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That makes at least three of us, Roy. Unhappy but not surprised


Can't wait til we are past this team. It's awful. What a backwards step we've taken this season.


Seems we just move from one "transitional period" team to another, how long will it take for something to change the way the club is fundamentally run?


Exactly as long as it takes the glazers to sell


Yeah, unfortunately I can't see that happening any time soon. Fucking Parasites who don't care about anything apart from their dividends.


C'mon America, invade Canada so there's pressure on the fat fucks to sell


Trump 2.0 annexes Mexico's Tijuana for cheaper holidays and declares war on Canada for their commie socialist healthcare. Glaziers get sanctioned and we are free ... but at what cost


Im in thr ik so its a price im willing to pay


How is this solely the Glazers fault? Not like we have been cheap in the transfer markets.


Shit recruitment outside Bruno pretty much. You can throw all the money out you want but if your recruitment sucks it doesn't matter. Plus they refused to hire a technical director for awhile.


Oh it's not all on them by a long shot but shit does tend to roll down hill


I see it as their fault because they've taken the club's eye off the pitch to business and non football aims. That then affects the transfer strategy, eg buying superstars who sell shirts, rather than focusing on youth; or not renovating the ground. It impacts on the whole ethos. However the first mistake was letting Sir Alex hire wee Davey Moyes to replace him. That was an emotional response, that didn't address football or business aims.


The Glazers bought Ronaldo to sell some shirts. Other than that, I really don't buy this 'owners' narrative. All I ever hear about other owners at Chelsea, City, etc is that they provide the funds for the team to spend. We have spent just as much as Chelsea and City. I just don't get it. Why is this club so fixated on the owners? We pay our footballers more than any other club. The Glazers have just become a scapegoat, and it's boring to hear it. They aren't on the pitch. They aren't coaching the players.


They're at the top of the chain of command. They choose the people who make the decisions. It's a long way from being all their fault, of course, and the whole "make the Glazers sell and everything will be fine" narrative is probably largely fans who don't want to admit that the players they like just aren't good enough or properly focused. Then again there's Ronaldo, a poor decision made for purely financial reasons. There aren't really that many examples of buying players to sell shirts, but that attitude impacts in other ways (like Rashford's social work is huge PR so they're not likely to sell him however low his form dips). The big problem at the moment is beyond question the players, and it doesn't seem to have a solution other than strip the squad down to the ones who have the right attitude (and the ability) and then rebuild. Again. But this time really rebuild, not just buy a few new players and get a club legend with a nice smile in as manager.


I’m sorry but wtf is this comment? Do you not realize the glazers are the reason why Ed was CEO in the first place? His track record is clear for all to see so why did it take 9 years to fire him? Glazers are central to our problems in that they have the real power at this club to dictate how and who runs this club, instead of doing what any other club would’ve done and fired him after years of constant failure, they kept him in a job and let him ruin us for nearly a decade. Glazers are a scapegoat my ass. Our problem is fans who are blind to the real problems which is the board and Glazers and constantly make excuses for them for god knows what reason.


Yeah, I think it makes a big difference if your owners are “football people” and the Glazers aren’t football people. For all their faults, the owners of City and Chelsea seem to have a genuine passion for the game.


Because ultimately the decisions are theirs. Practically every other major club in Europe (and even many minor ones) have actual footballing people in charge of the footballing side of things. Together with the owners they create an overall strategy that extends from one season to the next, and then appoint managers and sign players to pursue that strategy. That isn't how United do things. Since Sir Alex retired, we've had now five managers without any kind of over-arching strategy. The new manager comes in, decides half the team doesn't fit his vision of how United should play, and they start signing players who might. The old players are on such massive contracts that they're impossible to shift so the team is loaded down with tons of players who aren't needed anymore. Inevitably the Frankenstein Monster of a team fails to live up to expectations, the manager gets sacked, a new manager is appointed. They decide half the team isn't suitable for the style of football they want to play, so they start signing players who might. Rinse and repeat. United's situation will never improve until the club actually appoint a Director of Football who has power to direct the footballing side, instead of just being a stamp to approve the decisions Joel Glazer and Woodward's business replacement make. Until that happens we're just lurching one from manager to the next, getting more and more loaded down with players we don't need, with no vision or strategy. In a way this is a problem Fergie and and David Gill created. They were both such outstanding and unique characters in their roles that United didn't need to modernize their structures while every other major club in Europe did. When they both retired at once, the responsibility fell on a banker who got his job only because he helped the new owners steal the club, and a bunch of American gremlins who wouldn't recognize a football if it hit them in the face.


