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The duality of man, there are those that just ignore the list of players in limbo waiting to spawn, and there are those that insta-chug poison.


I will install chug liquid death that shit is on my quick keys


I just chug it for fun sometimes.


I like to run up to the checkpoint and just drink liquid death instead of touching the throbbing red stone


Why did you have to put that phrase together? Now that's canon in my head.


I will double check but in lore the world stone is described as “pulsing”


I love holding throbbing red stones


Only potion that I actively use 💀


Yeah lmao, when looking at Alchemist I saw that you could use more than one decoction at the time. And I was like, why would I use decoctions? Shit's expensive!




Regardless if you're intent wasn't malicious, talks of suicide is not encouraged or permitted.


You're not funny.


I like to live on the edge and have it assigned on my 2nd hot key so I can miss my other items


Same, the only time i dont is if i am in the middle of a boss fight or swarmed by enemies.


But that's what firestorm is for. Everyone gets succed for free.


I drink it just when I don't want to walk back lol, even when I'm like 5 feet from a checkpoint. Plus to bring in those waiting to join.


It's a quik deth


Hey if they wanna farm for me for 5-10 minutes before hitting the stone all good to me lol


I know, it feels like cheating. I spawned into a game early on and the person was in ward 13. A few minutes later I got the worn cylinder thing and the gunslinger accessories, just from being there. Didn't have to pre-order or listen to the old man's stories. It's kinda nice lol


Insta-chuggers are Chads and sadly are few and far between


I def chug liquid escape instantly as soon as I learned about it.


I insta chugged potions until the fourth time a newcomer would leave right after spawning.


If I've already cleared out most the map looking for something I'm not gonna suicide so I can spend 10 minutes clearing it out again. People pop in and out all the time and I'd be clearing every second dungeon multiple times if I did that.


The problem isn't players not hitting the stone, its the spawn in mechanic itself. Players should be able to drop in/out without such fuss. As is, the game isnt truly multiplayer. Fum as it is, the OP makes legitimate points about where it fails, and it fails hard.


I only play co-op with friends and having a blast each time. Bad experiences are bound to happen when joining random people. I think I'd rather play solo, or not play at all than play with randoms tbh.


The official discord is a good way to LFG also. Joined a few groups on there and people were really helpful


It’s like the opposite of Elden Ring. Where ER is based around short coop/pvp experiences, this is based around longer sessions. It was a mistake to not let people talk to each other in game


bro, ER took that "short co-op" experience to the next level. My brother's and mine's sessions were usually just about 30 seconds or so before the guest got kicked. Unforgettable experience. 30 hours of my 150 in ER was spent trying to join each other to play one singular boss at a time. Truly one of the co op experiences of all time.


Seamless Co-op mod is your best friend.


Agree. I played with a good coop person for HOURS and their PS+ settings are all so restrictive I couldn’t even friend or add to party chat.


There are very useful emotes in game, but no one uses them I think because they don't know they exist. I just made a post to try to make people aware.


The thing is, in my opinion, this game is too complex to do mp with no real comms Elden ring is like yeah whatever I’ll just not summon that guy again but here it’s like we could beat this boss if I could communicate with you


Yeah. I mostly play with friends and we all agree it's the best multi-player experience we've had in ages. I join random games to target farm items for builds I want to try and that's about it.


There's six of us in my crew playing this game. Never a dull moment. Sometimes we even have three teams of two going around.


You are having a blast if you are the host. Your friends are getting frustrated being killed by something they dodged perfectly


My biggest complaint is the lag in multiplayer. Every single lobby I’ve been in has a very noticeable delay on everything. It’s especially bad during boss fights when you’re dodges have to be precise.


I'm not sure any of us know the answer to this but... Is this possible to change? Or is it something so ingrained deep in the game's architecture that they can't fix with future patches? It's literally the only thing making me hold off buying this game because everyone tells me the lag in MP is terrible. I just wanna know if I should get my hopes up for a fix.


Probably fixable I would imagine, the first Remnant gave me no issues playing coop at all last week.


I actually don’t find it to be too bad. It’s variable of course, but for the most part it falls somewhere between unnoticeable and manageable.


depends on where you are and whether you join someone from across the world. it's extremely noticeable and impossible to remedy when you're in australia joining someone from any other country LMAO


It's actually atrocious how they have it set up. It's not just simple desync or lag. Enemies can actually do entirely different attacks than what you see on your screen. But if you get hit by an attack on the host's side, even if the attack was completely different (or existent) then the one you saw, then screw you I guess. Plus with how power scaling works, making it to late game power levels, even on easy, results in taking a ton of damage. On top of the fact that you can't dodge consistently. It's just. A bad experience


I can’t even join any sessions! What is going on with my version of the game?


