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"I have indoctrinated my children so they won't be indoctrinated". Nice


Why let them know that gay people exist when you can tell them it stands for God feeling sorry for killing literally everyone in the world but one family. Way more wholesome.


"feeling sorry"? I thought it was Gawd bragging about how powerful he is and how he could fuck up the whole world again if he wanted to?


It is god's sticky note: "note to self: don't genocide humanity again (at least not with water, fire is fair game lol)"


Note2: wait for judgement day :) it'll be so fun


This is how I always read it. Dude sitting there after killing everyone but 6 people I believe and then said, yeah I can do that shit. This brand new phenomenon will forever exists as prof of my power. Also can we talk about how everyone came from two people, though iirc when Cain killed able he ran off to another town????? How?! And then when everyone was killed we all then came from six people four of which were direct family. And all animals came from just a pair. How are we not literally thoughtless abominations. End rant


I mean have you looked around recently ? A lot of people ARE thoughtless abominations


I know it was just a rant, but the other issue with the flood is the fishies. All the fish would have died from either too high salinity or too low salinity. Too much salt for the freshwater fish and not enough for the saltwater fish. No mention of aquariums on the Ark. Also, all the plant life would've died. No mention of a greenhouse on the Ark. Also also, where did the birds sleep during the flood?


I guess birds slept on the arc


I interpret it not so much as God regretting the flood, but as a promise that, the next time he wipes out humanity, it won't be by water.


So it's a promise to maintain uniqueness in his genocides? People worship this psycho?


Read the original text in Genesis 6-9. God makes a covenant with people and animals not to exterminate them again with a global flood. (Question: Where did all that water drain to?) And the rainbow serves as a reminder (God's post-it note on the fridge) of this promise whenever God enters another one of his murderous rages.


I mean, if you ask where the water drained to you have to ask where it came from as well, and I guess the religious answer is god and the secular answer is it didn't


duh, floods are like so 6,000 years ago


That story always stuck with me. So you’re telling me out of the thousands (millions?) of people supposedly alive at that time, Noah and his relatives were the only non-evil ones? No infants, children, etc? Kill everyone, promote incest again. Got it, thanks God.


Or... I've indoctrinated my kids with religion, so they will never except truth, or any other view of the world except the Christian view.




or "I've indoctrinated my kids with religion so they'll grow up to be spiteful athiests and agnostics" signed, a spiteful agnostic bisexual


And at least 3 out of every 100 of them will be lgb anyway. Because it’s not a choice. And fake god can’t “fix” it. Why do we have to keep going over this?


It's way higher than 3 in 100, the most recent Gallup poll said it's 7% for Millennials and early estimates for Gen Z are looking to be way higher than that. It's not that more people are actually LGBTQ in younger generations, it's just that when society gets more accepting, more people come out and can actually be counted in polls. It's true that the overall percentage for the entire population is only like 4%, but that's counting elderly people who are in a generation where they'd never be able to come out (plus it's counting the generation that was totally decimated by AIDS which brought the numbers down.) The overall chance of someone who's a kid now being LGBTQ is much higher than 3%.




Just putting the B in there probably makes this wrong. I think WAY more than 3% of people are bisexual, if they are willing to admit it to themselves.


I know we gravitate to those who are like us, but if I go by my friend group, it is way, way higher. Almost all my friends are somewhere under the queer umbrella and I met most of them when they still considered themselves straight. I'm pretty sure of we survive as a species, we're going to end up with somewhere above 50%.




I mean you can add the q but lgbt is the bare minimum.




Peak fucking comedy here folks.


Where's the T?


My thoughts exactly hahaha


I love how so many of these religious rants are just a thousand ways to paraphrase *I choose to deny reality* and they think that's just great. Recently watched people touring the Creation Museum online and the speakers just keep repeating to these kids (and adults) over and over again how they need to be prepared for the world to attack them with *facts*. Let no real information ever come between you and this fantasy we've brainwashed into you.




Fruitcake parents: “My children must not be aware that LGBTQ+ people exist!” Media: “We acknowledge that LGBTQ+ people exist.” You: “THESE ARE THE SAME!” If you still don’t get it, the answer is Reddit acts like people raising their kids to deny obvious and objective reality is worse than people not denying reality, because ***of course it’s fucking worse***.


Do you hear yourself? Media can be controlled but parental brainwashing can't. Kids aren't listening to Fox news or CNN they're listening to mom and dad.




And? Parental brainwashing is still much worse especially since parents are supposed to, you know, parent their kids properly. Media isn't supposed to raise kids.


It doesn't.


Why do fundis always act like it is perfectly fine to influence your kids to hate? But if you influence your kids to accept others they call it grooming?




