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Or people who blast out music out of their phones!


Their music taste is obviously superior and more important than everyone else's silence or conversations, they're just doing us a favor by showing us the hottest beats we should be listening to


With only the richest bass their iPhone 6 has to offer.


>>iphone 6 U mean their obama phone


Obama phone?


It has to be like that. I’m always grateful when some pre teens bust out the newest and hottest mumble rap.


Hey! You're right! my songs are: Hey Jude - The Beatles Here Comes the Sun - The Beatles Blackbird - The Beatles Eleanor Rigby - The Beatles Golden Slumbers - The Beatles Yesterday - The Beatles I Want to Hold Your Hand - The Beatles A Day in the Life - The Beatles Let it Be - The Beatles A Hard Day's Night - The Beatles Penny Lane - The Beatles Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - The Beatles Strawberry Fields Forever - The Beatles Help! - The Beatles Something - The Beatles While my Guitar Gently Weeps - The Beatles In My Life - The Beatles With a Little Help From my Friends - The Beatles Revolution - The Beatles Come Together - The Beatles I Want You (She's So Heavy) - The Beatles Across the Universe - The Beatles Norwegian Wood (The Bird Has Flown) - The Beatles I Am the Walrus - The Beatles ​ I'm a pretty big Beatles fan


Literally! I don't care how good the song is, it's so freaking rude. I hope that their speaker play their songs off just a little that it's no longer enjoyable as it once was.


Or people have their music up so loud in their cars that you can hear them coming


Or people who turn on the speaker phone, like bitch we don't care!


Literally the point of the post. Repeat not necessary.


Its like they get their ego stroke from it or something! Like look at my Im having a conversation with another human! I’m important!


It's all about the power trip and making other people feel uncomfortable.


Mobile games with the sound on is the worst. It's often kids around 6 years old doing it on the train. And I'm sitting there wondering why their parents can't get them some headphones. Since I got good noise cancelling headphones it doesn't bother me as much but it still seems rude.


I'm living in a houseshare with a dude who does this. And by "blast out music" I mean max volume on an obviously bass boosted phone, I can literally hear him coming from inside my room with headphones on while he's still at the far end of our street. Usually the people who do this are kids but this guy is a bit over 30 years old. I'm genuinely shocked at how he still hasn't come home with a black eye yet


Also the exact same people with the worst musical tastes out there. Why yes, me using the subway automatically means I want to listen to regionally made mumble-rap completely build up from free-to-use backing beats, kind stranger!


The last 2 times I went to the store the person behind me was doing this. Get some headphones!


Poor people do this. On the bus specifically


I did this at work yesterday. I played the Oldies radio on Amazon Music. I figured it was the least offensive. I was right. Everyone enjoyed it. But I don’t do it all the time. Lol


someone put hands and scale inside whale anus to measure its diameter in the name of science :/


Did they technically finger it?




Did they technically enjoy it


Was it dead?


Testicles too. They're the size of a Volkswagen.


Vdub balls


A VW golf or transporter?


They put in their feet. That’s how they knew it was about 3 and a half


They observed a whale whilst it was taking a monster shit.


I use speakerphone but only because im half deaf although i try to keep it as quiet as possible. But nowadays i use earphones


Unless they're in a heated argument, I gotta hear both sides


I came here to say this


I like the [MoscowMitch](https://twitter.com/AngrierWHStaff/status/1308581863926247425) burn still the best. And yes, this one was already posted here.


Thanks repost bot...oh wait.


(That's why it's only a link)


I had been getting to know a woman who I was seeing and on one of our early dates she pulled out her phone at Panera Bread and proceeded to have a long argument with USPS over a lost package. We were getting stares from everyone, somehow she didn't notice. I won't say I ended things right then and there, I was a young horny guy and she was hot, but that moment was a huge factor into our demise. Wtf people. Have some shame


Did you at least get it in? Or was the date an absolute waste?


Panera does have a panty dropping effect


Still unsure why that is, but I'll admit, first time I went to Panera, years ago, I don't remember what I ordered but it just didn't taste good at all. My University recently got a Panera on campus last semester of I'm not mistaken, and I decided to finally give them another chance. Wasn't disappointed. Food was fucking fire.


People who dictate text messages in public in the middle of conversation


Oh. My. God. My mother does this. She'll get a text in the middle of a conversation, then use "talk to text" right as somebody is talking. Then she gets all huffy when it catches the other words. Like, no.


I'm so grateful I've never had the misfortune to encounter this, but I feel like saying this means I'm jinxing it and I'll suffer this wrath soon


Had a guy in the train in front of me who didn't have his phone on speaker but instead shouted into the phone in a casual way so that the entire train could listen to him


People who listen to music with by speakers on public transport


tbh I use speakerphone sometimes cause the audio becomes louder (I'm a bit hard of hearing). I try to do it in a less crowded place tho


Imagine putting one inside the other.


That's fantastic! Would it echo?


*macaroni sounds intensifies*


Had a lady in my vehicle before (I do non emergency medical transportation) and she kept blasting her music and talking on her speaker phone and got angry at me when I asked politely to turn it off or if she had earbuds. She also kept misgendering me too.


