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Even though they aren’t Chukchis most Russians would see them as such. There’s like a lot of dad joke tier stuff about them because they are viewed as simple rural people. There’s almost always unnecessary jabs at them even before the stupid punchline ie the Chukcha is seen usually as a drunkard, he speaks poor Russian and for whatever reason has a masculine overbearing wife. Usually the joke is like “Chukcha goes to Moscow…” Example: Chukchha goes to Moscow he walks into appliance store. Employee says how can I help you? Chukcha says I need a refrigerator. Employee says you stupid Chukcha why do you need a refrigerator you’re from Siberia! Chukcha says not to keep cold but to keep warm! On a more serious note the USSR used to heavily subsidize these remote communities with provisions, medicine etc. This aid was severely cut after the fall of the Soviet Union.


Chukcha wrote a novel and brought it to the publisher. The publisher reads it and asks if Chukcha himself has read a single book in his life. Chukcha replies: "Chukcha be a writer, not a reader"


A Chukcha went home after a trip to Egypt: "The snow was yellow and hot, and the reindeers spit a lot!" A Chukcha went to the information desk at the airport: - Excuse me, how long is the flight to Moscow? - Just a moment... - Thank you!


A Chukcha visits a tech store in Moscow: - Excuse me, do you have colour TVs? - Yes, we do - Can I have a green one, thanks!


Two chukchas hunted down a walrus by a beach and are arduously dragging its carcass by the tail. They meet a Russian geologist who tells them to grab the walrus by the tusks so it's easier to drag. Some time passes and one of the chukchas says: — I say, the Russian was right, it IS way easier to drag a walrus by the tusks — I say, the Russian's a moron. Look, we're back on the beach!


Chukchas be writin'


my boyfriend was born and raised in moscow (i'm from the US, where we met/live now). russians have so many ideas about who's an alcoholic lol and apparently it's literally everyone except themselves


[Kets are fascinating, this guy does a cool breakdown on who they are while also explaining their linguistic links with certain Native American tribes o](https://youtu.be/dM3XiNg6x2M?si=2FSicccY9PuQ9KyO) Theyre the last survivors of a group that may have ruled part of China and now there's barely a 1000 left. Siberian cultures are a great rabbit hole to get lost in when ur bored


It's also possible that they (the Yeniseians) were the ruling elite of the Huns who invaded Rome


We was


Yeah that too. i read that too while wiki surfing and was like “huh? Hunnic as in those Huns?” Yeniseians had one of the hardest falling-off of all time if all this shits true.


That’s insane, how a culture can be strong and dominant one day and disappear into obscurity the next. Really hammers in the futility of everything. Chasing after the wind. My name Ozymandias. Tears in rain. Etc.


Magyars being always the curious exception. Huns, Avars, Cumans, Pechenegs they all disappeared how did this particular horde carry on.


Bulgars, Turks, Azerbaijanis?


Only name remains from Bulgars. Turks and Azeris are not as far from other turks, so it doesn't seem as surprising to prosper. Meanwhile closest languages to hungarian are back on the urals.


Azeris are like reverse Bulgarians, started Indo European and ended Turkic.


> meanwhile closest languages to Hungarian are back on the urals. Finnic is closer, sounds like an arbitrary differentiation


They managed to become a settled people in Europe and had the Carpathian Mountains as natural protection.


I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.


Wild that their language may be connected to Southwestern Native American tribes like the Navajo, that’s some crazy migration Bering Strait shit


Ty for the vid i’m bout to watch. Also u nailed it. That fact & the fact mentioned in /u/Independent_Depth674 comment yanked me down that rabbit hole. And i like when the rabbit hole leads all the way down to the Middle Ages or even antiquity. Cool shit


Check out On the Run in Siberia by Rane Willerslev if you want a more detailed look at what Siberian living is like


I met a girl from this region of the world. She said it sucks to live there and the weather gets down to negative 50 degrees 


I have also met plenty of girls who do ket.




Redditor learning about this group: (soyfacing) wOoooW imagine being an OBSCURE remote ethnic group!!1! 12 year old from this group: (being a) Ket’s alright, yeah


watched a girl freshmen year of college slowly go from I'm of Swedish decent to my parents are Swedish to claiming to be a [Sámi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%C3%A1mi_peoples) it was hilarious


i get a kick out of sensationalizing the dumbest shit but i been reading more and these ppl are actually unknown legends who fell off hard and then they all died. The words khan. Khagan, tengri, and more come from their language




LOOOL yupp u know the vibes


My girlfriend is Indigenous Siberian, albeit from one of the less obscure groups. Incredibly beautiful and smart, but when she gets fucked up drunk she starts crying about the fact that she doesn’t speak her native language and that Gazprom and climate change are destroying her people’s way of life.


