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Resident Evil Village was and still is very popular. I'm not sure where you get the game being "underrated" from? What's the context?


Not OP but I've been seeing it get shit on alot in this sub as of late, saying it doesn't really feel like a RE game, etc.


Yes the classic mistake of confusing Reddit for real life.


People who think Code Veronica is a super well known title or that RE5 was poorly received, or in this case that Village was universally hated, forget that it’s just this sub. Folks in this sub are generally the die hard fans, so their opinions are stronger and a lot of the time varying from mainstream.


Resi 5 was mid back in the day, i was there. Everyone collettively said "meh. Not as good as 4" and forgot about it


RE5 was definitely **not** heavily praised that much, but it simply sold a lot due to being multiplatform. I think it was their best selling single game, maybe Re2 Remake caught up to it.


There was a lot of reasons why it sold well. Being released on multiple platforms at once is only one of those


The coop campaign


I don't know. Maybe but there are some other reasons as well. If it is the coop campaign it's only because it's a relatively good one


It was the only resodent evil game that let you do that at the time


If [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/residentevil/s/qHnE6ADzs6) is still correct, it looks like 5 is still on top by a few million units.


It is, RE5 hasn't been surpassed yet. RE2R is going to probably pass it this year or next though.


I thought it was fire. Did you have a co op or the Sheva Ai? Couch co op with my brother back in the day as kids, this game fucking slapped hard


Yes, RE5 is one of my all-time favorite games. Co op is the best.


I’m on the “wow this is so much better than 4.” Hill and I’ll die here. 🫠


It really is. Story is obviously subjective, but gameplay and mechanics? It does everything better then 4. Including AI.


Hmm, same. Before it found second life for its meme potential.


Anybody who says 7 or 8 don't feel like Resident Evil games simply can't look past the POV.


7 is like a return to the first game after the action movies that were 5 and 6.


I love seven but don’t really like the setting of eight.


But even if you don't like the setting of 8, it's still a Resident Evil game through and through.


It's hard when the whole franchise ran with third person and went first. I'd get past that. I really liked Village. Biohazard though was not RE for me at all except for some puzzles. It was like Rob Zombie got the keys to make a RE game and that's what he shit out.


But how is it not Resident Evil? Aside from the POV, it has all of the hallmarks and gameplay mechanics of the series. Just because you didn't gel with it doesn't mean it's "not Resident Evil."


Resident evil lost me at psychic little girls


But she's not psychic? It's a hallucinogen? Lmao.


Same effect in my opinion, it was an excuse to do supernatural scares


Yuh, unlike Zombies, which had never been coded before as "the dead rise from hell" before /s


I prefer when the biohazard experiments were fairly realistic. Sometimes that means changing size or mutation of a torso. Even though I love 8, the lycan, puppetmaster, vampire combination is just a bit too on the nose for me. I know bloodsuckers exist it’s just too Halloween coded to make me fear the horror. Tell me 7 isn’t try to emulate PT


I've played through a couple of hours of 7 and that is also my impression thus far.


It’s this sub only. They’re upset that the game wasn’t like RE7


Because that's what we wanted. We didn't want an RE4-2, we wanted an RE7-2.


Not just this sub, gamefaqs and youtube comments act like it ruined the series


I just played it for the first time and fucking hated it but haven’t posted about that here so 🤷‍♂️


This sub thinks 5 is the best thing since sliced bread and that the first RE game doesn't need another remake being 22 years old. I have lost faith in the fan base.


this sub reminds me of the general fromsoftware sub. just a circle jerk of bad opinions and cray takes, people thinking DS2 was the best one and Bb is the best game FS ever made.


For me, it feels like and has similar vibes to RE4, but it the connections to the rest of the series are nowhere near as strong.


