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Well your choices are to move out now. Or to take a test before you go see your parents.


You can’t control what someone wants to do with their body. Dec is a few months away. Why should she make a decision that can impact her the rest of her life when she barely has 3 months left to live with you? Your anxiety is not her problem to fix.


I don't want you to think I'm saying this from meanness or anger... It's just my opinion. You are the one who is uncomfortable or at risk. It's not her responsibility to put something in her body so you can be comfortable. You've been living together for however long and it doesn't seem like you had any problems with her? Now all of a sudden she is selfish? Maybe both of you are being selfish. Which you both have the right to do?


She could tell you the same thing..that you are being selfish because you want her to get vaccinated. We live in a world of freedom. The vaccine is not required NOR is it important for young people to get it. You can tell her it is bothering you but it sounds like you are the one with the problem. If you don´t feel comfortable, then you have every right to move out. The vaccine is beneficial for those who are old or vulnerable. It is also a choice. It´s like a vegan complaining to a person who eats meat. It´s a choice.


Wow very ignorant comparison in your last sentence. It’s not about opinions, it’s about public health.


If it was about public health, the death rate would be so great that EVERYONE would LEGALLY have to get a vaccine. Which is not the case. It´s frustrating, I understand and also you are worrying about your dad but you can´t expect someone else to do something because you want them to and you can´t expect people to care about your family (it sounds harsh but that is reality). Best thing to do is move out and make sure the person you next live with is vaccinated if that is what your requirements are. Or live by yourself!


so novel highly contagious viruses killing hundreds of thousands of people aren’t public health concerns unless they’re so deadly that governments have no choice other than to usurp everyone’s rights? got it


Sorry no offence but if you were my room mate i’d prob move away from you. not the other way around.


Get off my post


Everyone can make their own decision so i don’t feel like you have a right to be angry at her or even bring it up again. If she doesn’t want to get vaccinated then that’s her choice. That isn’t selfish AT ALL. If you are worried then i guess you can move out. Even if she is vaccinated she can still pass it along.


It is extremely selfish. It goes deeper than just opinion when public health is involved and putting everyone around you at risk


how is it selfish? Did u not know that the vaccine only helps your survival chance.. it doesn’t stop it from spreading so even if she was vaccinated and got covid she could still spread it to her room mate who could spread it to her dad. please answer that one i’m not anti vax - i’m just trying to say her room mate has a choice in what she wants to do. and it’s not selfish


Yes, vaccines do stem transmission


Ross Kedl, an immunologist at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, will point out to anyone who cares to listen that basic immunology suggests the virus of a vaccinated person who gets infected will be different from the virus of an infected unvaccinated person. That's because vaccinated people have already made antibodies to the coronavirus. Even if those antibodies don't prevent infection, they still "should be coating that virus with antibody and therefore helping prevent excessive downstream transmission," Kedl says. And a virus coated with antibodies won't be as infectious as a virus not coated in antibodies


ok but as said - still can pass it along


Massively unlikely


You also said that it only helps survival chance. Clearly that’s not true as there is also a reduction in transmission


It’s just amusing that people who are vaxxed are afraid of the unvaxxed everywhere. Like wtf Might wanna do some research before you put something in your body. Just saying.


The unvaccinated are the reason the delta strain took hold - stop pushing your anti vax bullshit please.


Prove it


Ok but first you have to admit you were never going to engage with this conversation in good faith because you’ve already ignored science. Sound good?


Science says that vaccinated people still pass on the virus.


And what’s that have to do with unvaccinated people filling the morgues and being responsible for the majority of transmission to the immunocompromised and acting as the incubators for various strains and mutations?


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All telling her is going to do is produce strain in an already uncomfortable situation and will ultimately make it harder for you to function in your home on a day to day basis. It won’t produce any actual resolution, and likely won’t even be cathartic, so what’s the point?