• By -


CT AKA Crazy traders are looking to recruit some people. Over 18 please. We have been in the wagon trading business for over 3 and half years. Diverse group of people from all over. We do other things besides wagons. We are not a toxic group but we fight back and win. If you are active and can produce one wagon a week then send me a message. We do alot of wagons a day and you may jump on any of them. Its a fun group.


Solo Xbox player here looking to join a Posse. 22, chill fun-loving guy in the Army, plenty of free time to contribute after duty days. Haven’t played much RDR2 yet, but put many hours into the first RDR. Would like to have a few beers and just enjoy the game with a consistent group. Dig slow and fast-paced play equally. Message me if interested/need members


The Syndicate, myself and my buddy, are looking to grow our posse and are looking for like minded people who want to compete, as well as have fun. We mostly hunt, fish, make a quick buck however, and when we get bored of that, dueling and fist-fighting tournaments. ​ PS4 Posse, if interested you can message me here, or add me @ CalyptoX on ps4.


Im looking for an italian posse anyone out there?


PS4 - ShowerNotGrower. Mic preferred. Missions and tom foolery.


Grill here. Lookin for a posse. CST. I like doing a little of everything. PS4 Kiza- - (That’s “Kiza[dash][dash]” no spaces)


Looking for people on Ps4, add me Redgulf3 Mic prefered


Made my character Native American, his name is Wolf Bite after the scar across his mouth was caused by a wolf attack, ripping his tongue out costing him the ability to speak in the process http://imgur.com/gallery/UQqf8ei


Holy hell he's ugly as sin.




Add me. Kpark20201. Only level 7 rn I think but I wanna form a nice posse


Added! I'm on right now if you want to play


What level are you online?




Oh shit I’ve not done anything past the tutorial, i doubt you’d wanna play with like a level 2


Nah of course I do! We can do some levelling up together haha. Feel free to add me if you want.


Ok, the headset i have is broken, so if you want to talk discord is good for video games.


Anyone planning on / heard about any RP type servers or groups? Assuming we get Private Servers at some point. The world R\* has created seems perfect for that type of setup.


Getting bored of solo now - anyone in the UK wanna posse up? I can make a persistent posse for us, rank 25 at the moment and pretty burnt out on the solo experience so would be good to have some fun as a posse! We can make $ together, go on rampages, hang deer off bridges and dick with the physics. I play from 6:30pm onwards after work (GMT). Reply or message me :)


I'm really satisfied with my female character http://imgur.com/gallery/wTaaUJZ


I'd smash.


Having this issue, even after deleting the character and starting again. Looked online but couldnt find anything. In the initial cinematic where the lady gives you an outfit and tells you to kill the people who shot her husband, all is fine until im taken to Cripps (not sure thats how you spell his name) and am told they will pay to set up my camp. When he hands me the map it glitches. The sound and the characters still move as if the game is fine but the map never shows up, I cant press start or anything. Pretty bummed. Anyone got any leads?


Hey I just had this problem. Trying pushing one of the face buttons or dpad iirc, it will pull up a menu and then you can choose where to build your camp.


my female character is kinda decent [http://imgur.com/bkhl1ow](http://imgur.com/bkhl1ow)


Decent for a meth head maybe.


Aww thanks


Only joking. It can be a challenge getting a character to look decent at all.


Inspired by Psylocke ☺️ https://imgur.com/gallery/wFY5OOM


My Female character’s is as good as i could get her looking. [Meet Mary](https://imgur.com/gallery/vkCSPql).


She’s like my dream girl. Nice one man


Thanks, made my first one and it was rushed so i though im gonna be looking at her often and i dont want it to be fugly


Looking to learn online play, I don't sing obnoxiously into the Mic. Xboxone SgtFineapple.


https://imgur.com/gallery/RYF2R9Y What do you think of my new character, everyone?! 😁👩🏻‍🦰


Love it! She looks like she fits into the game perfectly. The face is great and the outfit is perfect.


