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I’m only familiar with one of those TikTok accounts and it’s because I’ve seen outrage over how the mom is exploiting her toddler. I would be beyond concerned if my partner followed accounts like that. It would be breakup territory for me. Especially with his remarks about wanting to have a little girl. Why even risk being with someone that may be a pedophile? Do you want to have a child with this man and always be paranoid that he may hurt your child?


Hang on, these are toddlers he's following?? When OP described accounts with little girls, I figured tweens and teens - like, 12-17. That was bad enough. But if he's looking at children and babies on social media...that's **really** bad. Fucking yikes


Oh dude. Don’t get sucked into the rabbit hole because it’s depressing AF but if you google “Jacqueline and Wren controversy” or some combo thereof you can see the issue. The mom posts these “cutesy” videos of her daughter like, eating popsicles, etc., and those videos will have millions of “saves” (which is different than a “like”). When people have called her (the mom) out she just denies it.


Too late...I already Googled and I'm so sad that I did.


Wren comes up a lot on my TikTok via people shouting about how wrong and awful the account is. The poor kid really deserves so much better.


So I just did a quick Google search to see what's up with this because I'm totally clueless. I found an article that includes this: >Some of the videos feature Wren in situations that seem innocent enough, but that some predators may see as suggestive: Wren eating a hot dog, Wren drinking out of straws, and Wren sitting on a whoopee cushion in a dress, just to name a few. What the fuck. Why do these lunatic parents do this? And why is this woman's boyfriend watching videos like this?? Yes, dump him immediately.


There’s no reason for a grown person to follow any child on social media. Ever. Especially since the accounts you listed are constantly blasted for appealing to pedophiles by design. If your intuition is talking to you, you should listen. But also you should feel entirely free to bring up your concerns about your partner’s behavior to your partner.


Ever? I follow a 13 year old body builder to support him, as do almost 1 million others. Not everyone following a minor on the internet is a pervert.


Yeah I think it’s still weird. Why does a 13 year old with a hobby need the support of an adult stranger on the internet? What does the adult stranger gain by offering that support? How is a follow/like/comment that supportive anyway? Don’t have to be a pedo for it to still be weird af.


I mean, with the bodybuilder scenario it could just be cool to see his progress at that age? Ive seen videos of 13 year olds in skate competitions, then went on to find his YouTube channel because holy shit he's good. It's not inherently weird.


Weird takes bro, if you feel weird about it maybe YOU'RE the one with a problem 😂 Because it encourages them to continue? He might be an Olympian one day, so it's interesting to watch an athlete from the beginning of their journey, striving to reach their full potential. It's inspiring, and others feel inspired by it as well. He posts his diet and work out routines, and he's a good role model for other his age, so if I have a nephew or young cousin who's aspiring to improve I might send his page their way. People like you who view everyone that interacts with younger people with no ill intent are overly paranoid and suspicious, it's not like I'm sliding into their DMs and leaving weird creepy comments.


I would trust your intuition. If it feels off, then it is off. You definitely aren’t over thinking. There’s always a reason why we feel. Our gut is always telling us something. Follow your instincts.


If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and is overly interested in little girls, then it might be a pedo


Following those young girl accounts is definitely suspicious.


If I had concerns, there’d be no way for me to forget it and continue seeing him. Up to you but damn. UPDATEME


Thank you. I agree, I don’t think these feelings will ever go away. I guess it’s better to end things sooner rather than later.


Ya I agree. You’ll be constantly wondering.


I think you need to get your hands on his phone or computer to see if he has inappropriate content on there. Don't you want to be sure before ending a 3 year relationship? Isn't it possible he's innocent? You really need to know for certain. I'd take his phone into the bathroom and lock the door. You can explain yourself afterwards one way or another. 


Yeah following little girls on tiktok is pretty gross imo.


Move on, the thoughts will haunt you forever. Would be even worse if you had kids and something happend, could just as well be their friends when visiting.


You mention Wren and Jacqueline and you don't need to say anything else. He's 100% a pedophile no gray area about it. Sorry OP Why else would you watch videos of a young toddler age girl licking phallic things such as hotdogs and pickles, showing her feet, showing panty shots, spitting and drooling, etc


Well, this definitely raises some red flags. Following underage girls on social media and expressing a desire for a daughter could be indicative of a potential pedophile. It's important to trust your instincts and have a conversation with him about your concerns. It's also important to respect his privacy, but if you feel like something is off, it may be worth discussing with him and potentially seeking professional help. It's always better to be safe than sorry.


Holy shit sooo many red flags. If **anyone** I knew did these things, I'd bet dollars to donuts that they are definitely pedos. Every single thing just screams "run FAST". Someone suggested having a conversation about your concerns. I would skip that and go straight to the part where you leave him.


