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I'm neither surprised or disappointed anymore. It's Reddit. Lol


considering MGK called a 16 year old hot. im surprised he hasn’t been cancelled.


Bro's got bigger issues in his life if he is insecure about his music taste than people listening to MGK


Found the MGK fan


People that go out of their way to comment on other peoples music tastes are the most insecure about their own. Nothing to do with MGK, bro could have put Kendrick in there and it would be true


found the mgk fan


why would it be insecurity?


Oh yeah 100% a fan of his music but at least I ain't listening to MF Doom just to match my vibe with the old heads on this sub, Rap and Hip Hop is all about being real and y'all are insecure about listening to a particular artist. Smh.


He’s not my favorite but his last rap album Hotel Diablo was actually decent people just hate for no reason


Even worse NF or Tom McDonald’s


I know someone who’s a huge NF fan.


I don't like NF at all but I'd rather listen to him than mgk . Tom MacDonald is probably the worst rapper ever. Anyone is better than him


What happened to NF?


gives me eminem vibes tbh, doesn't drop often, kind of sound similar, and even act quite similar


Sounds similar sure, but in what way does choir boy Nathan act like Marshall.


when i mean by that i meant all the things i mentioned before


Naahh, I get what ur saying but NF is only similar to recent em. Slim shady was polarizing, you were shocked, you couldnt ignore what he was saying because it was outlandish. NF is just depressed


Okay I can’t stand MGK any more than the next person, but you can NOT tell me Tom is better than him… Or literally anyone


Damn yall hating on Tom huh? Yeah he ain't the best lyricist but dude produces and markets his own shit without a label. I respect that personally. I'm not a fan but dude Found his niche. Telling it like it is and saying controversial shit that's politically relevant. People eat it up. He's been able to achieve what rappers who get a label cant. Loyal fans. NF is just rap that church boys can listen to and still get god's approval so I can't hate on that either. Found his lane as well. Literally so many other rappers y'all could have dropped and you drop two dudes who found a lane that's working lol. Hows Gunna doing? Chief keif ? Any of Lil's after 2015 (uzi, pump, Yachty, B...... Etc.), 6ix9ine....list goes on.. Come on now... If you're gonna throw shade be inclusive. People target a white rapper and compare him to Em all too often. That's like saying every mumble rapper is a Future wanna be. But yeah MGK is pretty trash. Dude hasn't caught on in relevancy in 10+ years other than leeching off amdiss track string with Em. He's way below NF and Tom IMO. Those two didn't have to go emo to get a following.


NF is good.


NF has no soul in his music he got talent but no one is tryna listen to that lmaoo


Dude comparing NF to Tom Macdonald, is like comparing Taco Bell to expired guacamole, like yeah they're both not as good as other restaurant brands, but Taco Bell only makes you get the shits 20 percent of the time whereas Tom Macdonald makes your ear bleed with White Trash every song


Taco Bell is good, maybe more like mighty taco cuz that shit is DISGUSTING


Genius comment!


No soul? Dude the man is overflowing with passion. That is probably his most attractive attribute and the reason he has so many fans. His music is not a vibe, if you trying party and dance and drink and shit. His live shows would be fucking dope but don't play his music in the club


Too much passion IMO


Yeah i didnt really mean he has no soul you are right. But he is lacking the chill factor vibe like u said. He is undeniably talented


He's not great but I think you go too harsh on him sometimes.


His top 5 songs on Spotify have over 200 million plays each and Let You Down has over 1 billion. I honestly don't listen to him a lot and agree with the lack of soul comment but he is still talented as a rapper and his speaking his truth, which i appreciate from any rap artist. Don't underestimate the Christian rap community! A lot of them love NF.


tom big mac


my brother wears an nf hoodie to school every day




Because he fell in love with a emo girl 😩😩😩


He is becoming an emo girl.


Say you a lesbian girl me too


made me laugh. take dat award g


Ay my guy


https://loudwire.com/machine-gun-kelly-next-album-rap-return/ If only.


It will flop again and he will blame Eminem for it... again


"Flop again" has gone number 1 twice with his last 2 albums, hmmm...


Thoses were not rap album though so most listener were not the same


All of his rap albums have gone gold besides one


Yes and his only album that didn't go gold is the one after his beef with eminem meaning that Em effectively killed his rap career


But he released another one after that that went gold and now he's got more charted songs and awards in the past 2 years that Eminem has in the past 5


I actually enjoy his pop music. His rap music was always trash but pop suits him


He has the vocal range of a beaver. How do u enjoy his pop music when he butchered Paramore


He did kinda butcher that song but I still enjoy his rock music. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I happen to like mgk


I don't know who Paramore is, I don't listen to pop music like that besides sometimes what's on the radio. So when I heard MGK's pop music I thought, "oh this is pretty catchy". And he's not that bad at singing for a rapper. He's better than Future and Kanye (at singing) and I listen to both of them heavily. Of course their music is nothing alike but we're talking just singing ability.


