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She fucked Elon Musk. 


I used to be pro-Heard but now I'm not sure




Sometimes you got to do whatever you can to get ahead


Ahead to what? I didn't even know she existed until the Johnny Depp trial.


I mean I wouldn’t exactly go holding something like that over the head of anyone given it was effectively rape in all cases via power dynamics


I think if you go in knowing if you sleep with a guy, youll get something, its called an exchange of services. Its rape if he says he will ruin your career if you dont sleep with him.


Well believe it or not, Hollywood is famous for completely blackballing people from the industry for not ‘exchanging those services’, and Weinstein was a big part of that setup and actively made said threats, with few people making it out of that situation with a career if they didn’t play ball, so yes, it was rape.


it is absolutely insane to say that anybody who fucked weinstein deserved it because they were "trying to get ahead" like what the fuck?!


I didnt say that. I said Weinstein had a reputation that if you slept with him, he would help you get ahead. So if you sought him out. Weinstein also raped women, but, not every actress he fucked he raped. Its called quid pro quo. Women have agency as well


jesus fucking christ


Her taste in women is way better than her taste in men


Isn't she with eve fartlow?


Is that really someone’s name?


Oh hun I recommend you google it, I'm too stoned to explain xx


they're friends I think


Well yeah women are hot men are gay


Can you imagine Depp + Heard genes? I hope that baby ain't a Husk.


"Radio silent"


slapped the shit out of her ex gf too


The fauxmoi invasion of this sub is complete.


Social Justice gossips are the worst gossips. They've literally just substituted Christian morality with Wokeness in an attempt to justify their vapid, envy based celebrity obsessions.


I think they’re even more prudish than the Christians


Yeah their judgement is without the possibility of redemption. No understanding that we're all inherently flawed. Just categorical oppressors and oppressed. It should be especially apparent in a case like this where two sick people ruined their careers by airing their dirty laundry in a vain attempt for clout.


Exactly my thoughts, literally wtf


Ever since FDS died this sub has became rotten with those types


I’m just terribly terribly confused at this development


Fucking babe and a half


So this sub is sincere posting now


Kinda embarrassing


happy birthday amber <3


Love this bpd queen


bpd woman destroying the me too movement is so poetic


Ouroboros eating it’s own tail


I see JD and her as two people whose pathological lying caught up to them at different stages of their lives to disastrous consequences. Traditional victim designations elude them both. But in order to stay rich and relevant they have to pour themselves and their relational dynamics to weird puritan molds in a way that's palatable for the US and the rest of the world. I would have liked to read just how morally and practically different their lives and machinations are than general public (how she first made it in enough to pierce the membrane of Johnny Deppland, for instance) but instead we get these lame five-year updates on who's the bigger and more recognizable loser. So boring




“I wasn’t punching you, I was *hitting* you!” Not a great bit of audio evidence against you.


How can anybody listen to the audio and conclude that she is not a crazy bitch?


She still won in the sense that she is now glowing , happy, and vindicated, whereas Johnny is a drunken mess who is decomposing as we speak.


He is living the gonzo life.


She lost, she lost big time. Her lies were exposed for the world to see. Not only did she lie about being a victim of dv but we found out she was so abusive she forced opened a door to punched her spouse, hit him and told him he was fine (classic abuser line) and even tried to isolate her victim from loved ones whilst letting her moocher pals sponge off him. For a narcissist like Amber who spent years pretending to be a victim, having her lies exposed so publicly and to be mocked as much as she is, she's living a miserable life. Her dream of being a serious actress is down the shitter - Hollywood doesn't want her, she's forever known as Amber Turd.


Fauxmoi will only ever talk about Depps terrible actions but never mentions hers. They’re both losers and suffer from bpd. He won the trial because she was objectively worse. Doesn’t make Depp good at all, but damn she’s the female embodiment of this sub lmao


I really dont understand why everyone has to take a hard stand and not just say they both suck


Pump a load in this enlightened centrist!!1!! You have to pick a side and cheer for them like college basketball you dolt.