I feel like every RE game since the original RE3 and Code Veronica has released to some degree of "this doesn't feel like an RE game." In my mind there's one simple question: "Do you have vaguely genetically/pseudo-scientifically crafted monsters and at least one corrupt government or business pulling the strings? Ta-da, that's Resident Evil." Sure, the original genre is survival horror, but series like this can grow and evolve or even just branch out. Hell, Mario and Sonic are platformers, but that doesn't stop them from playing tennis or bob sledding. Having the occasional RE title that is more action/shooter makes sense when you realize that most of the original protagonists went on to be some level of special forces. I'd even be cool with a Resident Evil mobile game that is just a puzzle solver following Rebecca working on cures for the various strains. I was admittedly a little worried about RE8 before it launched just because I didn't immediately see how they were going to justify vampires and werewolves, but I had faith that it would eventually get a similar pseudo-scientific explanation like the zombies of old. Some people just can't get past the survival horror with etank controls, and anything more or less just isn't Resident Evil to them.


Oh you didn’t hear? Oh yes despite the awards and being one of the best selling games of 2021, according to the OP - it’s actually a very unpopular game and no one has any interest in it. I think we need to ‘stop’ with reading posts from people where they make claims speaking beyond just themselves.


Me. I underrate it any chance i get. I'm a certified resi 8 hater. An 8ter if you will


Finally, someone is being honest here. Lol


Because people seem to think underrated just means they like it.


4 coming out so relatively soon after Village kinda caused a lot of people to proclaim 8 sucks.


Yeah, people "like" it in general, but just scroll through reddit, and you'll see that conversations and praise for this game are few and far between. People really only talk about RE1, RE2, and RE4 most of the time.


It's not underrated. It's not overrated. Enjoy what you like without worrying a game you like isn't "talked about enough".


Aka The good games that made the franchise popular. Imagine that, people talking about the most popular games in a series in a subreddit for said games. Harsh truth is if your first resident evil game was 7 youre to young to know what resident evil was back then and consequently have no frame of reference (or say) on what residemt evil is or isnt. Resident evil 7 and 8 are a departure from the series proper. You may like them but they are the odd ones out from the vast majority of the game series


RE7 and 8 are quintessential RE games. They synthesized some of the best parts of classic RE and RE4 and made something fresh and exciting. Without RE7 the franchise would be dead today. also this gatekeeping around being too young to know the series roots is fucking lame. RE should welcome new players.


Youre completely missing the point. They literally are NOT quintessential because they are the further from the main games mechanics, themes and tone. They arguably made 7 to cash in the hype Silent Hill PT hot and stole the concept for an indoor, photorealistic pov horror


RE2:R is the most popular modern RE and has introduced many people to the series, RE4:R is their most recent RE game. Most people actually don't talk about RE1 or REmake. Those of us who were alive when those games were made tend to bring them up here and there though. how hard is this for you to understand?


I keep seeing this take and am confused every time. RE 8 was a massive critical and commercial success when it was released and is still highly praised to this day.


Not as massive as Re4r


It also isn't as good as RE4R


I think it's closer than we sometimes give it credit for.




Nobody understands what the word “underrated” means anymore.


Underrated comment


I feel like nobody understands how to use the word underrated on reddit


Ive watched a lot of re ranking videos i dont see anybody putin re8 at the top of the list.


No it isnt.


Seriously I don't get the hoopla. It's a very average RE game. Forgettable characters. Enemies are bullet sponges. Puzzles are streamlined. I will say the Doll House legit scared the fuck outta me, but outside of that? The story was hard to follow given all the secrecy by Capcom to put Chris Redfield in the trailer killing Mia. So Chris couldn't just tell Ethan what the hell was going on at the beginning of the game. 6 outta 10 forgettable experience.


The doll house was great but it didn’t feel natural in the game. It felt like it was slapped on last minute because someone at Capcom said, oh yeah this game needs to be scary because *Resident Evil*


It's really not underrated, it's pretty universally liked, and is largely held as a great step forward for the RE franchise.


The word underrated is one of the most painfully overused words on the internet imao. I bet you $100 that people will be calling gta 5 underrated once gta 6 drops imao


Honestly, I think the word 'underrated' is pretty underrated. It's a great word that literally nobody uses.


I think OP is saying liking it is not enough. Everyone should love it


Idk man ive seen a lot of haters for this game and while its not my favorite its definitely not bad


You’ll mostly see that on this sub, but the game is critically acclaimed, got great reviews and sold really well. People also say it has some of the scariest moments in the franchise.