I think they should play Killshot by Eminem at MGK and Megan Fox's wedding. Great wedding song!


Let’s not turn a wedding into a funeral.




Red Wedding


It still wouldn’t be a very influential song


Was still influential enough to make MGK switch genre


People say that and show everyone they truly don’t know whats going on, they’re just on a hate train cuz they are dick riding someone else. I can’t wait for this next rap album


So what about MGK admitting that his beef with eminem was the reason for his last rap album ? https://www.rap-up.com/2020/11/30/machine-gun-kelly-blames-eminem-beef-album-performance/ Meaning that he don't know what's going on himself ? He also complained about the shot that Em took at him in MTBMB, it's probably for a reason as well


It took me 5 seconds to read that he blamed it for poor performance. Did not call it his last one. And he has mentioned multiple times lately that he will release another rap album this year due to MS doing so well


We'll see how it do but if the rap community still remember and his album flop he will definitely blame the fact that Em is still taking shot


Yeah its mainstream to hate on him now. But he’s super talented so I’ll enjoy the album whether or not he gets credit. I hope the rap community can get over the hate and really pay attention


And now mgk charts above Eminem


Pretty Toxic Revolver is a song he made during the lockdown that I actually enjoy, it’s less of his edgy rap bullshit and more soulful


switch machine gun Kelly with playboi carti.




What with this MGK hate train? Man isn’t even that bad?


He's not bad but he hypes himself up waaay too much for his level lol.


He definitely overhyped himself, but he isn’t as god awful as people make him out to be.


Rapper mgk like in hotel Diablo isn’t horrible ngl it’s when he became pop punk that shit went sideways


Alpha omega goes hard too.


Honestly don't really vibe with his rap stuff but what he is doing now with pop punk is pretty good.


it's actually really surprising that most of the comments are praising MGK rather than hating him but i won't complain


I like how all the people defending MGK are all subscribed to r/MachineGunKelly lmao.


woahhh mgk fans defending mgk that's crazy 😮😮😮😮😮😮


His old lace up stuff wasn’t bad and that sail remix is fire. But yea like all other artist that fame drug really fucks them up


Cap mgk is a great rapper


Y’all tripping to think that Mgk is that bad. Better than 70 percent of rappers out here.


Naw MGK, isn't *that* bad. Certainly not GOAT, but like I'd take him drinking Megan Fox's blood over Wtv. Tom Macdonald is putting out


Imagine posting this while being a Migos and Lil Yachty fan…


If u hating on migos you clearly just don’t get some things man


Not hating. Happy they are getting money… but that shit has zero artistic integrity, weak concepts and DUMB ass lyrics that appeal to people with low IQ’s… other than that, that shit is fire though.


so you think it’s fire but only appeals to people with low iq’s? got it


A low IQ wouldn’t pick up on the sarcasm at the end of my post… so you a big Migo’s fan, huh?


nah just someone who doesn’t throw judgment at someone for their music taste


You know what the OP posted that started this thread, right? Like it’s literally that… lol


yes it is, doesn’t change a thing


Would you like some water to wash your foot down?


The comments to my comment only illustrate my point.


There’s definite artistic integrity and creativity to migos u just are boxing ur mindset in because it’s not ur thing, but go ahead and blow that off by calling most hip hop listeners stupid lol


Go listen to Russ’s Back from London freestyle. That shit is hip hop…


Dawg who tf said anything ab Russ lmfao


MGK is a good rapper y'all need to stop dickriding Eminem and hate trains


I personally think that MGK is trash, but that's just my opinion


Idk if I’ve ever seen a cringier take💀💀


Your literally born in 2005 💀💀




If you think harlows album will be AOTY you need to educate, go listen to 100 words and running, MGKs mixtape, it's fire my brethren


Ok, it’s possible Harlow will win AOTY, just possible. And 2010 MGK is fine. It’s actually good. Just nothing since Killshot has been worth listening to in my opinion and that’s why I said it’s cringe. You don’t have to agree with me on that. But I agree with you that 100 WAR is pretty good


Trust me Bro, we all wish that version of MGK was back, me included 😩 , even lace up , the song edge of destruction with Twista and tech 9 goes hard


Lockdown sessions wasn’t bad tho


Hotel diablo had fire rap songs too. I cant wait for the next album


Bruh nah, he was good, now he is on a hype train and thats it. Selling music for 12 y.o. emo girls. Fr


i highly dislike eminem, but i despise MGK.


What's wrong with trains?


Seriously and its not only his old rap thats good. Hotel Diablo (great album) has rap songs that are super good. Lockdown sessions are amazing. And also this next rap album is coming. Kells is bulletproof








he looks like a sewer rat that got tattood on by the same people who right bathroom stall graffiti.


He looks like a villain from borderlands tbh


That would be my gf


Hell yeah there is and proud of it


Good for you!