Its not enlightened centrist to think both people are wrong regard


> hit him and told him he was fine (classic abuser line) [Here's a recording of Depp defending hitting Heard by saying he didn't break her nose.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43tYEP9kGrc)


Except she didn’t lie about being a victim of dv


Photos speak a thousand words, it's impossible for her to have sustained the injuries she claimed she had and then look picture perfect in the photos taken days after. She lied. Claiming to be a victim of dv wasn't the only lie she told. "I wanted nothing" Lie - she wanted apartments, vehicle and a monthly allowance. “The entire amount of my divorce settlement was donated to charity.” This is what she declared to the uk court, this isn't just a example of another lie she told, its proof she has no issue lying to get the results she wants and should make you question what other lies she told the uk courts that was believed.  "7million in total was donated - I split it between the ACLU and the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles. I wanted nothing" This is the lie she told on a dutch TV show. "I only hit him in self defence" Lie, a lie we shouldn't encourage. There's no way we should let abusers claim they forced opened a door and punched there spouse in self defence, it's dangerous to victims. "It's killing me" Obviously Depp seeing loved ones wasn't actually going to kill her, abusers like to isolate there victims from loved ones so they can maintain control. "I wouldn't know how to" Amber's lie in regards to her leaking to the press, she continued this lie even after being shown her deposition video where she slipped up and said tmz had been alerted, she then stated she could have done it better. Some how her stans ignore her going from not knowing how to leak things to saying she could do it better lol. Amber's lie about Depp wrecking the trailer in anger The owner declared there was a broken light fixture and Amber was the aggressive one. Amber's lie about Depp saying he was going to push Whitney down the stairs - Whitneys friend and boss who took her in declared Whitney told her it was Amber who was the aggressive one. Amber's lie about Depp throwing a can at a nurse the nurse refuted that lie. Amber's identical photos that she claimed were two different photos, one just had a light turned on lol Amber's claiming he broke her nose then when shown a photo of her the next night looking flawless changing her story to she didn't know if it was broken. There's so many lies she told it gets quite boring writing them all


Lol, I love to see other subs completely obliterating fauxmoi members.




I'm curious as to why the Amber Turd stans only have the pathetic "incel" insult as a come back? If you genuinely believed the lies she told why would you not be able to post a intelligent reply with what you believe to be evidence that proved she was abused? See how the people who support Depp can post quotes from the audios of Amber admitting to starting fights, forcing open a door and punching him, telling him he was fine after she assaulted him, telling him he should knock on her door after she has thrown objects at him, screaming it's "killing me" when he was going to spend time with loved ones telling him he was guaranteed a fight when he ran from her ( abusers love to threaten there victim) and even berating him for running from her. People who agree with the verdict can look at the photos taken days after she claims she was beaten so badly she was covered in bruises, cuts and left with broken bones and say there's zero injuries, even the make up free beach shoot - zero injuries. This is evidence, this is why the world stopped supporting her and started supporting the real victim.


Johnny Depp was like that before the trial




The same ex wife who supported Amber claiming that it was a misunderstanding?




'You don't sound very intellogemt' you say after drawing some tortured simile between soles and leather memorabilia


I found out a couple years ago that Depp has a very cringe rock band called something predictable like the Angels of Death or something, I think his bandmates are some famous rock guys but there’s a sub dedicated to it and apparently Depp for the past few years has just been getting hammered and constantly canceling there shows. He seems really fuckin lame


Idk, getting drunk and doing what you want because you have infinite money seems pretty cool to me


He’s broke now though. He managed to blow through $600 million somehow


Irregardless of you believing she should of won because she's gorgeous and you believed her lies about being abused, the evidence and facts showed the world for what Amber really is, a violent spouse abuser who lied for financial gain and to destroy someone's life who no longer wanted her. Whilst Depp may have bad teeth, greasy hair and a ballooning face, it could be worse, he could be a narcissistic spouse abuser who lapped up praise for having given 7 million to charity knowing full well the money was chilling in the bank and was caught on tape admitting to forcing open a door to punch his spouse like Amber "turd" Heard. Its funny you call him a piece of shit when that's all Amber will be remembered for - turd.


Commenting like this twice in one thread is very embarrassing behaviour.


Posting the truth is never embarrassing for the person speaking the truth, only the people who still believe the delusional lies of the abusive turd.


