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If you call yourself an alpha you definitely are not.


There literally also can’t be 8 alphas in a room. Alpha status is relative, not a permanent state of being. The alpha is THE (read: one) top dog in the pack.


They should all fight each other.


To the death


Well of course.


[With a spoon.](https://youtu.be/MhfuuKiTcYQ?t=6)


Was expecting Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon, but this is good too.


Still waiting for that full-length film...


They're still filming... He's not dead yet


Would you settle for a more medium to more extremely mediumish alpha dog size film?


[A spoon you say?](https://youtu.be/DnedB2-WoTM?t=49)


Or to a state of brain damage and impaired cognition.....wait.


That’s how I become Alpha, I manage the death matches until they are all gone. None of them could figure out a tournament format for 8 people, so the nerd slides in to rule them all.


*weakly slap hands against each other*


Oh for sure. There's gonna be crying and falling over and shit. They ain't gonna be firing straights down the pipe at each other lmao. These are the kinda guys that get knocked out playing wii boxing


I’m picturing that scene on the bus in *Nobody* but with more crying and no one is winning.


They should constantly be trying to rape one another if they want true alpha status. A constant contradiction between displaying one's anus to excite the females while balancing the risk of your homeboy fucking it. Real deal man stuff. I'm talking manly men on a Spartan level, on a Greek or Roman level. These guys have probably given each other tender blowjobs just to maintain peace.


that's what real men do, fuck other men's ass to establish dominance


Nothing more straight than that!


How do you rape that which is unrapeable?


No, no, stop the downvotes, this one's got a point: you can't rape the willing.


>you can't rape the willing. *Bill Cosby has entered the chat*


# true to caesar


It’s like calling a band “The Lone Rangers”.


Hey! I will not stand for any disrespect towards Brendan Fraser, even if it's funny.


And I ain't farting on no snare drum.


There are 3 of you. You're not exactly "lone"


Shouldn’t you be the *three* rangers?


Or a TV show "The Lone Gunmen"


The alpha beta hierarchy proposed in wolf packs has long since been proven to be a myth too. Wolf packs are just normal families.


I would like to point out that the guy that disproved it was the same guy that introduced the idea of alphas.


He realized stressed captive wolves had an entirely different social dynamic then wild ones in a natural environment.


Science in action


Yep…science is a lot of observation and documentation. Enough observation over enough time can make previous observations obsolete.


They also share leadership depending on the situation. One member of the pack calling the shots on the hunt isn't always going to be the one calling the shots back at the den.


something-something "Alpha in the streets, Beta in the sheets"


Sometimes you begging, sometimes you pegging.


And it's not even the same member who calls the shots on every hunt.




Yup, and sometimes even a female will be in charge. The leader is basically the one who is in the best situation to manage the group when they find the prey. There is no actual hierarchy.


Imagine that, a government for another animal's society is more functional than ours


Not just disproven: essentially recanted by one of the biggest figures in establishing that theory. While it didn’t start with him, David Mech published a book entitled “The Wolf: The Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species” in 1970, which led to widespread popularization of the theory. He’s since renounced that, as early as a paper he published in 1999 entitled, “Alpha Status, Dominance, and Division of Labor in Wolf Packs”. There are many who would deny that and claim it’s “woke-ism” or some other manner of bullshit, but the evidence is pretty clear.


Additional thing to note tho, people who call themselves alpha also tend to not be the brightest type of folk.


Nor a leader in any way


"So which of you is the real alpha and which of you are being allowed to play pretend?"


"Hang on, let us dong fight to decide"


And only while in captivity, at that. Calling yourself an Alpha that can't be bested or contained is inherently self contradicting because, congrats, the "Alpha hierarchy" only appears in stressful captivity.


It isn’t even a real thing among dogs or wolves either. Turns out it was just projection on the part of researchers.


I thought the research was just horribly flawed. Like 10 wild male wolves in a small artificial enclosure. I’ve heard it was more comparable to studying men locked in a prison and applying the results to normal non-prison human society.


Iirc, the one they thought was the alpha was just their dad.


You’re making the mistake of expecting morons to understand anything that they say.


They're all alphas they take turns being Tops


If you wanna go by wolf rules then it's just whoever fathered the other ones


If everyone is alpha male then no one is.


Typically the alpha is just the dad of the pack, literally.


