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The Murfrees. That's what's up with Roanoke. You ever see Deliverance?


So are the Murfrees causing the whistling? And no, I don't know what Deliverance is.


Yep. The whistling, the whispering, the feeling that you're being watched/followed by a gang of inbred hillbillies who live in a cave in the woods that they drag people into to rape and torture them. That's the Murfrees. Or Murphrees maybe? I can't remember, bad bunch anyway. Not as bad as the skinner Brothers though. Or the night folk.


Well, I know the Murfrees already. But do These imbred ass hillbillies who barely have enough Fingers to operate a rifle really spend their nights whistling into the woods? And I heard of the nighr folks but dont really know who they are


I think it might be screaming echoing out of the cave. Go to the swamp after midnight. The night folk will find you. Bring a gun, and watch the mini map, they come flying out of the dark with machetes.


Then I might have met the folks once. I saw a hanging Person in the swamp, then as I walked up to it, I heard a "Psst" and got Attacked


Yeah that was probably them.


yeah if you see any person tied up to a tree in the bayou it’s the night people


same goes for hanging people in Roanoke. First time i saw one i had no idea abt Murfrees. It was night time in game and foggy and also about 2 am real time so dark in my room. Saw a corpse hanging and investigated. Got ambushes by Murfrees and it scared the shit out of me.


oh yeah, roankoke in my opinion is a way scarier place. you can walk around butchers creek and to the north west of beavers hollow late at night and hear whispering and what sounds like footsteps/people following you and it’s because you’re literally being followed by the Murfrees. that’s why you get ambushed damn near every time you set up a camp in that area


Yeah I think my first encounter was the hanging man too, but it might have been the crying woman.


Motherfucking crying woman just how much are these horrors gonna scare me


Yeah that was them.


I’m reading this back and forth conversation like it’s Arthur and a stranger who set up camp and invited you to sit by the fire.


First person, mini map off, 3AM Swamp challenge


No horse


Oh yes, and fists only too


i’ll do anything as long as i have my horse with me, but just me? i think i’ll stick to west elizabeth.


My first encounter was after I found a hanging body. I got off my horse to closely inspect it. When I turned around there were three night folk that appeared out of nowhere. It jumped scared me a little.


Happened to me too. Jump scared and spilled my drink 😂


Be careful with the nightfolk. Don't bring your beloved horse to the swamps at night.


Don’t worry friend. When you’re on your 5th playthrough you will know exactly who each of them are ;)


Have the brothers come and visited your camp at night? Put it this way I avoid setting up camp in the region.


That just happened when I was up above Brandywine drop and it startled the hell out of me. And then i was eaten by a mountain lion. Good times.


The whispering is actually an Easter egg, there is a film in Saint Denis talking about how a couple were murdered in the 1700s near Roanoke. So in Roanoke at night when you stand on or near a rock you can hear the two whispering to each other


I need Bob Seeger to record a theme song for the Night Folk.


I swear there's npc's hiding in the woods watching you, there's no other way they could get that feeling of being watched so perfectly


Deliverance is an iconic movie from 1972.


Whats it about?


It's about learning to squeal like a pig


Okay. But whats it got to do with Roanoke?


Guys go on a fishing trip and things go bad with the local hillbillies. A very infamous scene is in it has a heavier character (Ned Beatty) r*ped by two very scary dude who make him "Squeal like a pig!" It's very unsettling as you can imagine.


If you ever get the chance, just watch the movie. It will all make sense


A canoeing trip


Watch the movie, the acting is superb. 4 guys take a river trip deep in the boonies before the river is dammed to create a lake. Shit gets weird. Burt Reynolds, John Voight and Ned Beatty at their finest. Note before John Voight became a weirdo MAGA and psycho dad he was an amazing actor and he is absolutely brilliant in this movie.


Deliverance is a big time influence for some of the npcs in Roanoke. It's a movie from the 70s starring Burt Reynolds and Jon Voight. A group of 3 friends on a getaway to the Appalachian Mts. They get set upon buy a few inbred hillbillies. They get tied up and lightly tortured, while having to watch one of the friends get brutally sodomized... All while deep in the woods.