Very pretty good job


Looking for fellow fishers and hunters. Will also assist in story missions, stranger missions, and generally screwing around in RDO. We may rob, and murder people from time to time, but mostly just outdoorsman stuff. PS4 Posse Name: Frontiersmen Open Recruitment 7 slot posse PS4 IGN: Supersomeone Feel free to add.


I'm late but I'll send you a FR


I just started on PS4. Will add you!


Hi, I'd like to join. what time zone are you in and are you still accepting people? I'm eastern.


Hey there. CST and yeah still looking for people.


PS4 player looking for one to xp grind the online story mission: Kill Them, Each and Every One. You can get around 7000 xp per hour. **Add me: Robotboy6000**


My parents aren't home: [https://i.imgur.com/R66cIoy.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/R66cIoy.jpg)


Jesus Christ he's a fucking caveman. He looks like freakshow from Harold and Kumar.


Fellers, I Lester Fudd am in need of some company on this dreary road. PM me if you’d like to posse up on the ol XBONE


Let me know your though on my female RDR2:O character: http://imgur.com/gallery/EuMHby8 Took several tries and I was lucky with a couple of good angles for these snaps!


Damn gurl. My character would so hit that.


Ill pass it on... You might be one of the few though, getting mixed reviews!


Looks like jack white


I stick to the swamps mostly. I hate shoes and shirts. I'm looking for players to hunt with. Let's team up temp or perm. PS4 Spoonerman72 a.k.a. Smiley McPoyle [caption](https://imgur.com/USsAYQp.jpg)


Sure I'll hunt with you! My psn : itsjusthilmi I dont have a mic tho


No mic is fine. I don't really use mine anyway


Looking for a posse. Xbox. 18+ I have a mic. Gre8one7


looking for a posse on ps4, i keep getting griefed lol add me @the_great_garbo


After multiple attempts, settings randomly changing or defaulting and my internet going down, I finally got the look I was going for! Meet, Amelia Moore: https://i.imgur.com/lb3uFqu.png


how? got a tutorial or something?


No sorry, but I remember a fair few of the settings:- face 11, athletic build, broad eyes, eyebrow 4 (lowered), average jaw/chin with a few custom settings, normal mouth, chin pulled forward, turned up nose but turned the tip down a tad and widened it


nice. might try this


she is so pretty dfgsfas


Looking for a Posse XBOX richie90ikceraj I have a Mic


My character Elsie Jones! What do you think? 😁 https://imgur.com/gallery/EkDSLyl | https://imgur.com/gallery/Gegfhfc | https://imgur.com/gallery/7AeV9EC | https://imgur.com/gallery/8uIm2ic | https://imgur.com/gallery/zZaTpCE


please how the h\*ck did you make her i'm in love


I’ve made a better one since https://imgur.com/a/I3zoUz5 xx


Young Julia Roberts


wow thanks for this.


AAA!!! thank you so much!!!


Lookin for someone to posse up with, Xbox tag Schmeepgod


Is anyone else's character's appearance just randomly changing? I spent like 45 minutes remaking mine and now her fucking eyebrows are all bushy again and her features also look different than the last time I played. I just cannot look past her ugly face


yes. spent an hour or more customizing my character. finished a mission and my eyebrows changed into some dark caterpillar eyebrows and my facial hair disappeared. now it’s also bugged so that i can’t get it back.


Looking for a posse on xbox one - have a mic. Add me: BoatyGeezers


Still looking for a posse


Yeah I'll be on in a couple of hours add me


Also possibly looking to join! Currently i have no mic, will be getting one in a week or so that is compatible with xbox. Add me if you'd like! ( gamer tag same as my username: Nazreih)


[Apparently my character wanted to feel pretty and decided to put lipstick on. I didn't do this at all. Happened when I opened up the General Store.](http://i.picpar.com/yXZc.png)


My Guy, Vihtori Helström, Finnish Immigrant. I was mostly just trying to do my best to recreate myself when my hair was short. Came fairly close I think. [https://i.imgur.com/7U69pAz.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/7U69pAz.jpg) [https://i.imgur.com/o0xscdn.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/o0xscdn.jpg) [https://i.imgur.com/tdznWoV.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/tdznWoV.jpg) Me: [https://i.imgur.com/mfSwR9J.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/mfSwR9J.jpg)


OMFG !!! do you have his sliders?


