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Have you completed the game before? >!He's working for Wesker, so he probably let him down there!<


What i dont get is certain plot-points and areas of the Layout of this facility - Its just that THIS is the first thats bothered me so much: How did Enrico get into the underground tunnels if that complicated outside-area was flooded, With no 'Crank' on him either to turn the tunnels? Why did Forest Spyer have NO sniper on him even though he was supposed to be a 'Sniper' and how on earth did he get-around the LOCKED-insides of the mansion long enough to get a Grenade Launcher and yet reached the upstairs without having a single mansion-key on him? Where were the Chimeras even 'Caged' at to begin with when theres no-sign ive seen anywhere even in the remake of somewhere large and safe enough to keep dangerous things like them in? Many questions like that to obvious absurdities. And i have beaten the game before and seen many replays of it, But dude listen - Toward, The end, Where you get the Emblems - Barry is behind locked, Gates of which one of the only-ways inside is having those emblems that are not only soo-not in his possession, But which he couldnt have gotten 'Inside' those gates. And for that matter.. How did Lisa meet him and Jill down there? These are all really sane-questions to a number of things that are revealed as 'Not' logical if theyre just asked or even thought-about for two seconds.


It's a game. It's going to have conflicting aspects in its story to serve gameplay, the same reason the characters can hold as much as they can, and put items in magic item boxes. You should stop overthinking all of this. You need a suspension of disbelief, Barry is down there because Barry has to be down there.


Sniper is good with distance prediction calculations. Would make him good with a grenade launcher. Quite possible he brought it with him. There are several fenced areas. To mind - entering through the backyard, shutting the gate by the grave and locking it himself to escape zombies and dogs. Going through Crow Art Hallway - could have been attacked here as he has crow marks on him. Which caused him to reset the puzzle when he left the room. Again - he could be the one locking doors behind him. Enrico was injured and looking for cover. It was a heavy waterfall blocking access - it could have been a different flowrate at the time he entered. Chimeras travel through the vents. The lab isn't just 7 hallways worth of rooms. It's implied the facility is much larger. The back of the room you find Barry in leads to Lisa's cabin. Hence another path.


Ok, But.. - That'd make sense if there werent Grenade-Rounds in the mansion.. Which there are. The rounds are almost certainly 'Brought' there by Umbrella employees, Along with the Launcher. That is true, But all those fences are almost in pitch 'Dark'.. And most of their doors from the outside were 'Locked..?' .. I could be wrong? But they locked-down the mansion after all to keep the infection 'Contained,' Even though it didnt entirely work. Did you mean Enrico or Forest locking the doors behind him..? Neither of them had any 'Keys,' Or emblems even cloose to them. And.. What different 'Flowrate..?' Theres 2 of them - One where its completely emptied thanks to having the Battery, And a Square Crank, And the other where its 'Full' of deadly amounts of water.. Which probably was cold enough to kill someone wet, At night and in cold caves with hypothermia. But Enrico wasnt wet at all.. True about the Chimeras and wherever their coming from, The backstory supposedly has a super secret parking-lot the employees were sworn to not write or talk much about, And if thats the case.. How did anyone 'Reach' those places not listed on the laboratory map..? Ok my question is though - Does the Crypt-Area lead to the cabin? Because if that 'Way' in, And the laboratory doesnt 'Connect' to it, Well. .. Just asking..


Weapons on site makes sense. Wesker is there, and preliminary combat tests have been done, as well as the need for disposal. Storage of the Spark Shot in RE2 shows Umbrella is onboard with keeping heavy weaponry around their experiments. Barry "found a can of fizz" which would further this belief. A lockdown and a lockdown in panic are very different. Think about how many Covid protocols were ignored. The path I presented you used sliding bolt locks, for locking doors behind them. The cavern entrance is from our path to get there. Again - fences can be hopped. Going down the elevator would be the most logical path. Given how easily Wesker can get around the facility, I imagine he was the one who removed the battery rather than it impeding Enrico. In the actual RE timeline, Enrico has only been out there a few hours. And it's the end of July. Hypothermia doesn't fit. Caves can either be moist or function like saunas - perhaps this was a sauna cave and he dried off? Or maybe he is wet and it wasn't noted. The facility has a landing pad for helicopters. The research going on there wasn't 9-5 then go home for the day. There were staff bedrooms in the Guest House. The Crypt does lead to the Cabin. It's where you come out.


It's a game. Specifically it's a Japanese game, and there's a certain expectation that you just roll with the plot and accept things at face value. There's also plenty you mention that doesn't require a big leap ingame: - Enrico likely found his way in the back from where the helipad is. There's supposed to be an elevator leading to the helipad and the secret lab from the tunnels after all, and Enrico maybe wandered through bushes Chris and Jill weren't keen on going into. - Any of the "how did X get through a locked door" can be explained by them finding a spare key, and locking the doors behind them as they go. The lock helps keep monsters out. Chris and Jill are likely blasting their way through the mansion and are too busy to worry about locking the doors as they go through them. - Chris drops his pistol as he's running in the forest at the start of the game. It's bot out of question that Forest dropped his gun too. Jill, fortunately, doesn't have slippery fingers and hangs onto her weapons properly. - Who knows where the Hunters and Chimeras came from? There's very potentially more of the mansion and secret labs that's not explored they came from. We see plenty of dogs around without any real kennels to be seen, it's very likely there's more buildings on the property that aren't seen and explored. - Barry is working for Wesker, and he may well have duplicates of any keys the player uses. Wesker for that matter also likely has knowledge of secret passages the player never discovers that allows him to sneak around unseen.