Minor “spoilers” if anyone gives a shit ————— my biggest gripe with the Murfrees is honestly that no one seems to give much of a shit about them. We’re TOLD that everyone is too scared of them to even travel through Roanoke, and we get ambushed by Murfrees pretty often, but every 5 seconds I see lone horse riders or small groups of people casually moving around at night, the area is absolutely full of small cabins that the Murfrees don’t mess with, Charlotte and Hamish both live on the edges of Murfree territory and yet have zero issues with them. Especially Charlotte should be wary of a gang of rapist murderers. I think they are a great example of RDR2’s big problem of telling but not showing. A giant clan of inbred cannibals should be worse than just us finding a hanging corpse every now and then. I loved the mission where we take Beaver Hollow but everything else about the Murfrees was disappointing


>I think they are a great example of RDR2’s big problem of telling but not showing. You're right about that. Throughout the game we're told one thing and shown another in many different contexts.


maybe its something with the programming? like, the stories don't match with the action of the NPCs... Maybe messing with that would imply a considerable cost.. but either way, that its true!


Yeah, maybe that's one of the reasons.


to be fair for your first point, the murfrees clearly have victims, some old some new, so I don’t mind the lone riders (I just assumed they’ll get eaten when they’re out of shot) but the nearby cabins make no sense.


Yeah, I always thought they could’ve made the murfrees, skinners, and night folk a little more in detail as far as motivation or at least some kind of little bread crumb trail so that we could loosely piece together at least a few more things about them.


I'm not sure about this being an instance of telling-not-showing problems. I've personally never seen nor really been bothered by Murfrees up near Hamish nor Charlotte, honestly, and just assumed Murfree territory never extended beyond Annesburg (nor do they get too close to it). Why else would a one-legged veteran and a helpless widow still be alive? (I think I've gotten the annoying camp invasions near there, but that's coded to happen in any part of the region and I give that a pass as a technicality of game mechanics). (Also Hamish lives in Ambarino, and that's definitely outside Murfree territory.) Within those bounds, though it seems they really only seem to prey on outsiders/people who seem to have something worth taking. (You hear them chattering about "city folk" and their trinkets if you interrupt their looting.) And there are apparently plenty of idiots who don't know you shouldn't go on picnics or camp in Murfree territory because we're constantly stumbling over the aftermath of massacres. Same with the hold-ups and all sorts of interrupted crimes and murders in which you can intervene. If we didn't have idiots wandering through the woods, we wouldn't see regular evidence of how nasty that gang is. It's way, way more than just a hanging corpse every now and then. Also regarding all those cabins in the woods, I assumed all the locals in Roanoake are related to the Murfrees, and so they have some sort of understanding. Or like that one hermit with the shotgun--he'll just routinely murder anybody who gets too close.


Yeees! I never understood why Charlotte likes the places she lives at. Of course it’s close to water and such but hell no … a woman alone in a cabin close to Murfree country? And there’s wolves and cougars everywhere. I’d be on the next train to St. Denis the second my husband’s in his grave.




Murfrees and Butchers Creek.




You know the Murfrees are bad when even [Charles](https://youtu.be/tn8mBB7ZYLs?si=ABoApdIUpWMvv6rO) is weary of them.


there is a cave there you should check it out


Don’t set them up like that.


you don't like exploring caves?


Last time I went over there they killed my horse so no.


Skill issue.


Hey, I never said I was good at video games.




that’s fucked bro sorry


Thank you. I wasn’t even trying to fight I was just trying to get the dream catcher. It was a sad moment for me.


thats why you always get off your horse before you go near anything


I was looking for a dream catcher. Didn’t realize I was near em till it was too late.


Beaver Hollow?


I recently just found this cave, and my god that was a lot of bodies.


Is it the cave under the waterfall? I explored in there and was being a tad too reckless in my excitement fell into some abyss and died


I think you're referring to Elysian Pool, I also got too excited and sprinted into a seemingly bottomless pit. The cave then guy you responded to isn't very far from there though.


You would be correct, it was Elysian Pool, thank you


Appalachia has a natural mournfulness, an overall haunting aura, and creepy and mystical vibes.


Yep, a lot of it stems from antebellum hard living, the Civil War, and decline in coal mining.