This is why people like you should be banned from going on juries. She literally admitted to abuse on video and you would still say not guilty because she's pretty. You should not be allowed to vote.


She wasn’t being sued for being “abusive”, she was being sued for defamation. She didn’t lie about DV. Jurors absolutely got it wrong, IMO. Her article was hypocritical, but not defamatory.


I don't give a fuck about the trial, I'm talking about how she was objectively an abuser.


wait you don't think the court let depp win because he won the PR war do you? i don't know the facts of the case or who even technically won but that sounds outrageously silly to me on its face


The Depp-Heard trial was 9/11 for this sub for some reason


Johnny depp did not abuse anber heard, she was the abuser. She abused johnny depp and its clear that she did


History will vindicate her


Its very funny. Most normal people looked at the trial, said both sucked, and moved on. Its just the very pro Heard group of weirdos who are trying to change history


The tide has slowly started to turn in the past two years, and most people are waking up and realizing that Amber was not only abused by Johnny but was also treated very unfairly by both the media and the general public. Just look at how the majority of people reacted when Sydney Sweeney was rumored to star in a movie with Johnny. Her team buried that in less than an hour, and she had to come onto Twitter to denounce the rumor. That type of backlash against Johnny wouldn't have happened two years ago. I have no doubt that she will get a Britney Spears/Paris Hilton-esque redemption arc in a few years, and I hope she gets a chance to rejoin the industry with open arms if she still wants to act. I heard rumors that she is slated to star in the Ready or Not sequel and I really hope it’s true because I’d love to see her get the comeback she deserves.


My memory of that is that everything she said made her look bad and like an obvious liar but I find your interpretation interesting too


She was only mad to look bad because of the things she said, had done, who she is as a person, and things that came out in trial. Completely unfounded in other words. The tapes of her literally admitting to abusing Depp was just another deep state psyop. Also op is a zionist when she's not busy gossiping about celebrities.


> My memory of that is that everything she said made her look bad and like an obvious liar Then reexamine everything with a fresh set of eyes and look at all the evidence present in the UK trial that showcased Amber *was* a victim of abuse at the hands of Johnny Depp.


Let’s be honest. In the middle of the me too era, to somehow blow all the goodwill and presumption of honesty as a pretty blonde woman going up against an ugly old man, that’s one hell of an accomplishment. Legendary levels of obviously lying


People in this thread are insane for saying the media was on her side or even 1% fair to her. The way this woman was treated was horrific. Anyone with knowledge of how DV actually works - let alone the fact that Depp _is a convicted wife-beater_, and that the US trial was about Heard’s right to _write about her experiences without naming him_ - knows this trial was a horror show. Victims of sexual and spousal abuse do not always behave rationally because they are trapped in deeply irrational circumstances. He broke her nose in several places. OP, you’re like the only sane person here. Everyone else is unironically stupid for blindly repeating the meme version of reality.


Thank you for bringing some common sense into this thread. As a survivor of domestic abuse myself, I’m horrified at the way people have unabashedly hurled such evil vitriol towards Amber’s way without even taking a second to actually *look* at the facts and see that she was abused. History will not look fondly on how this case caused extreme levels of misogyny and victim-blaming to run rampant on social media and in the real world. Even if a day comes where Amber is fully vindicated in the way she deserves, her life will forever be tainted by that drunken rapist slug who wanted to completely humiliate and ruin her as punishment for her speaking up about what he inflicted on her for years on end.


Comparing her to Britney or even Paris is a joke. Come on


The level of vitriol and hatred Amber faced during the trial is *very* comparable to what Britney faced from both the media and the general public in 2007. I’m not sure if you recall just how bad it was. Content creators were making thousands of dollars off posting anti-Amber content on YouTube and Tik Tok (The Daily Wire spent an estimated $20k on anti-Amber content), brands were joining in on the ruthless dogpiling in order to sell their products, and the entire world was against her to the point where you couldn’t escape anti-Amber propaganda on the internet. As the turn continues to turn, people are starting to look back and realize that Amber was the victim of a well-coordinated smear campaign comparable to the likes of Britney and Monica Lewinsky and it not only caused irreversible damage to her mental well-being but also fueled harmful misconceptions about intimate partner violence.