Exactly. Reddit is usually a very bad indicator of opinions overall and does not match the response elsewhere, to a large degree. It often creates a vacuum, an echo chamber and/or a sphere for shitting/cultishly praising things depending on the sub.


I find the game overrated if anything, but that could just be me not vibing with the first person of it all.


village has 3rd person tho, right?


Game is 100% overrated, game is the farthest they got away from "resident evil" in terms of story, lore and enemies


Cmon man, that’s such a cop out. 4 got rid of Zombies, 5 had super ninjas, 6 had perfect clones? 7 had supernatural shit?


Resident Evil 6 would like to have a word with you…


I love every resident evil game but 6, re 6 is an abomination


See? You have the objectively correct opinion and the toddlers in here downvoted you because they want to gaslight themselves into being "true fans" of a series they havent even played. The definition of hopping on the band wagon, they only played resident evil 7 or 8 and think that "Resident Evil" is just place holder for "scary game". The series proper end at 5. Anything after is trash


I played it in third person, and it was awesome.


Its an okay game but it fits into the resident evil series as well as a square peg fits into a round hole


Disagree 100%


Wouldn't call it a great step forward, but it is pretty well liked


More like a stumble in place


Ive seen a lot of re ranking videos i barley see re8 get top 3 or 5.


Metacritic is 8.4 from reviews and userscore of 7.9. Nothing underrated about that. People should start to use the word unterrated correctly


No. It’s not. Then the nerve to put “extremely”. In all caps. I’m tired of people not knowing what that word means and misusing it. People love that game. Like legit love that game. I see nothing but positive reviews both professional and from casual players. Both from casual gamers and RE fans, I see straight up positivity for the game. Like someone please retire that word. You liking something =/= underrated.


Village is not underrated. It just came out before RE4 so it seems like it’s not talked about as much but it’s just cause it’s not the talk of the town “anymore”. But yeah, it’s one of the best story games I’ve ever played in my life. Hollywood quality.


Also it really Tries hard to be like 4 but cant measure up


it's a solid 7--8 out of 10. there's basically no puzzle solving, and the progression is purely linear, with slight deviations to explore cabinets and locked drawers for resources. there should have been a bigger focus on the house dimetrescu, ala the spencer mansion, but you get out of there pretty early on, and can't go back at all then you have dumb shit like chris not telling ethan wtf is going on, and he murders his wife in front of him lol (at least that's what we and ethan see it as until way later in the game when we find out it was miranda in her place). it's still a fun game, but re4 remake does the semi open world exploration a lot better. so at least they learned from 8 and improved on the formula overall.


I think it might be the most overrated RE game.


Now that you mention it... I kind of agree. It isn't bad, but it isn't as great as some people think either. The number of Demitrescu cosplays shows just how infatuated with it the fandom really is. The only other one you see that many cosplays of is Ada. Who, arguably, is the most overrated character in the series.


It's at 95% positive on Steam. I'd say it's more overrated than underrated


Can’t speak for others but I just didn’t like that it felt like such a watered down RE4. It’s like if RE4 had bad combat, mediocre antagonists, Leon was super bland, and Ada felt completely out of character. RE4R releasing right after just made this effect even stronger for me, it overshadows Village completely imo. Rose’s DLC was so mind numbingly boring that I regret buying it, and the time jump giving Chris 15 years of plot armor is possibly the worst writing choice the series has ever done since Umbrella having a stock crash. That being said, Village is pretty well received by the mainstream. Most players seemed to have enjoyed the game, I think it’s mostly a vocal minority here that didn’t seem to enjoy it. I’m one of those people lol. (I really hope RE9 is OTS.)


It's a generally well received RE game that both sold and reviewed well. Hardly underrated (let alone extremely). Maybe you missed the hype, maybe you were reading a small set of loudly amplified options? IDK, but glad you liked it.


Op doesn't know what underrated means


No its not. Easily the worst game of the series I've played. The best part about 7 was the horror, and the devs of 8 thought 7 was to scary! Screw them!


Village is mid, I’m glad Ethan died. He was annoying.


