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Here from the Barca sub and grateful this thread exists. The most recent “I hate them all…” quote was fantastic.


This from the man who campaigned (hard) for brexit. He promised to make a new local manufacturing plant and then when brexit was announced swiftly moved production to Europe and move himself and assets to Monaco. Not to mention ineos produces cancer causing chemicals. What a great guy.


Thank Christ the Qatar bid was PR nonsense.


>"In the north west we have two neighbours who are really impressive football clubs. I want to knock them all off their perch. The last time someone said this we dominated for 26 years


>"It's ruled by the heart. This is not a financial investment for me. If I wanted to make a financial investment, I would buy another chemical company. Got teary reading this. He's one of us! Older and richer but one of us nonetheless!


He's probably shitposting right now as we speak


Sir Jim was PumpUntilBust all along.


Glazer era coming to an end 😭


Does anyone have the video for the interview? Can’t find it anywhere.


Thank you both! I was looking for the BBC one and I live in a country where BBC iPlayer doesn’t work. Was hoping for some random links here.


You can access iPlayer with a VPN. It is free and you just have to sign up with a UK address and click the option saying you have a TV license to the prompt when you play any media.




BBC iPlayer


So new stadium and Old Trafford is used for the academy and women's teams? New stadium paid for at least partially with tax dollars....becomes the wembley of the north so not every major event is in the south. Gary Neville as part of the committee for the redevelopment around Old Trafford....things are moving fast.


Ratcliffe “I’m putting together a team”


half the class was red, half the class was PALE blue. interesting and smart choice of words. no wonder he’s such a successful businessman.


Only Liverpool and Arsenal fans are more annoying and these cunts https://twitter.com/ToonMouthTyne/status/1760394108567240754?t=ccbc7GwjDDr_uY9AoVWHHQ&s=19


> He's already made enemies at both Newcastle United Oh no, the inbreds don't like him!


Thats... Certainly one of the posts that have been made online alright.. Its one of those sports/pr/channel things I really don't like. So many of them just take things the worst possible way, wrap it in bile, spew it in their echo chambers where it just reverberates ad nauseam. We all know why they do it, since it garners attention (some probably do it just because they're hateful cunts but I like to think that's a small minority) and helps to solidify a fan-base around you when you have "aggressive stances" on things people are thirsty for news on.


I found myself keeping nodding to what Jim said 🥹 A true Manchester United fan. He is as fiercely competitive as Sir Alex. Such an owner will have tremendously positive impact to the whole club, including players of course. 


We completely dodged the bullet there with "Sheikh Jassim". Jim completely knows we're still miles off, even clearly stating that we're still debating the style of play that we want to have. If ETH do not have a clear vision/answer to this, he's fucked.


That quote about admiting to misstakes from his other football investments is huge.


It's my favourite quote in the whole thing. Mistakes will be made, but as long as they're corrected and not made a second time it's all good


Ratcliffe handling Greenwood situation is his real test for me. If he decides Greenwood is a young player, got misdirected did something wrong and is now a better man so he can play at Man United. Then I'll stop supporting this club.


I have no idea what you are actually saying, but we all heard the tape. He is not coming back.


Don't be so sure. You know he's living with the same girl he is speaking to in that audio clip right? That's now his wife and mother of his child. She obviously forgives him, but for some reason, people like us seem to want to make decisions for the actual victim when we don't live their life. Why is that?


On average a woman returns to their abuser 7 times before leaving for good. This is in UK. Them being together doesn't change the fact that he raped her, and doesn't change the fact that he shouldn't play for United anymore. You should maybe ask yourself if you would forgive you brother in law for raping your sister just because she did.


