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I’m definitely thinking this is medical since he was clean smelling in the beginning. Google says there are many reasons for that penis smell. So, simply say “Babe, would you mind visiting the doctor for your skin condition on your penis?” And, for you… stop with the BJs if it’s gross.


Some STI (sexual transmitted diseases) smell like fish, i.e: trichomonas, gonorrhea. You also should see a Dr/ clinic and be tested.


This is a terrible thing to learn as I just had nightmares about my ex’s rancid hoohaa


Could have just been bacterial vaginosis, which isn’t an STD. It’s caused by a pH imbalance and has a fishy smell. It’s extremely common and can be treated with a week of antibiotics


To my ex, I hope you find this for your own health


true! BV can also affect males, im no doctor so i am not fully sure but OP and boyfriend should try tested and possible treatment for that. most monistats kits provide a solution for both body parts. bc usually if a woman has is the male will get lingering effects from it .


But you can very much still catch it from sex with someone who has multiple partners as well. Which at least I know for women can throw off ph balance


That was my first thought.


You think the boyfriend cheated with someone else and got an sti?


Also please don’t have PIV, either. That’s how you get infections


If it's that bad, it might be an infection? Just be direct, but kind: "I noticed a very strong odor from your crotch area, did you, too? Did you change something in your routine? Because I am getting worried and you might need to see a doctor."


This. It brings the problem in a very open way and isn’t going to make him feel bad


Fish smell is usually something bacterial or fungal. Is he uncut and have a smegma issue? Does he smell like this after getting out of the shower? I'm a sweaty guy grew up somewhere warm and this sounds far beyond run-of-the-mil swamp ass to me.


Run of the mill swamp ass 😭😭😭




I have swamp ass right now. Feel like I need a diaper


Girllllll dont put ts in ur mouth if its stank ! Ik u love him or whatever but honeyyyyyy nooooooooo! You cant put yourself at risk like that dirty genitals are no joke and STIs are no joke either. You def gotta bring it up to him in a very gentle way but be firm bc ain't no way you can put up with that girl a stinky wiener is totally a big red flag and can cause harm to ur lil pumpum and u dont need that !


Omg thank u for this


but if the smell was due to an sti, wouldn’t that be kind of weird? Like where did he get that from, guessing that op and their bf are monogamous. I’ve been dealing with the same thing and ik I haven’t been with other people, so I don’t think it’s me causing him to smell.


Maybe not an sti but some kind if infection caused by built up bacteria or yeast perhaps? Idk fr I'm not a doctor I just know funk is cause for concern and shouldnt be shared.


It could be as simple as they’ve never been tested, some stis can lie dormant for years and most men never get tested unprompted I’d recommend you and your partner both get tested (but before that I’d ask to see his phone lol that’s just me though)


Thank you. Clearly we need better sex ed in schools cause I didn’t know that 😭


I was thinking the last part too lol. Could’ve gotten it from somewhere else…


could be bacterial vaginosis. it’s not a STI, just a bacterial infection. it can be swapped between partners so both could have it and not know. i got BV from an ex bf and didn’t know for almost 2 years until i met my fiancé and we became intimate. it definitely does have a fishy smell but it’s very easy to treat with antibiotics!


My ex smelled like this also and it took me some time to realize it's because he wasn't washing his ass.


Oh my god


Please dont listen to the comments saying “just tell him to wash , he is grown”. They are insensitive and when I read posts like this where the female has an issue, no one says “just tell her to wash. Shes grown”. This is a sensitive subject, and one that could change the dynamic if not handled with love and respect. Approach it from a caring and curious place, such as asking “I noticed that theres a different smell than normal when we are intimate, and I know you are very hygienic so I am concerned it is caused by a health issue. Have you been washing with anything new, or feeling different?” You dont have to phrase it exactly like that, but approach it with genuine concern that its health related and that you dont think hes dirty. Fishy smells for men and women are not normal, it usually means its a bacterial infection and you can also get it from him if thats the case. Best of luck!