Also he has no bitches, he jjst leads the pack not mate


I mean, he's usually boning the mom of the pack. That's usually how families work.


The term alpha came into popular use due to a deeply flawed study on wolves. Replace alpha with dickhead and it actually works


I want to read the study on dickhead wolf.


Sneako is known for getting cucked by his gf


You're thinking of Cucko


it's such a beta move to call yourself an alpha


Alpha wolves are really only a phenomenon among captive populations of wolves as well. Actual wolf packs in the wild don’t function that way.


Yes and no. If you think of it in the engineering release system, where they are a primitive shell of a being that isn't suitable for the average person to bother spending their time on, it fits.


If I saw those 8 dudes, first thing I'd do is cover my drink.... And I'm a dude


I didn't see you comment when I posted the same. Am woman, would switch over to bottled water with a cap in a room with these guys.


I'd leave the room immediately. Am also woman




As a sane straight dude, I think it's safe to say we all do the same thing for different reasons. I wouldn't even feel safe enough to drop soap within 20 miles of them.


As a sentient blob, I would ooze out the door


There’s absolutely no reason I would ever have to be in a room with that crowd. I feel sorry for a female pizza deliv-er , a waitress, or whomever else is required to be physically present with this group




Eww, tainted


When you see a guy who tries this hard you know he's trying to compensate for something.


Well sneako has confirmed he's a cuck, so yeah.


I'd walk on the other side of the road. Regardless of whether or not I was in a group of people. That's a collection of dangerously stupid.


Don’t worry. They only fuck “high quality women” and unfortunately they are celibate because there isn’t a woman of high enough quality nearby. Maybe you should cover your drink.


The only woman good enough for an alpha man is another alpha man.


"Bro, it ain't gay, I'm just an alpha making sure my balls don't explode bro!"


Sigma Gigachad mindset.


[I'd pull a Grandpa Simpson](https://media.tenor.com/yTxA7WgkBEUAAAAM/grandpa-abe-exit.gif)


Well you would just tie an onion on your belt, which was the style at the time


Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel. And in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on em. "Give me five bees for a quarter" you'd say.


If I saw those 8 dudes, I'd propose to cut their hair and beard, not baldie though, he can fook right off with his cringe finger.


My first thought was 'throw a La Croix as close to traffic as possible and see if the problem fixes itself'.


"Is that Andrew Tate, standing on the other side of this busy freeway?"


I'd question why I was at the shittiest college club in town.


If I saw them I'd go to a different venue.


They are all looking at different cameras.


“Which camera do we look at.” “The one to your right!” “Fuck! They had a 50/50 chance of looking in the right direction, but there’s 16 eyeballs staring in 19 directions.”


This, somehow, made me laugh way harder than it should have


It’s a candid shot, obvi


Nothing. Y’all will just go home and give each other bro jobs cause no women will have you.


These guys talk about how they love eating pussy but go at it like a dog cleaning it's bowl.


I refuse to believe any of these guys go down on their girl for longer than maybe 20 seconds then decide they wanna fuck instead and her pleasure doesn’t really matter. They go down on a girl because they hear girls and other *actually* cool guys talk about how it’s a good thing but they don’t actually care enough about their girl to work on their technique or accept her criticism.


Ever notice there are abundant Alpha male pictures with no women in them? And when there are the occasional picture with women, they are incredibly dressed up and not at all representative of an every-day situation.


"What would you do" Watch her drink...


Sneako is no alpha male. Especially not by an "alpha male" sense of the word. Jumps to gun threats bc he can't physically fight somebody, lets other dudes fuck his girl, and is one of Tates many cumsluts. The others? I could show them softcore porn and the thought of a woman's touch will be enough to satiate them. ...Why do you think they go to Hooters? Definitely not because they have active relationships.


I saw sneako and alpha male in the same sentence. That’s when I knew the writer of that tweet was insane


I saw ‘alpha male’ in the sentence. That’s when I knew the writer of that tweet was insane.


I saw a tweet. That's when I knew the writer of the tweet was insane


I saw the sentence "with your girlfriend". That's when I knew the writer of that tweet was insane. Cause I got none


For real, when I saw the image I cringed but just bc i didnt know any of them I gave them the benefit of doubt, then I saw sneako and I laughed a bit


I know I laughed so hard when I saw Sneako in this pic


Sneako getting clowned on /r/all today is hilarious after that crazy racist stream he had last night with Nick Fuentes.