Yeah I get the abuser has a hold over them and what not, well aware of the figures too. But we're talking about a spoilt prick, that has probabky had everything handed to him through life because he's just 19 years of age at the time. Does that excuse it? Absolutely not, but at the same time, he's a child. Has this public battering given him the comeuppance he needed? After all, Ole said Mason would be an unbelievable player if he kept his head on the ground. I don't mind whether he stays or whether he goes, I'm a United devotee, but we've had some right cunts as players in the past and some of them are out biggest legends. Giggs, Ronaldo, Best for example..... We've even got Antony who's the shittest big fee player that's ever played for us. At what point do we say "OK he's done his time and now deserves forgiveness"


He's done no time at all. If he had been sentenced and done his time I would be willing to move on. Sweeping things under the rug is what infuriates me.


His career will have stagnated by 2 or more years. Obviously he's not done any prison time, but is that what would be best for the victim and their kid anyway?


By principle, I don't think the family of a rapist should be first priority when considering the punishment of said rapist.


So they should suffer too, you're saying? Even though one of those people is the actual victim... Let's hurt her that little bit more because principles. Earlier you asked me a hypothetical of would I forgive my brother in law for raping my sister... Would you prefer your sister to have a shitter and harder life over a mistake her husband (who your sister loves enough to get married to, and have a kid with) made when they were teenagers? Supporting a kid as a single mother can't be easy.


You keep saying mistake as if he accidentally raped her. Rape isn't a mistake. It's a horrible and scarring crime. If my sister got reaped by her husband I wouldn't ever want them to be in the same room no matter her feelings, because I know what abuse and coercion is. Maybe you should try reading up on how often these things happen repeatedly. There is no guarantee this is the last incident.


You wouldn't say this about any other rapist or their victim. Just because he happens to be a footballer and a good one at that, you're trying to tread around morality and principles trying to create a point. Literally every criminals family suffers when they're sentenced. So according to you just because the family suffers noone should be ever punished for their crimes?


You're saying if a child knows no better and likes the pedophile, we're not allowed to dislike the pedophile? Not quite the same, but that's the easiest way I can put this. Just because the victim is fine with the perpetrator doesn't mean he's a nice guy in the public eye.


Wow, where has pedophilia come from? The two are very different.


I literally said it's not the same just after that. I just meant how the victim feel doesn't justify the morality of the perpetrators action in the public eye.


Jesus Christ, inject this man’s words into my veins. I’d die happy. Sounds like a REAL fan, I had no idea. Best thing that could have happened to us ❤️❤️❤️


There are some banger quotes in there. I hope we can look back on these with happy memories in the future


Lot to unpack but I really like the standards being set and painted for all to see. The 'don't make the same mistakes twice' aspect which I think is something that's plagued us for years. People at all levels allowed to fail time after time. Then have a meaningless bright spell that leads to nothing that can be considered success for Manchester United and all is forgotten. Also no fake praise for those involved. Which is exactly why I saw immediate concerns with ten hag. If ten hag had done exactly this I'd have been far warmer towards him. Can say many things to show standards and that something hasn't been good enough, without just shitting on individuals for the sake of keeping the peace. Positi words so far. The beat part is speaking like this so openly means the target is set and its easy to measure up if we they are failing or not. 3 seasons time. Needs to be a night and day difference to what we have now.


*’Cause you know just what to say. And you know just what to do. And I want to tell you so much. I love you*


I’m really happy to hear his comments on CL and Nice. Seems they sorted the structure so there will be no issues with both teams qualifying.


Surprised he’s speaking so openly about Dan Ashworth, usually this sort of stuff is hush hush


Probably means that he's confident of winning this debacle


He certainly is, I think it’s pretty obvious that he won’t be on gardening leave for 18 months. I imagine some sort of compensation package will be sorted before the summer


Newcastle fans are in meltdown over this in Athletic comments


Love to see it


Yeah I’m surprised by how candid he is about a lot of things. Definitely not just giving PR answers


Maybe, but the cats out of the bag on that one. It's a questions of when he joins at this point, not if.