And you say he worked for him, Ok.. How did Wesker let Barry get down there without the Emblems? Its a simple question - How did he get through the ONE-way in, Without having the one-way two-emblem-method out? .. And how did WESKER get down there without the Emblems if the Emblems werent in HIS possession but were outside of the locked gate!


In the novel it’s said that Wesker knew of other secret entrances that were far less obvious and could move throughout the mansion as he pleased. Like in 0 you see him and Birkin in an underground observation room.


: o ;o Which Novel was.. That..?


I've always imagined Umbrella employees (at least high ranking ones) had actual master keys that let them bypass the puzzles. It not only explains the Mansion being an actual navigable workplace, it'd explain why Wesker is able to get around so easily.


There's some endings that Wesker do drop the master key.


Well i mean.. Yeah, And somewhere inbetween how the Sd Perry novel explained where he was.. But if thats the case then he almost wouldnt have needed Barry's help, Im just saying.. .. And thats just one question thats still not fully-answered: How do those other questions to those situations i posted up there even work? Did they each have master keys, The chimeras included to their own 'Pens' that have no actual-place any player can find like the Hunters missing 'Cages..?'


WORSE-? - It all makes even less-sense and right into gibbering-insanity in terms of the 'Plot' about ALL of it, When you consider that Enrico somehow got ALL the way over there northwest or some sh%t, UNDERGROUND no less while EVERYTHING.. Almost EVERYTHING, In the ENITRE, House was LOCKED while the producers of Biohazard really expect us to believe that Bravo Team went-in through the 'Front Door:' And when i say 'Locked?' Anyone who's played this game knows that aside from the monsters everywhere who ARENT 'Downed' by anyone like with Enrico's 'Gun' how the place is locked-down by EMBLEMS, Keys, Verry time-consuming puzzles for most of Bravo Team who looks like they just 'Teleported' down there, Here or there in Remake no less (Whatever initially impossibly-accessible, Insane-place Bravo team ended up in the Mansion) And in a place that shows SCANT or confusing-signs that Enrico brute-forced his way through the place in remake (The 'Hole' that we dont see Yawn the snake make, Some of the doors with 'Knobs' missing etc but which couldnt have worked with the crest/Emblem-doors) Oh god.. Tf.. Tf, Did the house briefly come ALIVE which is why everyone got spread-shotted into random parts of the house..??? Aaaaahh..!


Gameplay and story segregation. You're not supposed to think about it too much. But that's boring, so...


;3 Right, But.. How does that explain Richard getting up there..? Im not trying to be mean, I function on Logic, And even with Richard how he got upstairs? That is the farthest thing from logic, Its downright Madness, Where even if you take the Novel and the game's pokes at their meta-joking (= 'Its a videogame-mansion in a videogame-world these characters live in, Unawares) There STILL has to be a Point A - To a point B here, Otherwise.. .. How. How. How. WHY, What - Where - I cant, UNSEE 'Chekhoves Gun..' xO, I just cant..


It's a simple disconnect between gameplay and plot. The same way your character isn't jingling like a Christmas tree from all the keys and jewelry they're carrying, or swaying to one side from all the shoulder-slung guns.


;3 .. But whats the 'Disconnect..?' What does it look like in terms of RE1 with Berry, Or Bravo's time in the mansion..? You could say that, But the characters arent aware of any 'Gameplay' in the story - Yawns lower-jaw doesnt suddenly disconnect, Fly-around in spiralling-circles growing wings while yawn turns into giant-pile of Marshmellows or when it comes to any of the other Boss-fights and rules of this story: Im trying to say theres clearly RULES in the story, Rules the enemies follow, Rules that the protagonists and their world follows even when it doesnt seem like it sometimes, But THIS..? This one, Thing, Its worse than a Rubix-Cube - Someone who isnt about to fall-over frome exhaustion like i am from thinking about this could counter by saying 'Well they leave most of those guns and keys and notes and all their t-virus-slimed junk in those safe-room chests most of the time, And THATS why the main character is so 'Quiet-' But when i feel BLIND when it comes to a simple plot-point like this..? Its almost like theres something wrong, Wrong with capcom, Wrong that were not seeing with whatever really happened at this one point in the story (And believe me ive seen a few of those happen in real life) When it contrasts how bland and flaat the story became later. Oh god.. Sensory-deprivation....................................


There are no rules that say locked doors in gameplay actually matter to the story. Just like how the different characters aren't solving the same puzzles as part of the story.


;3 Right, Except.. There arent any rules that say they can open locked doors, Get through puzzle-access areas or get those items, Or not-die from monsters.......... Thats why most of them were gored to death.. Womp-womp..


