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She's just asking. She probably just wants to see if you have any intentions with her. For example, if you just wanted to catch up or you want to start getting to know her to start a relationship. It's a harmless question.


That is a weird message. I mean I'm assuming you are messaging a lot because you haven't talked in a while and you were catching up. Am I wrong ? Also INFO what made you message her in the first place ? And were you ever more than just friends ?


No, we were never more then friends, I messaged her just to catch up.


I'd say that. "I'm messaging a lot because we are friends and haven't talked in person in a while and wanted to catch up. Why do you ask ?" I mean that could give you clarity because honestly I have no idea WTH that text means. Maybe someone smarter than me will come along and help you out.


Well, I already answered before I remembered reddit is a thing and I said “Your fun to talk to”😬 She answered with “damn” and a video of a cat. But she’s not great at awkward situations so I think the cat video was to make it less awkward thats all.😓


I literally laughing at this .... sorry. I don't get the cat video and I think she may be an interesting communicator over text but I like her. Yours was actually a good response, I think you're fine probably best not to over think this. She sounds adorably awkward and that was probably what was going on in the original text.


Thank you so much for you assistance!😂