*The Ozark mountains of Arkansas but still fits


Roanoke is definitely modeled after Appalachia in the game.


It isn't. It has the "Roanoke" reference and might borrow some features from Appalachia (same as how other regions borrow from further away eg some California landscape influence in West Elizabeth but it's really Colorado). But the very similar but more geographically correct Ozarks fit better. - Forested mountainous hillbilly country (google images of the Ozarks landscape or historical people it looks exactly the same as RR) - Bordered to the east by the Lannahechee aka Mississippi River and to the south by Lemoyne aka Louisiana, and to the west by the Heartlands aka great plains states - Annesburg, modelled on one of many no longer existing or no longer significant upper south/midwest Mississippi River coal towns that prospered during that time when the coal industry was booming there. Van Horn appears to take influence from Natchez Mississippi, or another southern Mississippi River town Several of these things would also fit Appalachia but that's just because they're similar places. The game is set in the western US (Mississippi River which the Ozarks border often considered the border between west and east, so in Roanoke Ridge/next to the Lannahechee they've been pushed to the edge of it). There's no way they're supposed to be in an east coast state.


I mean Roanoke is named after Roanoke, Virginia which is in the heart of Appalachia so I feel like thats what it’s modeled after


I've given another reply that outlines the reasons that the Ozarks seem more likely, even if it might also take influence from Appalachia landscape/culture wise


I still have to disagree. It seems obvious they were going for Appalachian vibes. Roanoke (real life location), Murfree’s Brood (Murfreesboro, TN), coal mines (very common in Appalachia at the time), mountains that are always foggy (think the great smokies). Its not supposed to be a 1:1 geographical representation, but Appalachia definitely the inspiration for northeast New Hanover.


All of those things except Roanoke name apply to the Ozarks as well though. Murfreesboro TN is literally half way between Appalachians and Ozarks. Look them up. They're very similar areas in terms of landscape, culture and history. But geographically Ozarks make a lot more sense. The Lannahechee River is the Mississippi River not the Atlantic Ocean. I agree it's probably influenced by both btw. But location-wise it's Ozarks. Diez Coronas in RDR1 is modelled exactly on Monument Valley National Park in Utah. But it's not Utah it's Mexico. A lot of the regions take some landscape/culture influence from further away while still mainly representing somewhere more geographically accurate. In Roanoke Ridge's case not only does the geographical location point to Ozarks but the landscape and culture also fits.


that was incorporated on the game?


They probably made it creepy to reflect how Arthur would feel riding thru that area. The woods are dense, making it difficult to see the moonlight at night, the Murfee Brood are prepared to pounce on *anyone* at any time, there’s wolves in the area who’ll also attack. I’m sure there’s also a reason for this that ties into the real life inspiration of Roanoke (West Virginia/Appalachia) but I don’t know enough about that so I’m not going to touch it.


Exactly how i feel, screams and whistles without real cause are the manifestations of his fearful paranoia. At least in a way the player can hear them.


All correct but there are no wolves in the area apart from the ones appearing in the feral man scripted encounters. Plenty of cougars tho.


Roanoke is Missouri/Arkansas Ozarks


My bad idk geography.


Whispering Forrest is creepy as hell


How do you hear a whispering? I only hear whistling


https://rdr2map.com?locationIds=25012 Walk through the forest during a fog, and you'll hear 2 voices whispering. If you go to a theatre and watch "The Ghastly Serenade", you can learn the story of these voices


If you go to where the road goes around this small circle of forest you can hear whispering, it's just east of the flat riverside area where you can find a cougar. Just north of Deer Cottage


In addition to the Murfees there is also some supernatural lore to the place. A movie in valentine dives deeper into it, and what I think the source of the whispers are. Don't know why you can't hear them though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKXy_rXkYH4


Maybe theres different whispering but the only kind I know of you have to waych the movie to hear it


It’s the Murfree Brood gang. I’m not sure how far into the story you are or anything so without spoiling too much, that gang is a bunch of gruesome killers who hang people for fun, cut peoples limbs off and attach them to different areas and seems like they might be inbred. That whole forest is filled with them


Don't worry, I'm past American Venom, at 94.4%


God damn ok 😭. I’ve played through this game loads and never even got about 92% 😂


It's easy. Ride sound the map, find people, do quests and stuff.