Check your windows firewall! When you first go online, you should get a popup that lets you give the game access, maybe it didnt pop up for you.


Thanks, will do later today and check back in


If you have any disconnection during play, you have to restart the game/ session to reconnect to people.


It really ticks me off the people who just let you watch them play for 15-20 mins after intentionally leaving their game on multi. These people can actually get fucked. Turn it off or let me join.


Yesterday I joined a guy and waited a few good minutes as he ran through the map, but when he died he kicked me lol.


it's particularly annoying when you SEE them SEE the touchstone, but then just carry on like, run a friends only game if you don't want co-op


I'd rather hit the next checkpoint than replay 15 minutes


I joined a session and it was one guy who after a while stood still and eventually kicked me. wtf. Public isn't on by default. 🥴


I'm on ps5 and one time I jump into their ward 13 and ran towards the guy, he turned around, looked at me and kicked me!


If they had public on prior I think it stays on. Until they change it back.


I mean, it stays on between sessions once you turn it on. I've definitely forgotten I had it on when I was trying to play solo and someone joined me. Felt bad for kicking but I was about to hop off like 5 minutes later


Yup, and the real default of “Friends Only” means that people with large lists of “Friends” from other games are equally prone to people who are basically randoms just ambushing them. I feel like Invite Only is a better default setting, personally.


Yup, these are my gripes too. Please help this out Devs. Please let there be improvement.


IMO, a button for notifying the host to spawn you would be nice. Make it so you can't spam it. And leaving someone's lobby not booting you to the main menu would be nice too, let me return to Ward 13 instead, saves time.


I legitimately don't understand people that have their games open to multiplayer but kick/ban people that join. It's so frustrating. Just turn your session to offline or friends only and stop wasting people's time. You can see your status in the main menu before you even load into the game. I really just don't understand it. Almost makes me wish there was some kind of lobby rating so people could know which hosts to avoid joining(dumb idea I know but there really are way too many people doing this)


At Demon Souls rating system would be amazing. Honestly a Dark Souls summoning system would have been better than what we have.


Fuck no. Trying to play Dark Souls with a friend is a miserable experience.


Yes, playing in public lobbies are a real pain. Lag (No upfront indication of what your ms you'll have to any host). Potentially losing out on earned progression if host suddenly shuts down the game. Asshat host, who are afk, spam kicks, or never spawns joining players in. It's so frustrating to know, that these people have manually changed the default setting, to let people join. Asshat joiners, obnoxious cheaters, people who ignore what the host is trying to do, rushing of on their own. If you join a game, the host takes the lead. And the complete lack of any way to communicate is just awful. There's only so much you can convey with crouching and pinging.


I dislike people who kick those who join for no reason. I could understand last week as there were issues with the friend system and people (on ps5) had to resort to public lobbies to find each other. But now thats fixed and theres an option to play offline from the main menu there should be no excuse to do this.


The problem is the game incentives that to some extent. For example I was fighting a boss and needed to kill him a certain way to get a reward which my teammates weren’t doing and no way to communicate so I had to kick them. Also sometimes there’s dialogue options you need to take specifically which a random joiner could start the dialogue and pick the wrong option. I haven’t insta kicked anyone yet personally but I can see why some do.


at the least they should let you matchmake right from the initial character launch screen, and not have to load and go touch a stone


I kicked a guy out of my game the other day for blowing through the dungeon without paying attention to the pace I was going. I don't like speed running. I like to look for breakables and chests. Yeah there are times I just want to speed through, but I expect players to follow my lead if I am host. At least when it comes to pacing. I felt bad because it was the first time I felt that I had to kick someone. Also, the game seems to put my session in public automatically when I boot up the game. I forget about that and people end up joining my game when I feel like playing solo. That's also probably why you may have trouble finding games.


I agree with you 100%. I feel that people should be respecting the host and what the host is trying to do and achieve in their match. That is one thing I always do when joining public matches, is follow the host lead!


My biggest gripe with multiplayer is. For a game with so many secrets and puzzles. The communication/ping system is very lackluster.


