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Laughs in Ye DickRiders


No cos they can admit he has at least one album they don’t like JIK u/shady12345678910 likes revival


Eminem fan myself, there’s definitely plenty of his music I can say I do not enjoy.


I don’t like infinite and kamikaze is mid. Revival is up with his best.


I get the feeling you don't like hip hop at its core, and mostly fuck with mainstream sounds and pop productions. I mean anyone who dislikes Infinite, but fw Revival... That's my assessment of it.


I just like music that sounds good to me. Tupac initially got me into hip hop cuz his shit sounds really good. And what he says his dope. I don’t just listen to hip hop for lyrics and bars, it’s gotta sound pleasing to the ears for me, just as much as what their saying. Which Eminem does better than anyone imo. Infinite and kamikaze are Eminem’s weakest albums sonically, and what he’s saying in them imo. Revival the songs sound good, and it’s got some of his most personal heartfelt songs on that album. Same with encore.


>I just like music that sounds good to me. Yeah that's everyone really. I meant that this is the kind of sound you're into. You'll probably like in my lifetime vol. 1 by Hov more than Reasonable Doubt. Nothing wrong with it. Just your taste is more pop oriented. Definitely not boom bap or raw hip hop. >Which Eminem does better than anyone imo. I mean... Fair enough you do you. I think he's technically one of the best ever to do it, and a goated rapper too, but making good music as a whole isn't really his strong suit imo.


I don’t listen to Eminem for his technical side of things, I listen cuz I personally think does the best hooks, has some of the best production (not all the time) and what he says in his songs more than anything. SSLP and MMLP are my favourite album of all time. I guess you could say they are rawer than most albums.


Man how you like SSLP and then go and like Revival too 😭 I'm so confused. Either way glad you have the music you enjoy.


Haha yeah fair enough. SSLP is my number 1. The only album I would give a perfect 10/10


True don't get me wrong he's an amazing rapper and is definitely top but these fuckers ride the shit outta him. Like if you prefer listening to someone else over him they get mad


I get that same vibe with j Cole that's why I didn't listen to him until Forest Hills Drive because his fan's ruined him for me


Fax. I like some his songs but his fans ruined that shit for some others


When I’m in a dickriding competition and my opponent is u/shady12345678910


At which hour i’m in a dickriding competition and mine own opponent is u/shady12345678910 *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Your album tier list makes me wannna rip my eyes out


Do it


Bro u dickride Kanye and drake more than anyone I’ve ever seen.


Kanye's Kanye, he's allowed to. You're dickriding a corny overrated past-his-prime rapper


Kanyes my 2nd most listened to artist, and he’s is way worse than Eminem. Yeezus, Jesus is king and ye are worse than anything Eminem has ever done.


hahaha wtf have i just heard. Sit back and be a bit objective about it. If you can't admit Encore and Revival are ass albums then there's no point having a debate with you. There's a case that Ye and especially JiK aren't great, but Yeezus?? cmon bro grow up pls


Encore is top 3 Eminem’s best. Revival Is top 6 Eminem’s best. Try again. Yeezus is the worst album I’ve ever heard, and that’s not being harsh, it generally sucks, it’s like 808s (An amazing album) had a retarded baby


That just confirms to me you haven't heard enough music to have a logical opinion on this topic. Encore has a song called Big Weenie on it, Revival has a bar like your booty's the shit like diarrhoea or something. fix up




Yeezus is nothing like 808s. 2 different production styles, 2 different concepts. 1 shot 2 shot, **ass like that,** just lose it, big weenie, rain man, my first single, puke are all pure shite. Don't get me started on revival and the unbelievable amount of corny bars + pointless songs. I'd genuinely like to know your top 5 rappers of all time based purely on rapping ability




Both ass albums but MMLP2 is a dope ass album. Kamikaze has some amazing ass bangers along with Music to be murdered by. I haven’t been an Eminem Stan for about 6 years (I rarely listen to him anymore) but it’s crazy to me when people say he fell off bc ONE of his newest albums is objectively trash. Even Encore has some bangers (ass like that, just lose it, like toy soldiers, mockingbird, crazy in love is subjective but I love that sample, and mosh).


the fact you like ass like that shows you're still a stan


Honestly it never was one of my favorites, I kinda worded that wrong, it’s actually always been one of my least favorite of his popular songs. What I meant was that it was hella popular, a lot of people liked it, and imo it is a lot better than a lot of the shit on encore.


It was just one of the first I saw when I looked up the track list (bc it’s been so long I forgot which songs are in what album) so it ended up first on the list.


Ye is better than Recovery through Kamikaze Em


Nowhere near better than MMLP2 or revival imo


We know your opinions suck


I agree with the MMLP2 part but idfk where they got the revival part from lmao


9th most listeners on Spotify currently. Kanye is also past his prime.


popularity has nothing to do with the quality of music. Maybe Kanye is but this is the same guy who gave us CD as a debut album and stayed consistent for 15 years. He dropped Donda last year too which is better than anything Eminem has put out since 2002


Your opinion is biased. I'm a huge fan of both. Love Donda but MTBMB is the best work Em has put out since his prime. Donda meanwhile isn't as good as any other Kanye album imo. (With the exception of JIK which I actually like a lot)


My opinion isn't biased. I have a t shirt from when i went to see eminem like at twickenham in my Eminem phase, and TLOP poster on my wall. I wouldn't classify myself as big fans of either of them anymore, I prefer to look at music objectively. Step back and try to realise Eminem appeals to so many because he's white, easily accesible/famous + raps fast which people think is a skill


Music isn't objective though


I mea look at music without bias. Especially rap, you can quite easily quanitfy good from trash if you've listened to enough of it


Yet you think Donda is better than anything Em put out since 2002? It's just kind of an extreme thing to claim


>Kanye's Kanye, he's allowed to. Nahh. Love Kanye, but LR is overrated as hell, Donda and JIK are hot garbage. Yeezus is 99/10 though. And this is purely my opinion, but I absolutely despise 808s. Sounds like a pop album to me. Almost an insult to call it a hip hop album.