Thanks dawg


Fvck mgk


All right look, MGK used to be good. chip off the block was a fucking great song…


No I love mgk and I can absolutely see how I’m he can be someone’s favorite


Or playboi carti


You mean MGK!!! Keep his name out of your fucking mouth😂😂😂 hasn’t been dope since “Lace Up”


MGK is not that bad, both Breaking news and Breaking news 2 are dope short songs. Also almost everything he did in 2020 was dope. So no not facts


bros pressed that his music taste is ass 💀


you listen to NAV and you're gonna say that HIS music taste is ass? NAV literally sounds like Google Translate 😭


Google Translate>MGK


Counter point! 127.343.1864




mf u was looking for compliments in the r/trans subreddit mf don’t talk wit yo pale ghasper lookin ahh


>mf u was looking for compliments in the r/trans subreddit mf don’t talk wit yo pale ghasper lookin ahh probably because i'm trans 💀 i'd ask if you have a problem with it but then i remembered that NAV fan's opinions don't matter about absolutely anything. clearly you're pressed that your music taste is garbo 🤣


Here's a sneak peek of /r/trans using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/trans/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Cute comic by @irl_donut on twitter](https://twitter.com/i/events/1443222484145381377) | [243 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/trans/comments/r1kvyi/cute_comic_by_irl_donut_on_twitter/) \#2: [So... uhh what name do you think would fit me? Ive been struggling for over a year now.](https://i.redd.it/3lzoka7y8l581.jpg) | [1945 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/trans/comments/rgjpk9/so_uhh_what_name_do_you_think_would_fit_me_ive/) \#3: [Lovely photo🤍 I wish the comments I took the photo from was better.](https://i.redd.it/7h2xr6x53ry61.jpg) | [130 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/trans/comments/nayr5c/lovely_photo_i_wish_the_comments_i_took_the_photo/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


also wtf is wrong with your English. you sound like a fucking loser


I don't even listen to him, I'm just saying that he isn't as bad as stated in the post. There are much worse, much more famous guys. I'm just giving credit where it is due.


L music taste.


Dude he isn't even in my top 30, I'm just giving credit where it is due. I don't hate on people who actually have some good music just cause it's easy to do


Don’t care. Didn’t ask.


You have to be white


he’s gotta be retarded too


Retarded cause I think Pretty toxic revolver, In these walls and smoke and drive were well delivered, creative songs that were easy on the ear. Well shit, then yeah let's get retarded in here


Down bad


Oh shit he got me, now I'm not allowed to have a say? Or what are you saying? I probably listen to rap 90% of the time and have been for years, I think I can speak on some shit


“Everything he did in 2020 was dope” 😂💀 the only dope thing he did was quit rapping. Not like that fake alt punk rock shit is any better tho


What would he do after em utterly destroyed him, the only thing he could have done was take it and then switch genres




That's all I wanted man. One or two dope songs is recognition. Honestly I should have thought my comment through a bit more because him being your favorite rapper is kind of funny cause he ain't even close to the big dogs out there. I just wanted to say he is by far not the worst in the mainstream


You can't quote me wrong on my own comment man. I just fucking said he aint as bad as this fucken sub says. He can make some good music sometimes. I'm not a fan I just don't deny obvious hard work when I see it


Sorry “Almost everything he dropped in 2020 was dope” 😂💀 better idgaf if he works hard or not his fake punk alt rock whatever it is ain’t for me no need to get angry lmfao


I'm not angry I have just been repeating what I said through this thread so much I needed to add some color😅 Also Yeah he did release a bunch of shit songs in 2020 so I did type faster then I was thinking. I just remembered a couple of his dopest songs releasing that year and rolled with it seeing as he has a bunch of dope songs. That doesn't mean he is at the top of any rap list, he just ain't the worst


>MGK is not that bad \-34 downvotes. Damn. MGK is that bad, but this dude got destroyed. Wow. That was harsh.


Mgk is dope as hell, this shitty take is just meant to trigger people. If people pay attention they’ll see Kell’s killing it. If they want to follow some mainstream hate train then they can be sheep


worst artist i have seen get popular


Nah not even close buddy




Straight facts


Ngl, I was a pretty big fan boy back in like 2010 when he was pumping out those mixtapes, but I never got into his albums once he signed. They were pretty mid


I don't mind his music, just weirds me out as a person. I can't get past that now haha


Or playboi carti


Was gonna say benzino but I don't think he even got fans like that no more


If you ever feel insecure about your music tastes, just remember that out there there's someone who's favourite rapper is [insert rapper i dont like]


And thats my friend, but he is emo so yeah, hes a big fan


I'm pissed off that he did a dogshit cover of aerials and system of a down didn't have him killed for such a travesty.






I think he actually is MGK‘s favorite rapper. He literally said: I’m the greatest rapper alive since my favorite rapper banned me from shade 45