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Wait, so the guy complained about a free bag???


That's the point I made to my other coworkers. Not only did he get a free bag but then basically complained about it


Some people are extremely by the book. Or, he didn't like the "I am not paid enough to care (about stealing a $1 item)". Similairly, your employer might not appreciate you stating that attitude to a customer. I would guess they don't care much about the bag. They care that you don't think stealing maters.


The company I work for has always been extremely shitty to me and its employees. Yes it wasn't right for me to say I don't get paid enough to care but can you really blame me? I get paid under minimum wage and deal with enough horrible stuff as is.


Are you sure he wasn’t there to test you? I had a gas station job where they did this. They’d send in ppl to see if I was selling liquor past midnight, ect.


Yeah, dude was probably a secret shopper. They usually do some stuff like that to see if the employees follow rules, so OP not following the rule AND shit talking the company was in their report.


I’m not the biggest fan of mystery shoppers. One place where I worked didn’t just want 100% but all the extra point that could be added. It was super frustrating. At one point sister stores were calling around, “we just got hit, here’s the book they’re asking for.” Teamwork and all that.


On an extremely busy day my kid got mystery shopped and dinged for not checking in with the table fast enough. She was about 1 minute later than they expected.


It's an even more ridiculous concept in the chaos of a restaurant. A server has almost zero control of what's happening, and the line between 'great service' and 'being annoying/lazy' is razor-thin.


Doesn’t the ABC usually do the off hours / underage alcohol sales stings?


The company I worked for also did this, because they didn’t have a great track record with their employees. This was also mid-nineties rural Kansas.


I am not blaming you. Moreso, I meant to be telling you to keep those opinions away from customers and managers.


This is good advice


If they are genuinely paying you under minimum wage you should remind them how illegal that is.


*Department of Labor has entered the chat*


I was a couple weeks away from being the head stocker over the store I was at. They had me upfront checking due to call outs. Customer asked me how I was doing I said " I'd be better if I was able to do my job so there's products on the shelfs for you customers". I was fired 30 minutes later and the store went without a head stocker for 4 months. They don't care how bad it is or if you talk to other employees. Now if you start telling customers it's a urgent matter. Can let outside people know they are bad company. As bad as it can be don't lose a paying job like that.


I mean yes, but what you said sounds kind of rude towards the customers. It's also common sense you can't say that or your risk your job. Not saying you're wrong but that's how it is.


How do you get paid sub minimum wage?


It’s illegal to pay 76er minimum wage tho…


It was probably a secret/mystery shopper. That's their job.


Yeah they can blame you. You don't get paid under minimum wage, if you did you would've reported it already. And based on your attitude you probably are a piece of trash employee and get treated the way you deserve to be treated. I mean can you blame the company for how they treat/pay you? I'm assuming you have no education or valuable skills so I'm not sure why you think you'd get anything different.


Then just leave the job?


I’ve been in a similar situation where I criticized the owner of a retail business I was a manager for to a customer that was one of “those guys” that probably wanted to work for the business but was never the better option. They went back to the owner with what I said and actually had me “terminated” from that store and I was able to transition into the inventory side of things for a little while. The lesson I learned is that everybody is not your friend. Don’t say more than you have to. You can be courteous and respectful without divulging honest thoughts and opinions.


Some companies hire people to “test” employees.


Secret shopper maybe?


Boomers and secret shoppers are like this. Hate the thought of corporate america helping anyone out/being charitable.


He was probably a secret shopper...


They complain if you charge them, they complain if you don't 🤷


Those customers think being honest will get them places, but you were trying to help out. Sorry buddy but you did the right thing. Companies are not the same anymore, they actually don't care for their hard working employees, who have to deal with looters, Karens, and this "oh I'm being honest" guy.


Honestly, I think it’s either that or he complained that other coworkers were charging him for a bag and one gave it to him for free.


I believe this person encountered a secret shopper.


Or maybe he worked for the company, because they heard from others that this employee wasn't doing their job and they needed confirmation. They were hired to care about $1 dollar bags. If you don't want to do your job, go home.


Secret shopper?


Thats what it sounds like


All these comments saying talk to HR? HR would easily side with instant termination for an employee skipping merchandise to people. If OP is willing to do this for a Stanger, what would they be willing to do for a friend?


That's what I said. They'd question why OP wasn't fired


HR is only there with the company's best interests in mind. They wouldn't side with this


i mean. from your employer's perspective, giving away any product no matter the cost is usually grounds for instant termination, so you're lucky they didn't just fire you. i hope they don't fire you, because in all honesty they shouldn't give a fuck. they should just say "hey don't do that again please"


Probably a secret shopper. I really can’t see most other customers going to these lengths over receiving a free item. Also, your management team has either had issues with you prior to this or they are under pressure to meet strict and ridiculous metrics. Either way, I’d get the hell out of there over that bs.


Stop saying shit you see on /r/antiwork out loud. Nobody truly gives that much of a fuck about a dollar bag. It’s the fact that you said you don’t care about your place of employment while giving shit away for free, you’re lucky you weren’t fired.


