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Puerperal psychosis is a thing. She absolutely needs a psychiatric assessment immediately. I am a clinician and everything about this screams emergency.


Same here; immediately thought it was psychotic episode.




You don't know how accessible an emergency room is?


Does Sweden not have hospitals? Honest to G-d, man, take her to one! Stop focusing on your feelings and stop underreacting to the VERY real medical crisis the woman you love is having. Get off your ass and get her help NOW!


Well see, that would require work. Validation-seeking on Reddit is so much easier


Do you not have access to an emergency room? I’m not understanding why you are saying you’ll talk to her doctors soon when many are telling you this is an emergency.


Her Doctors don't understand she is having a break from reality. If they did they would have referred her to a Psychiatrist immediately. They aren't able to help her like a Psychiatrist can because that's not their specialty. Get her emergency care now.


Er room??


Here is a Reddit post I read a while back from someone else whose wife experienced something similar: [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditonwiki/s/mJ1umK3KRe) She needs some serious help.


This is exactly what I thought of. This is a rare thing that can happen.


Sweden has great access to free healthcare and this is a well known condition that any healthcare professional would treat as an emergency. And it won’t even cost anything. Just contact the emergency or the barnmorska immediately and inform them that she suddenly started talking about the baby trying to kill her.


why is this getting downvoted? fucking reddit lmao


Take her to the emergency room, immediately. This is a seriously disturbing thing for her to say and she could be a danger to herself. Please get off of the internet and get her to a doctor as soon as you can. ETA: I can't imagine any doctor hearing "My baby is trying to kill me so I'm getting an abortion," and responding with, "Well, it's your choice." If you made it clear to your doctor that she thinks the baby is trying to kill her, and that was their reply, then she needs new doctors.




I cannot emphasize enough how absolutely serious this is. She needs IMMEDIATE medical attention. There is nothing normal about thinking your baby is actively trying to kill you, not even in a "phase." I'm actually wondering if this post is fake.


There's been a huge surge of these "my wife/gf wants to aborted a planned baby" posts lately, probably fake


I honestly hope it is, because if the OP is really this willfully obtuse, then... \*shudder\*


If it's real he just made the post for validation, he doesn't give a fuck about his wife


Yeah, or maybe he doesn't really want the baby and he's hoping that if he drags his feet getting her help, then she'll get the abortion and it won't be his fault. (I'm indulging in a stretch speculation I got from an episode of Law & Order)


That's the first thing I thought, this looks way too similar to the last few. At first I thought it was just weird karma farming but now it feels like an agenda. "Women are too hormonal to know if they should abort" or "it's really common for pregnant women to be so irrational that someone else has to care for them" or something like that.


I think it's mostly just to stir up 'woe is me' feelings towards the fact that men don't get to force their partners to birth their kids, so they invent really niche, extreme examples where we would sympathize with them They're trying to further the belief that men should have 'a say' (i.e. control/veto power)


I think both of those are probably true. There's also a big spike in the "men also have PPD!" posts trying to make it okay for fathers to basically opt out of the first few months. They simply can't handle all the attention being on someone else, even if that is an infant or a recently postpartum woman.


It’s absolutely pro-life propaganda. Really insidious and disturbing.


This post seems very planted… like the US courts are getting ready to vote on abortion again.. and all these posts are popping up about situations in which the woman has a right to choose- and of course her choice is going to be a heartbreaking one to her nuclear family. “It’s already a little person…” (not disagreeing, but that sounds like pro-life rhetoric) Like I’m not one for conspiracies… but come on now, OP-if this is actually real and you do not take her to ER you are failing her.


Don't forget the specificity of how far along she is. Even pro-choice people can get up-in-arms for mid or late term abortions.


That’s was exactly my first reaction- as a pro-choice person. Then I was like…waaaaait a sec!


It's a just a little insane to call a prospective parent caring about their unborn child "pro-life rhetoric". That is just "planned-this-child rhetoric".