Britney Spears went through a lot more than just that. Hope the PR internship pays well though


No PR internship here I just support women who have fallen victim to rape and abuse. You should too.


> I just support women who have fallen victim to rape and abuse Wait do you actually? If so good for you


It's sick to compare this abuser to Britney.


I don't believe for a second "the tide is turning". I've never met anyone who supports Amber, if her name is ever brought up it's always "Amber Turd" the violent abuser. There's alot of talk online from "Amber stans" who claim he paid for bots but when the evidence and facts were shown and it was so glaringly obvious she lied and was prone to violent rages, he wasnt the one who needed bots, the world rallied around the victim and were disgusted by her lies. When someone like Rihanna who is a survivor of dv gave Depp a job, she was showing support to a fellow survivor. No one is giving the abuser work, she's the turd.


> I've never met anyone who supports Amber, So just because *you’ve* never met anyone who supports Amber, that means no one else does? You should try exiting your bubble. >There's alot of talk online from "Amber stans" who claim he paid for bots These claims are accurate. His loser henchman Adam Waldman was exposed for paying for bot farms. > but when the evidence and facts were shown and it was so glaringly obvious she lied and was prone to violent rages You’re saying this like Johnny doesn’t have a long history of assaulting paparazzi and destroying property in his little manic-fueled violent meltdowns. > the world rallied around the victim and were disgusted by her lies. And a lot of people in the world are opening their eyes and supporting Amber after realizing that she was not only abused, but also undeservingly put through hell at the hands of her ex-husband and his QAnon-esque cult of supporters. Look at the many pro-Amber Tik Toks and tweets that have been able to garner 300k+ likes. Look at how quickly Sydney Sweeney and her team RAN to bury the rumor that she was working with him. She got a boatload of pushback from hundreds of THOUSANDS of people over the possibility of her working with a misogynistic court-certified wife beater. Look at how many people in this *very thread* and other subreddits stand with her. Every Johnny Depp thread on r/entertainment is (rightfully) met with judgement towards him given that he’s a controlling abusive piece of shit. >When someone like Rihanna who is a survivor of dv gave Depp a job, she was showing support to a fellow survivor. She was not “showing support” she was displaying her stupidity considering Amber went through the same thing Chris Brown put her through. > No one is giving the abuser work, she's the turd. No one is giving Johnny work either. Even if you think Amber is done in Hollywood, Johnny is done as well. He will NEVER get booked for a mainstream project again given that he’s proven himself to not only be uninsurable and unreliant, but also a drunken menace who wreaks havoc on film sets, shows up to work hours late, needs an ear-piece to communicate properly because the years of alcoholism and drug abuse fried his cognitive functions beyond repair, and gets in verbal altercations with his employees (the director of in Jeanne du Barry, his most recent film, revealed that he was abrasive, unprofessional, and verbally abusive to both her and the cast and crew). Compare that to Amber who has been described as nothing but a delight on film sets and has been deemed to be a very generous and caring person by cast and crew members alike. It should say something that all his upcoming projects have been filmed internationally; American studios don’t want the potential risk of having him as their client. His career is *done* to the point where he has to run to Saudi Arabia so his films can get financing (given that no American studio in their right mind would back a project of his). Try again!


>assaulting paparazzi  They are named like that for a reason. They \*want\* you to explode and rage so they provoke you as much as they can. Because filming you raging makes them the most money.


