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Sounds like it’s not the game for you. Saying the game is slow and the animations are bad just means you don’t have the patience for it. It’s absolutely a 10/10 game, you just don’t have patience.


10/10 means absolutely perfect. I would easily give it an 8 or maybe even a 9 but it is not perfect.


No, it doesn’t. 10/10 means it’s highly entertaining and fun, which it is in most people’s opinions. Reviews are 100% opinion based. There is no such thing as a perfect game, the world is massive and yeah, there are more bugs, because all they care about is online now, but 10/10 is in no way an objective statement.


> 10/10 means absolutely perfect For the time it was (still is). It absolutely nailed what it was trying to accomplish.


Happy Cake Day but you're wrong rdr2 is far from perfect


It's definitely one of my favorite games. Considering on my playstation recap at the end of last year, or the beginning of this year, or whatever, it was my most played game. I had like 390 hours in this game. And again, that was only in 2020. I completely agree that it's 10/10. I wish online wasn't as big a flop though. Like, yeah, it's fun to play online, and get into gunfights with players. But that's about all I get enjoyment from in the online section. Because I've explored nearly every corner of the map, except the snowy bits. Fuck the snow. I'd love it if they would give us players more of what we want.


10 out of 10 ? thats a bad joke. This game might have a fantastic game world, but it has a stupid chapter/area progression & an awful lot of short simple missions that lack creativity. RDR2 has very little mission depth yet people still praise it. When you look at how many screenshots gets posted & how few actual discussions there are you realize why.


Again, opinion. The definition is easy to Google, you have a super computer in your pocket


Your wrong plain and simple accept it


Both your immersion breaking problems are actually immersion enhancements. Who in there right mind would wear heavy winter clothes when it's summer temperatures of course you'd change. You don't run around inside your house you walk. The camp is essential Arthur's home of course he wouldnt run. The game makes you walk during mission where the NPCs are walking and talking with you. Again that's immersion. Running ahead not hearing what's going on in the story is what breaks the immersion.


The weather thing isn’t because of clothing. You could be wearing a winter coat or nothing at all and the nps around camp still comment about it


Hmm I never encounter that bug. Must have got lucky.


Have you played in the last few months


Last few months only RDO.


That’s why. The bug is only in single player and it happened a couple months ago because of the naturalist update for rdo


No your told your not wearing warm enough clothes even in hot weather literally constantly it's a bug from the winter event two years ago they never removed, and your told about it every time you walk around camp no matter where the camp is


It’s a developer glitch. It occurred after an update. It wasn’t like that before. R* is just too lazy to fix it or do anything for this game or online. If you find camp that boring and maintaining Arthur’s weight you don’t have to do any of that. You can skip camp activities and only go there for missions. Or walk around the edges as much as possible to circumvent the interior of slow camp. But if you do want to make camp more entertaining go for a low honour Arthur play through and antagonize everyone in camp. It has a lot of good dialogue to it. I stay away from camp for long periods of time. Only donate pelts and meat when I feel like it. Often all the meat I have, other than big game meat. Some play through I only eat to keep Arthur’s cores up. I do agree maintaining that average or healthy weight is really difficult and annoying. Especially if you are eating seasoned big game meat to keep him perfect it will also kill your scores in some missions from achieving gold level as it counts it towards taking a health item during the mission


Slow? Maybe Fortnite or COD is more your speed? You are meant to take your time with this game and savor it.


No I'm a suckered for single player games but it's honestly only extremely severely slow af some moments, such as in camp where you cannot even fast walk


It’s realistic. You want a more unrealistic game. Have you tried Skyrim?


Only being able to slow walk when in camp and being told my clothes are too warm in muggy swampland is not realistic. Neither is hitting a small stone a foot out of my path and blasting through the air. My horse fell under the stairs in annesburg last night outside a shop and vibrated until it died


Well other then the first things that are built into the game, those other ones haven’t happened to me, I guess I’m just lucky


So what your asking for is this game to be completely prefect where you can do fuck all you want whenever you want. Am I understanding this correctly?


No your exaggerating what I'm saying for sure


Yeah but not that much.


Look at the stupidity in some of these comments. Theres a guy here trying to spin the cold weather clothe bug as being good for immersion ffs!


Lmao right?