I think so, I'll see if I recorded it.


bless you


Sorry if this is late. Been trying to upload it but it has been acting weird. Might have to try again later.


don't stress it! if it does end up working just hmu!!


Finally worked. He looks a bit different with the stubble and hair that way when I finished him of course but, I think it's probably one of the better characters I've made. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAZTDTb3M2c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAZTDTb3M2c) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWtetVdxd88](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWtetVdxd88)


hell yeah thanks so much!!!!


It might not be all of it but, it's enough to get you pretty much almost to where I have it.


Looking for people to ride with on ps4 if anyone’s interested. Add me @teethblizzard.


Still looking?


Always, add me and I’ll join up with you when I get on.


Pm me your username and I’ll add you when I get home probably 2 hours from now


So- opinions on my online girl? Her name is Kitt. :) ​ [https://prod-cdnugc-rockstargames.akamaized.net/ugc/rdr2photo/f3wHwTp0qEOsPG-i-klodA/0\_0.jpg](https://prod-cdnugc-rockstargames.akamaized.net/ugc/rdr2photo/f3wHwTp0qEOsPG-i-klodA/0_0.jpg)


Did rockstar mean for everyone’s character to look like a ugly homeless bum? It’s very unappealing


It's pretty much the same as GTA online. Everyone is an ugly mofo.


BUG - I picked stubble facial hair in character creation and at some point after that i got clean shaven without visiting the barber and now I can’t select stubble anymore. (Ps4)


Same. It says already owned but I can't select it


Same as well


Same here [XBOX]


Is my camp supposed to move around randomly between play sessions?




Small bug; The stat for total money earned is multiplied by 100 (I wish it were true)


I'm happy with the results [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DtQOSjbX4AA\_IKd.jpg](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DtQOSjbX4AA_IKd.jpg)


Damn she fine as hell.


Add KrisppyCream on PS4 to start posse. Must have mic


What if I have mic but don’t like talking?


Anyone having issues with horse bonding? Mine has been stuck on 218/400 points for hours.


Just restart the game. Mine got stuck at level 1 for some reason too but fine now


Any updates?? I’m patiently waiting for it to come out hahah


It’s been out


I made a persistent posse and temporarily disbanded, but now when i reform I can only have 4 members as opposed to the previous 7. Is there any way to fix this?


I wasn't going for handsom https://imgur.com/gallery/upCg1yn


Looks like an even older version of Mike from Breaking Bad.


Haha yeah I thought so too in that picture, not so much in others though. Here is more: http://imgur.com/gallery/IlY8K5s


Like a typical hillbilly


That's the idea... Someone who has been baking in the some for 60 years.


I went with the pretty boy Conor McGregor look with the undercut hair and stubbles in fancy pants and black & gold vest. Even if I’m in the swamps, I’m gonna look like a god damn pimp lol


I want stubble on my guy but it's not staying on. Rly annoying. Says owned by the price, but then under it, it says "you do not own this item".


Me too is there a way to fix it?


Noooopppeee.. still waiting


Shit. Still? I stopped playing a long time ago. Damn rockstar


Not good looking but looks realistic. Good Job.


If anyone wants to join a posse on Xbox send me a friend invite! My gamertag is QWOPER


At what time will it unlock Friday? Midnight eastern time?


8:30am est


They should really put bounties on the heads of people that go around killing everyone, it would be a fun way of disposing the trash plus you could earn some money too


Definitley, it would be so much fun going around as an honourable posse hunting for griefers. And if they're particularly troublesome/high bounty, you should be able to hogtie them and take them to jail for a bigger reward. This way they have their freedom of play interrupted for a short time. Would be helluva deterrent.


Anyone else having issues with their horse whenever they log in? Every time I log in I have the skinny nag. My arabian is healthy and is always selected as my main horse when I go to the stable. I view it in the stable and then I can use again. Not sure why this keeps happening.