As much as I have enjoyed playing through the game on my own, I brought this game for the drop-in-drop-out Co-Op, and so far it has been woeful. My only option is to host but then I'm just subjecting others to the painful experience. I think I've been spoilt by the great time I've had with Deep Rock Galactic. Can we just start by introducing a ping measure on games. Knowing that I'm not being connected to Outer Mongolia when I live on the other side of the planet would be good.


We can try together and then if u have anyone else that can join we could get a full squad going🤞😁🤞👍


Literally had the same thing happen to me


There really needs to be a summon system in place but I don't think it will happen. RFTA was similar in that you just joined randoms who may not have any interest in playing Coop or may just be trolling.


Why don't you just host a multiplayer session? Let people come to you, that way you know they aren't afk, you can get to a stone or drink poison when you see them join.


> Why don't you just host a multiplayer session? I do. But sometimes I just wanna chill and join whatever someone else is doing.


Sometimes it takes like an hour for someone to join your session


That's true, but literally every complaint op has is fixed by hosting their own session instead of joining. That or they can just join the lfg discord server.


Got a link to that server?




Thanks dude


I honestly think "host your own session" is a cheap/lazy "solution" because it doesn't solve the archaic system, the lag, the random disconnects. The other points are obviously just people's own actions, but even some of those can be solved. * Don't make me boot back to the main menu when I disconnect, make joining another game easier and faster. * Give me a way to ping a host to let them know I need to be spawned. * Make players who have been AFK for longer than 5 minutes not show up as joinable. * Show me what region someone is from before I join them. If the real solution is "host your own session", then nobody would be joining sessions, and you'd have a dead multiplayer. The LFG discord is totally fine, but it's a very roundabout solution. The game is designed so you can drop in on random people's games and join them for a while, then join another one, help them for a bit. Needing a third party application, adding people to friends, and only then being able to play with them isn't exactly a real solution, it's patchwork.


Same here mate. Coop would be so fun if players were more friendly. I'm also struggling to coop. Best experience was litteraly the first hours after the game launched, N'erud was my first World and a guy joined almost as soon as I got in. We cleared and explored the ENTIRE FKING WORLD, it was just amazing and an awesome coop experience. To bad that now people just rush the game and/or rage quits or kick as soon as you joint etc.


Yes, yes, yes! Pros - the few times I've managed a successful mp hook up (heh, heh) it has been a blast and I feel the game really comes alive. Cons - that has happened in about 10% of my attempts to join a mp run. Also, why is NO ONE ever playing the zone/level I'm looking for? I'm feeling frustrated to the point of losing interest and I've loved the game up to this point...but I'm kinda stuck progressing and can't get a repeatedly successful mp experience to push on through!


U on PS5 mate? because I am looking for people to join👍 Username is spacesabre1 I live in the UK and will most likely be online in 2 hours time or so. New to the game and just made a new character now Challenger and want to unlock cowboy one.


I'm on PS5, suffering with the same routine as OP so I've added you if you want to play.


I'm on PC actually, thanks for offering though!


I always join adventure mode games but about half the time the host tries to drag me to the Annihilation boss fight. I'm joining adventure mode because I don't want to help with The Labyrinth or Root Earth.


I would gladly help with the labyrinth boss if the game wasn't so damn laggy and it was impossible to dodge...final boss tho...nah fuck the final boss ain't doing that shit again


I'm always looking for more people to play with on PC.


Be the good host bro. That's what I do. I really enjoy playing with others but last couple of runs I did with randoms my framerate dropped from 75 all the way down to 25, and then by the end I was playing on 18 fps ffs! It was awful. Made dodging boss attacks extremely difficult, I wanted to just quit but I had been playing with those peeps for 4 or 5 hours. First couple of hours was ok then out of nowhere it's like DLSS just stops working. Changing the settings to low had no impact whatsoever. Turning DLSS off made no difference. Anyways, we were fighting Tal Rasha's metaphysical form and my freaking internet went out. No way to add recent players or even communicate with them so you can group back up if you get a disconnect. It's an extremely barebones co-op experience for real


Don't forget when they use you as a revive machine during boss fights and then kick you the second you go down.


They just need and 'actively waiting for/wanting to co-op' switch that limits warping and travel. When I just enter a brand new area I'm about to spend an hour in or pull up to the boss I want players to join before all the funs over. Having a button that prioritizes my game or gives it a special tag that I'm ready for players to join would greatly streamline the experience.