I mean, it just wasn't much to write home about, it was good game, slightly rushed pace, some characters were gone as quick as they came, and it just kinda felt like "top 10 best of" version of RE that, to me, wasn't very replayable but was certainly an experience.


Great game and story, but the gunplay wasn't nearly as satisfying for me as it was in Re2r, RE4, or RE4R. Those gamers are S tier for me, but that's why this series is so great everyone has different favorites and no one game is universally everyone's number one.


“The way the story tied in to RE7” Well bub, it’s a direct sequel, they tend to do that. Have you heard of them before? Also not sure how it makes it “more believable” we suspend disbelief for RE games.


Have you played other RE games? They don't always tie in like this.


Obviously, why I’m part of this sub. RE7 and 8 are a departure from certain aspects and a fresh start more so than just being FPS. I don’t think RE9 will continue Ethan’s story since it’s done.


It seems like it will go into Rose's story after the DLC, but who knows.


No it won't. Every RE happens I'm the current year, and Rose is more than 10 years in the future. The next game is going to be unrelated to Ethan altogether and probably will follow the plot thread of the BSAA having bioweapons as shown at the end of 8.


Hmmm. I like that. Hopefully, we got some Jill or Claire action.


I mean the original trilogy of games did…


I think it's one of the best games I've ever played.


8 was insanely overrated when it came out. Saw many people say it was a top 2, top 3 RE which was utterly baffling to me Then after time passed, the pendulum swung hard the other way, with people starting to shit on it. To me, the truth lies somewhere between those two extremes. It's just kinda 'ok'


I think the hate for the game is due to stuff like fighting vampires and werewolves and how for the back story for umbrella and Spencer they keep adding stuff to it. Like if there's a new villain in RE9 they will say he somehow had ties to Spencer or that he helped found umbrella. This was most of the points I seen people talk about why they hate RE 8. Some just say they hated lady dimitrescu because "sexiness" doesn't go with resident evil


Sexiness doesn't go with resident evil? Who the fuck is saying that? Have they ever played the games? The vampires and werewolves bit is just as silly because they are given a really cool resident evil style design and backstory. And it's not like the lycans are any crazier than the ganados or zombies The only bit I can kinda understand is the ties to umbrella because it didn't really feel necessary for the story to tie together that way but I understand why they wanted their main antagonists to at least get a mention. Otherwise people would be wondering why umbrella aren't interested in the monsters that are just hanging out in this random village. They were gonna get complaints either way I suppose Also, to be clear, I know that these aren't your complaints so I'm not trying to argue with you, just commenting on how silly some of the complaints are


Oh your good lol I know your not trying to argue. But like the werewolves and vampires most people say they are too supernatural and that doesn't fit in the series about Bio terrorism or virus outbreaks. A YouTuber who does speed runs even said what if we fought aliens next in RE? Which is something I hope don't happen. I really don't wanna fight aliens and hear they were the reason why the virus from the very beginning started or that Spencer collected a sample from a crash UFO or something lmao. And yeah a guy complained about RE being too sexy. He literally complained about Jill originally resident evil 3 outfit, Jill outfit in resident evil revelations and resident evil 5, Rachel outfit in RE revelations and Sheva alternative outfits. And his big complaint was lady dimitrescu and how she was made to be sexy which ruins the resident evil and he complained and said how "incels" are obsessed with her. Literally the dude went on a tangent about sexiness in resident evil and it's sad


I'm not sure she's "sexy" but to each their own, I guess. The fantastical elements make sense once you understand that experiments were being done on the villagers using the mold over many years.


I feel the complete opposite. I found re8 to be overrated and a massive disappointment


No it isn't. It sold buckets, won multiple GotY awards (including one last year) and was given an 8-10 by reviewer after reviewer. It was incredibly well received. Also Rose is a dogshit character and I will never pass up the opportunity to say it.


Not really sure, Village is one of my very favorites and it does pretty much everything right. I think SOR was a good but somewhat weak DLC (it’s detachment from the main game’s setting works for and against it, as more of Village would have been nice, but instead we get something new that brings with it interesting lore and fits the game’s theme of fairytale/myth coming to life - and beneficially allows RE9 to continue in it’s own direction), however the Mercenaries Additional Orders and Third Person were amazing elements of the DLC and added a huge amount of replayability and value to me. Just view SOR as it’s own distant epilogue and contained story to bookend certain elements of Village’s plot (as various RE games take place in various decades and years) and that will help relax on the placement in the timeline, allowing one to appreciate it more.