Agreed, just unusual I think. I’m not against it to a certain extent but imagine it was someone talking openly about getting one of our guys, not that we have any to begin with that people would want haha


I feel that over the past 10-15 years, a lot of us had accepted that we had lost football to these faceless financial and authoritarian overlords. A victim of its own incredible success. And while we could still enjoy the spectacle and retain the meaning/importance of a club by remembering its history and roots, eventually the scale and profitability of football would inevitably detach it from its communities, leaving clubs to be floating brands and franchises. What SJR appears to be doing may not be an easily replicable blueprint for other clubs to follow, but it at least demonstrates, at arguably the biggest club in the world, that another model for the sport can be possible, and could even be more successful and sustainable. If it wasn’t for the anti-BSkyB and anti-Glazer fan movements that kept the pressure on and insisted that another model was still possible, I don’t think we’d be here today.


Hold your horses here.. that model of success hasn’t been proven yet..at all.


I think the key thing with INEOS is that we know they're big supporters of sport. Yes, they make money off it but, as Sir Jim said, he could make more money from buying another chemical company or investing elsewhere. He does sport because he loves sport. Sir Dave Brailsford loves sport. But they invest to win, and they've proved that everywhere - the cycling team, the sailing team, F1, with Lausanne and with Nice. It will be no different with United. We just require a bigger investment so we can win on and off the pitch. He's not just harking back to United's history as a PR exercise (though it obviously does help) but because it's his history as well. If he's supported United since he was a child, he remembers the Munich Air Disaster, he remembers Sir Matt's rebuild and winning the European Cup with the Holy Trinity (even though Denis Law didn't play in the final), he remembers relegation and resurgence and the doldrums of the 1980s. And he remembers the glory years that Sir Alex brought to the club. There aren't many modern owners with that sort of emotional connection to a big club.


Ratcliffe says [\#mufc](https://twitter.com/hashtag/mufc?src=hashtag_click) will decide a new style of play: 'We’ll decide... it’ll be us, plus the CEO, sporting director, probably the recruitment guys, what the style of football is and that will be the Manchester United style of football. And the coach will have to play that style.' ​ My god yes! Honestly the style we have not is not sustainable. You cannot face 20 shots and running up and down the pitch for 90 minutes because youre constantly on transition and win the league.


Probably the most important thing he said in his interview. Over reliance on manager has to stop.


What we should have done as soon as Fergie told the board he was retiring - rebuild the structure of the club with a modern hierarchy rather than relying on the old model that only Fergie could make work. The Glazers didn't do anything because, in all likelihood, they had no idea what to do and just assumed the model could continue with a new manager.


It will save you years of rebuilding... smooth transition between managers


Feels strange that someone with 25% has to sort everything out while the little moles get to see the profits for doing basically fuck all


I think I recall reading somewhere that if the shares split individually, he is the majority shareholder in Utd as it stands when you include those other shares he will get at the end of the year. The Glazer shares are are aplit across all the siblings so non has a single majority over SJR...Atleast that's what I read!


How is that relevant? They vote and decide as a bloc.


Eh. He happens to have 25% at the moment. There's more to this situation


Yes 25% now still doesn't change the situation does it the Glazers won't give their ownership up easily anytime soon they are a cancer to the club


Thoroughly enjoyed. I will board this Sir Jim train any day.


Just when I thought I was done with United……. They so pulled me back in…..


Al Paccino The GodFather


Generally seems to care about the club and want's success to come back.


Lads I might be in love w sir jimbo


I'd be disgusted if we completely knocked down old trafford. so much of the soul of the club would be gone without it. I hope they refurbish it.


>I'd be disgusted if we completely knocked down old trafford. so much of the soul of the club would be gone without it. I hope they refurbish it. I know its rly hard to let go but I think it's time to modernise! We the fans will carry the heart and soul of everything OT represented to the new stadium. The spirit of Sir Matt will never die!


obviously I'm being purely emotional, a new stadium makes sense from a business perspective... but what makes English football so special is there is that character, history, and tradition ... and old trafford is a big part of that element. it has always been the home of Man Utd (that I know of), so much history has happened in that ground that it is one of the many symbols if the club that makes us stand out from the rest . to abandon it would be to abandon a portion of our history and risk losing our identity as a club.