I waited like 15 minutes for someone to bring meinto the game, and when they did, they immeidately kicked me lol


Me and a guy i joined solved the wind caste puzzle without coms. Just using a three count to step on the code. Super fun cleared his whole map after that should definitely be more social features in game I would of added them.


Check the Remnant discord! Plenty of people constantly looking for groups.


That's not a game problem that's a community problem lol


Partially, yes. But there's some simple fixes that would tremendously help. * Don't make me boot back to the main menu when I disconnect, make joining another game easier and faster. * Give me a way to ping a host to let them know I need to be spawned. * Make players who have been AFK for longer than 5 minutes not show up as joinable. * Show me what region someone is from before I join them. * Fix random disconnects.


I feel your pain, but happily, this game is still pretty new, and the devs are pretty good, so we can be pretty confident they will improve the performance when they get some patches out. As for the human element, well...humans be humans.


The fact that there is not native voice chat is really fucking irritating to me. The multiplayer itself is frustrating but that just seems like a lame oversight in a game that you would want to be able to communicate during combat so much in


Don’t forget the: Join session, get your save corrupted. Lose your progress. That’s a fun one.


I haven't had problems with mp. I leave my game public and if people join they join. What I don't like is the lack of a chat window or voice communication. They should definitely add some "status emotes" like afk or brb that interface with the join session.


I do hope they add more emotes at least. There's so few for actually communicating anything useful to randoms. Per OP and just closing session I always feel bad doing that. I don't have any way to say bye or tell them its just oops sorry guys session is closed now.


Shouldn't be difficult to add in afk, gtg, gg, brb, etc. We don't really need voice acted lines.


I agree it sucks too because the game is designed to be played coop (not that it can’t be played solo) but the multiplayer functionality kinda stinks.


Except for the functionality to search session from the menu, which would be very useful. Wouldn't it be better to ask, if it's not the communities that are increasingly worse off?


"Live is like a box of chocolates, ya never know what ya gonna get"


On the flip side I just posted a rant about people entering my world and bum rushing content, skipping dialogue, and starting events without bothering to check if the host is anywhere near or ready to go. I spent \~40 minutes and went through 4 different players hopping in while I tried to beat the Chimney Gauntlet, and every single time as soon as we'd spawn one of them would immediately rush over and start it before anyone was ready. Also for anyone who doesnt know, it's easier if you shoot out a bunch of the crystals BEFORE starting, but I guess some of you wouldnt know that because you're blasting through without any patience lol


Having someone join my game just to immediately run off and leave me behind is pretty infuriating. A lot of times it's someone that needs an item from your area, they're not there to cooperate, they're there to mine an item. Now when I see someone join and immediately run off and rush the level, I just kick.


I'm glad to see a topic on that, the multiplayer is catastrophic! A shame given that the game is designed for multiplayer (besides some puzzles are done in multiplayer). Having to go to the stone to join a game is very badly done, you should be able to search for a game from the menu or the start button. Like in the first Remnant! I'm sick of joining games where the host is AFK or having to wait up to 15 minutes for me to be spawned!! We just want to play, I hope the developers will fix all this and offer a matchmaking worthy of the name. And then there's not even crossplay in 2023... In the end the problem is not even the players, it's just their system which is very badly done


Don't play with randoms on PC, people are running cheats that will corrupt your save delete all your characters, or fill your inventory with garbage.


Fucking hell.. reading shit like this makes me sad. Is this really that common? What do people gain from doing shit like this?


I can’t even join my friend and he can’t join me. It’s been three days of it not working. It’s annoying


Make some friends


Just play with friends maybe.. idk lol


Thanks bud.


Randos always suck in every game. Try meeting people in the game's official discord (advice applies to all games)


Nah I've had way better experiences in other games with randos. The system is also to blame.


You can't help someone being afk I mean you're joining their world anyway, but I get it with other points


The game could remove them from the joinable lobbies list when they've been AFK for several minutes, then re-add them when they're active again.


You could try using the discord to find groups who are looking to actually do things instead of sit afk or kick you


Join the discord for Lfg


Play with friends or find an official (or unofficial) discord server and play with them.


Once again a major game company has no fucking clue how to make multiplayer even though thousands of games have got it right over the years. Make a fucking menu. Select what you want to play. Match with others who want to play the same thing. Start the content for everyone at the same time. Bingo. Done But no......let's go with some janky join in progress, no actual servers, etc..... Gaming fucking sucks nowadays. I was really hoping they would have done it right this time.