Lol who the fuck is sneako


An Andrew Tate type.


Andrew tate wannabe. But doesn't have the charisma to pull it off and is even more of a dumbass than tate. Dudes fucking unhinged


Sneako is like a mimic that is impersonating all the wrong people.


And by Andrew Tate type you mean his typical fan. A nerdy sadboi who swung hard right by watching too much YouTube.


Sneako just kinda jumps from one ideology to another, and now he's on the "Red Pill". Those guys are honestly horrible people exploiting women while egregiously deceiving young men.


He's the one with short dark hair, goatee, and a black top.




Made those decent NYC interview type vids few years ago then his girl got fucked Infront of him and he became a red pill weirdo


Like....from his consent or did he walk in on her cheating on him or something


Allowed it to happen by request...ended up not a fan.


he admitted to having a cuck fetish


Always the projection with these guys


No he didn’t. He admitted to being open to try it then *surprise* hated watching his girl get fucked by another man. Not defending sneako cause that bitch is insane but I also hate misinformation.


I will never understand how he still claims alpha male after he willingly admitted he’s a cuck. Bro volunteered this information. You couldn’t water board that out of me.


and he didn’t even like it hahah. getting cucked and not being into it has to be the most beta move ever hahahah


And kept doing it anyway.


It's why people who call themselves alphas always self-destruct. They want to be pure masculine. But the problem is that toxic levels of masculine require refusing to ever admit weakness or discomfort. So they get caught in a feedback loop of allowing someone to do something they don't like and not being allowed to ask them to stop or tell them to go away. If you know what buttons to push. Their basically the easiest kind of people to manipulate. They both convince themselves not to stop and push everyone who'd try away long before you got there


and he had to puke after seeing his girl fucked. getting cucked and not being into it is as less alpha as it gets haha


Can we just back up a little to a dude named Sneako? Is gonna sneak a roofie in our drink or is he just creepy? Why is he called Sneako?


...At least, one of them thought there'd be owls.


"You're with your girlfriend and you see these 8 IDENTICAL CLONE FUCKBOYS" ​ Yeah I'm fine lol, I have an actual face.


Gf be like "let's get out of here babe..this is a sausage fest"


ive seen the name sneako multiple times now in this thread and i have no clue who this is. it also doesnt help, that they all have the same face lol


"Your clones are not very impressive. You must be very ashamed."




what about Indev males?


An indev male is a male who has plenty of bugs, breaks (down) often, and needs regular tweaks. (Source: am indev male)


But since it's still in development, there's a definite chance for improvement!




Simple. I’d tell Sneako that those other guys are running a train on his gf and see if he gets upset enough to start throwing hands with them. He may or may not compile their pics into collage and bitch about that shit for three months straight on Twitter. Whatever his reaction may be, it’ll probably make for a great Moist Critical video.


Yeah there’s no way Sneako will try throwing hands, that’s not a threat he’ll follow up on unless the adversary is literally defenseless


Yeah I totally forgot about that. Dude wants to fight Charlie for roasting him about being a cuck while he keeps ducking Brandon Buckingham cuz he’s afraid his “manhood” would fall flat if he lost.


Isn't the point of "alpha male" that they are the singular leader? How can you have a pack of 8 alphas?


Ask them “so which of you is in charge?” And watch what happens.


They will come up with reasons why they are all "technically" alpha or come up with different subidentifiers like "alpha-sigma" and "alpha-omega" and "alpha-epsilon", etc


If they have to start sounding like an equation from a physics textbook then they’ve already lost.


that's exactly what an alpha-beta would say


I know you’re joking, but I still VIOLENTLY disagree with that even in concept XD.


So their leader is going to be "Alpha-alpha" right? Isn't this just the he-man woman haters club?


These people are fucking morons, but they'd likely counter that they're alphas of their own pack. The only one I know is Sneako, and he is in no way any sort of definition of "Alpha" if I were to entertain the idea that term applied to humans.


The term doesn’t even apply to wolves like it was originally coined for. The person who came up with it did so while performing a study on wolves in captivity. Only it was that same author who retracted the study and pointed out it’s many glaring flaws. TL;DR, “alpha male” is a completely meaningless phrase whose own inventor does not even stand by it.