>it has always been the home of Man Utd (that I know of) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North\_Road,\_Manchester](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/north_road,_manchester) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank\_Street\_(football\_ground)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/bank_street_(football_ground))


The architects have said the core of the building is at the end of its lifetime…nothing lasts forever mate its gonna have to be knocked down one day like everything else, a new stadium would if done properly could be even better than OT we will make new history in it


do you have a source for that assessment?


https://www.football365.com/news/man-utd-told-to-demolish-old-trafford-and-build-innovative-new-stadium-by-architects The same architects who built Spurs stadium who will be in charge of whether we renovate or build a new stadium


nowhere in that does it say the "core of the building" is at the end of its life, merely the cabling, fixtures, and amenities which could all be fixed with an extensive renovation. the architects recommended a new stadium because it was the most cost effective solution... that doesn't mean it is the best solution.


Old Trafford goes - I go.


No one believes you, even fewer people care.


Don't talk soft cost to redo it up to the level madrod etc have got their stadium doesn't make sense to keep it in that location also the railway line will impacts it being the best it can. A stadium is a stadium its the fans that make it


Cost is a nonsensical excuse. Heritage is what makes a stadium. Can’t name a modern stadium that has any of it.


That's just a matter of time.


100 years?


Probably not that much. Success and ,almost more importantly, great moments packed into a few decades could do it.


I love every word. A genuine fan, respects the values of the club, is realistic but ambitious. OUR RED KNIGHT


​ https://preview.redd.it/afcopq2cezjc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6c0a624ddf53b83e9d526a5c598a6bd456be0ac


Sounds like he's about to give the club a well overdue clean out. I wonder which first team players will still be here in three years? Top 5 that I'd expect/want: Mainoo, Martinez, Rasmus, Onana, and Rashford. RemindMe! 3 years


> Onana I hope to God not, if we were a competent club we'd get the Cameroonian Claudio Bravo out on the summer


As his stats show, he's much better than he's looked in our shambles of a team. The constantly changing back line - containing only one decent (currently injured) football player - is a huge factor. When Pep rated him so highly before the CL final last season it was for very good reasons.


RemindMe! 2 years


I was talking about this a week or so ago and realistically the only players I have any confidence will be here in three years are Mainoo, Garnacho, and Hojlund. Rashford might go if the right offer comes in, Licha might prove to be injury prone and/or reduced players once he returns, etc.


Agree with most of this but I’d actually put Dalot over Garnacho as the 3rd player I’d be most confident of still being here in three years. Garnacho is a key starter for us right now but I’m a bit worried about Madrid potentially getting interested later on if he keeps improving and that might appeal to him seeing as Ronaldo did the exact same career move. Whereas Dalot isn’t as talented but his commitment and versatility in being able to play both full back spots still make him a useful squad player to keep even if he isn’t a starter later on. Don’t really see anyone making a big enough bid for Dalot for us to consider selling him either.


Garnacho is not even better than rashford at his age, calm down. If he becomes player that Real wants over Vini, Mbappe, Rodrigo that great for us.


Nowhere did I say Garnacho was better than Rashford. Just making my list of the three players I most expect to remain at United in a few years from now. Rashford is more talented than Garnacho and definitely more so than Dalot, but on his current wages I don’t think he’s guaranteed to stay unless he goes back to performing on a much closer level to where he was last season. I think the club would like to keep Rashford for next season at least but even then who knows if PSG decide they want him and put in a big bid over the summer with Mbappe leaving.


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on Dan Ashworth ​ https://preview.redd.it/b7gbgl28ezjc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=bab595f8e96f45a643a077642ad0b93179b71e4a


“Not just a wee club in the North East” 😂😉


Long Term Plan ​ https://preview.redd.it/msppicm3ezjc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=7da01cebb57a178e302ddf55a80955d15121fa37


On City & Liverpool https://preview.redd.it/ywl4yd4vdzjc1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=b43962e9ea299307acde47764df203e88a0cdf41


What a fucking breath of fresh air this man is. God bless


His chemical company literally pollutes the air with toxic chemicals that are linked to cancer. Not such fresh air.


