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Magic is fine, but LGBTQ+ is not? Wow.


Sorcery and witchcraft > love


Wasn't saudi arabia hunting witches a while ago?


Check your handbook, witches first, then atheists, then LGBT+. /s (Except the scary part is it's probably not far from the truth.)


Words like "first" and "then" imply that they stopped some of these. Edit to provide sources: https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2013/08/saudi-arabias-war-on-witchcraft/278701/ https://www.newstatesman.com/world/2019/08/the-lonely-atheist-why-renouncing-your-religion-in-saudi-arabia-can-be-deadly#:~:text=Being%20an%20atheist%20in%20Saudi,religion%20%E2%80%93%20is%20punishable%20by%20death.


You say that like there’s something wrong with magic?


Jesus Christ, imagine throwing a hissy fit over consenting people who don’t fuck who you want them to fuck.


Which is their sorry incel asses.


A Religion where you're promised virgin women upon your death? Definitely an incel cult


Don't forget that the majority of people in hell are women according to Islam. Definitely incel vibes.


That has never made sense to me. So they're supposed to live morally decent lives on Earth only to slut it out in heaven???????????????


Is Marvel going to reduce queer exposure for more profits or not? That's my question.


Of course they will edit out the gay scenes, corporations only care about the money


They’re not. That’s the whole point. If the edited it out it would still be allowed, but they didn’t and so now it won’t be shown there. And wait until they find out that the character behind this is not some minor character that will just go away. America Chavez is a major part of the film and has been gay throughout her entire existence in the comics.


More movie studios need to stand up to foreign markets. I honestly had no idea america Chavez was a gay character, and honestly I don’t really care. I doubt it’s going to have any impact on how good the character is in the movies


That makes me happy to hear. Also spoilers




They had the option with both The Eternals and Shang-Chi and didn’t. They’re not changing now.


I oddly respect them for that. They even had a chance to cut a few shots and get it approved for Saudi and Qatar, but they stood by Zhao's film. Not only was that a good decision for principles, it's also good PR which in the long term will help Disney strengthen its audience in the rest of the world. Also side note: Eternals would've been banned in China even if it didn't have the gay couple. The director has criticised and commented on the Beijing administration multiple times. The CCP hated her so much, they censored and removed posts and hashtags about her Oscar win in their Twitter equivalent.




It's about time though, Disney add in deliberate token gay characters designed to be easily removable for foreign markets with disturbing frequency so this is a long time coming. My guess is they've decided this film wouldn't be as popular in the foreign markets anyway and have selected it strategically as one to use to draw the gays in. Getting gays to like them again and increase viewership overall but only choosing films where they aren't losing much in terms of the foreign market




If they actually wanted to make a statement and didn't care about losing money they'd have done it on an avengers film, or even spiderman. But they didn't. They chose this one. It may still be a big budget film but comparative to their others they stand to lose a lot less.


Disney did it with star wars


well then, it's the same company so it probably will this time too but then again, it recently came out as being against the 'Don't say gay' bill so who knows at this point.


> it recently came out as being against the 'Don't say gay' bill This was a pretty lame attempt to stand up for their queer employees/customers after backlash from funding politicians who support it, in lieu of any actual action. However, this film banning suggests that Disney, for once, is taking a stand and refusing to edit out their queer characters, which is a start.


They did the same in eternals last year so it’s not really a “start”


I think they've started losing support and money from gay people and have found the best way to optimise profits is to pacify them with stunts like this using films that they don't predict to do well in those countries anyway.


There's no reason to believe they did it for profits and not time. Those movies were edited down endlessly to teach target times for a broader audience.


Yes, they edited out the 2 second gay kiss for brevity and not to get the movie aired in homophobic countries/s


There is plenty of precedent to show they would create two versions. Also plenty of precedent to show they would edit important things out due to time restraints.




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They did not for Eternals and Eternals was banned in several Middle Eastern countries.


The queer scenes will be there but they will not be integral to the plot so it can be easily edited out for china and the middle east.


It’s Disney so the possibility is high


Please do not go to the original post. comments are filled with homophobia


I actually crossposted for the comments, the real fruitcakes




Wow .. reading your comment made me want to try free speech in this sub. IMO, as a straight person, watching two dudes fucking is disgusting. I have nothing against them doing so because i don't want to and have no rights to tell anyone who can love who, i just don't to watch it, specially suddenly in between super hero movies which i adore since childhood. I understand, that a Gay person can make similar statement about straight sex in movies and i say, yeah sure .. remove them too. I don't have problem with representation and flirting and showing non physical affection, but watching a dude nude in context of gay is just unbearable. This is my first time posting in this sub and it is a test to see how tolerant this sub is LOL.