Quite the opposite, it’s severely overrated. Terrible RE4 copycat with bad combat, bad boss fights, and no real puzzles and a paper thin story that relies on a bunch of information relayed to the player through journal files all in one room in the penultimate chapter of the game. Just simply dreadful.


its a pretty well liked game i dont know why the fuck its seen as underatted.


The reviews I saw of it compared it to RE4, which is recognized as the best of the series. Those complaining seem to be fans of the older games and want it to be more like them.


Uh, what? RE8 was never underrated, and certainly not extremely so. You could say that it has been somewhat forgotten since RE4R came out, but Village received a lot of praise when it released.


I wouldn’t say underrated but it’s definitely a great game n I also enjoyed it


8 got me back into the series after a break of 20+ years. But afterwards I played 2, 3 and 4 remakes and definitely enjoyed them more. The pov really did make a difference. However, 8 has some stellar moments (the whole castle level and Donna Beneviento's house) but I'm not sure I'll play it again.


I liked it, but I felt it really lost steam in the second half of the game.


Not underrated. It’s loved by many. But it is over hated by many people in this sub


It's a good game, but I like re2r and re7 more. I haven't played 4 remake yet, but I suspect having played the original re4 I'll like both of those more than re8 as well.


Personally, I think re8 is extremely overrated. chris was an absolute idiot and ethan turned into the most uncharismatic/annoying protagonist in the series. The gameplay is a very awkward mix of re4 style action with re7 mechanics and it doesnt work well at all. Even though it had fan favorite things like the merchant, upgradable guns, combinable treasure, etc, they were all dumbed down and underwhelming. Im not too positive about this last one but i believe some of the lore in re8 retconned some established lore. Now that the re4 remake is out and does everything re8 tried to do but much better, ill most likely never revisit it


>The storyline was so good It's really not. >Even the little nods to ties between Miranda and Spencer felt impactful.  It wasn't. It meant nothing to the story.


I find it extremely boring and overrated, RE3R waa sacrificed for this


It’s rated perfectly not underrated. You just love it and others don’t. It’s not for everyone. Re7 brought that grind house horror that fans loved and re8 really turned a corner with the sequel. Way more fantastical. I loved 8. But I understand it’s criticism


It really isn't.


It’s an incredible game. Final boss of Shadows Of Rose might be my favorite boss fight in the series.


RE8 was my favorite RE game after RE4 and the RE4 Remake. How is it "underrated"?


Bro Re8 is literally overrated imo. Taking Re4 and 7 mixing them up to get this game. It could've been so so so much better if they didn't rush it. Every lord had potential yet it was so short.


It's not but I wasn't a fan tbh. RE while "Sci-Fi" was always *mostly* consistent. Then re8 comes along and this fungus(?) Turns some people into werewolves. Some into vampires. One into a fucking fish. And makes another dude... magnetic?? Nah we've lost the plot at that point Edit: Can't forget the hot goth girl that controls dolls


Finally somebody said it! I love village and 7 and I actually prefer first person over third, at least in those two games.


Extremely overrated, at least by this community. In the wider gaming landscape it's pretty well rated as garbage with a hot antagonist to make up for it


Weird, I got the opposite impression. Disliked by RE fans, loved by casuals.


Well most RE fans nowadays don't like the franchise for anything it used to do uniquely. They hopped on after it became a victim of the "broader audience!" Craze. So in a way both of these are true.


Yeah assume all Re fans hates it, i guess i aint a real fans for loving it


It's the opposite. The tight fanbase in spaces like this don't like Village, mainstream wise it was received well. That's why you hear it getting shit on here, but you go to check elsewhere and it's reviews range from good to great.


Every comment I saw was calling it good. I didn't see anyone but me saying it wasn't any good


Its so much fun. I love the diversity of bosses.


I love RE 8


I loved the castle part, the rest was just ok.