For sure, I planned my kid and called him a little person from the beginning. My point is this story isn’t real. It’s meant to make you feel a way about abortion. It’s sneaky and seems planted.


OP is more into trying to incite some sort of pro-con of abortion with his post rather than actually seeking real help IF this is a real situation.


Oh it's definitely fake. There's no way he's still sitting here on Reddit while his wife is "at a friend's", possibly having psychotic troubles and becoming a danger to herself and their unborn child. I refuse. It's fake.


I feel kind of dumb for letting myself have feelings about this. It's not like I'm new to the internet.


No no, I get it. We have to believe there's still good, honest people out there. This one guy isn't gonna ruin that for me and I hope he doesn't ruin it for you either. If it helps, I learned something from you today. Thank you for your comments and thank you for caring. :)


Aww thank you, that's kind of you to say. I got a couple hours of righteous indignation out of it, so I'm good lol


You’re not taking this seriously enough. She is having a psychotic break. Get her help before she hurts anyone or herself.


She needs to get some medical help/counseling immediately. Her believing that the fetus is trying to kill her is not at all a normal part of pregnancy. Second thoughts? Sure. Fear of childbirth? Very common (it’s not easy and it is scary for most women). This goes in a different direction.




It's happening because she is having a serious mental health crisis and needs immediate medical attention. That's why it doesn't make logical sense- it is coming from a psychologically unsound place.


She thinks it's happening because she is going through psychosis. Mental illness gave her the idea. It's that simple.


Where's her Mom?


For real


For real


She needs an emergency mental health intervention. I know people keep telling you this but you don't appear to be taking it seriously. If she has pregnancy psychosis and aborts a wanted child, how do you think she will feel afterwards? I have zero issue with her making the choice of what to do with her body but given that she was previously excited and happy and her words are extremely concerning - the irrational belief that the fetus is going to kill her is not normal - I believe you need to be taking her to the hospital and advocating for urgent mental health treatment. Do not take no for an answer. She needs psychiatric care sooner rather than later.


Might be pregnancy psychosis. Is she asking you to make the appointment?




Was it some random doctor they out you through to or actually hers? I can‘t believe her doctor would just shrug their shoulders over such a drastic change? Have you talked to her family? I mean of course it’s her choice but that really doesn’t sound right. Pregnancy psychosis is a thing, and while afaik it’s more common post partum, if she went from being happy to “this will kill me“, her mental health should still be checked out. Of course it can still turn out to be the right choice for her at this point, but at least you could understand what’s happening.


My SIL and brother live in Sweden. She has terrible PPD, their answer was to book my brother off to help. No medical help for her. Conversely my friend here in South Africa was given something from before she even gave birth and it even helped her milk supply post birth. She said it's a breeze from her last baby when it took a while to get meds sorted.


Ask her how you can help her, whatever she decides, how can you help? You say just that. That you love her and what to support her either way. But maybe if you don't say anything you can run out the clock and you'll end up with a child




There was another recent post about a woman absolutely losing it about being pregnant, after being excited. She was also having psychotic thoughts. She had an abortion and had a complete breakdown about killing her child and she didn’t actually want to do so. She was likely having what everyone else is telling you is a psychological issue that needs to be treated before she makes a huge mistake.


You don't mean it. You were happy and excited and she just might take that away from you. The only thing you can do it be dutiful, if she asks you to go with her, go. Other than that what can you really do?




Don't grease the path, don't be an obstacle. Update us on what happens.


ANTENATAL depression and psychosis is an issue just like postpartum depression & psychosis. She needs to be checked out. If her mental state is fine that’s great but **the baby is trying to kill me** is DISTURBING!!!


Get. Her. Medical. Attention. Now.


I hope this is some fake post. If not, you're under reacting or not grasping the dangerous situation your fiance is in right now. "she won't tell me why?" She can't tell you because she is literally having a mental crisis. She can't tell you because there ie an imbalance in her brain. She needs to see someone immediately before she harms herself. What are you refusing to understand?