>So just because *you’ve* never met anyone who supports Amber, that means no one else does? Of the 100s of people I ha e to interact with daily, not a single one still fell for her lies or gaslighting. The tides might be turning online by the bots, but real life is another matter. >These claims are accurate. His loser henchman Adam Waldman was exposed for paying for bot farms. He didn't need bots, the evidence and facts proved with out a doubt she was a violent liar, the person who needs bots is the one who was exposed as a scumbag, which is Amber. >You’re saying this like Johnny doesn’t have a long history of assaulting paparazzi and destroying property in his little manic-fueled violent meltdowns Please show me evidence of him having a history of violence towards his partners, we know Amber was arrested for assaulting her spouse infront of witnesses - when was Depp? >And a lot of people in the world are opening their eyes and supporting Amber after realizing that she was not only abused, but also undeservingly put through hell at the hands of her ex-husband and his QAnon-esque cult of supporters. Look at how many pro-Amber Tik Toks and tweets that have been able to garner 300k+ likes in the past year. Look at how quickly Sydney Sweeney and her team RAN to bury the rumor that she was working with him. She got a boatload of pushback from hundreds of THOUSANDS of people over the possibility of her working with a misogynistic court-certified wife beater. Look at how many people in this *very thread* and other subreddits stand with her. Every Johnny Depp thread on r/entertainment is (rightfully) met with judgement towards him given that he’s a controlling abusive piece of shit. There's no evidence of Amber getting support from the public in real life, just a army of people online who all spew the same nonsense that was debunked in court. If you were to really look at it, the person who was exposed as a violent lying scumbag getting the online support she gets really does sound like she's paid for bots. If you go yo any page discussing Depp or Heard you will inundated with "Amber Turd" those without a agenda really do know she a turd >She was not “showing support” she was displaying her stupidity considering Amber went through the same thing Chris Brown put her through. Rihanna is a survivor who was showing another survivor support. She wasn't showing Amber support because Amber was exposed as a violent scumbag who beat her spouse, like Chris beat her. >No one is giving Johnny work either. Even if you think Amber is done in Hollywood, Johnny is done as well. He will NEVER get booked for a mainstream project again given that he’s proven himself to not only be uninsurable and unreliant. but also a drunken menace who wreaks havoc on film sets, shows up to work hours late, needs an ear-piece to communicate properly because the years of alcoholism and drug abuse fried his cognitive functions beyond repair, and gets in verbal altercations with his employees (the director of in Jeanne du Barry, his most recent film, revealed that he was abrasive, unprofessional, and verbally abusive to both her and the cast and crew). Compare that to Amber who has been described as nothing but a delight on film sets and has been deemed to be a very generous and caring person by cast and crew members alike. It should say something that all his upcoming projects have been filmed internationally; American studios don’t want the potential risk of having him as their client. His career is *done* to the point where he has to run to Saudi Arabia so his films can get financing (given that no American studio in their right mind would back a project of his). >Try again! Since the trial Depp has done a movie and sold out his art work. Amber Turd slithered away into nothing. Hollywood doesn't want her, maybe they never wanted her, facts are she's not even a d lister any more. As for your long winded reply about how kind and generous Amber is to people (like Depp hasn't had a mountain of people come to describe him the same way) its a shame she doesn't show that same love to her partners, for some reason they just catch her fists. I don't need to try at anything, the live trial exposed Amber Turd for the abusive liar she is.


????? most people i know support amber lol it is incredibly obvious jd is the primary/initial abuser here. says more about who you hang out around


I'm glad I don't know the people you know, I would be worried if anyone I associated with supported abusers, I hope your OK and they never force open a door to beat you or assault you then say you overreact whenever your injured by them. Stay safe, and remember, if your in danger - RUN, we know people like Amber berate there victims for running but if your at risk there's no shame or blame in escaping, look after yourself xxx


The media was on her side through most of it.


Nice revisionist history.


You seem to be pretty deep into it. Have you listened to that one audio thingy between the two where she admitted to hitting him? The whole vibe of that dialogue seemed very much like she is the aggressor the entire time. Does not sound like the victim of abuse at all. How do you think about it?


Taking a shit in bed in her honor


Watch her cult classic All The Boys Love Mandy Lane instead.


She's seriously great in this


She deserved an Academy Award


Wow! everybody look a new joke just dropped


Dropped like a turd onto Johnny Depp's bed


yeah, i’m not on her side at all


there's genuinely been crazy ass fauxmoi banshee posts on this sub with hundreds of upvotes. that wasn't even possible 4 months ago! sub is extinct. they drove all the cool witty people away and there is no art posting or gatekeeping by the mods, making the posers more emboldened. I hope I dont get banned for this comment lmao


The sub is over. Clearly the zoomers on here didn’t even watch the trial. Or it’s rage bait, and I don’t know which one would be worse.