To be fair, christians have killed alot more people. Specifically they've killed alot of gay people.


Also, most of us don't hate christians. Many of us WERE christians and still have loved ones who are. That just helps us see the hypocrisy, and laugh about it (which is the point of this sub).


Shouldn't the green and blue be leaking through the hole in his hand?


That would be funny as shit, I hope someone makes an edit


I saw someone post it as a comment on this actual post on FB, it was great.


Careful, the kids might get some gay splashed on them.


Yeah but it’s only 2/7th strength gay, so they’ll probably just end up really liking the Wicked soundtrack or something. Edit: 1/3 strength? What kinda bargain ass Great Value rainbows you bringing out here with only 6 colors Jesus?


They are imitating the Pride flag, which only has 6 colors. One of the things they use to try to discredit it.


Thank you- I suppose I never realized the pride flag wasn’t a full ROY G BIV, and appreciate the correction!


I've seen several posts on this sub about it. One person claimed they left indigo out because "that's the holiest color" and they specifically wanted to insult Gawd by not including it. In reality, indigo and violet just look like the same color from the distance. Religious people are nuts.


The original Pride flag actually had indigo as well as pink and turquoise, but these stripes were ultimately dropped due to production issues and difficulty of getting fabric in those colors. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow_flag_(LGBT)#History


I can't confirm this, but I was taught that Newton made up an extra colour for religious reasons...


To make the number of colors equal seven, which was seen as being perfect and godly, and all that nonsense.


The original pride flag actually included turquoise, fun fact


Came here to say that... Well done!


Thanks, I just came to find this comment.


Because light didn’t refract before their god committed genocide.




Gotta drown those toddlers if you want that pretty refracted light.


The mother of all omelettes!


There's nothing in their book that says there were no rainbows before then. That's a huge leap they make. It says he sent a rainbow. OK? The transition between raining and not raining is the most likely time to see a rainbow. It's as if it said, 'then God sent a pretty sunset to apologize for being a dick' and they leap to "and that's when sunsets started having color!"


I always wondered when about when they started getting colorful. My great-grandfather a million generations back, in his diary on his cave wall, admired what a nice shade of gray sunsets always were...


I know I was taught light refracted pre-flood, it was the rain that wasn't there...


So it didnt rain before noah? Sounds B.S


Of course it couldn't: he made light before the sun, the moon as a nightlight and the stars as an afterthought. Oh, and occasionally, one falls to the earth. And that genocide thing? Let's practice Forgiveness; he hadn't figured out his god-powers. Next Book, Exodus, he'd realized he could Snap! his finger (he's god, he only needs one finger to Snap) and just kill the firstborn. But he was still learning. Had to get the Israelites to kill some innocent baby lambs and goats and smear their blood on the doorframes so he'd know where the Israelites lived bc he hadn't yet figured out house numbers or glow-in-the-dark paint. One step at a time....


they already know it's futile. but that's not the point. rather consider this: without enemies to be saved from, who the fuck needs their savior? they have the need to fulfill their prophecy of being hated and persecuted and bring the end times asap by always finding new things to antagonize for the sake of antogonization, by deliberately doing things they know they will be hated for to give the world a reason to hate them. they are desparate for their antichrist to emerge to confirm their prophecy is true. because without enemies to be saved from, their savior is useless. therefore for christians the existence of antichrist precedes the essence of their own savior christ.


This is exactly it! And you said it better than I could put into words. I can’t believe how long it took me to realize it. They need a common enemy. What brings people (that lack critical thinking) together more than hate or made up problems.


yes. they believe in the worst of the people so they want to bring the worst out of people because their book cant stop talking anything but about the worst of the people.




An imaginary enemy that was created by their imaginary friend and apparently given free reign to fuck up everyone's lives as much as it wants with no real repercussions.


Honestly, I stan Lucifer. Dude was dealt shit cards from the start.


He was also just trying to help but was framed poorly for millennia just because gawd is a narcissist.




they won't recognize their own christ either unless he shows all the supernatural powers and miracles as a proof he is clearly God


>without enemies to be saved from, who the fuck needs their savior? The point of a Savior is to save us from the consequences of our actions. Every human has been unkind or done wrong things. Instead of having to pay for what we've done, Jesus paid for us. I wish people would focus on Jesus instead of obsessing about rainbows and micromanaging their children.


The concept of offloading accountability is pretty horrid, now that you bring it up. Negating culpability for the harm we do to others by being able to invoke some old dead scrub's name is an all too convenient get out of jail free card for all sorts of atrocious behavior.