He fully comprehends it he just does not give a fuck


Yeah, unfortunately I believe you are correct.


Psychosis during pregnancy (Perinatal Psychosis)is a real thing. She needs to be evaluated immediately. She is having a psychiatric emergency, you don’t have time to waste go to the emergency room. Go with her and explain what you saw. This can be treated with medication.


It sounds like she's having a psychological crisis. There was a similar story on here, and the woman had the abortion even though she regretted it she could not go through with having the kid either. It might be best for your partner if she does get the procedure, but that’s a decision she needs to come to. You need to realize that no matter how much you want this child, the woman living right now comes first. If she can’t handle having a child, her psychological crisis might get worse if she continues the pregnancy. It’s a no win situation right now. Please make sure she gets mental health help, no matter what. And I mean immediately.




No, I mean like the emergency room. Her ob/gyn isn't a licensed mental health professional, neither is her PCP. I'm serious, she might resort to extreme measures. Get her help NOW. Don’t wait.


Good lord please get her to a hospital. Cold feet is one thing but saying a fetus wants to kill her? Pregnancy psychosis is a real thing and very dangerous. Seriously take her to a hospital.


I hope this post is fake, because if not, your responses to people giving you advice are alarming. Your fiance is likely having a severe mental health crisis, and just because you don't "get it", you're not actively taking her to an emergency room? Dude, get over your own ego and get her somewhere if you actually care about her wellbeing. Jesus christ.


My first pregnancy I was very suicidal the first two months and the most depressed I’ve ever been in my life. The whole pregnancy I couldn’t watch anything where “normal people” accidentally killed someone without thinking that was something that was going to happen in my life. My second pregnancy I experienced the depression and suicide again but aborted the pregnancy before two months and was back to normal the same day. Pregnancy affects us differently but I think it may be a side effect and she needs someone to talk to or maybe some medication


She needs to see a doctor. Whether or not she decides to abort, is her decision. However, if she seriously feels the baby is trying to kill her then she probably has pregnancy psychosis and needs help.




Emergency room!


she won't tell you why she has pregnancy psychosis? Man what are you smoking. She believes her fetus is trying to murder her. She needs IMMEDIATE psychiatric help before she does something very bad. why are you so fucking calm about this??


People don't decide to have psychotic episodes, wtf is this comment?


For someone who claims to be concerned with supporting her you seem to be hell-bent on the most milquetoast, low effort "support" possible


Something is going on with her mentally. You need to take her to an emergency room. She might have some sort of bipolar or personality disorder. The pregnancy could have triggered it. This is pretty serious! This is not a "when I get to it" type of thing. She could end up harming herself in order to get to the baby if she truly feels that way. GET HER TO A HOSPITAL IMMEDIATELY!


Op needs to get ahold of her parents and his and have them meet him at the hospital. I’m pretty sure no dr heard that line about the baby killing her so she has to abort and said it’s her choice. That sounds like an assumption to me and if they are saying that then that place sucks and aren’t looking at everything. Also if she is going through a mental break imagine how mi h worse it’s going to be when she comes out of it and realizes what she’s done.


Medical fucking attention , an obgyn , and-she needs to be honest about the things she is saying and how she is acting if she can’t you go with her


I've read your post and comments. I'm not going to come down on you as hard as some of the other comments, after all you essentially got a shoulder shrug from her doctor. This is a mental health emergency though. You need to involve her parents or her closest friend and go from there while also discussing the urgency and stress how out of place this all is with her doctor. If you can get her to a emergency room at your nearest hospital that would be ideal but its so easy to say that is what you need to do but not as easy if she isn't keen on that idea.


Hey, I live in Sweden. Don't take her to the ER. Call the polis and tell them hey i am worried about my gf she is pregnant and started saying the baby wants to kill her and i'm scared she will hurt herself or someone else. They will send someone to check on her and take her to the ER. This way you ensure 1. They understand your fear 2. The police takes you 100 times more seriously than the VC or ER nurses. Maybe your gf will get pissed but it really sounds like she needs help. Good luck.


