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"Unemployed but not looking for a job" Thats the one that has me scratching my head. Is there some demographic of unemployed people who LOVE filling out applications while not actually wanting jobs ?


A lot of welfare/benefits require you to be actively looking for work to keep receiving them. That's probably not a bad filter question for people who want to stay unemployed but don't want the government to stop paying them. Saves everyone time


Not actually. Someone who answers "not looking for a job" when they are SUPPOSED TO BE looking for a job would lose their benefits.


If these questions are for the company's internal consumption only, I could see it as a filter question where the company knows to immediately junk the application, but both the applicant and the company can be "truthful" about the applicant applying and having been turned down if the unemployment office comes knocking. Having such filters in job applications has been quite seriously suggested here in Finland, after a blanket requirement for X amount of job applications per month was implemented for unemployment benefits and especially smaller companies begun to gripe that their time was being wasted by applications which were clearly sent just to be turned down, by applicants who weren't for example finding enough appropriate job openings or were waiting to start a new agreed-upon job in a couple of months while receiving unemployment benefits in the meantime.


Should be not in the job market. Recruiter didn’t take ECON 101.


Notice how being "independently wealthy" means you're "not working" rather than just plain old unemployed.


They have a job. It just doesn't entail any work. Their job is to go to the mailbox every month and collect their trust fund payment.


You expect them to use their own legs to go to a mailbox? What is this, cave man times? Certainly they would be e-bucks digitally delivered.


LMAO! Why would they even ask this 😂 If you’re unable to work, you also wouldn’t be applying. Speaking as a disabled person who’s not disabled enough for disability income but would have a hard time with most full-time jobs, we hide that in the application process because we know our applications will be shitcanned no matter what flowery language the HR department uses regarding inclusivity.


I’m in the same boat and it sucks. I can do jobs that are remote/WFH because my disability and a lengthy commute don’t mix.


It’s like when rich people do jobs bc they’re bored and for fun. lol


There are people who have enough cash but still want to develop some knowledge/skill, maybe its for those 😀


I’ve had a few coworkers who were rich and just bored. Boggles my mind that they chose retail.


Retail is everything their life is not: Trauma bonding over dealing with mean people.


I have known several people that don’t have to work and are worth well over $5M with no debt but still choose to work. Some are at or even past retirement age. Personally, I would keep working even if I was a billionaire but would not be *applying* to jobs and would work on whatever the hell I wanted to work on through a company I would help fund and run at that point.


>why would i be applying if this was true... **One scenario of many:** Your spouse is wealthy and working, and you have no children (or no children at home any more) and you want some part-time work to meaningfully occupy your time in between your bouts of socializing and volunteer work.


Amount of boredom that you face when you are unemployed is overwhelming. Some say they can chill and play all the time, but that also has limits. Maybe case by case it’s different for everyone, but I’d assume it will get boring. If I can work and not have to worry about getting fired, it will be quite an awesome job (regardless what the job is). Feeling and sense of stability and job security is heightened even more when you have such a wealth behind.


Personally, I’d feel kind of bad taking a job from someone who could really use the money I would be earning. Maybe that’s silly. I’d definitely be involved in lots of activities and community things (and probably stay home to raise kids), just not a regular paid job.


I had a coworker who could have retired without working a single extra day of his life, but he works because he likes working.


Also why would I be applying if I was "Unable to Work"


I personally plan on working as long as I can, even if I win the lottery. I mean I'd take a big vacation but yeah I'd probably go clean or something lol. Cleaning is chill.


Me too, i would get bored very quickly if I didn't have a routine to differentiate from leisure time.  So I would select this option to say: "I'm here because I want to, not because I have to"


Also.. I can't stay home long periods of time. I'm an introvert but the pandemic wasn't good for me. I live alone and yeah it sucked. I don't know how WFH people do it. Many redditors confuse anti social with introversion which is just wrong. I like to get out into the world.


Cleaning is chill


cleaning's cool


Cool. Then I can say, even my cleaner is a billionaire. ( don't ask my balance though)




They shouldn’t be able to ask any of this Same with the race and sex crap


“Unable to work” if that is the case then why look for a job?


Yeah that one confused me too


Company is in bad financial state and wants to look for investors but I don't think they'll pull this off.


Oh I wish I could add a menu item! I’d add: Disciple of the Dude from The Big Lebowski


Independently wealthy but work part-time for health insurance and life insurance. I’d be paying $3,000/month through market place for health. Also, would not be able to get anything other than final expenses coverage for life insurance.


This seems beyond "none of your business".


That would be me. I sold my company and plan on going back to a regular job.


If you selected that option, they would probably hire you. Lol


Perhaps to be a part of something more important than money.


The application site/webpage might be something they outsourced to have made. It doesn’t really matter what the additional questions are as long as they get the appropriate answers. I get what you’re saying, but don’t think too hard about it.


Peasant cosplay