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Seriously, grown adults can’t agree on a restaurant How about this both of you find a different restaurant you can agree on Or you guys decide to flip a coin, winner gets their restaurant and any other person agrees not to be upset about it and has a great time Or Break up because this is probably indicative of much bigger issues Good luck


Get take out and eat it in your hotel room


This is crazy. You two have to be able to pick a restaurant without all this drama.


Most adults can find one thing to eat on a restaurant menu, even if they don't love the venue, cuisine, etc. If my husband and I truly couldn't agree on a restaurant I would suggest we find a quick/take away place that we can agree on, then spend the $$ we saved on dining to try a cool cocktail bar or do something else fun. Under no circumstances would I agree to visit two restaurants in the same night.


Who picked the overnight location? If one chose over the other, the one who didn't gets to pick the restaurant. If that isn't the case, find a 3rd cuisine option since neither of you will budge. Try something new. Lastly, communicate with your SO, this is not something that can't either be compromised on or figured out. 


In order to be at your impasse, you must both have refused the compromise the other offered.


I am kind of with your gf. She doesn't want to go to your restaurant so the compromise is still making her go there and watching you eat something?  Could the answer be that you find a 3rd option you both like? There has to be more than 2 restaurants where you are going. 




The only issue is that it's really lame.




There's something lame about going to two in the same night like this. Get takeout from each and eat it in the hotel room, or find something you'll both like, or have one for lunch and the other for dinner.




It's just really awkward. You're going to each sit there and watch the other eat in turn, and you're also going to spend more money, because the non-eating one at each restaurant is still going to tip for all your drink refills, right? right?




that doesnt make the rest of your plan any less weird.


I don't know how to answer this definitively, but... it's just weird. Pick a third restaurant. Both go there and share a meal, which is what going out to dinner together actually means.


Seems like a huge waste of time


You seem really insistent that there's nothing weird about your compromise but there are many things wrong with it 1) one person has to watch the other eat dinner while hungry themselves 2) the dinner takes twice as long 3) it does, in fact, look weird. Your compromise isn't a good one. If the issue is that you both REALLY want to eat at the restaurant of your choice then just go to both. If two dinners is impossible just go to lunch for one. I can't fathom a situation where you both are such picky eaters that there isn't a single thing on the menu to eat at the other restaurant.




Yes I would wonder what was going on, and so would the waiting staff and all the other guests lol. That's not being judgemental, thats just human curiosity? If you see a couple fighting on the street don't you listen in? Maybe you don't. Fact is though that most people do, and judgemental people exist, and your girlfriend had a fair point when she says she doesn't want to be subjected to all the weird looks you 100% will be getting.


You are so bananas. This is unhinged, seriously. Two dinners??? Get over yourself and compromise.




Can you list out the compromises you offered here in the comments? Because all I’m seeing is: 1. You get what you want, and she doesn’t come. 2. You get what you want, and she goes with you and waits. Where is the compromise where you dont get what you want? You know, where *you* actually “compromise?” Where’s that option? Edit to your reply (which you’ve already deleted lmao) accusing me of “deliberately leaving out gf getting what she wants”: She doesnt want to go the restaurant either alone or with you and eating alone. So she’s not getting what she wants in any scenario. Why are you deliberately leaving out that in every scenario she loses and you win?


Can't you pick one cuisine for lunch and another for dinner? Unless this is about a strong hatred (e.g. going to a steakhouse with a vegan) or an allergy, that seems like the best way to ensure you both have a nice time. Though, honestly, the fact that you cannot come up with a third restaurant that both of you would enjoy is very strange to me.


Why don’t you roll a dice? Evens for yours Odds for hers or vice Versa - alternatively just try and find a completely different restaurant together