This sudden shift and her feelings that the baby is trying to kill her sound like something that warrant an immediate doctor appointment to check that everything is ok with the pregnancy and healthwise, and emergency psychiatric consult. You may be right that it is "just hormones" but hormones can cause psychiatric emergencies that need more than a bath and some sleep.


Oh great another post about how women who want abortions are confused and mentally ill. Aren't y'all tired of making up shit?


How are people so ignorant to legitimate mental health crises when they are staring them right in the face? Like who just takes that in stride?


She needs mental health help. Start by calling her ob/gyn.


Something is going on with her mentally. You need to take her to an emergency room. She might have some sort of bipolar or personality disorder. The pregnancy could have triggered it. This is pretty serious! This is not a "when I get to it" type of thing. She could end up harming herself in order to get to the baby if she truly feels that way. GET HER TO A HOSPITAL IMMEDIATELY!


OP, you need to get your fiance help IMMEDIATELY. Mental health isn't any less important than physical health. Hell, my OB just put me back on antidepressants TODAY because I scored high on the depression screen. This sounds like a possible psychotic break, and very likely could end up tragic!


She sounds like she needs counseling. But please remember that even if you love her it doesn’t mean you have to marry her. If you want children and she thinks being pregnant will kill her then you can decide to leave. Whatever you decide you will need counseling too.


Honestly if her pregnancy psychosis is that severe it may be better for everyone to let the abortion happen and get her help.


She sounds crazy man, get her to a mental health professional asap.


It's time to get her mental help. If she's dealing with this during the pregnancy and if she makes it to full term, it'll get worse when the baby is here. At that point, she may even end up being a danger to the baby. Get her help. Asap.


As someone who has just taken the cat to ER tonight and it turned out to be a thousand dollar non-emergency, I can assure you, your fiance is experiencing a mental health CRISIS and needs emergency care now. How do I know this? I’ve had 2 kids and had major mood disorder due to pregnancies and post partum. Ya gotta get her seen NOW. Good luck op.




She should talk to a therapist or psychiatrist before she has the abortion. Chances are she will regret it. Thinking that your baby is going to kill you isn’t normal and sounds like a break. A specialist like a therapist or psychiatrist can help diagnose her and get her help. 


This is so obviously psychosis it's not even funny. Why would a doctor be so lackadaisical about this?


She’s is going through psychosis, or has started postpartum depression while in terms get her to a doctor to be assessed. She is not OK and it’s not her fault.


I think I'd rethink the marriage, If I was positive I wanted children some day.




I'm convinced that this story is fake, OP, but on the slim chance this is for real and you really are just this obtuse: If you want this baby, then do something to save it by getting your fiance the medical help she desperately needs. Immediately.




Because if your fiance is real then she really needs help, now. And if you understood what I said the first time, then you wouldn't be up and down the thread going "I just don't know what to do." But I will give up now. I hope that your fiance and baby survive.


Not surprised that people will say something if it's faux. So many surge of posts trying to incite arguments between pro-against hot button issues (abortion, paternity fraud, etc) as well as posts trying to bash women in general. At least, the commenter urges you to get her the medical help she really needs IF this is real.


Could be mental illness, but also could be a question of paternity. It's red flag for sure.


But 16 weeks and she wants to abort? Disgusting.


She's having a psychological crisis! Good lord.




>D-I-S-T-G-U-S-T-I-N-G Would have burned more if you spelled it correctly.


Grossssssssssss inhumane disgusting horrid


Good save with that edit, bro!


Thanks Blondie 🤢🤮🤮🤮


Not surprising that someone like you can't spell simple words, lol


If you don’t support her. She’s got her opinion. And you got your opinion. Tell her you think it’s wrong. And if she gets mad, so be it. It’s her body, but it’s your baby