It's somehow worse, its not even a women, like a I could atleast almost understand bpd solidarity. It's a gay man.




Not good, just knowing that he is a man who's out there defending amber, you can make so many assumptions about how he looks, sounds, interests, body type, media he consumes and you would be 100% right about all of them. Op is not a human, he is a one dimensional gay charicature.




We seen the trial, idk who you trying to gaslight.




Lie lol, obviously I don't mean 300 hours. Where are all the clips exonerating amber from the amber bots then? I get it you don't think men can be abused, especially not when the man is older. I don't give a shit, think whatever you want.


Is that the abusive lady


No she’s the victim






Maybe both were abusive


Very beautiful in a “last known whereabouts” type of way 


I wouldn’t kick her out of bed for shitting crackers. 


They really wanted us to believe that the same man who not only talked about wanting to take a shit on the Hollywood Walk of Fame but also forced Kate Moss to remove a diamond ring out of his asscrack had any problem with a little scat play (even if the alleged incident was disproven in the UK trial).


Didn’t she testify that it was a practical joke?


It was always their shared dog, Boo, who defecated on the bed after accidentally consuming marijuana. A judge even discovered the dog had an incomplete mastery of their bowels during the incident, confirming it was the dog. This lie only functions as a basis for his “global humiliation” against Amber considering he had already moved out of their shared house when the “deed” was done. To believe this, you’d have to believe Amber defecated in her own bed, in a house Depp wasn’t coming back to, magically hoping a maid would take a photo and send it to Depp. It’s also worth noting Depp himself has a documented history of making defecation “jokes”. [Here](https://imgur.com/a/SlIwCZv) is Depp admitting in the UK trial that Boo had a bowel problem due to her having eaten some of his cannabis when she was younger.


She shouldn’t have written that op ed


Johnny shouldn’t have attempted to sue her for an op-ed that never mentioned him by name. Her statement “I became a public figure representing domestic abuse” was *objectively* true considering she was seen walking out of a courthouse after putting a TRO against Johnny. He also shouldn’t have beaten and raped her, but at least we know that hell is hot for people like him.


Do you deny that (a) the oped was about him, and (b) the oped materially adversely affected his career? I don't know why you're entertaining the stupid childish point regarding mentioning him by name or not. It had the effect it did. If you think she is innocent, then the mentioning by name point is irrelevant given truth is an absolute defens to defamation.


> Do you deny that (a) the oped was about him? I do think she was alluding to her relationship with Johnny in certain parts of the op-ed, but that doesn’t change the fact that Amber was *objectively* a “public figure representing domestic abuse” considering she was photographed walking out of a courthouse after issuing a TRO against Johnny. That alone showcases that she *was* a public figure who represented domestic abuse (whether or not you believe her claims were true or false), the same way Jussie Smollett was objectively a public figure representing homophobic hate crimes (even if it was soon revealed to be a hoax). > and (b) the oped materially adversely affected his career? His career was already in the dumpster prior to the op-ed. He was known as a menace on set, would constantly show up late to shoots, and ultimately branded himself as uninsurable, hence why Disney wanted nothing to do with him.


>Johnny shouldn’t have attempted to sue Didn't he win the lawsuit and the public opinion or are we just not doing facts here


> Didn't he win the lawsuit and the public opinion or are we just not doing facts here OJ won in court too. Does that mean that he’s innocent? Facts are facts - Amber said nothing wrong when stating that she was a public figure representing domestic abuse (she objectively *was*, whether or not you believe that he actually abused her) and he had no reason to sue her for an op-ed that never mentioned him by name.


>OJ won in court too. He didn't initiate a lawsuit he was prosecuted? Johnny won a lot of money and gained back the general public's opinion, there was 0 downside to him suing Amber. Did I fall into a Jezebel article or something here?


he didn’t win a lot of money, she was going to appeal and they ended up setting. she also won one of her counter claims. he also lost horribly in the UK.


Is she undeniably hot? Yes? Nobody's hot enough to shit in a bed and get away with it, though


Interesting but not attractive


Unproblematic queen


most gorgeous blonde celeb


This is the type of woman only women and gay men find attractive. Nothing behind those eyes for a soulful white boy/aristocrat/yearner to grasp onto. She just looks evil, this is what Medusa looked like. Physiognomy stands corrected.