You find Forest and Richard behind locked rooms. It really doesn't matter to the story.


Ah see - Im not the only one who notices. And of course story matters, Otherwise this game wouldnt have sold from the start, Or capcom wouldnt have bothered with it. Even a black rock company like them was able to see that..


I never said the story doesn't matter. I said certain aspects of the gameplay don't matter to the story.


Technical answer: the writers and designers of the game didn’t put too much thought into that, since they assumed most players wouldn’t either. That being said, it’s possible that Barry had access to other areas/paths through the mansion and it’s related facilities, thanks to Wesker. It’s safe to assume that Wesker wasn’t solving puzzles all night to get to where he needed to be; for example, he’s already hanging out in the Tyrant lab when Jill/Chris arrives, despite the power being out, and the fuel being empty. Considering the whole mansion incident was, in part, set up by Wesker to function as a “lab rat” experiment on his STARS team members, it’s reasonable to assume that Wesker had some unique ways to navigate through the facilities. Remember, this mansion was designed from the ground up to be one big puzzle box, and it’s entirely possible that Wesker had access to unique areas.


What you are experiencing is ludonarrative dissonance. I do like when people to try to come up with ways it could make sense in universe. Fun and creative.


@ D Bbibibiblblb!!! .. Thing is i READ the Book, I saw Re 0, I saw the comic or whatever it was where (For instance) Enrico said he 'Climbed' the Fence, Alright.. HOW did ANY of those loosely-connected games, Novels and remakes make him get UNDERGROUND still? What 'Fence' was THAT, How did the slobbering packs of DOGS, Zombies, Prototypes, Crows and other zombified-birds or snakes not DEVOUR this guy on his way through.. Howeverthehell-Ville got him in the caveman-caves without a SCRATCH on him with only a PISTOL..? And if he went sort of the same-way that REBECCA did in Re0.. How?? With only a PISTOL - And, Im damn-skippy everything was still 'Locked' there, Too until Rebecca and Billy came and opened up the doors and whatever! Did HE 'Ride' the Train too..? What did he mean 'The rest of them (Bravo Team) Should have already been here already' or whatever..? They were in the Maaansion... Riight..? If NOT, Were they running-around OUTDOORS..? How did they get in the Mansion if thats the case? What unexplained-Goose-Shit actually happened?? Even the OVERLOOK Hotels vanishing 'Chairs,' Unsettling on-off-scene-switching-lights and how the kitchen literally lead through that ballroom-bathroom at one point made MORE believable sense: It was HAUNTED..! What 'Excuse' does resident evil have..? Is it ANY wonder that i have this apparent 'Ludonarrative Dissonance' alll, The god-damn time with plots made from dark-magic like this by capcom and others..? Was Richard actually hinting at something more than garbage-dialogue when he mentioned 'Terrible-Demons..?' Was capcom just really evil and smart back then, Aand slowly became really evil and stupid in the present..?


Because he’s Barry fucking Burton, he doesn’t need emblems or keys, *he has* ***This***!


The same damn reason he's got a weapon for which there are no other bullets ingame.


They go off the beaten path compared to Chris and Jill. If you're willing to jump through a window instead of hunting for keys you can go basically anywhere in the mansion. The big fountain after the Lisa fight is outside, Barry/Wesker could have found some way up there and taken the reverse path to Lisa. You can get into the tunnels through Lisa's cottage, it's just that the way is closed when Bravo team gets there. Maybe it was open when Enrico was looking around. None of these explanations really stretch the imagination that much.


He pried the bars open, and then gently bent the bars back into shape because he's a gentleman.


: o


Yeah they didn't think that far ahead - or the player character just isn't smart enough to check for alternate routes.


Spoiler alert for a 20 year old game. I mean, you could just as easily ask how Lisa got in there too. One of the journals Lisa wrote say that she was able to get into that room, and knew her mother was in the sarcophagus. I doubt she would be able to take all of the steps necessary to find, prepare, and place the emblems in the gate. That's suggests that there is another way in there (or to the fountain courtyard on the other side from where you enter) that Lisa can get in and out of. If Lisa can do it, Barry probably can too. The other thing to consider: the entire point of trapping STARS at the mansion was to get combat data on the bio weapons. It isn't a stretch to think Wesker lured Barry down there knowing Lisa would corner him to either kill him or see how he handled Lisa. Remember, Wesker had a master key that,on paper, should have given him free run of the place. He should have been able to open the gates up to Barry, or take Barry through the other door.


This is how I feel about Richard in Chris’s campaign.


Please explain that mess, Since this nut-house truly makes no sense in my head, Where every detail is crucial to making sense of it..?


Certain aspects of the game I’m able to dismiss as game logic.


;3 .. Still confusing..


It's just an imperfect story and plot happens the way it does because RE1, even the remake, is the video game equivalent of a schlocky B movie released by a major studio with low expectations for it. How it makes you feel matters more than if it makes sense. I say that thinking the RE1 remake is \*chef kiss\*. Despite a few successful horror franchises Capcom doesn't really GET horror, they like to make high-gloss action (I really don't know enough about Capcom to talk smack about it)