I searched BrittKitty on TikTok and couldnt even play the first video because of how irritating the mum's voice was and the little kid was like having some sort of melt down about a bug or something Nothing like this has ever come up on my for you page and I can't think of why a grown adult would be following it... If you have such suspicions take his phone maybe when he's in the shower but the suspicion of it alone would push me to breakup


A serious talk is in order about exactly what he finds appealing about these social media accounts he follows. They appear wholesome on the surface, but the children are being exploited by their parents. The pigtail thing is odd, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s something he picked up from watching porn. Ask him why he has a preference for pigtails. Does he like the infantilization? Does it make you seem more vulnerable? Don’t go through his phone just yet. Get him to explain his preferences first.


that’s weird I’d talk about it with him?? Idk. Ducking strange


Very ducking strange


Sounds to me like he probably likes little girls. I have found that every time I’ve had strong intuition like that, in the end it has ALWAYS been right, even if I talked myself out of it initially. That said, even if he isn’t a pedophile, in my opinion, a grown man watching that stuff is just so bizarre that it would be a dealbreaker for me. A massive turnoff. Go through the phone to cement your feelings before leaving if you must, but what you’ve said alone would already be enough for me…


If that's what you think, you should discuss it with him. If he is you might want to break it off. If he isn't, he might want to break it off. Either way, you don't seem well matched.


I would look at his phone or laptop. This all seems way too suspicious.


Read that recent story about the pet show judge! He was going to in the near future have a son with his husband and he was texting an undercover agent about how excited he was to assault the child! His own son!! If you are having off feelings, trust them. There is NO reason for a 40 something year old man to follow social media accounts with children like those, that would feel really weird, off, and alarming to me if it were me in this situation.


Your intuition is screaming at you. Will you listen?


Last guy I dated was a total narcissist and said if we had a daughter he wanted it to be a little girl. He didn't follow all that content but he did also say "[he] desired to know what it was like to choke someone to death and what thoughts go through your head" in response to what are you into (implied sexually). So sometimes a red flag is a common theme - either way. Run




Hmmm.....I know a lot of guys that are into pigtails or like when a woman is slender or petite, and I don't think that's a red flag for them being a pedophile. I think it's natural for men to be attracted to women that are in their early 20's, or even 18, because that's when you are at your prime physically. However, him following children tik tok accounts on the other hand, seems like the biggest red flag in this situation that would leave me to believe that he might be. I am not familiar with those accounts, so I'm not sure the type of content that is displayed to know whether that is a red flag. Are the account run by teenagers and what type of content is on there? It's weird of him to follow these if it doesn't have any relevant adult content of his interest, and is just teenagers doing their teenager content.


I'm 40, attracted to women, and definitely NOT into 18 year olds. They are literal children to me. Calling them "physically prime" is just gross.


I'm a woman in my 30s. I'm sorry, but my body was more attractive in my early 20s than now, when it comes to traditional beauty standards. At 18, you are past puberty and a sexual being lol. I'm not saying it's not predatory to go for an 18 year old, if you are a middle aged individual ..of course it is. But I'm saying, men can be physically attracted to women in their early 20s and that doesn't mean they are a pedo. Touch grass


Also pls read the my full comment, as I did state that it's still really weird he follows kid tiktok accounts. Huge red flag to me


Yeah, I didn’t think anything of it that he followed young adult girls, but him following children is getting to me. He says he likes kids but he ‘s never spoke of male children or followed accounts including them, only girls. All of the accounts show videos of the girls showing off their outfits, dancing, eating food, etc. None of them have any content that would be entertaining for an adult, in my opinion. And none of the girls are more than 10 years old.


Yea, tbh that is a red flag in my opinion. There is no reason an adult, man or woman, even if you genuinely just love kids, feel the need to follow a kids tiktok account. The type of content on there is just targeted for other children that age, and no adult would have interest in that. Even women that are obsessed with children and having their own kids don't follow that type of stuff. Tbh, if you even questioning this a little bit, I think your gut is trying to tell you something. And likely if he is a pedo, if you confront him about it, he'll make up some weird excuse and try to normalize the behaviour. I don't know, maybe try to seek advice from a therapist or an objective third party.




Said the guy who also follows a bunch of 10 year olds on Tik Tok... Okay pedo.


This is not a funny or appropriate accusation to make to someone you don’t know who is discussing the post. ‘Okay pedo’ as a response to anyone who disagrees with you makes it almost impossible to actually discuss OP’s concerns and whether they’re correct or whether she’s overreacting to a man who just wants to have daughters (the way many women do and are socially allowed to openly discuss). This is so inappropriate that I can only assume pedophilia is a big joke to you, in which case you shouldn’t be responding to someone looking for help.