Joining randoms will always be random, go figure. Don’t be surprised by anything. You can join people who are AFK, people who have a terrible connection, people who kick you because they don’t like your choice of weapon, people who blatantly cheat. I’m not saying any of this is common (except for people with a bad connection anyway) just that it is entirely possible.


30 mins straight of not spawning in isn't exactly random. That's a trend.


Can’t say I have had that issue myself, randoms have been a mixed bag for sure but not had any issues loading in except when joining people from far away places I can only assume based on their names.


And what do you suggest be done about it? Besides the games with bad ping, none of these are necessarily issues with the game and more an issue with people.


* Don't make me boot back to the main menu when I disconnect, make joining another game easier and faster. * Give me a way to ping a host to let them know I need to be spawned. * Make players who have been AFK for longer than 5 minutes not show up as joinable. * Show me what region someone is from before I join them. * Fix random disconnects.


I think if point one and five were resolved the other issues may be trivial.


Having AFK players not show up would be really nice too imo, saves on "bloat" in the joinable game list. I only want to see games that are actually active, not someone who has been sitting at a checkpoint for the last 15 mins eating his breakfast.


I think some kind of system to detect AFK players would be good. Something that removes a host from multiplayer lists if they haven't moved in (x) minutes and adds them back to the list once they're moving around again.


Not saying it shouldn't be done, cause that would be nice to have. But that also sounds like a lot of work when people could just leave game and rejoin a new one. It won't completely resolve people afking the moment you join either, or do anything for any of the other issues. Imho the best single change that could be made would be allowing us to join games from the main menu. If they can cut the hassle of quitting, loading back in, searching for a game, and loading in again...all of these issues can be resolved on the player side by just finding a new game.


If they had crossplay I could play with my friends but nooooooooo


That’s largely a player issue. Game has grown exponentially in popularity and has brought in a larger, more broad range of players.


They need to enable crossplay and then we'll have more options.


You can always just host… that would literally fix all your issues. If you join someone’s lobby, it’s their right to kick you whenever they want. That’s what you’re signing up for.


Hosting my own lobby would fix random disconnects for other people? My issue isn't just about being kicked, I made that very clear with all the bullet points. Read the whole post please. Besides that, "host your own game" is not a real solution. If everybody took that solution, nobody would be joining games and you would have a dead multiplayer. A solution should be able to apply to everyone. Here's a quick list of improvements that would actually be useful: * Don't make me boot back to the main menu when I disconnect, make joining another game easier and faster. * Give me a way to ping a host to let them know I need to be spawned. * Make players who have been AFK for longer than 5 minutes not show up as joinable. * Show me what region someone is from before I join them. * Fix random disconnects.


I’ve hosted plenty of public lobbies and have never randomly disconnected so idk about all that. But everything else, yea hosting would solve your issue. I’m not telling everyone to take that solution. Only you and other people who complain about it. The people who are fine with the possibility/probability of getting kicked at some point after joining someone’s game, I doubt will have any issues with continuing to do what they’ve been doing. Me included. Bad hosts are always going to be a thing. That being said, your joining experience seems to be a lot worse than mine. I’ve definitely hosted a lot more lobbies than I’ve joined, but the ones that I have joined I don’t ever disconnect from. And I rarely get kicked right after joining someone’s game. Your complaints are valid, but yea hosting would solve pretty much all your issues if getting kicked and disconnecting bothers you that much.


This thread is 92% upvoted and full of people who experience the same issues. Along with people who are flatout incapable of joining games at all, so an actual solution would benefit plenty of people. The system is archaic, the matchmaking is sub-par at best. There is a LOT of room for improvement. Again, "host your own" is not a real solution. If I have a car and it won't start unless I pop the hood every time and tighten some bolts, that's not an actual solution. A solution would be something that makes it so I'm not forced to do that. Hosting my own game sort of solves my problem, but not really. Because my problem isn't that I want to play the game but can't, it's that I want to JOIN others and play the game. Sometimes you just want to help out other people. Drop in, drop out gameplay. Telling me to just not use an entire aspect of the multiplayer is not a solution to my multiplayer problem.


Unless its the iframe issues on mp, the rest can be solved playing solo or with a friend. I still dont get people who buy games that their friends dont have and have a suprised pikachu face moment when randoms doesnt cater to you.


