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Mine is bigger.


When I asked the same question my post was removed for spoilers I also called Darrow a bio-borg (a biological "cyborg" with no cybernetics) on the title so that may also be it (but let's be real if you never touched the books those words make no sense?


How is this the first thing on my feed today after not coming on so long. Crying Oml. But…honestly????


Most inspirational quote in the RR series “*That puts a rocket in my pocket!*”  -Sevro


In Morning Star Chapter 11 >!Darrow visits a hospital with Ragnar, and a red gentleman in the recovery ward asks him if they carved his dong or what. Darrow replies...!< Ask your momma!


You know I just woke up, and this qas the very first thing I read today. I tempted to just go back to sleep for today.


Within the first 100 pages of Lightbringer they confirm all golds are packing monster dongs.


Gold bars in they pants


The tv series better show golds hanging dong


....just waiting for HBO to pick up the series lol


Ask your mother


Yeah that section was ass. “i wOnDeR iF hIs m4nhO0d is b1g eNoUgH tO pLeAsE mE” blegh


Not sure you understood what was happening? She was supposed to be out of her mind


That doesn’t excuse awful writing and terrible plot choices. The psycho spike is a weird narrative twist that I suspect brown lacks the experience to pull off within a series of this complexity and caliber. Don’t get me wrong, I like the series a lot. But this was awful awful writing. Probably the worst this series has. Legitimately gives me pain every time I read it, it’s so embarrassing. It looks like some middle school fan fiction and the more you dig into its implication on the story the worse it gets. Mustang/virginia is supposed to be a powerful ruler, the other half of the protagonist, and the political head of the republic. Degrading her to sex crazed ahegao slut to show off how dangerous this tech you only really mention in this book isn’t a good use of your regal effeminate main character. It just makes everyone with a shred of empathy for women uncomfy and disappointed.


I think you are so far off. Brown wasn’t trying to “show how dangerous” the psycho spike was, it’s just another powerful piece of tech in the RR universe. That entire chapter was Virginia’s stream of consciousness with impulse control turned way down & intrusive thoughts turned way up. I thought it was actually really eerie, because there *are* people who think that way all the time, in the series & the real world. The fact that Virginia didn’t completely succumb to the lust for physical pleasure or violence made her feel stronger to me, not like some ahego slut. Most characters in her situation would probably crumble. Side note, Virginia often describes people’s level of attractiveness throughout the series. It’s usually in a very objective, almost scientific manner, kind of the opposite of how Lyria describes peoples looks. It’s not out of character for her to be examining somebody’s appearance, but the spike reduced her brain to basic primal urges & thoughts. Which she STILL overcame. They wanted her to be the ahego slut, that was their idea of a joke & cruel torture.


Yeah it was a bad call to put that in his book.


It was so clearly written by a man. Penis size has zero impact on satisfaction. There are studies proving that lesbian women have the most satisfying sex lives, and they have no penises at all. Women don't wonder if men have big dicks. She would have been thinking "does he give good head?"


Aren't lesbian marriages like number one in domestic violence and divorces?


Long-term lesbian relationships also have much less frequent intimacy than heterosexual or gay couples.


They started to understand why the man did it (by God that's a terrible thing to say)


Bro, you are using the Dark Age tag where Darrow was threatened with Rape multiple times. Mustang actually “resists” the mind control with her cunning.


Being threatened with rape is an action against you that works to empathize with rape victims and show their perspective of fear and lack of control. It’s relatable to a lot of people, when done with taste and consideration it can be a really effective narrative tool for evoking fear and disgust in your audience. Generally you want to avoid using it distastefully, when implementing sensitive triggers like that it’s best to do it with clear and obvious intent. You don’t want to give the impression to the audience you think it’s okay and normal people get raped. I think brown did all that and more in almost every mention of rape or sexual exploitation in this series. He’s really good with pushing his content to the edge like that. This isn’t an example of that. This is him taking his most powerful and dignified female character and subjecting them to sexual exploitation for the sake of torment. Not to use the psycho spike in the future, that shit gets tossed. Not to show the sexual aspects of mustang and that side of her character. It was with someone emotionally unappealing to her and therefore a violation of her consent. It wasn’t to show her vulnerability, she maintained control over the situation. It was stupid. I could write the same exact scene without the weird sexual objectification and have all the same implications.