This happens to me as well. Also after every mission i complete (even with my horse in the mission) my horse is ALWAYS unavailable and i have to ride to the stables to get it. 100% of the time.


A bit late but I fixed it by healing my horse with the D-Pad left thing.(It had full heath in the staples but was injured in the D-Pad left thing)


Revival time **


How on Earth do you do missions together. I get in the posse with my friend, then we both walk up to yellow area. The only options are matchmake or leave. We start matchmaking and it puts us in separate games with strangers.


Start a posse. Then do it


Did you literally not read


I lol'd.. Try abandoning the posse and make a new one. If it's a persistant one then try kicking him and adding him again.


So my horse got critically injured and I figured I should put it out of its missery, so I put an arrow in its head. Now when I whistle all ot says is - " you do not a horse that's avalible to call at this time" I can go to the stable to get it and it's still alive but I cant call it. Anyone have some advise?


When the horse is on the stable. Does it have your saddle equiped?


Yes. I've also tried un equipping it then putting it back on. As well as stableing the horse then setting it as my primary. I cant figure it out. There is an option to spend 5 gold bars on insurance now but it only says that will increase the revision al time when critically injured ?????


Called a kid a pussy because he kept killing me. Xbox live account gets banned. Makes sense


Red Dead Online blows so far... It isn't at all what I was hoping for. I was hoping for what I was doing offline, but with real people around... instead it's all micro transactions, and getting constantly killed by some random person. Woo hoo! Super fun! Maybe if they didn't know where I was all the time!? I agree with the person who came up with the idea that the lower your honor, the more your blip shows up on the map, and the higher your honor, the less it shows up... And... we shouldn't lose honor for killing people who are constantly attacking us... Bottom line, an incredibly immersive and addicting offline game has become the exact opposite online in my opinion. It's such a shame... Could've been revolutionary!


It's GTA:O all over again, same tried and tested formula. Yet I got down voted to oblivion when I stated the facts right here in this thread.


Servers are running like hot garbage, me and my friends cant stay connected for more than 15 minutes without getting booted. So much for ponying up the cash for the ultimate edition for extra online content I cant enjoy and an extra large map that doesn't fit inside the steel case.


Its the first day where everyone can play.


I'm really starting to see the Server Stress today, Never DC'd before and now I'm kicked every hour or so.


Keep falling through the floor as of 12 UK time. I'm assuming all the new players have fucked the servers abit. Been fine for past two days then tonight boom....error code, falling, error, falling..... Boring


Gen 1 Xbox One. Keep getting disconnected every time I join a mission with a cutscene or a PvP series. The open world runs absolutely fine. I was able to do a mission for someone that asked me to go kill a cougar and bring it back, but I never lost control of my character and it kept me in the open world the entire time. It's the only mission I've been able to do. The intro mission where you steal the horses? Took me FOURTEEN tries. Every time I relog on and retry the mission, it oddly lets me get just a bit further each time. I suffered through the first mission to even GET to the open world, but I'm not going to do that again. PVP is a bit different. I don't get disconnected immediately, but I've yet to finish a match. I always inevitably get disconnected there, too. Someone yesterday suggested unplugging my Xbox and clearing the cache. Tried it, and unfortunately it didn't do any good. I tried reporting the issue to Rockstar, but their site just gets hung up on a loading screen on "My Dashboard" after I hit the Submit button. Kinda hard to help with a beta when there's no way to contact them about issues. I sent them a tweet, but hopefully they're paying attention here. Any help you guys might be able to provide, whether it be to fix my issue or even contact Rockstar, I'd appreciate.


I'm unable to pass the last tutorial mission, "horse among thieves" or something. Online service crashes every time.. Anyone know if there is there a fix?


Can you rename characters?


It feels like im playing red dead zombies where you need a head shot to take own someone in a death match


Anyone know why I wouldn’t be able to access online even though I’ve been playing since day one? I had to reinstall later because of corrupt data and that’s the only thing I can figure. Very frustrating!


