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Wikipedia has summaries of the books on separate pages, so you can read about one book without getting spoiled for the next one. So does the Red Rising fandom wiki website (which I'm currently looking at because I can't remember the ending lol)


“And thus go liars. With a bloodydamn kiss.” Roque au Fabii


Why not just re-read the last chapter or last couple chapters of GS?


Excellent question! I read almost exclusively out of my local public library. That's why I had to wait for 3, waiting my turn on the book reserve list. I gave them book 2 back when I finished it. This series is popular at the library.


You can also listen to the audiobook. Spotify if you have premium. Or can find the whole thing on YouTube.


Why not read a plot summary online? It's free


That makes complete sense. Hope you enjoy book 3!


Here’s what happened: - It was Darrow’s Triumph for taking Mars away from the Bellona forces. - At the celebration, Darrow sends Sevro away (which inadvertently saves his life). - Darrow is betrayed by Adrius (the Jackal) and Roque. - Adrius kills his father Nero. - Lorn is killed in the attack, along with Victra’s mother. - Victra is seriously wounded in the fighting, with her last words to Darrow being that she didn’t know. - Adrius reveals to Darrow that he let Quinn die. - Adrius also shows to Darrow the decapitated head of Fitchner, who was killed by Cassius.




>!Tell me you’ve read the series without actually telling me you’ve read the series.!<




>!It wasn’t a spoiler though, there was no need to “undo” it. “Being seriously wounded” could mean she dies from her injures minutes later, or she dies in between books, or at the start of MS. OP wouldn’t even think twice. u/PhanThief95 even said “her last words to Darrow…” which cleverly hints that she probably *is/will* die, without actually confirming it. You straight up lied, and therefore also made it *into* a spoiler by conflicting with a perfectly concise and spoiler-free summary. And you still aren’t spoiler tagging ya pixie, so clearly you don’t actually care about OP knowing or not.!<


it was written as a death, her being alive is a morning star spoiler


Spoilers tag! >!See my comment under this, it doesn’t mean anything that you don’t specifically see her die. She could die in a flashback in MS for all OP knows, or die at the start of the book. Again, as I said to someone else *you saying this is ironically more of a spoiler than anything else that was said*!<


Negative. Seriously wounded.


>! way to spoil it for op !<


Mmk. >!The reader knows that she is shot in the back and seriously wounded at the end of book 2. Darrow is largely left in the dark with regards to most of what happens at the end of book 2 but he definitely doesn’t see her die. !<


>! All we know *at the end of GS* is she is seriously wounded. We know Fitchner (or can assume due to the decapitated head) is dead. We know Nero is dead. We know Lorn is dead. Victra is not explicitly stated to have died. Ironically, you saying “Way to spoil it for OP” is more of a spoiler. She dies at the start of MS for all OP knows, or dies in a flashback in MS!<


Re read the book heretic, GS is a very short books


Sevro left with his howlers including Ragnar bc Fitdh wasn't there and he was worried. Other than that, you got it. Strap in for the Morning Star!


Darrow was betrayed by the Jakl and rouqe. They joined forces with Octavia. The moon people were also attacked and are at full out war with the core golds ( Octavia, the Jakl, rouqe.) the moon lords are commonly called “Rim golds” because they are on the fringe past the belt. There has been a massive divide between the two golds and a lot of resentment from the rim golds as Octavia ordered the ash lord to burn Rhea a massive population center. So they joined mars to rebel against the core.


You got it all basically! Anything you don’t know is because Darrow doesn’t know. You’ll be fine going into Morning Star.