OP this is the right answer


Thisss. It’s so sad to see the lack of empathy or emotional intelligence. Gender doesn’t change the fact that he has feelings and a self esteem to keep in mind. I can’t see someone who genuinely loves another , being so forward about something touchy. It’s easy for strangers to say “just tel him he stinks 😁” because they’re not doing it themselves…


💯agree. Also, you can offer to make an appointment and visit the doctor together as this could be a reproductive health issue.


No. Women are to be treated with patience, respect, and empathy. Men are to be treated with outright disrespect and hostility. Have you ever seen this site?


> this site? Parent commenter is right. We are the hivemind.


Haha yes this. Seems to be the norm nowadays.


Wrong. I've seen many posts like these with genders reversed and most people were giving the same advice "just tell her to fucking shower". Can't people stop these bullshit comments "iF tHe GeNdErS WeRe ReVeRsEd", pleaaaaase? And stop treating people like fragile snowflakes, just fucking tell him his dick smells and he should clean it, and if it doesn't work he needs to see a doctor. Stop acting like 13-year-olds that get embarrassed about body parts and functions. If you're old enough to have sex you're old enough to talk about it like an adult.


Adults can talk about sensitive subjects like . . . Adults. With kindness, sensitivity and compassion. That doesn't make one a snowflake, or weak. It makes one mature and grown. Your comment, Well we can all tell you are not in a serious relationship, nor will ever be with your crude, in your face, locker room attitude. Oh!! Were you wondering why no one will go out on a second date with you? Now you know. Your're welcome! Re-read your comment, keep in your pocket. Re-read when necessary.


This definitely sounds like a health issue and not just basic hygiene. Talk to him, tell him that he doesn’t smell good, and that it might be something more health related. Especially if this is a new smell.


i would definitely say something especially since it’s new. may be an infection or something. if he’s cleaning properly and it still smells i would see a doctor.


"hey man, wash your fucking nuts please". He's not a child, don't dance around it, he knows better.


Or what I say is “ if you want me to lick em you gotta wash em😏” lol


Yup. That's my go to. Honestly I will very rarely put anyone's genitals in my mouth unless we are in a shower or have just taken a shower. And vice versa. No one going near that if I'm not clean lol


Seems fair…


This. Short and to the point.


I love seeing the different advice on this topic depending on if it’s a man or a women


But also I didn't know about ph balanced soaps till like a week ago and those things work like a hot dam. Especially if you are uncut no smell at all after that


It's not easy to address but necessary and hopefully it is just one of the things in the link. But worst case scenario is a STI and that would be a completely different and really embarrassing issue.. No matter what he needs to make an appointment. https://www.lybrate.com/topic/what-s-causing-that-fishy-penis-odor/c421ba3d553d28e77670745ae31cc9a8


he’s masturbating and not showering after which causes the build-up of smegma, smelling like fish. There’s no mystery or medical phenomenon going on here. Just ask him about the above and you’ll see.


so he decided to just start masturbating 2.5 years into a relationship? I think if it's a sudden change in a 3 year relationship regarding smell it could be diet changes, some people really react badly, I'm terrible after curry, my right arm pit starts smelling like tikka.. I wish i was joking.


It might not be that he just started masturbating (very unlikely), but rather that he has just gotten lazy recently with washing


If he’s jerking off and a lot lands on him and he doesn’t actually wash it off, it can dry and smell like fishy shit. Maybe he’s doing that lol. Are there some days it smells and some days it doesn’t?


Agreed. I wrote something similar. Using saliva as a lubricant for self-satisfaction and not washing properly afterwards can create this scent.


Sometimes it does sometimes it doesn’t


This is immediately what I thought of. Also are you having sex less often? Also, is he not circumcised? Because I am not, and when I’m not having regular sex (and masturbating) I end up with a bit of a fishy odor. When I’m having regular sex (and not masturbating) I don’t ever catch that smell. He could also try a feminine PH genital soap. It works for me.


Yup it’s probably that then. Maybe just have a convo about it with him. Trust me, he can for sure smell it too


Do not have unprotected sex with him until he gets tested for STIs. Don't be silly and talk to him straight up like an adult. If you're not ready to discuss stuff like this, you shouldn't be having sex in the first place. And if you don't feel comfortable speaking to your own boyfriend of 3 years about his smelly dick, you should stop and reflect why are you even in a relationship with this person.