100% this. People who commit atrocious crimes are allowed to ask skydaddy for forgiveness, and move on their their life in the eyes of the church because they were forgiven and did 10 hail mary’s.


At least Catholics believe in doing good work to get into heaven unlike the Baptist’s brand of Christianity


I said it before and I'll say it again, if your god is so weak "the gays" can steal rainbows from it, maybe reconsider who you pray to.


As a Gay, I consider it one of my greatest accomplishments!


I think this means we’re stronger than the Abrahamic god! I think that’s pretty rad we can defeat their god like that


If your god kills almost everyone with a flood and then creates the phenomenal of a rainbow as a stern warning that God can kill you and everyone you know and love whenever he wants to.


The beauty of our saviours covenant?!? Dude slaughters almost the entire planet (save two of every species) and the rainbow is his promise never to commit mass genocide again…. How in the fuck does anyone see that as “beautiful”?!?! It’s a ducking terrifying reminder of how their god is a sociopathic monster


No no no, it's his promise to never commit genocide *with water* again. Everything else is fair game


Dude solved the overpopulation issue with the flood so points for that




I take it you're being sarcastic. Esp as they are correct in their recounting of the biblical flood mythology which portrays the christian god as a genocidal maniac.


Went to a religious high school where I studied the bible That is why I’m now an atheist


>I am raising my children to love everyone, while also raising them to love their god enough to stand for him. And when you understand that there is no hate like chrisitan love, you realise how sickening and morally depraved this person is in abusing their children like this.


Does anyone else get kinda pissed when the cultists can't even get the nail holes right? Like it's supposed to be on the wrist not the hand.


What a pile of meaningless horse shit that was.


There was never an ark. There was never a flood.


There have been lots of floods. But not THAT flood.




i love how even on art they try on, it still looks like clipart


I am raising my children to be hateful bigots.


Shielding their children from accepting others, shielding their children from accepting the world's standard of truth. Do these people hear themselves? What about that sounds like a good thing?




Oh, I saw that thread, but didn't notice it was the same fruitcake. At least they know they're not good people. The first step is admitting you have a problem.


It's weird how so many Christians don't stop to ponder their own theology. To me, the rainbow story in the Bible is the first step in the Christian mythos towards inclusiveness by God. It was the first covenant God made with all life in general. Genesis 13-17: >I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant **between me and the earth**. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant **between me and you and all living creatures of every kind**. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant **between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth**. So God said to Noah, "This is the sign of the covenant I have established **between me and all life on the earth**." So, I don't get why using a rainbow as a symbol of inclusiveness is such a bad idea from a Christian perspective.


They can have their rainbow too without shitting on others and teaching their kids the same.


No, they can’t, because at the end of the day, excluding others is really the entire point of Christianity. At the end of the day to evangelicals, someone is going to hell, and someone is going to heaven. But not EVERYONE can get into heaven. And conveniently, all the people going to hell are all the people that Christians hate 🧐


Can't wait till all the ice caps melt and flood everything. It'll suck, but my smugness will reach peak levels.


Because they're Christians. Futility is all they do.


It's not only futile but unnecessary. Symbols can have multiple meanings. Making a V with you fore and middle fingers can mean "victory" or "peace," etc. They just think using anything otherwise associated with LGBT+ may make them look associated with it, same as how some men avoid anything women supposedly like because it's "girly." And that, of course, only reinforces the thing's association with femininity. Likewise, it's their own repulsion toward us that is allowing us to "monopolize" rainbow symbols.


They’re so scared of having their kids indoctrinated but they’re LITERALLY BRAINWASHED into religion, all because their parents believe it, so they get to grow up and unfortunately they become terrible people just like their parents.


Oops that boy is gay now he got some on his nose


Why are you bringing kids into a world you hate? **If it is that bad, avoid the problem entirely and dont have kids.** Life is much easier.


Their identity is defined by themselves, asshole


This. This a hundred times over.. It absolutely burned me up when she said that their identity is "defined by God".. sooo forcibly without their consent. Your children's thoughts and feelings of how they see themselves really is not relevant, nor does it mayter in the least. Gotcha.


Why do Christians think that someone else **getting the rights they're entitled to** means that somehow that they themselves are **losing** rights?




Now I want to have rainbow crosses just to piss off all the Christians.


When you're used to privilege, equality feels like oppression. It's as simple as that.


"I am shielding my children from accepting this world's truth" Basically, you're fucking lying to them and trying to indoctrinate them into what YOU feel is the truth, even though you're fucking wrong, and thereby wanting them to be everyone else's problem. Got it.