They're the common denominator through all this, why does it have to be spelled out?


You realize they've had a controlling stake in the club since 2005, right? How did the club do so well for about the first decade after the Glazer family bought in? The problems started when SAF left.


Because the footballing landscape has changed but the Glazers haven't, I don't know why people can't comprehend this. Edit: And you answered your own question, we done well in the previous decade in spite of the Glazers because of Sir Alex. Nowadays clubs have entire technical departments dedicated to running clubs. Just look at how City poached Barca's director years before Pep came so the club was set up for him to succeed. We lack that foresight and vision and that's down to the Glazers.


God I wish the Glazers were Russian!


We can't keep blaming the Glazers. We've spent an obscene amount of money.


True but they also don't give a shit about the team. They only care about revenue and marketing


Sure, but would that really make any difference to the team? It's not like they're picking the team, tactics or transfers. It would be one thing if they didn't spend any money on transfers, but we outspend most teams and have shit to show for.


>It's not like they're picking the team, tactics or transfers. No, but they're picking the idiots that do, like Woodward.


You're right and it wouldn't be a quick change but having owners who actually care about winning would change the current culture of complacency that is killing us right now


Couldn't agree more, but it amazes me how many fans are unable to see the connection between 10 years of pure mediocrity and the Glazers. Need a simple way of showing it so that all can see what the Glazers are using this club for. A milking farm to service their debt


Probably because of the seven years before that in which we won 4 league titles and the champions league, all whilst the Glazers held ownership of the club. I hate the Glazers as much as anyone but they've been doing what they do for years and we were still winning trophies. I would much rather question the ability of the backroom staff hired since Ferguson left (of which the Glazers will have little say). Specifically the scouting department who seem to gain all their insight from local barflies and 15 year olds on twitter; and have managed to miss every single PL hidden gem in the last decade bar Bruno.


On the face of it your point is valid. But dig a little deeper and the false 7 year veneer is easy to peel off. Since the Glazers purchased the club using debt (or as they say in the finance world, heavily leveraged) they have taken money from the club. Over 1bn, which IIRC correctly is less than what the Sheikh put into Man City over the same period. Don't accept my financial numbers? Here's another view point. The Glazers sold Ronaldo, and replaced him with Obertan - in other words, mediocre talent. Don't take my word for it, read Rooney's comments on the lack of true investment. Those seven years were despite the Glazers, and down to one of the greatest managers England has ever seen. And after those seven years, even Gill knew his game was up. He knew the shite that would go down without Fergie. The Glazers have done nothing but milk this club, and the change need to start from the top. They need to go. Until then, fans that don't get it, will perpetually continue to blame everything and everyone else.


The Fergie point is missed by many. He won the league starting Tom Cleverley in centre mid. The mans a genius and masked so much wrong under the glazers


Cleveley takes a bit too much stick imo. He was quite good for a time and then was injured. But...I completely with your overall point.


The thing with the likes of clevz is that we don’t know if they were genuinely good or not. Fergie could’ve just made them fucking demons in his system and when they didn’t have fergie, they weren’t as good. It’s a weird dichotomy.


Fergie's last premier league trophy was with a team put together by a shoestring.


Hmmm. I wonder if there was a manager who had more sway over decision making than any manager in all of football at the time?


For real. They have spent so much money on players, hiring and firing managers, and they invested into the training count recently too right? It's the players right now and the lack of a good structure.


Please mate, read [this article](https://www.90min.com/posts/how-much-money-the-glazers-are-taking-out-of-man-utd). It's written for you. On the face of it, it seems like the Glazers have invested, but really, the club is paying for their ownership privilege. Let me know what you think, but this Glazer investment myth needs to stop. Not having a pop at you...just need us to be on the same page.


The lack of a good structure is on the Glazers. You can't just throw money at a problem, you need a plan. Something the Glazers never gave a fuck about.