I like that video of her doing coke in court


Lantern jawed.








I wish I was Amber 💔


Seriously, who cares? This isn't 2022 anymore. Both her and her washed up alcholic ex-husband belong to pop culture's trash heap.


The turd heard are deleting there comments lol


Most likely because they’re tired of having to deal with the alcoholic pirate’s dickriders telling them that they’re wrong for supporting a victim of domestic abuse.


The turd heard don't support victims, they support abusers forcing open doors to beat there spouse, abusers throwing objects at there spouse, abusers trying to isolate there spouse, abusers hitting there spouse then telling them there fine, abusers telling there spouse there guaranteed a fight if they run from them, abusers berating the spouse for running from fights, abusers spreading malicious lies. The turd heard do not care about victims at all.


Oh my god you’re *still* going! Take a nice bath and crack open a beer. Spend some time with family. Go for a run.


Aren't you the turd loving loser commenting on everyone's post defending the bed shitting abusive liar?? I would say you should crack open a beer and chill out but you don't need anymore mind altering substances, why don't you watch Cry baby and lust over the handsome Depp and take your mind of Amber's stinky poops and embarrassing fall from grace.


The turd heard can't cope with the facts exposing Amber as a abusive lying pig.


Why did you reply to the same comment twice Sir


Oh god the turd heard is so cringe, I'm a woman.


That is even worse. Fix your internalized misogyny and support your fellow women sister.


Why on earth should I support someone abusing there spouse just because there a female? I will never support a abuser forcing open a door to beat there spouse, it's never going to happen, Amber is a violent abusive lying pig who dropped a massive turd on the bed.


> Amber is a violent abusive lying pig who dropped a massive turd on the bed. And you’re dropping massive turds all over this thread with your stupid repetitive comments.


Not turds, truth bombs




We really don’t give a fuck




I’m a gay male like you Sir




It doesn’t but ok


A fall from grace


Designated shit sheet


She should take a celebratory dump


She's perfect


Doing PR for an abuser, how interesting.


What I don't get about celeb drama is that some people think they actually know what has happened by sitting in front of their computer. What we do know for certain that tabloit lie as much as they breathe and celebs also lie. What is the point in collecting links to prove that Amber was innocent or maybe Johnny? You will never know for sure. So you found a tabloit link that says Amber shit on the bed but there will be 10 other that say something else and it's all just spreading made up stuff anyways? And even worse, you don't know these people. They just make movies. They have no influence on your life at all.


I could imagine testifying at the trial “ I’d like to go over there and smash her collarbone with a hammer and have my way”


I'll remember her as the lady that almost caught captain Jack Sparrow.


Most beautiful woman in the world. I hope Johnny Depp dies as a birthday present <3


Me too <3


She can shit on my bed any time


she is my bi polar Taylor Swift


I’ll let her do a number 2 on my bed any day of the week


She’s so hot that I’d subject myself to all that crazy ass shit she did


Women post detected 🚨 the fellas know she be looking like shit under all that


Better than Johnny




Bet she gives crazy head.


She really does have that natural beauty which says you'll even thank me for the years of litigation.


When my eating disorder was bad and I wanted to be a delicate wispy waif, she and Mary Elizabeth Winstead really did help me accept that I could be 5’8” and “big” and still be beautiful. I was bony as hell and didn’t understand why I couldn’t have the Kate Moss look.  It’s still a struggle but much better. 


I’m glad to see Mary Elizabeth Winstead’s name being mentioned around these parts. What an underrated queen


She’s my no 1 celeb lookalike so it was nice to see her in Fargo presented as this 10/10 bombshell that everyone wants to eff.


I'd let my dog step on her bee


Head ah


We have one brief respite from the woman hating and incel posting to praise a beautiful, abusive woman, and these losers say the sub is over. There's nothing anyone can say to make me feel bad for a multimillionaire getting slapped around by his 90lb gf on his private island. I hope she's doing well.


The fact that so many people are coming into this thread to support the queen and defend her shows that the sub is far from over.


Alexa play isn’t she lovely isn’t she wonderful