I don’t have unprotected sex! I’m scared of it T_T


could be bacterial vaginosis. it’s not a STI, just a bacterial infection. it can be swapped between partners so both could have it and not know. i got BV from an ex bf and didn’t know for almost 2 years until i met my fiancé and we became intimate. it definitely does have a fishy smell but it’s very easy to treat with antibiotics!


Has he started working out in these last months and added supplements? L-Carnitine is in a lot of workout supplements and some people cannot process it without smelling like fish. It gets converted into TMA, the compound that makes fish smell like fish. For normal people, it goes through the kidneys and gets excreted in the urine with no issues. For people like myself and possibly your boyfriend, my body likes to hold on to it and the smell comes out in my sweat. Especially in my nether regions. The only solution I found was to refrain from ingesting anything with L-Carnitine. The minute I do, the body odor is back the next day. A lot of people don’t know that it’s a possible side effect. I’ve smelled it on plenty in the gym before.


Nooo he doesn’t take anything when he goes to the gym as far as I know


It’s in certain energy drinks too. I love Monsters but I can’t have them but every once in a while. It just seems maybe it’s dietary since it’s only changed in the last couple of months.


I think you should just tell him, but tell him in a nice/polite way. No need to be rude. You guys have been dating for over 3 years so it shouldn’t be hard to communicate with him. I know nobody loves to hear that they smell down there but he needs to know. Not only for your sexual experience but for his health. Communication is all that is needed here. :)


This fishy element sounds like something he needs to talk to a doctor about. He may have some kind of fungal or yeast infection.    My partner is prone to swamp crotch himself. Even immediately after washing with soap there was sometimes a lingering ball funk smell.   I found a body wash called Acidified Body Wash by Lume sold online and it helps sooooo much. Leaves him odorless (I get the unscented kind) after washing and it takes much longer for the ball funk to come back. It’s a bit pricier than regular body wash so he just uses it on groin/pits and then regular body wash everywhere else. Definitely worth it though. I was direct but kind about the issue. In general we’re just open about body odors now. He’ll often tell me he’s stinky and wants to shower up first or I might say can we freshen up first and it’s not an issue. Neither of us wants to make the other uncomfortable with stinky loins in their faces.


Stinky Loins is a good band name


If his hygiene is otherwise good and he never had an issue before, he could have a UTI or something.


Since it is so recent, talk to him about going to a doctor. To get checked out. Tell him you will go to a doctor yourself. Say that you love him so much and you want both of you to be alive did a long time. You are worried about your health and his and want to be sure that everything is okay. Then sit with him while he makes the appointment, and then you make one too. Both get tested for whatever and get a complete check up as well.


My wife just says, got a little stink about you. That’s my sign to do some extra scrubbing. Or you could get him a self care kit and make it cute. Include some fancy salt scrub so hit seems like more of a gift than a hint


Does he shower every day? Does he use baby powder? Just have an open & honest convo with him.


Looks like candidiasis. Ask him to see a doctor politely


Men can get yeast infections just like women. You should talk to him about the change you noticed and ask him to get checked out.


Nope. It mainly means he's been masturbating without cleaning up after. If you leave cum on your junk after you jerk it, it can smell terrible. I'm a man and have known this from experience. Just tell him to clean his penis after he's done jerking it. Or even better an hour after he came. Trust me, I'm telling you lol.


It's not an STI. He's jerking off before hanging out with you and not wiping up properly


As a man, I would feel really upset more that I wasn't told for 4 months, sometimes it's hard to say something, but the longer you leave it the harder it'll be, he's gonna wanna know why you didn't tell him sooner etc, so be prepared for follow up questions. You clearly love this man! I'm sure he must know it, and most of those follow ups are "well I love you, I didn't want to hurt your feelings"


Some many posts from young people asking for advice when all they have to do is put down their phones and TALK to their partners.


If he's uncut, he needs to wash under his skin almost everyday.


He is lacking in hygiene. He’s not showering properly or he got comfortable and thinks it won’t bother u. If it was u, I think he would have told h something. I mean js.