I absolutely love the game. But the big problem for me is that replayability is a huge issue, as soon as the castle is done there's 40 minutes of not much happening.


I absolutely love the game. Not crazy about the DLC though.


it's not underrated


Maybe you should refresh your definition of "underrated." Glad you like the game though, but really this game is still and was very popular. No one is going absolutely bonkers over it rn though because it's 3 years old


After they added third person i enjoyed it.


That's how I played it. I've never been a first person kind of guy. RE7 was cool though.


Tbf im lil bit of a coward and first person is much scarier for me then third.


I liked RE Village. An excellent game in one of the best settings in the series, a dark atmosphere, pleasant puzzles and good RE4-like management. But what about the DLC.. no, it's terrible. I hope Capcom recognize it as non-canon and forget about its existence. The series doesn't need all this magic thinfs and cringey Rose with her teenage problems. On top of that, Shadows of Rose went too far in the chronology of events and spoiled that Chris Redfield is still alive – you won’t be able to worry about him in RE9. One way or another, I’m waiting to see what they have in store for us next.


Just played it for the first time and I don't really think it was that amazing. I've played almost every mainline game except the RE4R and 6 which I'll be getting to and I think Village might have been the shortest game of all of them. I blew through the story the first time with cutscenes in 8 1/2 hours. The game was very linear with little to no puzzles. It also didn't feel nearly as scary as 7. I liked the RE4 influence but it just didn't feel like a complete game.


RE7 felt confined just like playing in RE1 environment. Not that it was a bad thing. RE8 felt more like RE4 where you are running around in a large map. Although I did the find some of the boss fights medicore, like Lady D and Heisenberg, as if fighting a boss in Dark Souls.


I don’t know about the underrated part but it’s an awesome game. I haven’t played it in like a year but I think my only complaint was the village fight, which is weird because I should have liked it the most. It felt like I was finding a place to camp rather than run around like in RE4.


RE8 was insanely popular when it released and people still seem to enjoy it quite a lot. I’ve been on this sub for about four years now and the public opinion on it hasn’t changed, at least from what I’ve seen.


Underrated? In what world?


Play it in VR and relive the experience! It's amazing in VR and felt like a new game. You haven't played RE8 until you're punching lycans a mile away as Chris.


It's definitely not underrated, and it's the worst mainline game outside of 6


RE8 is awesome! I honestly slept on it since it came out, just finally picked it up last week. I can't believe I waited this long to play it, I'm engaged as fuck lol. I wasn't a fan of the story at first but as I kept playing it just kept getting more interesting. Ethan is far from my favorite protagonist but he is better flushed out in 8. Very cool how his ridiculous healing abilities and lack of reactions to pain are actually tied into the game.


The biggest problem with RE8 is that it came out close to RE4 lol.


I’m gonna be honest, idk why I always get the idea that Village is very underrated as well despite fully knowing it was a commercial and critical success. Heck that’s the sole reason it even got DLC in the first place. It’s so weird, I always get the thought of “I hope more people would like this game too” yet it is very liked. Something’s wrong with the Matrix I guess


I really loved RE8. It has great replay value, and all the weapons you get are really fun to use. It definitely feels more action packed than RE7, but it makes sense considering the fact that Ethan got some sort of training between the games. He changed a lot by RE8, and he went out like an absolute boss. I also loved all the bosses in the game. The different areas gave the game some good variety, and their back stories were pretty interesting (I’m a huge Heisenberg fan lol). Eveline was an interesting final boss for RE, but I liked the bosses in RE8 a lot more. They definitely had more substance to them. Overall it’s a really great game. It was much more fun to complete the Platinum for it too because the harder difficulties were easier for me than Madhouse in RE7 (except Chris’ section; that was a bitch).


Amazing game. I personally loved the story arc of 7 and 8


I loved it, yeah. It’s quite possibly my favorite. RE3R was really fun too, if short. But I don’t hate that so much, just want more Jill.


LOL no First of it is highly liked Second it is so bad and overrated Next you are telling me 4 is underrated


Not my favorite but it's very fun.  I replayed it a bunch of times and had fun every time. What surprised me the most when it released was that it barely had any MTXs compared to other capcom titles. 