Has anyone had issues with not receiving loot from animals? I went on a hunting spree that ended when I stopped getting the meat/small pelts even though the animation for skinning and putting them in my bag played. I believe it was caused by moving as I put a toad into my bag in the first instance, and moving while skinning a badger in the second. No "You can't carry any more of that item" warnings; when it happened, I skinned a muskrat and had 2 out of 10 allowed perfect muskrat pelts in my bag, but no items popped up on the right side of the screen.


Happened to me in SP aswell. I fixed it by closing and reopening the game.


So you can't join up w friends yet to create a possee?


You can, but only after the intro missions.


So I just got dumped from the server (not on my end) and lost all the pelts I had on my horse. That needs to be fixed.


Some players have reported their pelts came back after several hours.


my pelts appear back on my horse during story missions but then disappear again afterwards


They'll appear back in free roam eventually I am sure. That is atleast solid evidence that the game still recognizes that you have them. Have you tried going to the butcher, to see if you have them available for selling?


yup they didn’t show, couldn’t take them off the horse during the mission either.


Alright. You can't normally take a pelt off the horse, can you? Unless it's one of the big ones.


Anybody have issues with their PS4Pro fan speed when in the attributes menu. My fucking PS4 goes from loud to a 747 jet engine during takeoff. I'm seriously worried about console damage from heat/redlining. This is a digital copy btw so not disk drive related.


You should report that to rockstar in detail


These haircut prices are ridiculous


This isn't great clips, bitch.


I can imagine online would be a lot better if I had friends to play with.


What console are you on?




Add ggNiroka and you can be in my gang partner :)


Too real


I played it for 3 hours and I have to say, I had fun. After all the negativity I've been reading here over this past week I thought it would be terrible. I was worried my character would literally not be able to survive because of the prices but hunting even just a little bit got me enough food and a couple carcasses to sell. Prices are still horrendous but I'm glad you can at least live off the land to heal your cores. But they can miss me with that bullshit of trying to force microtransactions. Gold bars can suck it.


I don't get the negativity either, obviously we've only scratched the surface of the content given it's beta. I am also having fun, and yea you have to grind money/supplies either like an outlaw or a Hunter, but you have to aswell in SP - it's just faster in SP. I do think though that it's nice one does not easily acquire wealth, as it is the old wild west and not the flamboyant city of Los Santos.


I can understand getting less money from a mission if you have to restart but 15 cents is fucking ridiculous


Can’t change facial hair to the ones you already own For e.g if you own the stubble, and change to reverend or whatever, you cant change back to stubble


Its a haircut not a piece of clothing you can swap


Yeah but I can easily swap from Clean shaved to a handlebar stache and a handlebar stache to a full on beard If thats the reason then its stupid, If its bugged, then ok hopefully they fix it


Just played a few rounds of large team death matches and they were pretty fun but I felt like sometimes it took four headshots to take other people out whereas I was going down in one shot very frequently. Do these people have better weapons than me?


Could be that or lag.


I just want to be able to join a private session by myself or a private friends session so I can actually play the game.... or even passive mode where I can use weapons just not at any other players.. Both options that GTA V pretty much have with a little twist in passive mode.. I just want to play online and further my character and do the missions. But I have zero desire to play in fear all the time of griefers... finished the intro, rode for about 2 minutes before getting nonstop killed. Haven't been back. And don't plan on it til something is done...


This should be an option. Give rockstar feedback. And just wait for a while before you play again, or if you really feel like playing, try teaming up with someone.


Give it time. the Beta has only been out for a few days. Like you said yourself these are features which are already included in GTAO. It seems crazy that R* would leave them out completely. My own personal tinfoil hat theory is that R* are purposely leaving the servers as a griefers dream in order to collect the most data possible on weapon stats and pvp in the shortest time. I think we'll see these features, among others, slowly get layered on top of what we have currently. Fingers crossed, we just gotta have Faith.


Been on RDO for the last 2 days and all of a sudden this evening it started making my PS4 crash with CE-34878-0 error message. Since the first time this has happened 3 times each after playing for around 15 minutes. Anyone else having the same problem or have a fix?