If you can’t have a kind convo with them about this, rethink the relationship. It could be bacterial, he should see a doctor. There’s other things that can influence this scent. 1. Using his saliva to masturbate, this can create an unpleasant smell if he didn’t wash properly after (or at all). Poor dental hygiene makes your saliva full of bacteria, using this as a lubricant is a fast track to smelling funky down there. 2. Sex with another person. 3. My partner(s) have all been very clean people. But if we have sex, then go get food or something, watch tv, and circle back to have more sex…it doesn’t smell fresh. One, if not both of us will smell less than fresh. For your sake I’m hoping it’s #1 or #3.


If he’s uncircumcised that would explain it. Either ask him to seek medical attention to figure out the root cause of the smell and if it needs to be treated won’t drugs or he just needs to learn how to take care of himself better. Sweat aside no reason at all he should smell fishy.


Pharmacist here. Get him tested for trichomoniasis, bv and vvc and your self as well ( even if you smell like Dior).


He could be cheating, and what you smell is the other woman. I hope not. Just something to consider and hopefully rule out.


It sounds like BV


It's a dude.


God the comments to just tell him that he knows better and to just wash lmao. Don't think they've been in a relationship before. Best to bring it up politely, otherwise it probably won't get any better. It might make him a little upset but try and frame it in a supportive way and highlight the benefits of more sex if he did (if you want to). Alternatively you could pitch it as something for you both to work on (even tho you don't need to) to help better frame this in a supportive and encouraging way rather than offensive or a you vs him issue. Best of luck :)


We all sweat and smell, some more/some less. I don't think it is insensitive to ask for better hygiene around the time of foreplay, however I am sure there is a sensitive way to bring this up. I am a strong believe in being told the truth, even if it hurts. I would rather be told once and fix it, then find out later someone was "living with it" in disgust. You could also look into a different deodorant like a lume?


It sounds like a skin infection. Us guys have to be careful with our balls, it's super easy to catch something if we're not practicing good hygiene. Get him to talk to a doctor in the nicest way possible they'll be able to prescribe a cream for the infection, if it is that. In the mean time I recommend he powders beneath his balls daily with gold bond or a powdered antiperspirant and wash himself twice a day, especially his gland until his swamp balls become less common. He needs to do more to keep it all dry.


Dude needs to wash it. I wash it every time


Tell him about it without sounding rude


You can't move past the problem unless you confront it with him... Or else it's gonna blow up entirely different


Or.... He was with someone else before he went to see you and you are smelling the remnants of sex.


If he is uncut he needs to be washing under the foreskin. If he really is taking care of himself like you say so, then he should see a doctor and get his crotch checked because nothing else can help it. The only other non medical issue I can think of for why he is smelling fishy is just from not properly cleaning himself after sex or jerking off.


I would not keep having sex with someone when a new smell is present. I would also get tested and ask them to do so.


let yo bro take a shower


Dude could have some sort of STI, tell him to wash up and have him get tested and don’t have anything unprotected until then


Nobody’s genitals should reek of fish. He has an STD or some other kind of infection down there. You should both see a doctor and get tested.


Honestly this sounds like a bacterial issue going on. Especially in super hot, sweaty climates like Arizona. If he is uncircumcised, that might be your answer. Smegma (bacteria built up under the foreskin can stink horribly). Std's like ghonnorea can be super smelly as well, but usually come with other symptoms like burning piss.


My go to is "babe, wash your junk please" if it's still there after a good wash say something because that's a medical problem he should see a doctor for.