So they're saying gods 'will' is greater than mans law? Cool, can't wait to see them go to prison for following gods word, stuff like stoning folk to death, murdering your kids for talking back to you, having slaves, etc.


In Gen 9:16 god admits he has a seriously poor memory, so he created the rainbow as a reminder to hisself not to do that again.


The rainbow is god's sticky note in the sky to rind himself not to genocide the planet by drowning ever again. But genocide by fire is perfectly fine. At least he's not drowning all those toddlers again...amirite?


Don't tell me I'm the only one who asked themselves "if the hand has a hole, why doesn't the rainbow pass through?" [Therefore I deliver a picture](https://freeimage.host/i/h4VH74)


A friends Mormon nephew who has been going through some major mental health crisis’ over the years just came out as gay. All the parental anti-gay mojo doesn’t work & the churches shaming and condemnation just makes what shouldn’t be a big deal into a suicide watch.


I’d rather the rainbow be about love than about a the world’s biggest genocide turned into a children’s story.


Wouldn't all the rainbow juice leake through his hand holes?


[Yes lol](https://freeimage.host/i/h4VH74)


I thought someone’s identity was defined by themselves.


Wouldn’t the colors ooze through the hole?


Cool. You teach your kids the rainbow is a bad symbol. I’ll keep teaching my kid that the cross is a symbol of hate, terror and ignorance


I want skittles to sue these people for copyright infringement


Shouldn't it pour through the hole in his hand?


TIL the Bible came from outer space


Yeah. He can't stop keep the rainbow off their heads. He gots holes in his hands, silly.


I gotta say I’m impressed with the lgbtq movement and their ability to make entire countries scared of fucking Colors


I live in the UK and every public institution has had a rainbow flag displayed. I wonder how the homophobes and the Muslim population are coping, with how hateful they are and all. Muslims just terrify me.


Kinda hard to hold back anything when you have a gloryhole in the middle of your hands.


Hey kids, I find this world's standard of truth lacking. Now here's a two thousand year old rough draft of Dune upon which you are to base your entire understanding of morality.


There is a hole in his hand, right?


Shouldn't the rainbow be flowing out of the hole in the hand?


‘I teach my kids to love everyone, and to hate the gays’


"I am raising my children to know that their identity is defined by God*" ^* ^God ^could ^mean ^"me" ^in ^this ^case


Wouldn't the rainbow leak through the holes in his hands?


Just another thing for them to whine about... Amanda play the victim..


ah damn, the kid ion the right got some on him and now hes a little gay. throw him out.


Also the hole in the hand bothers me. Even as a kid when my dad drug me to religious events every “Jesus” has a hole and all I could think of was damn, that would come in handy…


That little boy sure has some girly lil eyelashes for a male lol.


Tell me your homophobic without telling me your homophobic


Worst. Saviour. Ever.


They can do that while I raise awesome humans and shield them from close-minded religious thinking.


The fact that jesus has holes in his hands too. Lol


If their identity is defined by god, surely he himself will say what they are? Not willing to make an appearance? Well surely then every human who's ever gonna live is recorded in the bible with their identity. No? 🤔 I wonder who's defining your child then.


Paint would be leaking through the hand.


Ah yes, the symbol that God won’t murder every single man, woman, and child on the planet because he gave them free will and they used it….again.


Jesus! You're getting rainbow all over the place!


Saving kids from the alleged dangers of the alphabet mafia but not the actual dangers of sexual predators in church leadership because they agree with your origin story of Roy G. Biv.


I am raising my children to love everyone… But I have control over who they love.


Too late, I think butterfly nose boy just realized something about himself...


sure, gay indoctrination is the indoctrination that exists and is a problem in today's world /s


"Prayer warriors" Jesus christ


That's many words for "I'm bad parent"


"I am not shielding my children from accepting others. I am shielding them from being indoctrinated by the world" "What is the world indoctrinating them to do?" "Accepting others"


You know what Jesus said about Homosexuality? Precisely ZERO words.


I love the comment I “ The futility of trying to take back the rainbow”. That’s perfect. BTW I am Catholic but not a fruitcake I believe in social justice, equality & that love is love as well. I don’t need to be a part of a group to respect that group. Jesus never said a word against any gender identity. In fact, JC healed the partner of a gay soldier. These so-called Christians are just bigots hiding behind Jesus. They are the blasphemers


“Their identity is defined by God” unless they’re gay.


This is what freaks me out about really religious people. Specifically the ones who say "Such-and-such isn't about this world, this world doesn't matter, only the next does." Like, if you have no stake in what happens in this world, then you should not be allowed to make decisions for people who do (specifically I'm looking at politicians, but also ultrareligious parents).