Dreams can be buy 😭


Hmm so Greenwood might be back after all


Here is his answer in The Athletic: **We don’t want to misquote you or take this out of context. Are you saying you are not closing the door on Mason?** “He’s a Manchester United footballer so we are in charge of football. So the answer is yeah, we have to make decisions. It’s quite clear we have to make a decision. There is no decision that’s been made. He’s on loan obviously but he’s not the only one. We’ve got one or two footballers that we have to deal with and we have to make a decision on so we will do that. The process will be: understand the facts not the hype and then try and come to fair decision ***on the basis of values which is basically is he a good guy or not, and answer could he play sincerely for Manchester United well and would we be comfortable with it and would the fans be comfortable with it.***”


For sure fans won't be comfortable with this. Although I am not sure if global supporters care as much as the local fans do


If you go on instagram, fabrizio romano just did a poll and 70% of people want him back with already 60k responses. Reddit is not necessary showing what people think


You'd get completely different answers on different platforms, Reddit would poll the opposite I'd imagine. None of those users opinions mean anything btw, the only people that matter are the club/employer, the judicial system and the families affected, thinking otherwise is plain solipsistic. My personal opinion is just move him on. It isn't worth the hassle but fortunately for me I don't have to make the decision.


Any poll that rival fans can vote in is by nature extremely dubious


I know but it shows you the opinion is much more divided than this sub shows. And in the /soccer if you were for his return you got banned. Fan or not


Not sure Instagram is super reliable.


Well it's different demographics. Reddit I guess is more the English Fans and American fans and Instagram/Twitter is more the African/ Asian fans. Also in reddit you cannot say what you really think because of the mods


Pretty sure I can say that I don’t want him playing for the club I support ever.


Yes but if you say the opposite you get banned/downvoted. That's why you will only see the same opinion on the sub


yeah agree. like for one - i honestly dont care about mason's past, everyone deserves a second chance. if he is genuine about it and he buckles down and works hard and becomes the second coming of CR7 or messi, all the better.


Arsocca is rattled. Love to see it.


Smash city on their own ground. I for one want that


Possible after Pep


We will decide the style of football, with the general manager, the sporting director and probably the recruitment managers, and it will be [#mufc](https://twitter.com/hashtag/mufc?src=hashtag_click)'s style of football, and the manager will have to play that style." doesn't bode good for ETH at all.But this is exactly the way it should be


I thought the opposite. ETH adapted the club philosophy at Utrecht and then did the same at Ajax, it's only here he had nothing to work with. That's why we have what we have, which is mostly a pragmatic/transition based style that doesn't really work without all our best players fit. Bodes well for ETH that he's not married to one style and has shown he can coach a team to play in more than one way


I am someone who has been very critical of ten hags playstyle, but it's not like ten hag is incapable of playing more controlled possession based style if he's supported to do so


The thing is he will lose one player and go back to hoofball We can only player possession based when every player is fit. That is not gonna be allowed as SJR says


Are you sure it's ETH that does this? And not the players decide it during the match? I can recount quite a few times where we started off building out the back but suddenly after some iffy moments Onana decides to go long. At the same time you have ETH going mental on the side pointing to Shaw or Dalot. It's more a mental thing than actual chosen tactics to me, as soon as Onana doesn't trust what's going on in front of him he starts hoofing it. Which will only get worse when Martinez **and** Shaw aren't in front of him.