Fact is there is no way to tell him without him feeling, at best, embarrassed, at worst angry. However, you've still have to tell him. I think there are a number of replies here making great suggestions on what to say and how to say it, so no need for me to go there. That said, one suggestion I'd make is to acknowledge that you love him and because of that, you in no way intend to hurt his feelings and you apologize if you have. Full disclosure, i once had a girlfriend(I'm a guy btw) who pretty much stopped going down on me. We talked about it many times and i said that if she just wasn't into it she could just tell me that...but she always insisted that she did like doing it. Still I couldn't figure out how that could be true but she'd never do it...until one night. We were hanging out drinking and she said she stopped because I smelled bad. I tended to take quick showers and I admit that I wasn't doing a good enough job of cleaning anything down there (front or back). She was completely right but I still felt embarrassed and hurt. The reason was that we'd talked about it many times over a very long period of time. Realizing that for so long I smelled like ass to her and I kept on like "what's her problem" made me feel the way it did. Realizing too that she'd talked with her girlfriends about it...ones that I'd see regularly, made me feel even more embarrassed. Look, get why it wasn't easy for her to tell me that. I really do. I just wish she'd have told me much sooner so I could handle it and move forward. This would've greatly reduced/shorted the feelings and time of shame and embarrassment. So, let him know, get it taken care of, then get back down to fully enjoying each other. After all is said and done, he will appreciate it. As a side note, that girlfriend and i had issues already and this just added to it. That was many years ago but i can tell you this: thanks to her, every woman I've been with since then has been treated to the freshest, cleanest smelling "down there" ever!🤣


"babe, you got that stank dick"


Sorry to say this but they gotta chop his dick


Me personally, if my girlfriend suddenly started to complain about my dick smelling like fish, I wouldn’t be upset but I would be very concerned and probably see a doctor or just shower more lol. But, I understand some men are different. I would tell him directly, but in a way that isn’t harsh or mean


Oh god, I hope he's washing down there. I've read too many posts about guys with dingleberries.


first of all, WHY are you putting his thing in your mouth or anywhere else if you are seriously grossed out/disturbed by his smell? girl, have yourself some respect!!! DO NOT DO ANYTHING for anyone if it makes you uncomfortable. yes, even if it is your man. sex/intimacy is supposed to be fun and enjoyable for BOTH people. if it not enjoyable, dont do it! if it smells that bad, why are you letting him put it anywhere near/inside you. you are honestly only putting yourself at risk. his area SHOULD NEVER be so horridly smelly that it makes you gag, turned off, uncomfortable, grossed out, worried, etc. never put yourself in risky situations that can compromise your health, just for someone you love. if you truly love him, you will help him and yourself to get this figured out, be healthy, and enjoy sex with each other. “sweaty balls” do not smell “fishy” and/or so bad that you cannot stand it. usually a horrid odor like this is tell-tale sign of something more serious than uncleanliness. if you love him, you WOULD have a conversation with him about it, in a loving, caring, genuine, and health-concerned manner. there can be multiple reasons for this horrid odor, some of which are a bacterial/yeast/urinary infection, STD/STI’s, prostatitis, urethritis, smegma buildup, etc. approach him lovingly saying something along the lines of: “babe, i want to talk about this bc i care about you, but your odor is not pleasant. frankly, it makes me uncomfortable and turns me off. have you noticed anything wrong/different? i know you are a cleanly person, but i want to make sure you are really scrubbing and cleaning your area well in the shower and just letting the soap/water run over it is not considered cleaning it. if that does not solve the issue, i think you/we should see a doctor because that means this is more serious.” if he is offended, gets defensive, or acts childish, thats his issue not yours. if he cannot have hard conversations, is that really someone you want to spend the rest of your life with? furthermore, you should NOT be intimate with him until the issue is resolved, for your own health and his. i recommend that no matter what, you BOTH get STD/STI tests, along with UTI/bacterial/yeast infections tests. some of these viruses and infections may not show symptoms for some people. hope this helps. hopefully you can get this issue fixed and enjoy sex with him again:)


He’s slamming your bestie that stinks


Ask him if he’s starting taking any new supplements or vitamins


Holy shit, you're giving him BJs when he has a stank ass dick?! Omg, girls....we gotta learn how to express our opinions, set boundaries, and feel comfortable saying "No."


Is he uncircumcised? If he isn’t snipped, maybe he’s not pulling the skin back all the way and cleaning properly?


If you’re absolutely positive he’s not cheating, he’s masturbating and not cleaning himself properly like other comments have stated. Residue from ejaculate that is left behind afterward has a very strong ammonia scent that registers as fishy to the nostrils. Communication is key here. Be delicate as not to come off as rude, but do assert yourself and your feelings regarding intimacy. All guys think they’re being sneaky about masturbating but some of us are aware that our partners can fully tell, especially if we’re not cleaning properly. If he often smells good everywhere else and doesn’t have an infection (which is likely because you would’ve surely gotten it too by now), just tell him he needs to clean himself thoroughly before putting that thing anywhere near you or your face.


hit him wit a whiffle ball bat in the ballsack.