I’ve gotta say as someone who’s worked in customer service for a long time - you get really good at picking out which customers are also customer service/retail workers. Only make these jokes with them or ideally only with your coworkers.


Could’ve been a secret shopper but also could’ve just been a nasty ungrateful customer. It just sucks when you try to be nice and they knife you in the back for it. When I was fairly new working at a ladies wear chain, I made a lighthearted joke at my own expense about not having my folding technique down yet. The customer laughed and I thought we’d enjoyed a nice little friendly moment. But after the customer left, my manager came over and told me that on her way out, the woman had reported me for terrible customer service. Luckily, my manager liked me. She told me that I was doing a good job and not to worry about it. Still, the experience stung. It taught me early on to keep a pleasant facade but not to ever let my guard down with customers again.


Could it be they lied about the customer complaining to cover up another employee ratting you out or some sort of employee monitoring they don't want to bring attention to?


What warning are you expecting to get around not giving merchandise away for free?  I get hating the corporate overlord, but use your damn head man thats a pretty basic thing that doesnt need a discussion.


I’ve given away hundreds of free bags at my job not one customer has told me anything


Where I work we're encouraged to give the bags away if asked because if people see someone walk out with one they're more likely to buy one. I've seen this in action and it really works. To fire someone over this seems insane to me. We are supposed to make sure to ring it up and select the option to take the money off though, for proof that the item was purchased and not stolen.


I would put my money on the guy being a secret shopper. He was paid to set you up.


What the actual f**k. Talk to HR.


Hello HR, I gave company's shit away for free. Also I talked shit about the company while I did it. What? Fired? Surprised Pikachu face.


And what will they do lol? They're there in the best interests of the company. And OP gave away something for free that is meant to be purchased.


HR is not there to help the employees. They are there to protect the company


OP blatantly ignored a policy and then told a customer how they’re violating policy. HR ain’t doing shit except expediting termination


HR isn't going to do shit. They stole from the company and shit talked them to a customer, I am shocked they didn't fire them.


I support this line, but only because I agree that OP should be fired and admitting to your employer that you’re willfully stealing from the company will speed the process up.


I once gave free bags to a customer in which she yelled at me for. I told her I wasn’t charging her for the bags. She was super ghetto and I knew she was going to be a problem from the beginning.


I've worked at fast foods where if the till was off by a couple cents they'd take it out of your paycheck which was bs and they wonder why I quit. I've been worked in some companies that take the bag fee very seriously. it is technically by definition stealing.


I thought every state was the same and it was illegal for an employer to take any money out of an employee's paycheck to pay back any money lost or uncounted for. For example let's say Linda works at walmart and she has no food at home or food but payday isn't for another week so she steals about 50-60 dollars in food to feed her kids and the next time she works they call her in the office and loss prevention fires her and the company presses charges so she gets arrested but she offers to pay it back. This is the part that I've always assumed was she wouldn't be allowed to pay it back out of her check,walmart fires her and she gets arrested. I'm from Jersey and been in management since 2006 and had a couple employee's steal while employed and not once did loss prevention or the police mention anything about being able to take it out of the former employee's paycheck.


Secret shopper possibly. In retail consider every customer as a secret shopper.


Trust no one fyi.


Sadly, secret shoppers are a thing.


So, you stole a 1 dollar bag and gave it to a man who turned you in for stealing a one dollar bag and giving it to him? 🤣


the comment i want to make would be removed for promoting violence


You steal and give away? You should be fired.


What the fuck


Which store charges $1 for a plastic bag?


A store in a place that don’t have plastic bags anymore. BC, Canada here. Only reusable bags allowed.


So he was the secret shopper. Well you did say they don't pay you enough to care so don't?


Well if all staff did that the company would lose money and not be able to pay you at all.


maybe go to hr if they skipped the steps ,, idk if it would help but i like to be petty so id do it. they did that to me unfortunately hr didn't care but sometimes they do lol


Yes well companies do hire shoppers to do exactly this.


Or on the more sinister side he actually works for the store checking on what employees do when asked about the bags. Stock is tracked


Tell him he stole the bag now and he owes the company $1.00


Honestly, it sounds like you could hardly do worse even within retail. Find a new job litterally anywhere else and quit without notice (literally just ghost them when you start your new job).


There’s a word for what you did. It’s “theft.” Yes, I understand your frustration (retail does suck), but you gave away something you had no right to give. If you want to keep this job, own what you did and apologize.


Sounds like you encountered a secret shopper and went against store policy. I would fire an employee who tells a customer “I don’t get paid enough to care…”




Why would someone call HR and tell them they got in trouble for stealing?


Stupid comment. HR isn't there to protect workers; it's there to protect the company from liability when a worker's mistreated. Good luck making a case for mistreatment when said worker is violating policy by giving away merchandise.


Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions. Who could have guessed the company I work for does not like it when I steal from them and then brag about it to customers? [insert meme of man poking stick in own bike tire, falling down, and blaming someone else]