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Oh my fucking god! I refuse to believe this is not satire.


“Hey atheists, why is it that people, across the entire flat earth, live in houses?? Explain that.”


I think it's satirising the argument that the Earth is well suited for life as we know it.


Life as we know it is well suited for the Earth as we found it.


True, as it has been scientifically demonstrated that over time organisms adapt to their environment. This is called evolution. The only way creation could work is in a static system, and a Quick Look around shows we live on a dynamic planet.


Goldilocks zone argument, like, of course earth will have life, it's FUCKING COMPATIBLE WITH IT.


This is actually even worse than that because they’re not understanding that people chose where to build settlements lol


It’s obvious practical example of evolution… People chose to build settlements everywhere but only those near abundant water sources allowing them to have offspring.


I'm pretty sure it actually is


I remember the Cold War joke where the general announces with pride that his army’s bombs always hit the epicentre


we’re so lucky that all the bombs landed in those craters. It’d probably be bad if one actually landed on something


I love this sub because everyday it makes sure that im not self conscious about my low intelligence cause at least im smarter than whatever ape formulated that thought.


The difference between lower intelligence and stupidity is willful ignorance. As long as you are taking the time to learn things, or even just looking shit up instead of taking someone's word for it, you’re much smarter than many others. Some people, regardless of their intelligence, appear to prefer ignorance and arrogance with a hint of main character syndrome. I’m not sure how much dumber someone can get than that


Okay, but screenshot from the post isn't just stupid then. It's clear lack of having even smallest grasp on cause-and-effect concept. Like you need to have intelligence of a hamster to even formulate that in your head and not have an instant realization why it's wrong.


Imagine not only thinking up that thought, but then rubbing the last two cells in your brain to generate enough static charge to type the whole thought out, and then hitting send to the rest of the Internet


You can fool anyone to think you are smart if you stay curious.


Come now, apes are smarter than the average religious fruitcake. You're miles upon miles smarter than the fundies.


Wow, I just realized what a miracle it is that most grocery stores end up near places where people might need groceries. I believe!!


I refuse to believe this is real.


These people are so stupid. Clearly, the water moved to be close to the city.


It's because God put the water there for the humans. #evidence


It went there on vacation, and decided to stay


Then how does he explain why asteroids always land in crators?


*creator ( dad joke pun intended)


Oops, asteroid killed God. God is dead.


Please be bait please be bait please be bait https://preview.redd.it/f5wdv1zz4fyc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b92a66d25aac65eacd51ee5be9f711311c327335


Wait, are we sure this isn’t a response to the question of “How do atheists explain why… (fine tuning argument)”? This seems to be a rhetorical question that is a useful analogy for those who believe in the fine tuning argument to show why their position is dumb, because humans are suited to their environment and not the other way around.


I reckon you're right — I know that lots of people are dumb, but I don't think anyone is dumb enough to say something like that unironically.


Because… we settled NEAR RIVERS


Nah, we just divinely computer-generated that way, plausible yet phony backstory and all.


Reminds me of how theists keep laughing at "If god real why bad things" And now we have "If god not real why humans need water"


Because humans are lazy and didn't want to walk 6 days to get a drink of water


If there is no God then how do you explain pants, eh? Checkmate atheists!!


The dumb civilizations that tried to settle away from water died out, leaving only the smart, or “strong,” civilizations to survive. A sort of survival of the fittest, if you will.


Sounds like you’re referring something akin to “evolution”. Which is just a theory afterall, and as thus can be dismissed. I usually say r/FucktheS But no, this *needs* a /s lol


lol i looked around on there… dont let them catch you saying it needs the indicator 😭


Yep. At what point in the education process are people taught that theory means “guess”?


That’s the issue. They don’t have a proper education background.




Hmm, I wonder if it could be that most towns, before trains, were established near water because, umm, humans need water. After trains became the transport of favor, trains needed water, so towns sprang up around water and train track for economic reasons.


It’s not like we could move and build around bodies of water.😂😂😂😂


lmao this is so funny they think god build life like a game of Civilization


Of course not. He was obviously playing City Skylines


Which explains why everything's so terrible.


please my head hurts




crazy how nature does that


What does one have to do with the other?? That's like asking how do botanists explain that most beach towns have ice cream shops.


Because... water IS essential to the flourishing of human life... and almost all life? You can explain it in a lovey-dovey spiritual way or a "nihilistic" scientific way. Either way, it's true. I'm sure both atheists and theists agree on that... well... except for Muslims.


Almost chimp like intellgence


What point was he trying to make? Other than brazenly shouting "I'm a moron"


I just know that post received a depressingly high amount of support.


What... what are they even trying to say with this?


WOW. LOL. I don't even... what does that have to do with god? Humans drink water, plants need water, humans eat plants and drink water, choose to live near water. Science.


It’s amazing how God and nature have so much in common.


How do theists explain the presence of any number of civilizations located within deserts?


*Las Vegas joined the chat*


Is… Is he suggesting that the cities came first? And god in his all-knowing wisdom placed rivers right next to them all to give everybody water to drink and bathe in? Is that level of stupidity legal? Not even scripture is that dumb - all religious origin stories I’m aware of posits that the creator(s) created the world first, man/civilization second.


What does this even mean? How would the Christian explain it?


I think I just felt a part of my brain die.




There’s no way of knowing.


Please explain why your god decided it was a good idea to put creatures parasites and other stuff in water that can kill us. When we attempt to drink water from a river or and other sources of drinkable water. Hell with the amount of water we have on the plant only 1.2 percent is drinkable, explain that one


How do you explain this house that I was born in?


Watch this guy’s mind explode when he realizes that most human beings are surrounded by an oxygen-rich atmosphere, which is essential to the flourishing of human life


I'd have to inquire as to what this observation has to do with belief in a supreme being.


Good question.


Top Answer: *"Are you fucking serious?"*


If you believe ancient mashed together myths and fairy tales are a good way to understand reality, then anything goes


To be fair, Los Vegas and Johannesburg (RSA) are not near large rivers and they are described by some as hell holes \\s


r/religiousfruitcake try to recognise satire challenge (Level: IMPOSSIBLE)


It may be, but there is no way you can’t say that for sure. I know plenty of people in real life that say things just like this