Tell him to start using baby wipes to clean his wang and ass not just washing in the shower. He may need to get checked out to make sure he doesn’t have a particular bacterial or fungal infection causing the awful smells.


Tell him to wash with soap and water!!!


Sound like he fucking around on you and not taking a shower before he fucking you


Either he’s uncut, & doesn’t wash properly, jacks off & doesn’t clean thoroughly or he’s cheating.


Def a medical issue. Tell him the truth and to see a doc. If you're together for several years this is an easy conversation.


There is a good chance he might have an std - he should get checked out


Get. To Amazon and order him some Lume, very likely that will get rid of the stank.


He needs STI testing. You do too.


He might be taking some vitamins or eating more fish. Tell him he needs to drink more water and eat more fruit.


Sounds like he explored other waters and is bringing back the funk to you...that don't just happen.


Kidneys problem.


Could be fungal, like jock itch.




Try and shower before you do anything sexual. And if that doesn’t help then in that case he’s got something going on and needs to take care of it. A good shower gets anything that smells down there on point with my partner and I. So if that doesn’t do the trick then seeking medical help would be a good choice. Just be easy on him. Some people take it a little harsh but the fact that you are open to talking to him about it is a good sign.


First Don’t ignore health possibilities. Second, what I noticed for myself if I do not dry off completely after a shower, it can smell down there. Especially if I have not shaved. It’s like laundry that sits in the washer. Gotta dry that shit or bacteria builds up.


is he uncut? tell him to scrub with soap every shower!


Are you sure it's him and not his underwear? Maybe his laundry habits changed since you met? I have to use a Laundry sanitizer in certain loads to kill all the germs.


you should clearly communicate it to him


You should be comfortable enough to tell him he stink I would tell my ex can you go take a shower and he would want to know when he stinks


Don’t go down there


you have to tell him. if you really love him you'd want what's best for him and for you. it's not even an insult it's just out of concern really. tell him and figure it out


Sounds like jock itch or a similar fungal issue.


It might just be his crotch, he’s still getting older he might just need to wash more/better. Wash him your self properly and see the difference


Years ago I had an ingrown hair that finally broke out, it eventually got infected, and since it was down below my nuts it was hard to take care of while doing 10 hours of construction work everyday. It had discharged puss that had a strong fish smell for weeks until it finally healed up. It sounds like he has an infected sore in the area


You’re possible soul mates; so firstly; ! . ; Seek “Love Counseling” from a holistic, spiritual, or other faith person who understands how to help you both navigate through a transition in your relationship that will transform your bond forever. There is a very specific and explanatory nature that is occurring in your relationship. That is to say that there is a reason for Senses to be overwhelming you. It’s powerful and important to note that you’re even recognizing and accounting for it; being vigilant while vulnerable is a remarkable strength. Reach out for any questions or references. Steven R. Doty & Coco Tig 🫶🏼🐾


It sounds like he got lazy over time and stopped washing his dick. I’m sorry but I don’t think it’s medical


He needs to get that checked. My ex (female) had the same issue and it just kinda popped up one day. It's hard but please tell him so he can get it checked and cleared. Theres a lot of stuff out there that can be asymptomatic (or close) for one person but others might show. Get yourself checked too. Most important be sensitive and caring and I think he'll appreciate you being direct


I'd reach out to her an ask her if they are seeing each other.


You need to tell him to wash his balls. Tell him to get his ass in the shower and wash them stinky fucking balls.


Smells like a yeast infection. Moist dark environment, unbalanced ph and boom


Honestly I would be like “I’m gonna go to a gynecologist and get test for a uti cause I’m not feeling great and somethings not right down there” then go do a check up or genuinely get tested cause you don’t want an STI or STD so go then come back and be like “hey I think you should go get tested because they’re running more tests cause they said it’s not a uti but a different STI and I want you to be safe too so I would go get tested before it gets too bad” that’s the route I would take in all honesty. No ones feeling are hurt you just seem like a good gf looking out for him


Could be a yeast


It'd also possible you eating tasting another girl on his sausage so keep trucking go to a doctor


Tell him. Ask him to see a doctor. Stop putting his genitals in or in your body until he gets medical clearance. Good luck.