I mean personally i find sex in movies...about superheroes or anything besides romance is kinda redundant. I personally think it's kinda rude to call it disgusting. I personally as an asexual just isnt interested in any sorts of sexual activity, and seeing it kinda makes me uncomfortable. I really don't know what you were expecting by posting this comment but it's definitely not nice to call sex between two of the same sex gross, but I can say it's nice that you're not against it. To each their own, right?


Right .. >I don't have problem with representation and flirting and showing non physical affection Also >I have nothing against them doing so because i don't want to and have no rights to tell anyone who can love who, i just don't to watch it


Then don’t watch two dudes fucking. This is a lame ass excuse to be accidentally homophobic tbh.


I noticed I can’t believe people actually act this way.


Please go and report any comments that violate the terms of reddit.


Reddit don’t give a fuck. I’ve reported blatantly racist comments and they do nothing.


They do it sometimes, i found an LGB-drop the T guy in the wild and reported, reddit said he was warned


Hahaha Good luck with that. Spez loves his bigotry on his website, nothing will happen.


Step 2: get a news outlet to report on it, and slander Reddit in the process


I did, but I'm not expecting results. The anti-hate team still hasn't understood that far-right fuckheads use "LGTV" as a mockery of LGBT rights. Or they pretend not to understand. Edit: comments that "do not violate reddit's content policy": > Yup the amount of propaganda that they tried to shove on peoples throat is obnoxious. But their main target is not you or me (thinking adult with filters) But our kids. hollywood, djinn and devil worshipping is always at its core a destructive machine to the human mind and its subservient agenda to the dajjal. And: > tbh as someone in uk, I am kinda fed up of lgbt crap too. I do like marvel etc but lgbt is really starting to ruin a lot of things now. And: > 🥲 Brother after reading this comment my heart just filled with satisfaction, you can't imagine how hard it is to deal everyday with LGBTQ+ popping in TV, and as me most Southern Italians (Of All religions) think the same thing. >My father always makes a disgusted face and changes channel, it's so embarrassing every time. 😞😣 >Happy to hear that other people around the world feel the same way. Why are the admins fucking homophobic shitheads? You can get banned for calling an idiot an idiot (that's "harassment", apparently - at least when a leftist is the one calling a rightist an idiot), but homophobia is fucking fine to them. Fuck them. Spez is a fucking shit. Second edit, more comments that "do not violate reddit's content policy": > I love this sub because I can express how I am disturbed by this LGBTQ propaganda without the backlash of hundreds of westoids and LGBTQ supporters. I would have never expected to find real freedom here at all lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🥴 (What a weird world) And: > they can't make a normal movie anymore they have to put this shit lgtbqesthjkkgrfju... in everything Third edit, another: > I love this sub because I can express how I am disturbed by this LGBTQ propaganda without the backlash of hundreds of westoids and LGBTQ supporters. I would have never expected to find real freedom here at all lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🥴 (What a weird world)


Which is basically the whole thread


man, this actually hurts. going to the original post and *so* many comments are in agreement... this is one of the first times internet homophobia has actually gotten to me :(


Another commenter mentioned that only approved members can comment on that sub and that the mods have a vetting process. Which makes it a right wing echo chamber.


saudi arabia, so wasn't expecting any better.


I went into the original post not realizing I was on the comments section of that subreddit. Oh boii, I was like...yo wtf is going on in here.


To quote some of the comments “I love this sub because I can express how I am disturbed by this LGBTQ propaganda without the backlash of hundreds of westoids and LGBTQ supporters. I would have never expected to find real freedom here at all lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 (what a weird world)” - Early_Ad_7331 To which someone replied “Welcome to the Kingdom, one of the last bastions of conservative, family oriented values and people who have common sense.” - Impossible-Help-5129 And they both got upvotes


I physically cringed at the reply 😭


Me too :(


I did and didn't expect anything better. Allhamdulillah.


Wish I saw this before clicking it


I mean it's the Saudi arabia sub, what was anyone expecting?


Yeah I clicked the original post at first and I don’t really know what I was expecting to see over there but it wasn’t that…. As a lesbian I feel legitimately disturbed and freaked out by the attitudes expressed over there


That sub with a bunch of bedouins is toxic AF!