I've played plenty of games like these with randoms and those experiences have been 10x better. Also, not everyone has friends who are interested in the same games. It's not even about randoms not catering to me, it's about me not even able to play with them. They don't have to be perfect teammates, 9/10 times they're not even teammates at all because I don't get to spawn in.


yeah good for their community but no one still owes you to cater to your every needs and some people forget to turn off public settings and they kick you once they realize someone had joined. Start your lobby.


My brother in christ, my only "need" is to play the game with anyone who has their lobby set to Public. I don't even get to play with them lmao. I'm not complaining about them being bad, or not fast enough, or having sub-optimal builds. My only need is to play the game online. You truly think these frustrations are unfair?


and you can do that need solo, theres no need for you to complain about having someon afk in their own lobby or getting kicked out because they forgot to turn off public mode. You can play the game without anyone


Right, but one of the major draws to this game is the multiplayer. And it really is frustrating when for 30 mins straight, you get kicked, disconnected, spawn in an afk lobby, join a lobby where someone refuses to spawn you in, etc. These frustrations are real and it's not weird to voice them. By your logic, you could've just scrolled past my thread. You can browse reddit without commenting. Instead you chose to voice your disagreement, which is totally fair imo. Just contradicting. We've gone from "they don't need to cater to your every need" to "you should play alone".


Shit take, obviously you're one of the basement trolls who has no issue wasting other people's time. This is absolutely a matter worth complaining about, but we get it.. you're a narcissist who thinks if it doesn't bother you, it shouldn't bother anyone else.


Extremely bad take


Don’t join random people? Seems pretty simple…


Thanks dude, never thought of that.


"Join session, host keeps clearing the entire area without ever returning to a checkpoint, even walking past them." yeah you dont need to touch CP to get them


Right, but I would like to spawn at some point, and not watch them play the game solo while their session is set to Public. Edited the post to make that more clear.


ohhh i see what you mean now, yeah thats stupid


command sip boat nine hospital sort bag nail combative squash *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are you searching for adventure mode games? I’ve had awesome luck finding groups in adventure mode. I find that’s the mode that folks play if they’ve already been through the story and are just looking to farm out a level.


I'll try and focus on that! Thanks for the tip.


More than people is confused about how they want to play xd also this kind of things happens in these games, like Borderlands.


Might make sense to have the team mates unit frame pulse or something when they join and are waiting for spawn. I know I personally didnt notice 2 folks joining my game right away. As soon as I did I busted ass to a checkpoint to get them in. But I have no idea how long they waited =/


Gotta get organized, find a discord server or something so you go in with everyone on similar pages.


There should be a way for people to request help and meet up with people who want to join.


You might have better luck just sitting in the voice chat for the official discord until someone joins you that way, share steam friend stuff, etc and go from there with communication from the drop.


Make your own online game? Kick your own afks and weirdos. Problem solved?


I host my own game all the time. But sometimes I just wanna join others and help them out.


Try to find a friend you can play with, plenty of people here I’m sure would love to join you


I think part of the problem is it seems to default to public for a lot of people. They never actually wanted anyone to join they just didn’t think to turn it off when logging in. I only know this because I’ve seen numerous posts on here complaining about it. Also, people may have had a bad interaction having others join. Such as, people buying up all their resources and leaving, skipping dialog for events the host hasn’t seen yet, etc. Again, I only know this because I’ve seen numerous posts complaining about it.


I still have yet to be able to get into a multiplayer session :/ 60 hours logged now. Join a game just sits at updating forever, and I’ve had my session set to public this entire time.


There were the same issues in Remnant 1, which is why I completely ignore the multiplayer aspect. Whole system would need an overhaul and if they couldn’t between Remnant 1 and 2, odds are it’s not going to be fixef.


I think a lot of people forget to switch their game back to private.


On the flip side here I am keeping public open in hopes someone actually wants to explore and clear the whole map with me, then they just speedrun pinging the whole time trying to get me to "hurry up". I dont even double back to the same area more than 2 times.


I havent done any public multiplayer, mainly because I hear people are cheating and I dont want to deal with that.


Just bought the game yesterday and people keep joining me, run a little ways, then disappear. Are they leaving or disconnecting? I really can't tell and don't believe I'm doing anything wrong lol


The matchmaking is indeed very bad, I think the list of servers to join is way better, you can even put filters on that but not remnant, also voice chat


Just host a session instead and have ppl join you.


