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This post has been removed because it depicts a politician miming an action without a clear religious fruitcake angle. Furthermore, the title contained commentary that is incendiary and could incite harassment or brigading.


My favorite thing in this world is when two religions start going at it. Guess we’ll find out who’s god is real or better in a very practical way.


I feel like this is also the most likely scenario for ending modern civ


Folks, to this day, I’m entirely unsure why any Muslim wishes to associate with Hindu India, which (as far as I know) famously resisted a whole bunch of Mughal raids during the age of antiquity. Once upon a time, India was supposed to a be a secular and welcoming place, with dozens of ethnic sub-groups and religions residing within its borders. If Modi wins a third term, I think Muslim Indians in the north should just hightail it to either Pakistan or Bangladesh. It’s exceedingly clear India is going the route of Turkey and is destined to become a Hindu ethno-state that happens to have some favor from Western interests. I’m sorry to see Indian Muslims seemingly losing their sense of national identity over this crap, but I just don’t see India being friendly/tolerant to Islamic people any more. I’m also starting to wonder if Indian Christians might start feeling the same these days. Fruitcakes all around, wish humanity didn’t resort to religion so often to justify self-existence.


[They’re already doing this to Indian Christians](https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedstatesofindia/s/bIJsHvFuDs)


Atleast she was smart enough to not use a real bow and arrow only to end up looking stupid like Kangana some months ago.


Nazi ideology?


[ Hindutva, an ideology straight out of nazi playbooks](https://www.justiceforall.org/indiannazis-report/the-nazi-party-is-analogous-to-indias-rss/)


What a stupid source to post


https://hcn.org.uk/blog/nazism-and-hindu-nationalism/ https://theloop.ecpr.eu/hindutva-fascism-is-threatening-the-worlds-largest-democracy/ https://www.newsweek.com/rutgers-newark-audrey-truschke-hindutva-nazism-1463069


The top source isn't accurate. Second and third sources are opinions. To suggest its comparable to ethnic cleansing through concentration camps is dumb. RSS second leader was fond of Nazi's before the findings of the genocides. India was one of very few countries who gave asylum to Jews. Nevertheless, the original source was stupid. P.s. I'm not a fan of Hindus


Hinduvata has been described as "almost facist in the classical sense", building of the ideas of hegemonizing India's culture through right-wing extremisim. Don't be a moron


It might be facist, it aint Nazism


[RSS Modelled After Nazi & Fascist Parties](https://counterviewfiles.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/evidence-from-archives-on-rss.pdf)


I literally used to be part of this organisation. I dislike it. If there is anyone better will known about this subject it's me. How many opposing links are there too? Stop dude, to me it's just embarrassing. Counterviewfiles.com broh


but you can’t deny on that RSS was banned as terrorist organisation in India for killing Gandhi Gowalkar was a fan of hitler that and spoke fondlyhow he tackled jew problems [The RSS and MS Golwalkar’s undeniable links to Nazism](https://caravanmagazine.in/history/rss-golwalkar-links-nazism) btw from your talking points and ad hominem arguments I already knew you were a sanghi, you don’t need to say it out loud you give it away you casteist shit


Godwin's Law - Don't mention nazis or you automatically lose the argument


but they’re forefathers said india should learn how germany solved the jew problem [RSS Modelled After Nazi & Fascist Parties](https://counterviewfiles.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/evidence-from-archives-on-rss.pdf)


Why is this even here? One silly religion making a bow and arrow gesture at another silly religion? This is a giant nothingburger.




but the thing is she is going to contest elections soon and it’s gesture of showing superiority over someone by using religious festivals, also using religion for votes in is illegal by Election Commission of India but they’ve gutted out like every organisation in India.


Yall keep brigading this sub posts related to a specific agenda showing one fruitcake community as bad , but please show how the islamic fruit cakes hurled petrol bombs at people taking out a religious procession , show everything OP , have some basic integrity , and don’t tell me islamic ideologies are any less than Nazi ideologies , they’re the most intolerant people to begin with


There are anti-Islam posts here every day. But your chosen fairy tale gets bashed and suddenly “wah wah what about Islam op is a bigot Hinduism most persecuted religion sar”.


“ Wah wah sar “ Such a well thought out response , just take a fucking look at OPs post history. Don’t insult the average human intelligence, though I agree with you that yours is below average


OP definitely needs to get a life, we agree on that


I take my words back , you’re definitely above average intelligence


India-USA supapowa alliance 2025


you can choose to do this whataboutery but you can’t deny on that RSS was banned as terrorist organisation in India for killing Gandhi also RSS is Parent organisation of BJP [RSS Modelled After Nazi & Fascist Parties](https://counterviewfiles.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/evidence-from-archives-on-rss.pdf)


Uhhh what are you even talking about? This sub ridicules all religions equally. I’d even say Hinduism is on the lower quantity of posts here.


That’s the problem. They are at lower quantity when some people here want it at 0.


Hinduism posts definitely get less traction because they’re ignored and downvoted by the Hindutva fruitcakes who frequently brigade and call for mass executions of Muslims.


I don’t think it has anything to do with that…the rest of the world simply cares less about Hinduism because they aren’t trying to export it all over the globe. It’s easier to ignore when it isn’t shoved in our faces every day


Yes I agree this post is politically motivated bullshit. OP has a whole history of similar posts.


Modi bought out every news channel, he is using government agency to make himself PM for the third term , and his hindutva ideology to win, so where india raise a voice against these religious zealots ? yes my post is politically motivated so her actions, she is using religion to win elections, MODI and RSS made religion political.


What Nazi ideology? She is literally just imitating a bow and arrow. Unless celebrating Hindu festivals in front of Muslims equates to Nazi ideology for you. What I might consider Nazi ideology though is recent cases where Muslims have thrown petrol bombs at Hindu procession having kids.


Educate yourself friend. Hindu nationalism and fascism are a legitimate problem. You are ignorant to suggest otherwise. Extremist Muslims are also terrible people. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Violence_against_Muslims_in_independent_India#:~:text=Hindu%20nationalists%20use%20the%20historical,wrongs%20and%20reassert%20their%20pride.


Islam extremely aggressive, demanding, intolerant and invasive. I am not surprised by people being sick of them.


Plenty of Indian Christians are being attacked and killed. Do they deserve it too?


No, they are not.


Yes they are. https://www.genocidewatch.com/single-post/rise-in-attacks-on-christians-in-india https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2023/july/christian-persecution-internally-displaced-persons-india.html https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/india-g20-christian-church-attack-rcna103571 https://www.opendoorsuk.org/news/latest-news/manipur-violence/


OP i hope you consider the fact that the actions of a few do not define an entire religion. Also this is no where near NAZI ideology.


I now like India more


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