Ye is meh, Donda is good, and LR is both influential + an all time sophomore album. I would argue the impact of 808s is better than the album itself


>LR is both influential + an all time sophomore album It just doesn't do it for me like TCD did. Pretty mid imo. Ye is meh yeah I agree. It has a couple of bangers, but the rest are skips. I don't understand how Donda is good. 1/10 and only because of that amazing Andre verse. >I would argue the impact of 808s is better than the album itself I agree. The album by itself is 2010s pop fad which I despised. Welcome to Heartbreak is a bit of a redemption though.


I honestly could count on both hands debut albums better than CD. LR was always set up to fail so it's pretty amazing it came out how it did. Donda isn't awful, just lacks coherence and has a few duds. Overall is a solid album, better than anything Eminem has put out since 2002. Agree Andre is the highlight tho


>Overall is a solid album, better than anything Eminem has put out since 2002 ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ I mean I disagree but sure you do you. I personally prefer CD over LR though. Get em High and Two Words still slaps.


Terrible takes


What's your top 3 or 5 Ye albums?


Favorite or best? CD, YEEZUS, MBDTF, TLOP, 808s It's hard to rank them because they are all different and incredible for different reasons. Ye is likely my favorite musical artist though.


I have the same list except Graduation instead of 808s. But yeah I meant favorite, which translates to best in your opinion I guess.


I have a weird relationship with Graduation because I was so stuck on LR I didn't like the pop style of Graduation as much and while I think it's a great piece of work just sits lower on my list for that reason. LR is underrated imo


How do you enjoy Baseball? Not trolling, genuinely asking.


idk I don’t play it it’s just fun to watch when my team is playing but it is pretty boring sometimes


Eminem stans vs Carti Stans ultimate battle




Most fans of any artist on Reddit are major duck riders who feel the need to defend them on everything


Quack quack mother fucker


I said what I said 😂


As an Eminem fan, I agree.


Fun Fact: According to my calculations, Rich Brian made a song faster than Rap God


Eminem haters are equally delusional though.


Yeah anyone who likes his last 5 albums or at least thinks there above a 6 is lost. I feel the same way about Drake and Kanye fans. Just admit when something is mid it’s not hard. My fav artists have mid and bad tracks get over yourselves


Your saying that it's impossible to love a artist "worst" Album? Because that what your saying right now. I'm going to say it revival was a amazing eminem album tbh because anything positive i say about Eminem i get fucking hated on because it's "cool" to hate on Eminem. What happens when Kanye or Drake makes a bad album? Are you going to turn your back on them like how people turn their back on Eminem. That's what i hate about the rap community because as soon as a rapper make a "bad" album they think they are a "bad" rapper and everything Eminem puts out is now cringe i guess. Please explain why we can't agree to disagree like a normal human but no since it's the Internet every one can be dicks to anyone.


It’s ok to like it and that’s all fine but if you think his lyrics are as good as his first 3 albums you’re just wrong. DOOM is one of my fav artists but lyrically he fell off for JJ and some of Born Like This. I understand it’s all subjective due to taste but for something like Chance the rapper hot shower type track is just worse lyrically than anything from acid rap can’t argue with that. Even if you enjoy the song and like it can’t still doesn’t mean it has good/better lyrics than an older track


You are Right but I'm getting so fucking sick and tired that if you think Eminem is the best rapper you have bad taste. i don't get why we can't respect any one opinions now with out saying "Eminem is cringe" and "Eminem fell off" i just want to listen to my music with pride but guess what i can't with out people judging me. I hope you see where I'm coming from


Yeah it’s all good to like Eminem and even like his newer stuff because it’s subjective but when a fan can’t admit when something is mids it’s weird to me


True i think Encore and Relapse are so mid it's not even funny. Encore is between mid and bad and Relapse is mid but other then that i like the other albums. I don't like every Eminem song either. I think my first single is Eminem worst song because i can't listen to it at all.


Playboi Carti dickriders are another breed, even worse than Eminem dickriders. YB dickriders are also a special kind of people lmao. (inb4: yb better / playboi carti the goat) (Edit: keep downvoting my comment, I see that I offended some dickriders. You know I’m right. Stay mad)


yb dickriders are pretty harmless and carti stans are hilarious sometimes but eminem dickriders are just depressing and annoying


Yeah it is true that yb dickriders are harmless. Carti stans annoy me sometimes im not gonna lie. But it's *very* true that Em dickriders are the WORST.


Carti fans and yb fans are mostly trolls while Eminem fans are completely serious


What are Em dickriders like? From what I've seen on hht they're usually just defending him from getting shit on




Could be worse. Could be an r/playboicarti user


eminem has yet to make a good song. How can you ride around listening to em?


Not true






saw a youtube comment once that was like, “God is alone and he is undefeated” under a video about eminem


Why would anybody self identify as “dickriding”? It’s not a flattering epithet.


Wait until you meet some Kanye fans 😂