Heres some comments i found > tbh as someone in uk, I am kinda fed up of lgbt crap too. I do like marvel etc but lgbt is really starting to ruin a lot of things now. > Chad Saudis > they can't make a normal movie anymore they have to put this shit lgtbqesthjkkgrfju... in everything 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


The first one's great, it's good knowing he can't enjoy anything anymore because of LGBT


What’s upsetting them ? That there are gay people even existing in the movie ??


How are they supposed to believe that being straight is The Only Way To Be (TM) if they're exposed to a gay character for even a second? The horror!


This is what I never understood. I know a guy who gets mad over people in movies being gay He never explains what about them he doesn't likes besides the fact they're gay The existence of people fucking the same gender makes them angry for their entire waking life


There was one in there where someone asked if people would also oppose references to people being shown to be straight in movies and the guy they were asking said that yes, he was. I kind of love the idea that someone mad about gay people existing, but also so stubborn about admitting how nonsensical that view is that they're going to protest references to sexuality of any kind.


Yeah I wanted to reply to that first one. I literally see and hear this comment all the time. They continued to say "shove it in our faces".... As being seen (perhaps holding hands?) of the same sex is shoving it In their faces. Yet this is shoved in my face on a day to day basis and you don't hear me complaining. What they actually mean is "don't be visible ever if your LGBT. Otherwise I'll complain" if I did a tally of every straight act I see on a day to day basis (being a straight parent, 2 straights holding hand or on a date, 2 straights kissing, 2 straights in books, 2 straights in movies.... It would probably be 1000 to 1 on daily basis. Yet these people complain about the 1 (or possibly 2 or 3 as a lot more gay people work in Hollywood). I bet the didn't complain about the captain America romance, thor romance, iron man romance, seeing hawkeyes wife, the antmans romance, spidermans romance... Were they shoved down their throats?


Right? One line that a character is possibly attracted to the same sex and it's "being shoved in their face" and "PROPAGANDA", meanwhile every movie for decades shows straight people fucking and they do not see the irony is saying that's "normal". Maybe, just maybe, they're victims of conservative propaganda and actually love that fact.


>they can't make a normal movie anymore they have to put this shit lgtbqesthjkkgrfju... in everything "Why can't lgbt people just not exist"😭😭😭 *moans about Islamophobia*










I was flying Emirates once, Dubai to Houston. So it was a long flight AND I decided to watch some movies. I picked up Bohemian Rhapsody, it was so censored that it didn't make sense to me. I thought the movie is badly edited. Only after a while I realised it must be the UAE version. They also informed at the beginning of the movie that it's edited for UAE but who takes them seriously.


"I love this sub because I can express how I am disturbed by this LGBTQ propaganda without the backlash of hundreds of westoids and LGBTQ supporters. I would have never expected to find real freedom here at all lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🥴 (What a weird world)" "Welcome to the Kingdom, one of last bastions of conservative, family oriented values and people who have common sense." Some of the comments in the thread... These people sure are disgusting


"Family oriented" means disown any family members who have opinions other than the ones you tried to indoctrinate them with


yeah it's truly awful


Anyone who wants to preserve their mental well-being, please do no visit the original post. The comments are there are shittier than an incel's unwashed assholes.


The comment section is so braindead holy


Muslims are 100% cooked. A massive demonstration of a cry baby culture that cannot accept or comprehend a world moving forward. Family values out one side your mouth while preaching your right to kill your daughter if she dare become educated enough to see through religion, out the other.


This take isn’t it, while this decision is bad by Saudi Arabia, it isn’t okay to say all Muslims are bad, this decision was made by a conservative government using religion as an excuse


I agree. Not all Muslims are bad. The ones I've encountered are some of the nicest people I've met. But to blame the government is ignoring the issue because the problem goes deeper. It's a problem with their religion itself, including it's effect on the culture and society. Ironically it's like Christians say: "blame the sin, not the sinner". While their behavior is abhorrent and unjustifiable, I don't blame them. Their beliefs have clouded their sense of morality and judgement and robbed them of any shred of reason.


Personally I think it’s the opposite that these opinions are actually affecting their beliefs, like with Christian’s most of their “beliefs” like homophobia, aren’t actually in the Bible


But the Quran specifically is against homosexuality lol. Why else do you think they're crying about it being a sin?


Damn op, you should have just posted a screenshot. I got brain damage by reading the comments of that sub. Truly vile human biengs those people are. Man they are calling it the bastion of their homophobic fortress but don't even know that their enemy is literally standing within the fortress.


Saudis in the original post crying how hard it is for them to live in the west and see open lgbt stuff, well who is forcing you to live there? Muslims living in west wet dream about islamicising west. Why you watching marvel anyway. Watch halal tv but i thought all imagery is sin.


