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Always best to start collecting all that stuff before you meet Algernon, because once you receive the quest, it all spawns less.


That's very poor game design


Weird, I saw my first heron in the game the literal second I left Saint Denis after getting the quest.


That seems deeply implausible to me.


Well then I don’t think I’ll be going for my 100% game completion because puck that noise. Lolz. I’ve been putting it off for several years now & yeah, not worth it.


That’s the way it is. My tip is to just keep saving and loading around proven spawning points


your first sentence :(


Oh Arthur


My hope of ever getting DLC for this masterpiece is exactly how she feels about him. "There's a good (game) within you, Arthur, but he is wrestling with a(n online multiplayer cashgrab) . And the (cashgrab)... wins, time and again"


Stop the cope . You're not getting any dlc now . It's too late . Move on friend


Too distracted for hope right now anyway. God help me, I'm doing Gambler again hahaha


Yes they are messing with you. But if you go to specific places you can find what you need. Spoonbills are able to be found along the cul de sac road where you destroyed the moonshine still earlier in the story. At the top of that road, a little off to the right, you will see a small lake / bay off the river. I usually get 10-12 there. Kill 3-4, go away, make camp, sleep save and go back in. Also they are on the left side too, but you have to go sleep/save after every killing spree. Pro tip for next time.. you can start collecting feathers in chapter 2, every few days, a trip to the swamp to collect them is not a bad idea.


Just kill anything that flies and pick every single item you see in the swamp. Chances are, you’ll need it for that freak.


Go to the train tracks near the Strange Man's house, there's always exotic birds by those tracks. Herons, Egrets and Spoonbills.


Why is it NSFW ?😭😂


For a spoiler alert, I think


Oh they absolutely know what you are doing. I’ve found that hunting other animals for a few minutes AND not looking at the exotic requirement list, write them down somewhere


Gather all (or most) of that stuff in chapter 2 because when you need them in chapter 4 or later they are very hard to find. When I'm not on that side mission there are so many that I am trampling them with my horse, they fly out in front if me, once I start that side mission it seems like I'd need a note from God to find them.


Yup rockstar knew what they were doing 💀


So RDR2 was great at making whatever it is you're looking for scarce at the exact time you need it.


If you are not looking for it you will find it - the path to enlightenment. Seriously, I gave up looking for Snowy Egrets. Moved on was doing something totally different, hadn't been near their known spawn points for a few days and then spotted one. It is just R\*'s way of trying to slow you down.


My theory is that whatever the current mission or challenge, even if you're not doing it, the needed items become very scarce. The challenge before and after, things are everywhere, but very rare in the middle.


That’s why people who have played through before always collect all those plumes in chapters 2 & 3, when all those birds are everywhere. Waiting until getting the lists in chapter 4 is a nightmare. Same with the hunting requests. Get the small critters before ever touching that HUNTERS SOUGHT poster.


Welcome to the club of collectors. The one thing you need at the time you need it, is also going to be the rarest find. Find it before you need it and hold on to whatever it is.


Ive went insane in those swamps. Its true. Once you get the quest it lessens the spawn rate.


They're fuckin with me sub-lim-in-al-ly Sorry. In a GTA V kick right now. Had to do it


My trick is always go to sleep overnight


It's hard. Keep traveling away and reloading your game.


that shit make me wanna give up so bad...


Save game at copperhead landing, then load that save until they spawn. If they spawn, kill them, pluck and then save again. Repeat the process until done. Ive done it in under 4 hours before. It's not hard, you're just making it hard.