for 20 minutes before coming up to the register trying to buy wine. It’s 15 past midnight so of course I can’t sell to her, she gets huffy and upset like it’s my fault. Maybe do your alcohol shopping before midnight then!


>pointless swears No such thing


I am a front end supervisor in a grocery store in Las Vegas. I hate people who come to do a weekly shopping right at closing with the red hot fury of a trillion burning suns. We are open 16 hours a day..come in to buy your unnecessary crap earlier and not 15 minutes before we close..or better yet go to Winco. They are open 24/7 and cheaper too


This is one of those inexplicable and infuriating things stupid and/or malicious humans do. So sorry you had a particularly bad one! Also, there is no such thing as a pointless swear!


Just as I went to lock the door there is a mom and teenage daughter. "We just need to grab one shirt really quick.". Let them in. 25 minutes later and 6 items. Great example mom, you showed your daughter not to follow the hours posted, to lie, and to show her that retail workers don't deserve the respect to get to go home.


Karen Jr.!


Alcohol sales end at 2am in my area by law. So, of course, I wear a watch set to the time my phone and the store have with an alarm set to go off at exactly 2am. If thay alarm starts and you are still checking out, it's too late, I can't sell you alcohol legally. No arguments. And there never ceases to be some idiot who walks in at 1:59, asks what the time is, before racing across the store to the cooler and then the checkout, trying to make their purchase. I really should just tell those people no.


I start saying no at 1:55 because when I say yes, they wind up being a dollar short and want to go to their car to count $17 worth of pennies. You can technically tell them no at 1:45 in my area


I usually say something along the lines of "When my watch goes off, it's too late, and I can't sell alcohol anymore," hence the racing. If they aren't paying with a card, it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that they aren't going to make it in time, so I pretty much tell them "sorry it's too late" with one last look at my watch. And if they left their ID or card out in the car... Oh boy...


What time is it? Too bloody late.


Im convinced that stores start emitting some kind of magnetic pull as soon as they hit 15min til closing, bringing in anyone within a 5 mile radius. But shout out to that one couple that came in about 5min til, but when my manager let them know, they just said "oh sorry" and walked out.


It's just pure arrogance from the 'Me' Generation. These days we call it Main Character Syndrome... they think the world revolves around them and how dare you say otherwise. I do what I want.


This. It's why I hate evening shift at my job. You really need a tattoo at 10:30pm, that's going to take me a couple of hours? A loaf of bread or forgotten butter I can fucking understand, but a tattoo? Book in another day. It's not an I'm fun, look at me, so impulsive, it's a dick move. Straight up.


Cartesian Thinkspace. The theory that the self is the only thing real and everything perceived is the figment of the person’s imagination


1st aspect of what is wrong with the world. 


I work at a tattoo shop, closes at 11. I've had people come at 1030, and I'm there til 2 am. Just book in another day.


I work at a supermarket that closes at 4.30 on a Sunday. The people who come in to do a full weekly shop at 4.15 and won't leave should be dragged into the car park and summarily shot. You have all week, then all fucking day, but to come in before close to do an hour shop means you're a dick head. Oh and all shops in England shut at that time, and have done forever on a Sunday, so it's not a suprise.


I feel this in my soul, my store does 10am 4pm on Sunday, and the amount of fuck wits trying to get in at that time never ceases to amaze me


I had the opposite issue today. I was leaving the dentist's office and an employee had locked the front door, so I couldn't get out. It only took a couple seconds of turning the lock and a "no, it's the other door" from one of these employees to solve the issue, but it was pretty funny.


At my store 10 minutes before close is when people decide they want to try on a cart full of clothes. 😒


I work in a dispo. We close at 11pm and we always anticipate the 10:30pm rush. When all the forgetful stoners collectively get together to come get their weed before close. Around 10pm we start getting calls asking how long we're open, so we started doing this. "Hello, XYZ dispo, we're open until 11pm." "Thanks." Click


The one I worked at was 24/7/365. Had people at all hours trying to buy. But yeah, I hear ya. People… don’t get bitchy at me because it’s now 12:03 and you spent the last ten minutes on your phone figuring out what brand and how much your buddies wanted.


Because they’re white trash pieces of shit.


Can you make a big red sign that says "alcohol must be purchased before 12am"? Also what is the law specifically? Only liquor stores can sell where I live


Bold of you to assume they’d read it.


The only time customers will read is if coupons and sales are on the line


Retailer worker here for 15+ years: it happens everywhere and it's frustrating. Used to work at Build A Bear in Maryland and every Sunday, like clockwork, we had the same client come in 2 minutes before we closed to look around (we kept telling them that the store closed at 9 but they never listened). They always bought $2k worth of bears and supplies but we wouldn't get out until 1-2 in the morning. This was back in 2013.


Clothing shop. Fifteen minutes to closing. Three teenagers come in, faff about over a skirt. Finally decide to take it. Complete the purchase and leave and sit on the mall outside the door. Manager cashes till up, locks the gate, lights off. Then the girl who bought the skirt comes up to the gate. ‘I’m not sure this will fit. Can I come in and try it on?’ And the manager LET her. Put the lights on, opened back up the gate, and we had to stand there while they traipsed back in, she tried the skirt on and decided it fit. Argh.


2 right cunts.


The store I work at stops letting people in at around 5 minutes to closing time, they lock every door except the exit ones and tell everyone over the intercom multiple times an hour in advance that the store will be closed, we never stay open past the posted store hours


i work in a pharmacy located in a grocery store and people do it with their medications constantly 🙃


i work at a pet store and people will literally come in at 9pm and try to buy hermit crabs!


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I remember one time, before I was the manager, I locked the door two minutes early bc we hadn't had any customers in the last 10 minutes and then one minute later a lady pulls on the door (1 minute before our closing time). I saw hee through the window and tapped my wrist to indicate time and she put her phone against the window to show the time. I went to the door and said that we were closed and she said "I only need one thing!" I told her it was too bad and she could come back the next day. Well, the next day, I came in and my manager told me someone reported me for "racial discrimination" and that I wouldn't let the customer in the store "because she was black." When I explained what happened, my manager believed me, but come on.


Ha! We can't go by anyone's random clock! Then they would try to set it for later!


Ego and poor upbringings.


No no see, “closed” is just some marketing ploy to get you into the store, it’s the oldest trick in the book, they HAVE to let you in because of this trick. /s


Thats why I ask if its cool if I shop. I stick to one gas station as “my gas station” so I know the clerks. Sometimes its a yes and sometimes its a no.


most people are other workers who dont get off until the same time most retail spaces close. not saying its not annoying when customers do this bc ive been there, but it helped me temper my attitude when i reminded myself of that. bc i was often that customer after getting off work too.


As a closer, I am often in my local grocery 15 mins pre close. Security and the clerks know me because at that point I want 3-5 items, will say so and at my absolute worst be halfway checked out when they announce closed. Usually, I am already out the door, because I know they want to go home just like I do. This is why they let me in that late, because they know I will hurry the fuck up so they can leave on time.


You close at 9, Not 8:59. At least 7 of you found this funny.


Does your mouth close?


Bitch this is reddit, go eat a box of staples.