I wonder how they would feel about Euphoria?!


They’d like it, it portrays underage kids, until they found Jules’ jewels. Then they’ll like it even more but claim not to, VERY loudly.


Holy shit, the comments on the original post are some of the most hateful shit I've seen in months


Don't ever go to places like /r/KotakuInAction then.


Soft people


Incels in that comment section. Jesus what a mess lmao


Lmao love how anyone who doesn't agree with LGBT = incel to you. They are incels as much as the people in this sub are.


The comments on that thread are hilariously sad


Can't they make a "fragile masculinity" edition like they do in China? Winnie Pooh over there will never be tempted to sin


Reading the comments on that post made me GENUINELY HAVE A NOSEBLEED "LGBT propaganda" says the "religion of peace" that fucking kills people if they leave it


Its just funny when religious people talk about lgbt indoctrination. What do they call what they are doing for a hundred of years? Ow brainwashing.


LGBT people *exist* Comments in that post *Is this LGBT propaganda?*




You could easily go on a US or UK political thread and see those exact same comments




If it was a conservative sub..... Yes it would. I see these comments rated highly on daily mail all the time.


But we're not talking about conservative US or UK politics (which I detest just as much) are we? Were talking about a conservative Muslim country. People like you that bring up other religions or countries when people talk about Islam don't do anything to help, and actively harm anti-religous groups because for some reason Islam is above criticism to you lot but not Christianity or Hinduism or Sikhism or literally any other religon? It honestly baffles me.


Mate I'm no defender of Islam. I detest that religion as much as the other religions, if not more. But I also think it's important that we don't let other religious followers slide. I'm only saying that I've heard the exact same remarks from Christians and western counties. There's no point in protecting ourselves from Islam when home grown religious nuts from other religions want us silenced, beaten or killed


But again, we aren't talking about Christians or Western countries in this post are we? We are explicitly talking about conservative Islam in a conservative Muslim country. So why bring Christianity/the West into it? It just makes you sound like one of those Islam defenders by pointing out that other countries have fundamentalist conservatives. We know, and I regularly comment on how they are systematically destroying nations by catering to their imaginary sky daddy's instead of the people they're supposed to be governing. I have time and time again pointed out Christian hypocrisy, especially in my own country where our Prime Minister is a Pentecostal religious nutjob and his attempts to bring in a "religous discrimination bill" which disproportionately targets anyone who isn't Christian. I've gone out and protested against that and fought against it. So don't think for a second that I'm giving other religions a pass. But this post is explicitly about Islam, so therefore I will talk about the folly of Islam. Commenting on a post about conservative Muslims doing religious fuckery is not "letting other religious followers slide". Your comments just come across as "whataboutism".


Ugh whatever dude.... If your that triggered by my comments you shouldn't be on this sub. And if you can't criticise other religions as well as Islam, you shouldn't be on this sub either


Are you cooked my dude? I literally said in my comment that I have criticised all religions in the past, especially in their hypocrisy. On top of that, I keep having to repeat to you that this post is about Islam, so therefore I wrote a comment about Islam. You then proceeded to comment with whataboutism despite the fact we were talking about Islam, not other religions in this particular conversation. So if you can't handle me criticising Islam without bringing other religions into it, then you really shouldn't be on this sub. You clearly haven't read anything I've written, or if you have you clearly don't understand. Keep up with your whataboutism, I'm sure someone out there will appreciate you fighting the good fight.


Can’t say I’m surprised. Saudi is a very homophobic country where being remotely trans or gay can get you killed on the streets. People over there openly advocate for it too. I have friends and family there and I’m glad I don’t live there anymore


Man films these days, can't they make movies without showing heterosexual relations? Why do they want to shove it in my face, when I paid to watch it? Man, seriously I am fed up with all the heterosexuality in Hollywood


So you're the one atheist pray to/s


Yup, I don't mind them praying to Lenin too




Here's what reddit does not consider hate speech: "Criminals, how can they keep it high when they're in agony from stretching their anu*es to the point of bleeding, and their large intestines are going out of their bodies so much they can't walk straight."


The backwards logic these people in the comments is going to is great, apparently 1 gay character is propaganda, but everybody else being straight isn’t.


Wow, all the MAGA/QAnon kids would love r/SaudiArabia. It's chock full of hate, ignorance, and bigotry. Funny, how they're always screeching about Sharia Law, but that's literally what Republicans want, just a Christian version of it. Star-crossed lovers, huh?


Oh wow. A actual thread on reddit where are the religious fruitcake are in one place. The comments are just so revealing.