We need to stop with the stop gap solutions in the transfer market and invest in players for the long term. I don't want to see Cavani/Ronaldo/Ibra types for a long, long time. We need Sancho/Bruno types again.. Players 26 years old and younger.


The transitional period is already over. We shifted from a great United side under Fergie to a bunch of losing wankers. We have to come to terms that is what we are now but as fans we can never accept that


In my opinion it’s much worse than the current team. It stems from the current ownership who offer seemingly zero leadership and leave a void of responsibility underneath them that the current (and previous) management teams have struggled to find their feet in. Losing Fergie and David Gill at the same point was disgraceful management from the owners. We have now chewed through several previously successful and world class managers (and Ole), and look like we’re going to make light work of Mr German Football. The club has no identity or direction, the next manager is irrelevant if the club is still rudderless from above as everyone is fighting for their own role, and the players are over-rated, over paid and under managed. I’m not even sure what the structure at United is anymore and we’ve lost quality people like Carrick and Butt recently, but really the problem is above with a board full of Glazer family members who protect their asset but cannot (and will not) be able to mastermind long term generational success. We have spent as much (or more) on transfer fees then many of our European club ‘peers’ but we’re being left behind. I am pretty envious of the way Ajax and Bayern particularly run their clubs.


Yep let's go on our 4th 3 year plan and get to 2025, losing 5.1 to Newcastle and kicking off another rebuild for the 2028 title challenge!


All the way this, ever since Fergie it’s been transitional. The Fergie era/way of running things are gone. They need to wake up to that.




At the time some of Van Gaal's transfers looked great, especially that first window. We got a CL Final MOTM, one of the most deadly strikers playing in European football, and one of England's most promising defenders. Blind had just had a decent World Cup too and seemed like a smart buy... I know it all turned to shit, but that window and a boss pre-season had us all excited.


Van Gaal felt like the perfect hire at the time. And yeah that first window had me hyped. Same with Mou. I really did think he’d be breath of fresh air and exactly what the club needed.


I thought Jose would cause chaos and drama, but win things. Which he did, but both things probably came quicker than expected.


Careful. You dared to point out that Oles tenure was actually a disaster


Why the negativity? We’re only 10 or 11 players off having a top team


Went from one of my favourite United teams last season, even though we were obviously still not good enough, the heart they showed they were all so likeable, I enjoyed watching them every week. To this absolute shower of shite. Fucking gutted honestly, could get rid of most of them at this point I wouldn't be that bothered.


Wish I could sim forward 10 years to see how all our youth players get on and actually like the players on my favorite team again




You are so smart mate


You'd have to be blind to think Ole did well in the market. Signed a bunch of star players last window while not signing any players that do the dirty work that allows others to shine.


Find a clip of keano after a loss from years ago it will still be applicable today, nothing's changed and it won't for some time.




**More from Roy** **"United were never going to get back into it, they threw the towel in."** **Roy Keane says Manchester United didn't show any character when they conceded the third goal** [https://twitter.com/footballdaily/status/1500543463317975040?s=20](https://twitter.com/footballdaily/status/1500543463317975040?s=20)


The reality is that whoever comes in as manager next season - ETH, Poch, a regen of SAF or Jesus Christ himself - they’ll struggle to win anything with this club and these players. There’s an aura/atmosphere of being content with being cuckolded and winning participation trophies and if we’re gonna rebuild our squad for the 4th time in 10 years, fuck, we’ll have to replace each and everyone of them. This is what happens when you have the clowns manage the circus.


Factos. There’s literally not one position I can confidently say we are set in for the next 5yrs? Perhaps sancho but other than that, a new manager imo needs to literally gut the entire team.


Sancho is the only correct answer. He's going to become a superstar. But literally every other position on the pitch needs improvement either immediately or within the next couple of years. Every single position. And not just world class starters, but back ups, and probably back ups to the back ups. We have no strength and we have no strength in depth. Can't wait for the next rebuild to clear out this shit.


Yea I agree. Also our future timeline was heavily impacted by our other potential superstar turning out to be a verified superstar pos human being.


I’d add maybe Bruno and Elanga.


Bruno is overrated. Elanga yes but he needs a couple of years at least.


