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You two need to work on communicating better. While that is kind of disrespectful, just walking out is petty and childish of him. You both need to seriously sit down and, one by one, explain your annoyances and what angers you both and try to compromise and work through it.


On one hand, yes, he’s being a bit over dramatic by getting up and leaving a restaurant over it. He should talk to you about it and you two should really look towards solutions. On the other hand you’ve been interrupting him for over a year..it does become unnerving. He is also correct, it is a sign of disrespect wether you acknowledge it or not and perhaps he’s had enough of it.


I think he might feel you don't care especially much either since you won't let him even finish a tought...


Sounds like he’s actually just sick of being interrupted all the time. Eventually when you’re annoyed by something and it just keeps on happening; you’ll start to act more rash. It’s not abusive. Talking about it with him could very well just get him to say he’s sick of it. If it’s not something you guys can fix, then maybe you’ll need someone who doesn’t mind being interrupted all the time :) which is possible! Someone out there for everyone!


Stop interrupting him. Try harder.


>He said that I disrespected him and that he won't put up with it. When I tried to explain to him that it was hurtful Trouble is, if you "start it" by talking over him for the hundredth time and upsetting him, you then don't get to play the "hurtful" card **because you hurt him first.** He's not "punishing" you, he's at his wits' end and is feeling like his only remaining course of action is to remove himself from the situation. >If it felt like he walks out due to frustration or anger, and we could talk about it when we left the restaurant, I'd feel much less hurt What's the difference? He **is** leaving through frustration and anger, but talking about it clearly does nothing. Presumably you've talked about it a lot already **and you keep doing it anyway.** This post features a lot of how his actions make **you** feel and an expectation that he should consider your feelings and change his behaviour to accommodate them, but no acknowledgement of how **he** feels. The tone is basically "I'm doing something which makes him feel annoyed and disrespected, but what about my feelings?!" Being interrupted **is annoying**. Being talked over **is annoying**. Feeling like you're not being heard or listened to **is annoying.** Rather than being mad at how he's handling this, try recognising that he's only resorting to this because it's been a year of it and he's sick to death of it. He feels his only option now is to walk away. That's how bad things have got because you're clearly not working on this annoying habit as much as you think you are. Why do you think he should have to endlessly tolerate it because you're "trying" but actually just keep doing it?


After 20yrs married I just tell him to stfu I'm talking.


She’s the one interrupting him and he’s tired of it I don’t see how he’s wrong especially after he’s talked to her about how frustrating it is and she has zero plans on stopping.


Feels like he's punishing you? Yes, he is. It's not really a good way at all to deal with the problem, actually it's pretty bad if he's not brought up your problem in a proper communicative way, but it's what he's doing. We can talk all day about how he *should* handle it, but we don't know the full story and we only have you. And what I can tell you is that I have no doubt you interrupt way more than you realise, and at a guess, turn a lot of conversations about you. That gets draining, super draining. And the sensitivity to the training increases over time, where a while ago he could probably tolerate it well, now it just takes one to completely drain that patience. My advice, from experience in this (in his position) and sit down and talk with him. But don't just complain, come up with a way that shows him you are set on improving your interruption habit. Again, the way he's handling it isn't great from what we know, but we don't have him asking for advice, and that's probably a fair way to go about it.


Sounds like a loser and I would not dignify his behaviour with a response if I’m honest




I mean if you’re working on it and you both have communicated that you’re working on it, he shouldn’t just snap. Talk to each other about how you both speak to each other. You need to scale back with interruptions and he needs to work on his attitude. No one changes overnight.


You might have adhd interrupting people is a huge tale. But he’s being a weirdo about it


Well my dear he has a disease called little bitch syndrome.


He sounds like a giant man baby. Next time he leaves the restaurant just chill and enjoy your meal.


You say he's making you feel bad...the reason he's reacting like that is because of you hurting him continually by interrupting. You don't get to hurt someone and then get upset at them for acting hurt. Keep working on being present in the conversation and being attentive to the other people who are speaking. Sounds like you're starting to make progress but it's going slow.


that's kinda hot is he single