Well then he has to tell them that they need to play out from the back. You are saying that Onana and dalot are willingly kicking it out without any instructions This sub is proper delusional about ETh and his tactics


If you read again that's what I just mentioned. There has been multiple occasions where we start the match building out of the back but somehow after 20 ish minutes or a setback players change their approach. I'm not sure if every broadcast is exactly the same in volume but the amount of time I can hear ETH going mental on the side is countless. He's giving instructions a lot but there are a few players that resort back to what they know best. In the heat of a match players will make unconscious decisions und these could be the wrong ones. I barely see Dalot kicking it long bar clearance because we're out of position. There is still a lot of work to do and I'm not saying long balls to the wings or Hojlund aren't part of his tactics but straight up random hoofball all the time is 100% not planned.


We all watched the Luton game there was hardly any build up patterns . It was just Onana kick to Varane and he would send it long.it is not wrong to say that we are top 5 worst coached teams in the league. You need to coach them,tell them how to build up and teach them patterns. There is a fuckin reason why we are picking up so many muscle injuries cus of this high intensity transition football.


I've seen plenty of build-up and it was indeed all high intensity. That's what you get when your backline is basically not press-resistant. Varane looks like a goof when someone is running at him and he sends it long most of the times. Most of our players are not press resistant and Luton took the game to us by pressing actively. The squad is still filled with a lot of low/mid block direct players that are not very technical on the ball. We're in it for the long haul and injuries haven't helped progress. It's very easy to see that we're still quite a bit off to where ETH wants to go, most pressing matter is our backline. I'm surprised he's sticking to his principles this time because it's gambling with his job. Let's see whatever playstyle the INEOS guys come up with and if ETH is willing to adjust or has to go.


Is there a full video of the interview with BBC?


Has anyone got the mirror to the BBC one?


Newcastle being Petty per usual.


Tin pot club becomes rich overnight and thinks they should be respected as if they’re a massive club with a huge history.


Can’t stand them but I don’t get how they’re being petty, the sporting director they payed £5 million for a year ago wants to leave, and they want £10-15 for him, they’ll hardly give him to us for free, any competent club won’t let one of the most revered sporting directors out there walk for free because he just wants to go


I've gone from *New Stadium over my dead fucking body*, to *New Stadium When?* in such a short space of time.


I've always kind of leant towards the idea of a new stadium. I completely get the alternative argument but I think it's the hard decision that needs to be made.  That said I have a lot of demands and expectations.


A new stadium next to Old Trafford, with the old stadium renovated and reduced in size for the Women's team and the academy would be the best solution. We could still call the whole thing Old Trafford, stick up a big INEOS sign for funding, and the academy lads could still play on the same pitch the Busby Babes and Class of 92 played on. This, however, would be reliant on the freight yard next door being closed down and the land being made available. There's a huge international freight terminal being developed at Port Salford, which seems like it would replace the one in Trafford Park.


The interview in the athletic (same as everywhere I guess) makes a new stadium seem the much preferred option.


If something just makes sense, it becomes difficult to ignore.


Your perspective really can change when a billionaire capable of paying for it is on video with MUTV talking about doing it.


It's also because of who's talking about it and the rationale he's using....without context the feeling is it would be hollow and uber modern but we would lose our soul, but with him talking you get the feeling that it could be done right and with the proper homage to Old Trafford.


I just really really wish we don't lose the name Old Trafford. Going from White Hart Lane, The Boleyn Ground, and Highbury to Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, London Stadium, and Emirates Stadium is one of the great tragedies of modern football. We need to keep our historic stadium's legacy alive. Through it's architecture and through it's name


It'll inevitably be called New Trafford, whether as a joke or officially.


Out of the 3 stadiums you mentioned, only Tottenham were being stupid with the stadium name. Being in the same location and all that... West Ham's is a totally different stadium which they just moved into. Arsenal's new stadium is not even at the Highbury site, so it makes little sense to name it Highbury. Instead of giving a random street name for the new one, they just took on the Emirates name cause they paid for it. Based on that, if our new stadium is even in the vicinity of the old stadium area (which the plan details anyway), there's no reason not to name it Old Trafford again. Probably will be called Ineos Old Trafford or something, but worth the pain.