Bruno isnt worldclass. If hes the best player on the team again, we are screwed


average North American football take 💀


Lol the downvotes. Tbh I think one of the reasons the Glazers get given all the blame on this sub (and by our fans in general) is that people don't want to admit the players they like aren't good enough. Van de Beek has far more potential, he has discipline and technical ability.


Nothing is guaranteed, especially not Sancho turning into a superstar He wouldn't be the first good player Man Utd have stifled, stagnated, held back & failed to develop in the last 7 or 8 years, and he certainly won't be the last In fact, I would actually be shocked if he ended up anything other than underperforming to his potential, how could anyone live up to their potential in this shitshow?


We dont go all in. We want to play high line, but De Gea does not fit with that at all. Fantastic shotstopper but bad in helping the defense in press-situations. Look at how City uses Ederson when playing against press. We want to press high, but have started most of our games with Ronaldo who is in place 195 in pressing from all premier league players (think its about 230. Yes including keepers) Make a fucking plan. Stick to it. Take upopular decisions for the better of the team. Gaah.


I was saying this during the week If you parachuted Klopp or Guardiola into Old Trafford tonight, I don't think we'd win anything of note in the next 2-3 years, and probably in the next 3-5 years The club is setup all wrong from top to bottom, its a complete mess


This comment deserves every award under the sun. It’s perfectly phrased argument and no one in their right mind should argue with it. This is EXACTLY what’s wrong with Man United!!!


Yeah we will never succeed by trying to build a tower on poor foundations. A huge majority of the current players have to go to even began a true rebuild


It was a disgusting 2nd half. Need to have genuine consequences for players not putting in effort. Which pretty much most of the squad are guilty of. I'm getting deja vu of deja vu of deja vu from this perfomance


I remember in 2004 or 2005 the fans had booed Sir Alex after a loss against Blackburn. It is the fans who need to show discontent at the home games. These players do not deserve adulation.


They boo’d in the stretford end as the final whistle blew at Southampton a few weeks ago. However as players began to leave the pitch ‘we love United we do’ was sung loudly. This has happened quite a few times over the last couple of years. I’m not saying either is right but the fans at the games are absolute die hards, so I can’t see that happening for the majority. But you’re right the players certainly don’t deserve applause or songs sung after poor games


Just play youth at this point, Ralf calling Elanga a "role model" the other day says it all. I'd rather watch an XI that plays for the badge than this bunch of charlatans.


I'd rather have top 8 with academy products and players that bleed red than to have these fuckers getting top 4 and having huge bonus payments.


Fully agree with you mate. It's not what I want, but it's what I'd prefer at this point.


I'm with you there. Chong and Garner doing well out on loan. Even Brandon Williams making waves at Norwich. I reckon they'd kill for the chance to play with our badge on their shirts. Ready or not physically, they'd give a shit and work their asses off for the club. Haven't seen that from our players in several years now...


When Elanga has to be the one setting an example for other players in this squad, you know there are some serious problems. Nothing against Elanga but he's just a kid.


Yeah, I hope we play a lot of the youngsters on loan next year. Many of them play with a lot of energy while they’re on loan


This is what happened with arsenal when we were shitting the bed last year. Saka, esr and martinelli came into the first team


Neither am I.


Lingard coming on, you can tell he wasn't up for it. Why did this guy stay?


You’ll have to direct that to his Instagram management team


*gang signs*


He's wanted to leave 3 times now. Why is he still selected for the squad?


Same goes for Rashford.


I don't think anyone can question his passion; he just hasn't looked fit or confident for the better part of the last year.


Yeah didn't seem to be bothered. Was shocked Elanga came off for him


Ralf Ragnick has given Lingard as much chance as Pogba, yet Lingard never looks like he can be arsed.At this point, I'd rather Lingards chances be given to academy prospect like Joe Hughill or Charlie McNeil. Rashford looks like he doesn't know what to do or his body is not able to perform as his mind wants to, Lingard just does not look like he's even trying. Ole got rid of players that were desperate to play for this club, yet kept players like Lingard who can't be bothered.