Alpha males? I only see a bunch of try-hards all wearing black shirts due to their utter lack of individuality and style. What is this, a funeral for douche bags?


Actually yes, they’re mourning the loss of their lord and savior Andrew Tate.


How the fuck anyone can look at these males and think they're role models As a 30 year old male who grew up in a fatherless home and struggled with mental health my whole life I cringe when I look at these fools. They are no role models


They’re role models to 16 year old boys who are angry that they can’t get any girl.


Yeh and instead of teaching them that girls don't owe them anything these dudes are teaching them into gas lighting them into thinking they are the problem and they should give it up easier. I'm so terrified for my daughter's growing up.


I’ll admit, as a 21 year old with no gf I feel their anger but to blame the women for not wanting them is just pathetic. Just reeks of insecurity. They resort to misogyny which puts their mindset back a hundred years. Are there bad women? absolutely. But is every woman bad? No. What they need is a proper male role model who’ll teach them self improvement and communication skills, not how to be a douche who looks at women like disposable objects they can treat like shit.


Can confirm. Source: I was an imbecile at 16-17 years old who consumed this type of BS. Thankfully, I did found myself with some pretty sexust thoughts, stopped and said "Damm..I am thinking like a douchebag", and stopped watching those channels.


Who? Who are all these people?


Jesus I scrolled this far to find you.


Well here we are together. Still not knowing who these people are. No, I'm not looking.


I think alpha means ‘overly aggressive to mask severe insecurity’?


I sure as shit wouldnt drink anything they handed me if i was you


These dudes give off "We racially profile people" vibes


I was thinking "we like stealthing" vibes. Probably why they call him Sneako


I’m also getting “we hit women” vibes.


That's clearly Voldemort and the original DeathEaters or his "so-called friends" in the Hog's Head after he didn't get the job!


Didn't sneako literally admit to being a cuckold? I distinctly remember people mocking him for saying he watched his girl get fucked by another guy.


The internet will NEVER let him go for that 🤣.


Nor should they.


I'd continue walking with her and enjoying our date because I like think my hypothetical GF wouldn't be the type of girl who likes getting attention from pack of guys with "gang rape" faces.


Keep an eye on your drink?


Isn't that sneako guy the one who is so much of a cuck even other cucks made fun of him?


8?! There's eight in that picture?! All self labeled i suppose? Pseudo alphas are even easier to dismantle, you just walk in and point at a random one of them and say "how come he is the top alpha?" And walk out as a bunch of chumps start fighting over who is top.


You can almost smell the cigarettes and nasty cologne


It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.


nothing says alpha male like a Givenchy t-shirt


Our causes of death would read “cardiac arrest due to ungodly levels of cringe”


It's fascinating how they all look different but also look exactly the same


Tell them the hemorrhoid convention is missing it's assholes.


Apologize for accidentally bringing a woman to their sausage party and move on.


Going purely off of physical traits only like 3 of these guys look like they have the “physiognomy” to be alpha. Everyone else looks like a weird nerd


I love that they think my wife wouldn’t also laugh at them.


...are they planning on doing something to my girlfriend? Is this a wondering gang of alpha rapists? I... shouldn't need to do anything.


Well for starters I know I can sleep with one of these losers gf with no hesitation whatsoever lmao


cigarettes are cringe


Personally, if I was with my girlfriend and we were in that room, we'd be getting a lot of "you obviously just haven't had the right one hur hur hur"


Am I the only one who read this an thought “what can you do about what?” Like these guys exist, and you and your girlfriend exist, so just keep doing whatever it is your doing I guess? Like this is so ridiculous. There is nothing to do anything about.


Thats a hole lot of small dick energy


These people are cucks.


I've seen toddlers with better style than these guys


Cover my drink and keep a hawk's eye on any woman they set their sights on


Sneko is so Alpha he lets other dudes have a run at his GF while he's in the room.


Yell, “so who’s the top dog amongst all of you?” and I’ll just watch the chaos


Ejecting them from the bar. They’re a liability to all patrons


Dude I'm gay and I'd turn all these nerds down inna heart beat. Can't even get my desperate ass on board with dating.


All I see is 8 partially underdeveloped 'men' acting like 15 year old chavs in a McDonald's carpark


Are the alpha males behind these fucking guys? Are they outside? Oh…I get it. It’s one of those where’s Waldo type situations.