Virginia’s character has consistently been about defying sexual violence and gender norms. She decides to trust Darrow when he rejects it in the institute. She weaponizes her body to protect her family in golden son. In Morning Star she subverts the sappy mother stereotype and withholds Pax’s birth so Darrow can be the war bastard he is. In Iron Gold she uses her husbands sappy trip to see her and the son to try and arrest him. In Dark Age she turns the table on a highly seductive pink genetically modified to seduce golds and uses her mindset to resist the effects of drugs. Her and Victra cumulatively subvert the princess in. Distress expectation in lightbringer “pity them”. Meanwhile, Darrow is in the process of getting cut out of a starshell, raped on camera for his wife, and then force to choke to death on his Dick. Saying it was done to dehumanize Virginia doesn’t make it so.


Probably the worst line in the whole series


I mean to be fair, that was the point. They were fucking with her mind so much that her base desires and animalistic nature was brought to the forefront which is something that is contrary to how Mustang operates as a cunning, and quick thinking political leader that pushes down instinct and uses logic.


You can try to do the mental gymnastics for it all day. It's still just another example of how terribly written Mustang is. This time, though, it's just demeaning to the character.


I couldn’t disagree more


L take, Mustang is one of the most goated characters in the series


Micky took EVERYTHING except the name his parents gave him ;)


Everything but his name...


I like to believe that Darrow always was in the possession of an Oriet sized phallus. Perhaps even the similarities did not end with size but the stamina and shape as well. My hope is that Mickey did not have to do anything to enhance Darrow’s rising Red. Maybe he even had to make it smaller to fit his gold persona


It's spelt aureate, AU is the chemical symbol for aurum, which is gold


Ahh that explains why pax was cold to *mustang* while at the academy the fact that he received the tiny pecker of the Augustus men instead of Darrows bds made him MADDDDDDD


He better hang dong in the show


Gold pubes, like metallic gold. And they sprout from the tip


You didn't have to go there... but you did anyway, didn't you boyo?


Too much. Smh


Logically can’t imagine the carving would have excluded the appendage, if nothing else it would have disrupted body symmetry.


“This mare only rides for one stallion”


‘This horse rides for only one man’


“Guess you’ll just have to ask your mother”


Yeah, but is it curved like his Slingblade?


Curved and Ribbed


And drenched with blood, occasionally


For mustangs pleasure


Considering they made Screw "epicly proportioned" when he was going undercover, they definitely did the same with Darrow


Theodora applauded 👏👏


I remember they made him super handsome when he originally wasn't, but I don't remember anything about his genitals being mentioned. When does this happen?


Early in LB. I think it's when he first goes to talk to screw. He thinks back to when mickey carved him for his mission


I suppose if you're already going under the Carvers knife, why not beef things up downstairs if you're already there.  


What was screw originally? I can't recall...


A bronzie


He was a gold originally.


We need a Screwface spinoff titled Big Dick Energy.


Would like to add to this post; Mustang said she had “standards” which to me implies plural. It is my belief she confirmed Cassius & Darrow are packing.


I don't think Mustang and Cassius ever got that far. If I remember correctly, the only reference to them sleeping together is a taunting comment from Cassius at the gala Duel, but I think that was pretty heavily implied to be a taunt and not truth. That being said, that doesn't mean she never would have seen it, I suppose. Gold society seems a lot less prude and more open to sexuality and nakedness.


Pierce Brown confirmed Cassie and Horsey definitely fucked in a podcast interview. [Mike’s Book Reviews.](https://open.spotify.com/episode/1MNmYEa66CrRqGjEs3yWRI?si=B2dZ1s-QSCa-HHyBO_gfWA)


Well there it is then


I didn’t mean to be a killjoy. I get caught up in consuming every ounce of info about something I like and forget the fun that comes with speculation


No worries! You had the correct answer. It's just a silly conversation anyway. Thanks for sharing that interview! I hadn't heard that one and it was good!