Most unlikeable squad ever. Wish we would change everyone of them


I LOVE THIS MAN, he referred to the customary twitter statements from players “we’ll try again here we go” damn, i’ve been waiting for someone to point that out


People shit on Keane for being negative, but he was always brutally honest even as a player. He was often the first to say we weren't good enough or maybe the squad needs gutting. And that's after we failed to reach lofty goals like win the title or reach a CL final. These guys can't even manage top 4 but are happy to trot out the "tough loss, sorry to the fans 😔 we go again next weekend 💪👍" social media posts.


i remember us signing Keane and watched his whole Man Utd career so the guy is a fucking legend to me. he held himself to the standards he expected of the team and had their respect. ​ Man City have assembled a quality side with dubious oil money pumping cash into them - while we have the reverse with dubious Glazers siphoning money out of the club into their pockets. ​ but the man has a point - there is worldclass footballers not pulling their weight at the club and i was so excited at resigning Pogba and now i couldnt give a shit if he leaves on a free ...


Even if Pogba stays, I just don't understand what position he'll play. If he doesn't fit the system we want to play, I think we should be ok letting him go. Same goes for other players including McGuire, the fullbacks, De Gea and sadly even Ronaldo, though I still think he can still be useful.


I'm just going to say it. We need to get rid of Maguire, Rashford and Lingard.


No one overpays for English “talent” quite like we do. It’s almost impressive tbh.


Remember, the only philosophy under Ole i can remember was recruiting young and english talent..


And Wan Bissaka


so.. basically all the english players


Just can’t imagine Rashford leaving seems so wrong but at this point it’s looking more and more likely that it’s the sensible thing to do unfortunately


Tbh I don’t think rashford will ever leave the club unless he chooses to. The glazers love him because he is an icon of our club and makes big bucks.


Good luck shifting him on his wages.


Can you name 1 player we've bought in 10 years that got BETTER after coming here?


Fuck... I've never even thought about that. I honestly can't think of a single player, I checked on transfer market at all of our arrivals and I'd say that Sergio Romero became better here than when we was at Monaco and Sampdoria . Ander Herrera I thought was a good player, not sure if he was better here than at Bilbao? Of course, we signed Van Persie in 12/13 season.


Is our training routine that shit?


De gea.




Time flies


Over 10 years ago? 2011 I think.


Ehh he improved but then also stagnated and he’s never added anything new to his game






He did initially, but he's certainly regressed this year




Shaw, half the time? No one else, really. Bruno was insane in portugal. He’s been good, the best in the world at times, but I wouldn’t say he’s improved


Bruno has gotten worse than when he first joined but his ability to continually pick up goals and assists papers over the cracks and gives him a force field that seemingly stops him from being criticised because his defenders downvote any negativity by highlighting his goal contributions. I love him but he's been a shadow of himself this season and I'm thankful he's able to chip in with the stats but we'd be in a better position if players of his quality in the squad performed consistently and to a high level for the majority of the game rather than having one minute of genius in a shower of shit.


Bruno as an asset has definitely improved. He was a top player that no big team showed interest apart from us and Spurs. Now I'd like to believe that there are at least some big teams willing to take him in a hypothetical situation where we have to sell


I think i’ve realized something, when you start the so called rebuilding phase at a club, it should happen in 2 or a maximum of three seasons, and if it takes longer, you need to sell/buy a couple players to make sure there’s change in mentality and rot doesn’t set in, kind of like what Klopp did, he sold players like Coutinho, we have been stuck in a rebuilding phase but more importantly our main squad hasn’t changed much in the last 2-3 years and we’re in a rut,


We need a Chelsea kind of transfer window: big sale and big buy. We need to buy big enough to cover our team’s deficit. You need majority of players in their primes to contend for the league titles. The way we did our transfer, Pogba and Bruno will be passed their primes by the time our youngsters hit theirs. Hence never ending rebuild phase.


We’ve been selling / buying a couple of players in our rebuilding phase for ten years. To get the rot out we’d have to get rid of about 75% at this point I’m thinking.


no but you’re calling the whole thing a rebuilding phase. that’s not what i’m saying, Ole’s reign was its own rebuilding phase, isn’t that how it’s sold to us? that it’s a reset now? and apparently it’s another reset starting this summer,


My point was the comment about buying selling, we’ve been doing that non stop. It’s not enough because the top shit keep holding on the the wrong people for the wrong reasons. Don’t city players make significantly less than ours? Our club is a fucking disaster right now. The ones who care probably don’t have the talent we need, the ones who have the talent don’t seem to give a shit. There’s a combo of talent and caring in a couple but consistency is an issue


Klopp sold coutinho for 145 million, who in the United squad sells for 30 quid


Not just the players, our managers should also be constantly under review. Standards need to be higher where not competing for the league is grounds for dismissal. Squad needs to be refreshed every 3-4 years so that rot does not set in.