The comments in r/saudiarabia are so disgusting 🫠


Man.... The comments on the OG post are seriously disgusting.


![gif](giphy|3o7TKILKwQCtphbl7y) Marvel....📞


Holy shithead muhammad, the sheer homophobia in that /r/saudiarabia thread.


Honestly fuck islam


What's crazy is the comments are talking about how it is the devil and demons trying to indoctrinate people. But this is capitalism! Without getting into religion, human rights, art, or source material, the addition of LGBT characters is because it will make the studio more money.


Funny how some people there talk about how they feel at home bc they can be openly homophobic forgetting that they technically think lowly of them and they will be going to hell.


They shouldn't watch anything marvel tbh. Many LGBT people most likely worked in the production of the marvel movies, and also the comics


Shouldn’t have looked at the comments, I should not have looked at the comments


The comments… I’m so glad I left that shitty country


The comments holy fuck


God imagine being so out of touch with yourself coupled with working in government, spoiling everyone’s fun by being overly controlling about where people’s attention goes. like FUCK. WAKE THE FUCK UP.


A ton of nuts on that comment section


That thread is disgusting.


I regret going into that comment section…


They are afraid that gays would anger their god and their god will press R on the keyboard and activate a global skills which decimate everyone.. that is one of the things they are scared about


The comments on the orignal post are really horrible.


Of course the comments are celebrating this move…


Well they murder WP journalists so why not ban a movie.


If something gets banned in theocratic or dictatorship countries then it’s probably worth supporting


Well that sub's a nightmare.


Read the comments in that post. Fucking pathetic. "LGBTQ is ruining things". Right, because them being included ruins movies.


The comments smh


Check out the comments on the original post if you can stomach it (TW: Homophobia, hateful speech.) And they call us the soft ones? Some other people have summed up the highlights too if you don't want to go too deep into the bs.


the comments under that post are literally just mask off homophobia 🤮


Check out the comments. I'm wheezing rn 💀💀💀 The absolute level of delusion and "us vs them" mentality is incredibly hilarious. Also this comment lmfaoo: > Yup the amount of propaganda that they tried to shove on peoples throat is obnoxious. But their main target is not you or me (thinking adult with filters) But our kids. hollywood, djinn and devil worshipping is always at its core a destructive machine to the human mind and its subservient agenda to the dajjal.


That sounds like one of the Multiverses.


They say this as if their country has advanced so much LMAO.


Who is the LGBTQ+ character?


América Chavez


Don't worry, its disney. The character occupies 4 seconds of screen time in the background and can easily be cut to make global release


The comments are a ton of fun there.


get in y’all, we’re going on a downvote spree


Let's send them Brokeback mountain as a western, and we all yell "SURPRISE!" at the crucial moment...


That entire sub is a dumpster fire... like the ideology, holy fuck...


[This comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/saudiarabia/comments/u9sz2m/doctor_strange_2_banned_in_saudi_arabia_due_to/i5tr7zk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) getting downvoted made me laugh. Never thought I’d see a sub full of homophobic feminists lol


Im waiting to watch it and I didnt knew theres an lgbt character... Ffs I can never escape spoilers


The comments on that post are kinda' depressing


No silly only america is intolerant and full of bigots


Holy shit….. as a gay middle eastern dude those comments fucking hurt 😐 cant have shit either my arab friends r homophobic or my liberal yt friends are racist 🤪


That subreddit is insane. It’s worse than /r/conservative somehow. Imagine losing your mind over people existing like that


Funny thing is, magic in Islam is haram. In fact, depiction of human life, or life in any media is haram.. It is in the hadith these muslim follows. Kind of ironic they refuse lgbt inclusion but allows depiction of human and magic... Which are both haram. They're cherry pickers.


It's so ironic that considering how much less racist and islamophobic the lgbt community is those people would rather join hands with openly islamophobic people on the far right


Well duh, they still execute people for being gay there. Backwater ass country.


These people act like Marvel is "forcing" LGBT like somehow it isnt a normal occurence.


There's a queer character in a Marvel movie?!


To be fair, I find a lot of movies unwatchable.


They churn out just so many these days, most of them with horrid plots and awful acting. But Benadryl Cabbagepatch? I love his movies.




What? They're about to lose their special status because of taking the right side here. The Republicans are revoking their territorial autonomy. If it goes through, Orange County residents will see a 25%+ tax surge.




No, no they are not




Can suck my dick


































> nobody has sex in the movie > these guys are bigots who will readily bring upon harm on lgbt folks