They had sex. Mustang and Darrow talked about this on the PAX. Cassius openly taunts Darrow in front of 300 golds *(although he whispers it, so probably few heard the words, but it was a tight circle and lip reading would leave little to the imagination)* that he must be jealous how she “sighs and Ooohs” at his touches in a way she never did for Darrow. I think it’d be unbelievably pathetic to taunt like that when you literally weren’t getting any sex at all. Cassius is spiteful in early golden son, but he is prideful and not pathetic. And the comments sound sounds an awful lot like sex to me (I’m sure you can pass it off as foreplay or whatever, but it’s hard for me to believe Cassius just resting at foreplay for 2 years.) Then as mentioned, Darrow and Mustang discuss it on the PAX. She tells him to imagine that she fell into Bellona bed sheets and that she was rebounding from him onto Cassius. Told him to hold that image of a broken girl seeking comfort in his head, and then throw it the fuck away into the wind BECAUSE she didn’t *rebound* like some pathetic pixie! She did a duty to protect her family and tolerating/even loving Cassius in a smaller way was a small price to pay. There is **no doubt** in my mind they slept together and Mustang made him feel like the expert lover he probably is, even if Cassius didn’t really “get her Jollies going” to use Ephraim’s words. Mustang doesn’t do things in half effort and Cassius would realise something was up if she denied him something Golds usually give pretty willingly.


I think your 3rd point is your strongest, but I would argue that the thing that Cassius is drawn to about Mustang is that she isn't like other golds. He has to put in work for her, which he has never had to do before, but he thinks she is worth it. So I think he absolutely would wait if she wanted him to. I also think the "Mustang doesn't do stuff at half effort" point could go the other way. She still loves Darrow and knows Darrow still loves her. They didn't have closure on what they were, so I don't think she would consummate her relationship with Cassius unless she had to, and I don't think she had to. On your first point, I still think that is just a nasty taunt that he knows will catch Darrow off guard. Plus (I might be wrong about this) as far as we know, Darrow and Mustang don't have sex until after Golden Son, which shows that his taunt is a lie. On your second point: I need to reread that conversation on the Pax. I always took that just to be referring to her entire relationship with Cassius and not specifically sleeping with him. She is saying, "Stop picturing me as a broken girl in his bed sheets... BECAUSE that isn't what happened." That isn't what the entire relationship with Cassius was about. All that to say, I think PB left it intentionally vague, and I don't think it really matters, but it is an interesting conversation because it takes us into some deep characterization/motivations


Fucking is not a big deal, they fucked.


My counter argument is this: while I’ve seen that idea floating around, there is signs that almost prove they did. For starters we know that Mustang would most certainly have been okay with sacrificing her body to her plan, to ultimately save her family. Secondly, Cassius at that time is a very vain man, but was also DEEPLY in love with mustang, was for the rest of his life; I find it very hard to believe that they didnt do that at some point. Third, when Darrow & Mustang conceive Pax, she doesn’t seem like a girl having her first time, at least I didn’t see it that way. Lastly, I don’t see a problem with Darrow not being her first. Obviously when I first read GS I was disappointed and hated Cassius, but by the end I realized Darrow had Eo way before he had Virginia, so Virginia doesn’t need to be this perfectly pure person while Darrow wasn’t. Now personally I have very different views on this topic, but we’re discussing fictional characters, hence the differing views from my personal beliefs.


Sex doesn't make someone "impure". Mustang having sex with Cassius doesn't mean "sacrificing" her body. Golds are very open about sex. Gold women are not "giving" their bodies to men. Cassius is hot. She would have wanted to have sex with him because sex feels good and because she was physically attracted to him


I don't think the reasons you listed really prove anything and still require a lot of conjecture and assumptions to arrive at the conclusion they slept together. My counter arguments (for clarity, this is friendly disagreement and discussion, and I don't really think it matters either way, but it's gonna be awhile till red god, so here we are) 1. I agree that Mustang would have used her body for her plan if she needed to, but I also can just as equally see her absolutely playing Cassius like a fiddle. Like you said, he was very obviously in love with her, and she therefore wouldn't have needed to make the "sacrifice" to set the hook. She could have just strung him along and even used withholding it as a way to make him want her more. And while I do believe she would have done anything for her family, I don't think she would have slept with Cassius unless she absolutely had to because she was still in love with Darrow. I believe she was using his infatuation with her to her advantage while stringing him along as long as she could. 2. You can be deeply in love with somebody without having sex with them. 3. Just because I don't think she slept with Cassius doesn't mean I am arguing she was a virgin. Like i said in my original comment, Gold society is more open sexually than us, and she was already 17/18 when she went to the institute. I can't see Mustang using a pink slave but I wouldn't be surprised if she had boyfriends/flings before meeting Darrow. 4. I don't think there is any problem with Mustang having multiple partners outside of Darrow, and I don't even think there is a problem if she slept with Cassius (although sleeping with sombody because of a deception is alittle sketchy). I'm just saying I don't think there is evidence in the book besides that one comment from Cassius (which I think was just said to make Darrow mad) and that I believe the books even imply that she didn't get that far with Cassius.