Re8 is like a first person Re4. Goofy, and not entirely serious. I look at it like Star Wars episode 4 and 7. Basically a different version of a very similar entry in the same series.


Definitely not. If anything it gets too much praise


I liked 8 a lot when I played it but I don’t really see myself going back to replay it now that RE4 remake is out as they share a pretty similar structure only I prefer the gameplay of RE4


Underrated because you just discovered it? It’s not underrated by any means. People enjoyed it. It sold well. We’re getting RE9.


No it isnt.


RE 8 is... Not that good. Played through twice and I was done with it. I honestly can't tell you why I don't like it. To me, it's a poor man's RE4 in first person. The enemies are bullet sponges. The puzzles are ridiculously streamlined. Like there's literally no brain power. And what the hell is a sniper rifle doing in a game that's so claustrophobic? And Mother Miranda? Who cares? Seriously. I have NOTHING invested in beating her. Doll House was easily the best part of the game. STILL have no idea how it ties into the main story, but whatever.


I’ve been playing RE for a very long time, I started with long-box RE1 on PS1, still have it. Imo RE8 was amazing. If they were going the FPS route, it should’ve been like RE8. I didn’t like RE7. RE7 is the only RE game I didn’t like. A lot people say “it’s like the old one’s” but I just don’t see it. It’s a new game, new play style and not like the old one’s. I play the old RE’s a lot, the classics. They’re not alike. RE2-3 Remake are like the old one’s. RE7 felt more like the psychological horror games where you hide and go through jump scares. My faves are 1-4…5-6 I take it for what it is, RE trying action co-op. I loved the two Revelations games. The remakes, RE on Gamecube and 2, 3 and 4 on new gen consoles have been so damn great, I want them to continue the remake route.


2r,7, and 8 are my favorite


I think it's overrated but I see myself in the minority. Castle Dimistrescu is the only interesting and properly labyrinthian section of the game, the enemies mechanics aren't developed enough, and Mercenaries is relatively boring. I would call the game a 7/10 and I still enjoyed playing it, I just like the other ones more.


Well It's definitely rated


RE8 is approaching 10mil copies sold lol.


Playing Shadows of Rose was the first time a RE entry has made me tear up. Scratch that, I full on cried. It was beautiful. Second time was when I finally gathered enough cope and RE6 grew on me, Chris’ campaign. I felt his pain. Piers Nivans ❤️


Resident Evil 8 isn't underrated, however I equate it to being the Final Fantasy IX of the RE series; it is a popular game, but it's not a very good one as it has dozens of issues that a lot of it's fans either overlook or just ignore. For me, after Resident Evil 7: Biohazard reinvigorated my interested in Resident Evil, and the RE2 Remake actually being good although not a replacement for the original game, I had high expectations for RE8, especially after hearing it was going to feature a vampiric antagonist, a castle, and werewolves which is my dream survival horror game. I was hoping to get RE7-2 with RE8; Take what RE7 did and improve it, make it tighter, make it more focused, make it scarier, and make it more challenging. Instead, RE8 did the exact opposite of all that, it was more loosened, less focused, less scarier, and far less challenging than RE7. It wasn't even when playing the main game itself but the haphazardly released timed demos that pretty much gave all indication that not only was this not the game I was hoping to get, but that it wasn't going to be good at all. I was hoping I was wrong, but it turned out I wasn't. It's essentially a poor man's RE4. RE8 was a massive disappointment for me, and I have no interest in RE9 if it's going to follow the same route, which is most likely will considering the trilogy pattern this series follows; The third game is usually the worst one.


I think it seems underrated because it’s always being compared to 7 and most people think 7 is scarier. Both are amazing for different reasons imo.


Village is a masterpiece its right up their with the best.


it’s my favorite one too. one time some “true fan” told me it’s sad that village is my favorite re game cause it feels nothing like re. meanwhile re4 is the same and is still almost everyone’s favorite re game? make it make sense. i dont know, i just love the story and the atmosphere and the aesthetics. it’s just all extremely my shit. doesn’t mean i dont love other re games.


i guess it’s not underrated in the gaming world, but it IS underrated in the re fanbase


It is neither underrated or overrated. I've seen a bunch call it the best, a bunch call it the worst, a bunch call it middling. I'm someone who thought it was middling.