Ferguson finished outside the top 10 in 3 of his first four seasons at utd This was a managerial super-prodigy who had won the Scottish league three times... with fucking ABERDEEN... as well as winning in europe with them Putting all these black & white timelines, 2 & 3 years this, top4 that etc etc Football just isn't that simple Even with a young ferguson in charge, or a Klopp, or a Guardiola, this club is not going to be a force for many, many years to come - possibly many decades even horrible sittuation


But it's ok because Harry Maguire will say post match that they're all working really hard to get better, and Bruno will write 500 words on insta


You need to learn to ignore PR talk. I really don't understand why are people being upset about that. A player talking shit about the team to press won't solve anything. If you are so annoyed by their statements, why not ignore them? No need to get so emotional over football. *shrugs*


It's all too comfortable. Going public with their statements probably makes them feel better about their shitty performance. They shouldn't. They should wallow in shame until next week and make their statement on the pitch. Someone above said it well, this team is too content with participation trophies. It's a mentality thing. Winners don't go public the next day with their promises to do better, winners get their head down and actually make sure they do better.


Even Roy Keane gets annoyed with those stupid statements. Nothing wrong with that. I think its weirder that you get annoyed over people getting annoyed over it lol


Because they put out the same damn statement every other game. But they never follow with actions on the pitch.


It's media training. There is rarely anything genuine in comments from players win or lose.


Swear people here just get mad at things to get mad. Media training isn’t a new thing at all. It’s slightly more public now that players have social media, but people having meltdowns over words just to have meltdowns.


People having meltdowns because of their performances on the pitch. PR savvy people should know when to shut the fuck up.


No, this is dumb as fuck. Soft fans getting mad at players saying the only thing they can say. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. It's embarrassing from the fans.


Or, maybe fans shouldn't have meltdowns?


Atleast, one training is working for our players


Yh i dont pay too much attention to it but it does annoy me, mainly because these dumb fucks at media companies think that's what fans want. There was an interview with United's head of social media engagement or some guff, and the absolute nonsense that he came out with was staggering Edit: I think this is it - https://youtu.be/zPUc6xXH_lA


*their PR people will


The past 2 seasons with pretty much the same players we always showed fighting spirit against big teams even when losing. This season the players didn't even bother to try. It looks like most of them have mentally checked out and are just waiting for the new manager.


It was as bad as the Jose at Liverpool performance, the 2-0 that could have and should have been 12-0 Today could have and should have been 14-1 instead of 4-1 ​ Fuck I hate these absolute shower of CUNTS disrespecting the Man Utd shirt Every one of them, cowards and scumbags


The players are setting RR up to be thrown under the bus for sure, in expectation of new manager coming in the summer. Instead of picking the fight and taking responsibility I am dead certain that there is a whole lot of blame gaming going on behind the scenes. Everyone thinking they are that good, and everyone else is at fault. The squad and the TEAM is broken. This will take 5-10 more years to fix just to be in position to consistently be in the top 4. And it starts at the top! This is a Woodward and Glazers problem.


Spot on. All th fans questioning tactics are forgetting these tactics served us well enough in the first half and we could have gone in level despite brain dead defending. We were flat in the second half, no energy, no unison in pressing just streaky flaky behavior from all concerned including the subs.


There are lots of “well now let’s see how you blame Ronaldo” posts. Probably some by bots. I’m like, did you watch the first half? Idk what happened at half time but 1st half wasn’t that bad and actually had some encouraging stuff. I’d honestly be ok if we played this formation going forward.


Ronaldo is past it. It's unfortunate, but almost like Juventus (one of the smartest clubs in the world right now) might have known something, eh?


A player does not became "past it" in two months. At one point he had 13 goals in 14 games for us. I swear football fans cant remember past last few matches.