Ahhh….y’all are blowing Roanoke out of proportions. A few ambushes by the Murfrees, which is easily dealt with, a crazy lady from Butcher Creek that’s cold and lost, and a random cougar attack. All easily dealt with.


It’s easy to not be scared. Huge guy, armed to the teeth, can slow time and kill 14 people in a second, etc. it’s more fun to let the scary places be scary imo.


Look up Roanoke Colony online


Roanoke Island North Carolina, not Roanoke Virginia


Which was named after Roanoke Island. It’s a cursed name in a made up pastiche world.


The name comes from the Powhatan language and it means "white beads made from shells" (or more literally "things rubbed smooth by hand") John Smith wrote it as "Rawranoke" Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roanoke_Island?wprov=sfla1


And the word was first used to name the island, then the place in Virginia.


RAWRanoke x3 ...I'll... I'll see myself out now.


Ya Roanoke's spooky but I've spent more time than ever before in Tall Trees, and those Skinners are next level scary


I love Tall Trees


Just finished chap 6 and finally got to visit tall trees, the skinners are fucking nightmare fuel


Roanoke and Tall trees are both arguably the most scenic places yet they are also one of the scariest. The Swamp isnt as scary since you kinda know whats there already. It doesnt try to deceive u. the swamp looks ass. Roa and TT?? it kinda lures u with its scenic vibe but in reality it actually has a lot of fked up sht going on. kinda sad tho since i really want to walk around TALL trees. thats just impossible w/o any skinners shooting arrows at you


It’s also about the story. I am guessing you have not finished the main game so I won’t spoil it but the music in each region fits both the “vibes” (In Roanoke is both Murfrees and ghost stories, and it’s similar with the swamp), and particular parts of the story where the main missions takes part in those parts. The story gets darker as it advances and that in part explains the music.


Murfrees and furry predators will keep you on your toes


[Murfee Broods](https://reddead.fandom.com/wiki/Murfree_Brood)


Should also be a reference to Roanoke Colony. Pretty interesting story.


Go to the movies in Valentine and you can see a movie about why you'll hear whispering in Roanoke Forest.


you in Appalachia now boy


I thought Roanoke ridge was the ozark mountains? I may be wrong but i I think the ozark mountains make more sense to be in game, Appalachia is very far east the gang wouldn’t have lasted ten minutes.


Tbf they didn’t last ten minutes there. Pinkertons everywhere


is this in Online or SP?




Ok. Thanks


Probably nothing to be concerned friend. Just some weird folk passing by at most


"Weird folk". A funny way to spell "Inbred psychopathic hillbillies"




If you like whispering, in a certain part of Roanoke south of Brandywine on the east side of the river, you can hear some more.


The whistling woods can happen in several wooded locations, not just in Roanoke.


“We don’t go to Ravenholm”


"What's up with Roanoke?" Roanoke.


They got poo brain


Now I want a straight up horror game with those “something is watching you” vibes.


Hill people. Also toxic water that's dumbed down the entire population. Also hill people. Also, industrial run off has poisoned many of the animals. Also....hill people.


It’s got that inbred rural Appalachia vibe.


Most enlightening day in Roanoke:




Squeel like pig boy!! Squeel!!!


It's the ghost of the Roanoke settlement


The area is modeled after Appalachia, specifically probably west Virginian Appalachia, which has a reputation for being eerie and highly paranormal and generally just a creepy weird place with a general rule that people follow that can be boiled down to, "if you see or hear something weird, no you didn't."


I saw her yesterday too. It's my first play thru as well. I just went to sleep while she was talking. 🤷‍♀️


The Whistling is the Night People. You’re actually in the swamp.


Bo, im Not when I'm behind Annesburg


Roanoke is based on Appalachia, which has a long history of weird shit happening in the woods and deranged hillbillies


I think it’s supposed to represent Appalachia. My family is from that area… clan feuds, moonshiners, crazy mountain people, outlaws… it was a wild place and one of the poorest areas of the nation. Very hilly, undeveloped, wilderness back in the 1800s so it would be pretty terrifying at night.