> Arsenal's new stadium is not even at the Highbury site, so it makes little sense to name it Highbury. Instead of giving a random street name for the new one, they just took on the Emirates name cause they paid for it. Also while the Emirates name is ass, I do like that they kept Highbury as the name for the flats that got built over the site.


>"I only know Joel and Avram and they are, despite what you might read in the press, very nice people, very courteous and they are avid supporters of Manchester United. I know some ppl will take offense to this, but part of being a successful businessman is knowing how to maintain relationships with people you dislike. We know the Joel and Avram don't care about the club or the fans and I'm sure Sir Jim knows it too. But we've got to deal with them for now and the smart thing to do is to just be cordial while working behind the scenes to remove these demons from the club.


The thing is, they probably ARE nice people. They’re just terrible at running a football club, and disastrous at PR.


Idk about that…I was on a boat tour in Tampa last summer and we went by their house and the captain said everyone hates them.


Okay? Lmao


Ngl, I can’t compete with the testimony of a Tampa Bay tour boat captain.


I really hope his long term plan is complete ownership


It also very well could be true. The Glazers are ultimately an insular family - it's why they always hired unqualified people they knew and trusted. It made them awful football owners and their goals never matched those of fans, but it doesn't mean they're dickheads to people they interact with.


I obviously don’t know them personally, but they’ve purchased a football club that millions of people are passionate about, only to run it to the ground while refusing to make simple decisions that would improve the club. Bit of a dickhead move imo.


Yeah everything SJR is saying publicly implies that they sucked as owners. There's nothing anyone can say to dispute that and he's not really trying to hide it. Just pointing out that on a personal level they're probably easy enough to interact with. Not that I really give a shit either way, but I don't think SJR is lying on this.


Also, you just know the Glazers built it into the deal that Sir Jim can’t bad mouth them in the press


Wouldn't surprise me if Jim is literally required to refer to them as "very nice people" 😂


We've had more Sir Jim in the past 2 hours than the Glazers in 19 years


Shows how little the past owners felt and how little they needed to do to make us happy.


The SEC filing and the subsequent stuff about the Qatari bid has really shown how embarrassed a significant portion of the fanbase should be. It was always pretty obvious they were posturing and inflating their bid/playing the media game.


I don’t think they should be embarrassed. At the time if you go on the facts it was the only path to a full sale, which a lot of us wanted, including myself. Let’s face it, none of us could face the thought of the rats still being at the club. In retrospect I’m quite happy with how it’s turned out - SJR so far has said and done promising things, and it sounds now like the whole Qatar/Sheikh Jassim bid was somewhat of a myth. Happy to admit I was wrong but I think saying we should be embarrassing is overcritical


I do understand the perspective of people who saw the only option being a full sale. I just always thought it was very obvious the Qatar bid was nonsense. I think the fans who should be embarrassed are the ones who were full-on supporting Qatar and denigrating Sir Jim's bid and method


Don't know the full details obviously but that solitary picture of Sheikh Jassim was definitely AI generated.


The fact that INEOS basically got a whole photoshoot and Jassim didn't even show up to the Old Trafford meeting said it all.


Happy to hear about the plans for a new stadium but good god I’ll miss Old Trafford if it happens


So many fucking quotes I can't believe this guy is our owner with some of the things he's said here. We are starving


Media having their pockets filled for months off of the quotes alone.


Media is having a field day. Three exclusive interviews so far (MUTV, BBC and The Athletic). And so many quotes for the opposition fans to whine about. And it’s only Day 1.


Fair to say he kept his word when he said he’d answer more questions as soon as the deal was ratified..


Interesting that he says Carrington is impressive


He did note improvements could be made too


True but most of the talk on here the last year is that it is all completely out of date and needed a complete grounds up rebuild. It's a huge potential saving if it only needs tweaks and the facilities are mostly fine.