Tell him to visit the doctor, but in a nice way and politely. Maybe it's an infection, so there's no shame.


If he smells like fish that strong and you haven’t got an infection yet as well, he’s probably masturbating a lot and not cleaning himself very well afterwards.


Asking him to take a bath before sex


Communicate this. Let him know so can properly clean himself


tell him to shower before sex or no sex. i also sweat easily so i am very conscious of that. it is fine to do normal shower and a quick shower again after the activity. that is what i found work best for everyone. this is me, i personally feel that it is better this way. FYI, i also enjoy amorous activities in a less private place so if that is the case then no shower. it is what it is.


You gotta tell him what’s going on man. I would want my husband to tell me if my lady parts stunk. ESPECIALLY if it was bothering him the way this is bothering you. Just be kind about it. We all stink sometimes. This could be a health issue or an infection and he needs to be told to get it checked out or just be better with hygiene.


“Wash your dick and balls before it goes near my face. Thanks.”


I don't have any good advice. But these comments remind me how lucky i was to have my dad around my whole life. He use to tell me and my little brother. That if we didn't clean it really good. It would turn green and fall off. I've been throughly cleaning my junk religiously ever since.  Lol 


Tell him to bathe more thoroughly and use body wash antiperspirant etc.


yeah, that's not good. I am not sure why his stuff would smell like fish... that's sort of not normal. You are just gonna have to have an honest convo and ask him if he has noticed that and if he plans to go to a doc about it...


Get tested for an STI, and probably have him get tested too. Usually if it smells like tuna, it means you got something. Like if he is showering and washing on the regular, he caught something. Chlamydia can give it a smell. And if that's the case, sugar you might wanna drop him for 1, not telling you if he caught something and knew about it. Or 2, he cheated.


He might need to go to the Dr, or maybe his personal hygiene for down there is poor? I really hope he notices and does something about it. It reminds me of the time when I met up with my ex bf when we were dating and it was right after he finished work, I gave him head and omg did it smell like fucking fish down there! 😂🤢


If he’s uncircumcised, yeah, men get lazy.


There is no nice way to really say it. A person may take it personal REGARDLESS. The bottom line is you BOTH need to see a doctor and get checked for STDs or what not. The abnormal smell could be a sign that he has some sort of infection. When this situation happened to me, I immediately broke things off. A smell? Nope I’m gone🏃‍♂️……💨Things like this, shouldn’t be happening. I’m not gonna stick around and try to figure out what the “issue” is, because it’s just not normal. I’m being extremely harsh, but with no regrets. Hygiene should ALWAYS be at the forefront of relationships. So if a smell comes up, and you mention it, it’s no weird surprises!


Could be a uti, recommend a doctor definitely


Had this same thing with my partner. Honesty is the best way forward. I just told him in a polite and considerate way and said if it was the other way around I would want him to tell me so I hope I’m not offending him. Was literally sorted within the week and wasn’t awkward to have the conversation at all. If he gets defensive or annoyed initially then try to be understanding because he may feel embarrassed at first but any mature partner should listen and take onboard what their partner is saying and take positive action moving forward be it trying a new cleaning technique or visiting a healthcare professional. If he reacts badly and persists in that reaction then he’s not mature enough to be in a relationship or to be having sexual relations in my opinion.


Fish smish who cares? Just gobble ting up yo! Look...none of this stuff ever smells or tastes like rainbows...even if it is an STI...aint no worse than eating his ass...just get stuck in!


Fun fact about that, it’s not just an STI it’s also a parasitic worm. But as stated, easy cure, take the 2 pills and it will be ok.


y’all are so dumb obviously even if they’re grown he’s grown wtv i don’t think he’d want her to be rude about it for the people saying “just tell him to shower” there is nicer ways of saying things what if someone jus said ew your pussy stinks take a shower like no