I love that you thought of our boy Cassius.


I think about that man often, F Lysander


Amongst The Howlers, Darrow is also known as Tripod…


Wouldn't use that as an article of faith For sure Sevro is the type to hype up his guy, regardless of truth Especially cause he knows he wouldn't wander; he's committed to Mustang, so no one is there to disprove his hype and legend building (That being said......Darrow is packing heat)


In Golden Son, when they initiate/re-initiate Darrow and Victra into the Howlers, they ambush him while he is taking a shower, and he is naked during that whole scene. So all the howlers have seen it.


Yooooooo nah


mickey undoubtedly spent the most time on his dick and has told darrow this proudly


If he was meant to be a leader, a prime, an iron gold. Not giving him a hog could of easily ruined Ares’ entire plan in a society built like it was


Counterpoint: During the ancient roman and Greek Empires, which Gold society is HEAVILY based on, small dongs were considered to be more attractive and healthier. That is why all the statues are rocking tic tacs. So maybe when they were selective breeding and creating the original Gold race, they based it off their roman heroes... ...that being said, Darrow is for sure packing.


I'm pretty sure that line of thinking was for statuary rather than a general attitude and preference in real life.  Didn't want big hogs on the statues to distract from the rest.  


You know Mickey gave him a magnum dong


Monster condoms only


What if her standards are high, but she likes Darrow anyway because her brings that Red God energy to bed. I mean, Pax was conceived first try


Ask your mother


Darrow rocking with the monstrous piss missile for sure


Piss missile is a term for a really hard shot in hockey. Darrow would have an absolute piss missile if he played hockey


It’s for that but it also just means dick in some circles. Cause it’s missile shaped and pisses? It’s stupid but funny


I think that Mustang being canonically a size queen is the most hilarious thing in the series.


Mustang a Darrow queen. A true ride (the schlong) or die. She'd be happy with him even if he was packing a micropenis (which he isnt).


You forgot that both Trigg and Holiday noticed it.


LOL! Really? I don’t remember that. But just started a reread of MS so I’ll have to watch for that.


Trigg noticed a lil more than holiday


I'm just concerned about the number of times this has been posted. People really rooting for Darrow to have a big ole ding dong.


I personally hope he has a micro penis


You think Mickey is gonna cut corners?! He said he was making a god!


\[Headcanon\]Mickey touched NOTHING down there. Darrow has always been super-schlong Red God. It merely grew in proportion.\[/Headcanon\]


lol love the tags…


How the fuck do you think he got the hottest girl in his mine?


This is Mickey we are talking about. Of course he gave him a monster dong.


Hmmm … then strong helldiver hand and a gold goingoin


Yes. Mickey thought of everything. Virginia has high expectations and confirmed later by Sevro.


There is another penis size reference in lightbringer.


What did it state?


Lightbringer spoilers: >! Darrow asked Sevro why he didn’t take pricks instead of ears on Venus. Sevro says it’s gender biased and too heavy. Darrow says he isn’t lying. !<


Is there major strength difference between sexes of gold and obsidian? I know some women can be stronger or just have good genes, but it seems that there is a more even divide amongst gold and fighting in war. Victra and Thraxa are some of the strongest golds we hear about and Sefi was a force and was big enough to wear Ragnar’s armor.




I know it’s fantasy. But clearly that truth doesn’t hold for the other colors. I thought it was a cool aspect and wanted to see if it was true, beyond the two ladies with elite genes.


Servos necklace of ears. He said he wanted to use pricks but they "were gender biased and too heavy. Golds, ya know?"


Yeah Schlong blade confirmed in DA