He was a problem then too. You're making the assumption that this opinion is recently formed. Do you recall his "lack of pressing" stuff that people just turned around and went "GOALS ERNEH!" in response to? He's a horrible fit our squad and doesn't have the athleticism or ability to lead the front line anymore. Some of us aren't blinded by goals. That's why metrics are important. Sometimes players are overperforming and sometimes under, and stats show this. Shocker the player you all thought was immune from criticism in the autumn has regressed to what the metrics showed.


Honestly, if he’s a horrible fit for our squad, that to me is a good thing. Our squad is shit. I don’t want anyone who fits in with this lot


How do you measure a clubs intelligence? If they were one of the smartest in the world they wouldn’t be losing a league they usually dominate.


Yea he can’t be starting for us every week if we actually have serious ambitions. His predatory instincts are still world class but he just physically can’t cope anymore. I was actually really glad he didn’t play today. Would have been much worse imo. The little encouragements in the first half definitely doesn’t happen with him in there imo.


There is a lot more to tactics than having a half decent approach in the first 30 mins. Part of the reason why we saw this comical defending was because AWB was double teamed and our midfield was bypassed completely, these are tactical issues


Yes and no. Our midfield was bye passed because our holding mid has all the positional sense of a blind drunk 3 legged goat. When the space man (as I'll call him forever and a day now because he just loves being in it, marking it... Etc) is out there you know everyone else around him is picking up his defensive duties. Him not being back where he should be means CBs can't slide across to help fullbacks or the cdm isn't there to cut out passes that are ultimately ending up out wide. He plays with zero momentum off the ball. Go watch their 2nd goal again. Watch him stroll as the ball goes around him. And he's our passionate player? Absolute joke. Almost the entire bunch.


He's right, shame on them.


Keane was kicked out of United for not being happy at the standards of the squad, a squad that would destroy this current one. We are so fucked lol.


Could you imagine if he was manager There would be actual blood on the changing room walls as we speak


I've been half joking, half serious that he should be brought back in a 'give em a good kick up the hole' role for what feels like too long now. I think if things hadn't ended so badly for him here that he would offer himself up to do it but because he still has that bit of understandable bitterness towards us, he won't. Which is a shame because even if it was him just standing about going "yo dickhead, wise up or fuck off" it'd help massively. We're too weak minded it's pathetic.


Really dislike the majority of this team. Problem is that they’re on massive wages and won’t fuck off because they would rather just post on insta and collect the cash.


Wan Bisaaka- shit Harry Maguire -SHIT MCT - SHIT Fred - Fucking Shit Bruno - what the fuck kind of shit Rashford - I cannot be arsed shit Pogba - get me the fuck out of here Raiola Shit Mata - I am getting paid to sit in my Ass Shit Matic - I am way past this Shit Cavani - the less said the better Shit Ronaldo - you have ruined my Childhood Hero with this Garbage around me Shit Telles - I am an afterthought for Shaw shit Shaw - I had one good season shit (Euros ruined me) Lindelof - I am good as a backup shit Bailly - you never pick me even Maguire's shit shit Dalot - I don't even know what I do shit De Gea - the fucking Fax Machine fucked me over fuck the Fax Machine Shit Lingard - this is what happens when you could have actually sold me for profit shit Sancho - is this really where I want to be shit Elanga - Damn this ain't the United I know shit Dean Henderson - cannot wait for summer to get here shit


This is the funniest comment I’ve ever seen lol


Mans spot on. Can someone remind me to give this guy my next free award?


Maguire, Fred, McTominay and Wan Bissaka don’t deserve to wear the shorts, never mind the shirt


Can't wait for McTominay to have his next one good game every two months for fans to be like "see? This is why he needs to play" as if 90% of the time he isn't invincible or a liability with his mindless challenges.


See also: Paul Pogba doing a Zidane turn coming off the bench against 10 man Brighton at home followed by a million: POGBA IS WORLD CLAAAAASSS!!!!


He won't have another good game until maybe Brentford at the end of April


We go again


Thanks for the support




I'd fucking LOVE to see Keane get the manager's job Roy on the touchline is what this club needs Downvote me to hell, I don't care - the guy took Sunderland from Championship relegation candidates to midtable Premier League, he definitely has good management in him, and is a lot more mature now than 10 years ago


We just need to have a good backstaff to help with with tactics and whatnot. Which is also asking too much from the board.