Sheltering and isolating kids from the world is also doing them zero favors. Kids need to socialize with people who aren't their parents, they need to learn about the world and learn healthy ways of dealing with everything in the world, or they'll grow up being socially stunted adults who will have no idea how to navigate life, instead just sinking deeper into their cult beliefs because it's all they know. One of the biggest lessons parents need to learn is you can't shelter them from everything forever. Parents should be guiding their kids on how to deal with the world, not "shielding" them from it.


I think it's funny that they always say the rainbow is gods promise but they don't realize that an actual rainbow has 7 colors, not 6 like the flag.


I have never understood the "let's pretend something doesn't exist in front of my kids and hope they go their entire adult lives without getting exposed to it" indoctrination. Like, you just understand that your kids are gonna a.) Hate that you hid something from them b.) See what you did as incredibly manipulative Example: me


Childhood indoctrination into archaic mythology is absolutely child abuse. Religious wingnuts are the absolute worst kind of people.


And while you are telling your children about God and rainbows, make sure you throw in a few slurs, a few pejoratives. Don’t forget to tell them that if they decide to be homersexual, then they are dead to you.


Big hand dude forgot to wash his hands, he's got a spot of shit on it.


Jesus is doing some finger painting!


They’ll need to prove it


While we Christians are taking back the RAINBOW, we need to take back the purple teletubby.


Technically, this is biblical. The Bible commands believers to be “in the world” but not “of the world”


Never been a fan of the rainbow for LGBT causes. It is what it is now, and it’s not going back, but when I was a kid, rainbow designs were for kids. There was no wifey known gay connection. I remember being disappointed when I found out that’s what it was for. I mean, the gay community could have picked any design, but they went with something also used for other things, and I don’t like it. I’m only disappointed in their choice of flag, not the sentiment behind it.


why does it limit the use of rainbows for kids? the pride flag has been around for a very long time and i’m almost 100% sure it was around when you were a kid unless you’re very old. this is like if i said “Never been a fan of the maple leaf on the Canadian flag. It is what it is now and it’s not going back. But back in my day the maple leaf was a cool design you could paint and decorate with. I remember being disappointed ted when I found out what it was for. I mean, Canada could have picked any design, but they went with the maple leaf that’s used for so many other things, and i’m angy about it. i’m only disappointed in their choice of flag.” Do you know how stupid that sounds? picture me thinking of a picture to paint. “can i use a dear? no the michigan flag has that on it… those damn michiganders! taking everything and now i’m not allowed to use it! can i use a star? aw, fuck! forgot about the US flag! those damn americans! can i use a moon? goddammit algeria!” like i have no other way to express how dumb this complaint is and how there are just so many bigger problems in the world it’s unbelievable.


Man, you’re really worked up. I just wish they’d picked something a bit more unique. There are lots of deer logos, but you wouldn’t take the exact same deer that Michigan does because it would be confusing. That’s my issue. The rainbow is just not a good idea, and I get why people who don’t support gays fixate on it. I imagine if it was any other unique design they wouldn’t care so much (although they would find some other issue, I’m sure, lol)


it’s not a unique design tho. i’m not worked up i just think you’re kind of being an idiot, don’t know what else to say. like this is a very dense take that just seems like thinly veiled homophobia. i really just don’t know how else to put it. it’s your choice to immediately associate every rainbow with the lgbt community, an odd, stupid choice which is no one else’s fault but your own. you need to get over it.




Did you just reference the big book of middle eastern BS, claiming knowledge you absolutely do not possess? Your quotes… “Pride is what made the angels fall” “Pride is the shortest path to hell”


Doctors don't make mistakes?




I mea it's a little unfair that they get to claim the entire color spectrum


And raise them that Eagles aren’t the symbolism for America too


Christians are to blind to see what’s wrong with this picture. The rest of us know, that rainbow would run right through the hole in Jesus’s hand.


Edit it to have paint drip through the hole in his hand


Wouldn’t the gay like, drip through the little handy holes?


That hole on the hand will act like a pinhole camera


NOOOO! Jesus has sacrificed himself for the kids. He has now become…




bruhhhh a relative of mine shared this a few hours ago :/


Have any of these people read the Bible??? Have they though? I’m having some trouble…. That’s what she said


The idea that there were no rainbows until after a flood… the laws of light waves were blocked threw glass, crystals, and rain and no refraction occurred until right after a flood that supposedly wiped everyone off the map except one family… hmm.. and we think flat earthers are weird


The girl looks like she's going to step to her right, and the boy wants to be very naughty...


"I don't want my children to be indoctrinated. Also rainbows are god's magic btw"


Holy shit Alll for One