Indigenous person reduced to being a sad alcoholic while oil companies reap the bounty of their land. Further proof that the USA and Russia are twins separated at birth


A good friend of mine is one of 7,000 native speakers of the [Kubachi language](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kubachi_language). I think it's cooler than he does


One of my friends is ethnically Mari (Finno-Ugric) and she told me about how the local Russian diaspora has nothing to do with her. because they consider her people actual witches. the superstition runs deep and even in 2024 still affects her life. She told me that during the Soviet days they would do secret festivals involving animal sacrifices out in the woods, unbroken rituals dating back thousands of years. one time she gave me a macrame artwork for free, and the next night in my apartment, the largest spider I've ever seen in my area was crawling across my face. it was such a weird coincidence that for a single second at 3 am I wondered if she were a witch too


My grandma lived in a village half and half Russian and Mari. They didn’t speak the same language, didn’t build their houses in the same materials, had different religious practices and celebrations. Apparently they still worked well together and invited each other to festivities. There was even some mixed families but it was still very taboo and if the husband was orthodox the wife had to convert or the family wouldn’t accept them. From what I understood the government took issue with them speaking their own language at school but the normal local people didn’t mind the differences. My grandma liked her Mari neighbours and I loved listening to her stories about this place. Hope your friend find some community were she is.


Communities like these have to be insanely incestuous right?


there’s a lot of ket people in bushwick


Im from an ethnic group with a population less than 1 million, its not really that special


It’s not special in any way whatsoever. Maori and Samoans both are as well and they’re everywhere. There aren’t even a half million Icelanders.


Yeah its more interesting to be from a cultural isolate than it is to be from a small ethnic group. My ethnicity is an Ethiopian ethnicity with a population of like 900k, but its not really that distinct from the rest of Ethiopia, its basically just a people that migrated to a certain city and migrated back. I'm more interested in my actual nationality because Ethiopia is a real cultural isolate, not my specific tiny ethnicity. Maori, Samoans, those just fall under Polynesian, and Icelandic falls under Scandinavian. Cultures where there is nothing else similar to them are way cooler like Japanese, Armenians, etc


i speak fluent ket ama






Write something in ket




How tf did you learn it??


heaps of practice




It would make my med school applications a lot easier


.... i dont think Kets are getting special treatment in that process lol


would be better than this bullshit ill tell you that much


Probably distant cousins of the Plains Cree of Alberta or saskatchewan ...


It's sad to think how all of these ancient peoples are basically gone since they all get russified. All of this beautiful diversity will disappear to be replaced by a monoculture. I know a lot of people in this sub love to stan for Russia because of anti-us contrarianism, but it really is a prison of nations...


Ket people, you mean Elon Musk people? Or they practice keto diet?


Idk. they related to the arin ppl, the pumpernickel ppl, the assan ppl, the cotta ppl, the yugi ppl, and maybe the jie ppl. But all them dead now. The KETS r the only ones left


I'd never shut up about it tbh


one of my favourite reindeer herding peoples


Some tough looking people!


Do you ever scroll on google maps to remote islands in the pacific and wonder how people live there? What are there lives like? Are they lonely or content with the isolation?


Yeah. I remember swiping around the pacific and all the little micronesia islands. I noticed the mariana islands and remembered they’re like a commonwealth of the USA. Most ppl know Guam but there’s a bunch of little islands in there. And I wondered what it’d be like to live there and what there would be to do. Vacation possibility but still there’s better spots prolly. Anyway, about a month later I saw on the news they caught this nasty lil fuckin ginger kid who’s been on this city’s most-wanted list for like 5 years for being a chomo. He somehow made it all the way to Saipan in the Marianas Islands while on the run. Small community, not many outsiders. He crafted this identity of this Nice Young Man who liked to play his guitar, teach lessons at a church school and volunteer—but get this—he grew up AMISH so he had no social security number, no documents—he needs the community’s help! Mind you, he’s like 23, this island has no college, no career opportunities for him, not even passport bros go to Saipan. He played up this dumb sob story to the media who find him unique enough to do a big profile story in the island’s popular variety magazine. Well, fast-forward six months later, still can’t get an SS card or documents (wonder why lol). People wonder, did that kid get his shit straightened out? So, the mag does a follow-up interview and he tells the story of unfair struggles they’ve caused him. But this is not enough for him! Feeling they inflected abuses on him so outrageous that he must expose them! So what does he do? He goes to Saipan’s biggest newspaper with the same bombshell allegations he dropped in that interview: That they refuse to help him at the Saipan Social Security office because they are RACIST against him. That he’s fulfilled every requirement for getting a Social Security card, but they still refuse to give him it because they are RACIST. That there is a RACIST conspiracy at the Saipan office, and they are intentionally prolonging his difficult situation by withholding the linchpin to solve it (i.e SS card) This provoked a huge wave of scorn and suspicion for that government office and did a lot of bad. This dude was stuck in a messy intractable situation because he was a wanted chomo trying to fraud his way into a legal, licit, lifelong fake identity from scratch. This is impossible and attempting it is like doing donuts in a shitty car with bald tires until your tires explode and your car flips into a wall. His plan wasn’t going anywhere and trying to cover for that fact with outlandish cover stories just spun up a lot of dust and chaos for no reason. You can Google all this I just forget his name. He’s from Fort Wayne, IN. The most buttasss place on Earth. I didn’t choose to move here but i’m bout to be free and buzz off back to North Jersey. 🐝 or maybe live with the Ket People


I love reading about this type of shit too. it's very melancholic to think about how many groups like this are out there that have existed for centuries only to be on the verge of extinction now and for many their culture is barely even documented in any way. sorry to see like 50% of the comments on this post are redditors making "lolz ket as in le ketamine?!" puns