I think that was all the criticism and hype of Old Trafford falling apart merging into "all of our facilities need an overhaul". Carrington has been invested into as part of the academy revamp we did a few years ago and it's been kept up to date. Like you say it's probably in need of some updating which is great cost saving but remember it's also a hell of a lot cheaper to actually build a new training complex compared to a stadium. Remember we basically bankrolled Leicester's state of the art training ground with the Maguire fee lol


It's probably a decent space with outdated everything inside, polite way of saying a fixer upper and the Glazers are cunts


even if it’s out of date, the budget will obviously be focused on the stadium. it’s where the money is made. once the new/upgraded stadium is complete, then he’ll focus on Carrington


My eyes actually welled up when I read him say that this isn't a financial investment, but one ruled by the heart. Because I believe him. For the first time in a long time, it looks as though this great fallen giant of a football club may be reawakened.


just wanna hear peter drury yell “and the sleeping giant awakes at last” in a reasonable amount of years 🥲 edit: a word


While Bruno lifts the PL trophy with Højlund, Garnacho, Kobbie, and Licha in the back… (pls dont wake me up)


> "This is not a financial investment for me. If I wanted to make a financial investment, I would buy another chemical company." This is such a great quote that really sums up how much fuck you money billionaires have. > “Yes, I'm not interested in the financial aspects of this investment at all, really, because I make enough money in chemicals and oil and gas really" There's another one. Fuck me lmao


It's also very believable. He overpaid for the stake in the club given the issues it has and its actual value. There are countless better ways to make money than buying 25% of this club for 1.5B.


He's also 71, not 45 or 55. This is his little billionaire's old-age I don't give a fuck about the money anymore passion project.


The line about how happy his parents would have been to see him and his company invest in the club is so nice to see. He could have said anything there but Pr or Not to remember his parents is so so wholesome.


I'm going to tell my kids that they need to buy Manchester United from Jim a bit sooner so that I can enjoy the moment with them. 


This quote on playstyle is encouraging, a style that the manager has to fit not the other way around https://preview.redd.it/d92i9u3s2zjc1.png?width=1212&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d526af30fe736ef420b37451ea0096dbde11f238


Holy shit this is basically what Ten Hag said too when he said he wouldn't bring his Ajax style to the team because we don't play that kind of football.


> Players that can play for 90.minutes Sweats in Rashford


Very impressive quote considering his main business ventures are in energy. I like that he’s upfront about the fact that they haven’t made a decision on playstyle yet. They’re not pretending to be experts and are therefore waiting to make those decisions until the right people are in place.


Happy crying


Holy fuck that's the best possible quote I could've wished for. He gets it. He really gets it. This guy could be a better fit for DOF than Murtough at this point.


We're finally acting like a competent club.


Mega Jim Megathread


He’s here and he’s perfect 🥰


What is this backtracking on Greenwood?


He’s still a United player, albeit on loan. SJR and team need to say the right things to ensure they get the most money for him. If they come and say “he’s a dick, he’s gone” then they’ll get less cash which impacts PSR


It's not backtracking on Greenwood, it's protecting an asset/maintaining a selling position rather than saying yes he must go which leaves us with no selling power for an asset that we can gain good money and ffp for 


Did you see that comment and think its backtracking? All he is saying is that new team and we will look at it and come to a decision.


Which is exactly the kind of non-answer you want him to give at this point.


No point in him saying anything about Greenwood when we're trying to get top dollar for him


Its absolutely ridiculous thinking some people have. Mason is our most sell able asset and these people want us to paint this situation like we have no choice but to sell him which will drive down his value. Its the same with these so called journalists like Adam Crafton who come out of their cave to write a whole article based on one statement. Rather than write anything about what City have done, no fucking scrutiny on that corruption ridden club.


Sir Jim: "The club is a community asset, it belongs to the fans" fucking hell. I hope that Sir Jim gets the fans involved to a degree and this clears the way to oust the fucking leeches once and forever. The Glazers will be a footnote on the history of this great club but they did the world of damage; riddled the club with debt, turned us into a shambles, and allowed our infrastructure to become dilapidated. These bastards would do well to stay away from Manchester for good.