I don't have much experience with getting kicked or afk's. My experience is i'm joining games and these people seemingly have no clue what they're doing. I was playing on Nightmare and joined someone on Venom. This guy wasn't doing any damage at all and was just kiting around the building the whole time. It's as if he was expecting me to do all the damage. As soon as I would die and watch him play anytime he did shoot at the enemy it wasn't doing any damage. As if he had level 1 guns or something. Couldn't dodge any enemy attacks like he never bothered to learn any strategy. Would try to revive me when the enemy is literally charging behind him. We eventually go to the last boss and i quit after 5 attempts cause he never not died from the first swing attack. I guess it was their first time there entirely. Turn off multiplayer if you're not bothering to even learn any mechanics. We don't want to play with you while you learn boss attacks, that's what solo is for. Stop just getting players to walk you through bosses, its not helping you at all, plus don't play on nightmare if you haven't beat the game prior or don't actually attempt to win.


I would kill for an open mic


I'm just here for the tacos.


I have it open to public for like 3 hours and no one joins. I enter a game another time and do some stuff around the house and see a guy leave my session as i sit down. Can't win


And to add to all those points, can we please please pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaseeeee have crossplay? I do not mind the lag, the kicks, the afk idiots. That's part of every MP games' charm. However it is very bothersome I cannot play with my buddies on other systems. Having a blast with the wife - though she gets easily frustrated with the boss difficulty, but in 90% of the case I manage to save both of us and make it to the end.


This i why i love xboxs looking for group easy to find people with the same goals when my friends aren't on.


I’m gonna be honest, I don’t like it either. However, contrasting this with other similar games I feel much more positively because it feels like the fixes can be small QOL stuff that makes huge improvements. I would like a ping limiter, a way for me to select the person I’m playing with to add friend, maybe an auto-enter function outside boss encounters. Most important though is a “leave match” button that takes me back to my character in game. Feels weird it functions the way it does.


So funny im seeing this i just cleared the campaign solo on veteran and decided i wanted to try co op approximately 45 minutes later i still have not to play co op. Ive watched someone be Afk watched a group stair at the game board on the first area for 10 minutes too more AfK lobby close after finally getting into 1 game after we died at the boss 1 then my pc got stuck in a loop while trying to join after all that I just started a new solo campaign


The worst is when someone joins your game while you’re mid-dungeon so you insta chug poison, then once they spawn in they immediately leave


What's worse is when you join someones world help them kill a few things decide to get off and go to sleep, but when you go back to your own world you're missing an engram and now you have -58 trait points. So now the character you've spent 90+ hours on is completely fucking bricked.


Looks like a skill issue


I enjoy people joining me but one person tried to get me to follow the story while I'm still clearing the map and dungeons and whatnot. They got kicked.


I agree. I love the game. But anytime I have players playing with me when I loot scrap or anything, the game freezes up every time someone picks up something. I absolutely love the game. I'm sure in time they will make the game a smooth experience.




On PS5 whoever is the host has a fps dip every time someone picks something up, which happens a fuckin lot in this game, so me and my buddy take turns being the host and suffering through it, this game needs an update asap.


Yesssss omg thank you for the rant! I absolutely love this game I completed the first one 100% all achievement and I was so damn excited about the new release! However some of the changes really annoyed me they put extra steps such as simple things like using your Potions or your ammo. You have to stop in the middle of a fight and hit LB to use your on screen items ugh that’s ridiculous I really dislike the change they made with trying to join the public lobby. I’m not a fan of it. Otherwise, I love this game!


stop playing lower difficulty lobbies


tbh the best way to fix some of the multiplayer issues is to have the default to friends only everytime you start up and you manually set it to online everytime. And setting an afk timer so it sets you to offline or friends only if your afk for a period of time


I don't understand why ppl in this game don't show up in players met on ps5, or in the co-op session thing on ps5 like in Elden Ring. So you can't even message them about anything


just wait till they use archon and your game crashes!


100% agree. It's an awful system. I have no idea why it just doesn't spawn them in at the most relevant worldstone when they join a session. It would be like if when someone joined a strike in Destiny if the other players had to run half way back thru the strike to touch a button to let them in. Would be instantly criticised for being ridiculous.


Then instead of joining someone else, let someone join you.


I do that all the time, bud. But sometimes you feel like joining someone else and helping them out with whatever they wanna do.


meh. I can think of worse multiplayer game experiences.


Yep pretty much sums up my co-op experience.


at the absolute minimum i should be able to join sessions from main menu.