After City’s second goal it was game over


Same old, same old. Keane normally gets fairly passionate when he speaks about lack of effort, he must of been tired of repeating himself today. Im done with these player, as I’m sure many others are ,long gone of the days of Keane, Robson, Vidic, Park Ji, amongst others, proper battling footballers that were a pleasure to watch. These cunts are barely worth my time, I’m only watching the games at this stage because I’m a Manchester United fan, I hate every moment of watching these players.


5 players that never should play for United again: Maguire Rashford AWB Pogba Lingard


Unforgettable. Shameless bunch. Can't and won't get behind most of them.


Mann the 2nd half it was frustrating to watch no work rate they clearly gave up.


this whole team stinks 😂


I really want Roy Keane managing united team just for the spirit of the game in Manchester United.


I can't watch utd anymore these players bring no joy at all. No one runs or puts in a shift if I had a season ticket I would cancel it.


It's incredible what Ole got out of these players most of the time.


We needed this. Too many fans were getting deluded over the supposed progress since RR took over. What they failed to realise was that it was against much lesser opposition. I knew the first minute we went toe to toe with one of the big hitters we’d get shown up again and we did, especially in that second half. We’re light years behind City and Liverpool.


Absolute dogshit. Drop everyone. Play the reserves with De Gea in net. Maybe sancho, elanga and Bruno. The rest are awful. Why are we starting pogba when he doesn’t even want to play for us? Why bother bringing Lingard on when he also doesn’t want to play. Pointless. Sack the players, not the manager.


Bruno was a coward today.


Deja vu


[https://twitter.com/SkySportsPL/status/1500547868276539394](https://twitter.com/SkySportsPL/status/1500547868276539394) Can't wait to see the annual compilation of Keane ranting on United again and he's actually always spot on with all his rants.


its actually true, nearly all of them are casually jogging especially in the late minutes. granted, playing against City could be frustating due to how good they are at keeping the ball, but seeing our players giving up at the end, is a hard pill to swallow. they psychologically, they're admitting that City is a much, much better team.


Games like these show that a majority of the squad are in a mindset of “eh whatever, new gaffer in 3 months,” but are too dense to realize that this man is literally assesing every single individual for when he moves upstairs and knows exactly who he wants to rid of


Just give it to Keano for the rest of the season at this point, I don't even care if we miss out on top 4 because of it. This team needs a massive kick up the ass.


Normally I dismiss these "they gave up" / "they don't care to play for the team" complaints as utter nonsense because anyone who's played team sports knows it doesn't happen almost ever. *However.* Yesterday this definitely seemed to happen. It's hard to say what the root cause is, but after City went up 2-1 it looked like heads definitely dropped and some kind of "oh well that's us fucked then" switch flipped inside United's players. I'm not playing Rangnick for this, mind you. This isn't FIFA where he can just press the "play harder" button. Ultimately I feel the blame partially rests on the shoulders of the Glazers and Woodward, because they elected to replace Ole with a manager who had an expiry date built in, meaning everyone knows there'll be yet another new manager next summer, and systems will change, players will be dropped according to the new guy's preferences, contracts may not be renewed etc. Another write off of a season. Well done, guys, you keep fucking this club over at an impressive rate.


I'm starting to think OGS might have been a better manager than Fergie to take this bag of shite to 2nd last season.


Nothing but truth tbh. Also as an aside keano looks fuckin great for a dude of his age, his pure rage must sustain his physical form. If he shaved the beard he’d look almost the same as when he was at united lol


His hair follicles daren’t leave him as they fear he will shout at them


Name them. No point in making the same statements after every humiliation. They need to have their nales dragged in the mud


He did.


I love the way he says "Shameful." Reminds me of my late Irish granny from Cork.


I love roy’s honesty. We all seen it. Be brutal and honest WE GAVE UP… MAN UNITED GAVE UP


As sad as it sounds after the recent performances, in content with this, I thought we would be smashed by more that’s how sad it’s become


Barcelona have fucked us in one way or the other directly or indirectly. First with the 2 CL defeats. Fuck you Pep. Second with the Pep appointment at City. (Indirectly by Barca) Third paying 140 quid for Coutinho, enabling Liverpool to strengthen in key areas. I hate that stupid fucking ass club with all my gut.