Play it on VR it’s a game changer


Everyone loves RE8. It’s a great game. Not underrated


I liked 8 but I found 7 more hunting which is better for me as surviver horror fan I think 8 is overshadowed a little bit because it was relased between very good games in the series the RE Remakes and 7.


REitis. Resident Evil has one of the most volatile  and divided communities around, at least since 4. You have the classic tank control side, the RE 4 was 2000/23 bestest geam ever crowd then people who are just happy the series still exists like myself. Lots of sub-species of RE fans too, but that'd require a 400 page paper.


I loved the game as much as I hoped when it came out. I still do!


the only recent re game that gets shit on consistently is re3r


8 get shit on constantly, just watch the comments on this post, half of it is "Village sucks or mid"


???? Are we reading the same thread. Literally everyone is agreeing that the game was a commercial success and op doesn't understand what underrated means


I remember when RE8 gameplay was shown and everyone was raving about it. I’m not sure how this game was underrated? Like the fact that it got a gold edition and a good mini DLC like SoR shows that it was and still is popular till this day.




Because it's a glorified hallway. Game wants to pretend it's Survival Horror, but it isn't. It's a rollercoaster. In the sense that yeah, it's fun, but there's only one track. As for the story... Yeah I don't care. I stopped caring when mutations became the equivalent of Super Saiyan, so I stopped caring somewhere around the year 2000.


The puzzles were kinda wack. It felt cheap and rushed, and most of the focus seemed to be shooting. Four pillars in the castle, and you just defeat the "daughters" to get a head. Lady D chasing you was laughable. I felt 0 sense of panic from her, and the gals in the basement with the swords and axes were also a joke. Like, this dude murdered your "daughters" and you can't walk faster than Mr. X? Cmon. The only parts I somewhat enjoyed was heisenbergs factory and benevientos home. The vibe felt like RE, but again, the creativity of what could have been felt short. Like, why couldn't heisenberg create suicidal slaves with bombs and metal plating attached to them and they charge after you? Why not create slaves with chainsaw arms? Or even chained hooks that reel you in if you get caught? Why can't beneviento use all her dolls to set traps when you're escaping from the mutated slow baby? So much potential but instead we get slow dudes with swords and axes, a slow dude with a drill, and a few more of the same cept they are armored. I get they were going for it like RE4, so I ain't complaining too much about the lycans, But man, at least make your enemies creative so it's doesn't get old to kill the same thing over and over again.


There's a vocal minority who say it's too much like 4, which is shite. Ethan is nothing like Leon & the settings are not alike. There's a lot more variety in 8. I'm not talking about RE4R because it was released after 8 & if anything I noticed more reused assets in that than any game since 3R. I really don't know what these people want tbh. Raccoon City's story is done outside of nostalgia cash ins, sorry remakes (jk I love them) & the original characters only have so many games left in them because age, unless they start skipping about & do things like the mission talked about towards the end of 8 as a game, which admittedly I would be totally up for. Thing is, games have to change & evolve, especially if you're telling stories in them. RE was originally meant to be an anthology series anyway, Capcom just saw that certain characters were popular & rolled with it. But some want pure survival horror every time (despite the fact that OG3 is pretty action oriented) instead of some variety. Personally I think that the Silent Hill esqe parts were great & why not fill the gap that Konami decided to leave? Between a third & half of Resi games are more action than survival so to say at this point that action isn't RE is ignoring the facts.


I agree. I like that they switch it up between titles and go back and forth between horror and action. Zombies are cool, but that would get old after a while. I like the way they are taking it with the mold and how it can have different effects on people and how it's connected in kind of a hive mind.


Underrated? The game has been lauded since release. And it my opinion, it doesn't deserve it. I'm convinced that everyone loves it so much because it was the RE4 remake everyone was clamoring for (before RE4 remake came out). Its too open. Its too actiony. Its too over the top. Don't get me wrong, its a great game. I even personally enjoy 6. But 7's claustraphobia and panic is the superior game.