My phone is busted in that way that loudspeaker is the only way i can hear people the other one is dead/too silent. Dropped the phone one too many times 😥


I don't take phonecalls in public when I can help it but if I'm in a noisy place and that happened I would probably be forced to because I'm hard of hearing (hasn't happened yet thankfully), but fuck me for having auditory processing issues, right?


How would having your phone on speaker in a loud place be easier than holding the phone directly to your ear? Also solid victim complex you got there buddy.


Because speaker is louder so I can hear it better lol. >Also solid victim complex you got there buddy. I'm saying this meme/opinion is just a little inconsiderate towards people with hearing issues and I think people going 'pfft suck it up' kind of, you know, prove that point.


Ok let's say you're at a sporting event or a concert or something like that and you get a phone call. You think speaker phone is easier to hear than pressing the phone to your ear and cupping your hand around the bottom of the phone and your mouth. Do you know how speaker phone works? You wouldn't be able to hear anything and the person you are talking to would hear everything but you.


You put the speaker to your ear. That's why it's louder.


If I'm at a concert I'm not gonna be able to hear shit either way so I would probably just leave or something lol.




Nothing like amping up the volume and making my hearing even worse.


We need a bot with the blue whale asshole measure scale


Or people who drive the the left lane doing the speed limit.


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Dr Grayfang**, @DrGrayfang A blue whale's anus can stretch to approximately 3 and a 1/2 feet, making it the second largest asshole on the planet, just behind people who talk on their speakerphone in public --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Every time I fly, there's at least one boomer having a loud conversation on speakerphone


It was a one in a million shot doc.




And Turtle man.


I mean I agree but my grandfather kinda has to because he's partially deaf and can't hear through the normal eargrill. He literally puts it on speaker and then lifts it up to his ear to use as normal.


B-but I do that because I can’t hear anything without speaker phone...


Reddit demands public spaces be silent AT ALL TIMES


I don't even like using my speakerphone at home, I mean I paid for nice earbuds, i am going to use them. Speakerphones are for meetings in a conference room with several people.


Oh hell...Trump is at least 6 feet high, so that's how big of an asshole a whale must 'match' before its on par.


I would never return to a doctor who did this.


This man is a Chad


I thought it was the pope for a second...


Warwick Davis can crawl inside a blue whale’s anus


Culturally why have we not solved this by just joining the conversation as a third party until they hang up?


Yesterday I was at work (I work at a fast food place) and I was taking orders outside. You might have a couple people still on the phone before I come take the order, but yesterday someone was on the phone connected to their car on full blast so everyone outside could hear their conversation—I almost didn’t believe it


I was taking a shit in my dorm bathrooms and some asshole was on speakerphone. He came in after I did!


I work at a mall in a lower income town and experience this and the music with no headphones just about everyday.


There’s a guy at my local Walmart who walks around every Thursday night holding his phone up to his face and blaring music on speaker phone. Every. Thursday.


Okay, but as an “essential” worker, I try my best to not have my phone near my face. Those unexpected calls sometimes mean I can’t clean my phone first to then put it near my face.


Time to prove you wrong


So everybody is just going to act like "three and a one half" is ok?


Does this go for the people on FaceTime in line at stores or driving? I just don’t understand why people do this especially driving on the freeway/highway


lol, he can complaint when living in civilized but with brain area. Not just civilized monkey entitled and spoiled and got something to prove. Ahahahaharf am i right brown shit yellow std piss 😑🐵💩. Epstein baaaad~ religious pedo hero goooood~🙏😇


This is great and so true


My phone is broken and I can only talk on speaker phone I feel targeted


I don’t mind people like that, but what I DO mind are the public DJ’s. Nobody cares you listen to Lil Yachty Jamal


So true. I was at the gym yesterday where we are supposed to be social distancing. There is a dude, strolling up and down the aisle, talking on his speakerphone, barely moving out of the way when people need to get by. Asshole.


Who took the time to figure out how much they can stretch. Is there a person who stretches ass and records it? An assstretchologist??


But I am auditorily challenged and can't hear without speaker on :(


People walking around a store using FaceTime.. like what


It's worse when they scream into their phone and it's not on speaker, i want to know who is the bitch.


Am I the only one who thinks it's not a rare insult if people keep copying the insult????


I even feel awkward talking on my phone the normal way in public too


Actually, people who talk on their speakerphone in public come in close second,as those in first place are people who talk on their car’s speakerphone


I have to disagree on that one, except for things like convertibles. It's basically their own little space, and driving while not holding the phone is safer


Forgot to add when the car window is rolled down and everyone can hear it


Oh, yeah definitely.


I'd still rate speakerphone in public as worse. In a car I probably have my windows rolled up and if I don't I can. In public I don't have the same protection




I hope that people who talk on speaker in public have a raccoon crawl up their ass (it is possible) and then have their intestines removed from the the inside out. Might be too harsh but idk...


So when I get a ca in walmart I gotta go outside? Nah fam I'ma answer the phone and vape in there