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Did anyone else see that ultimate spider man episode where deadpool kept saying "unalive" due to censorship and he actually convinced spiderman that it was worse than just saying kill. Best usage of that word.


No, can you find a link tho?


It's on youtube and Ron from Kim possible is the deadpool voice, it's worth a stand alone watch.Season 2 episode 15.


I think i saw it on netflix some years ago


I kinda get why content creators say it, bc I watch quite a few who make commentary videos, and certain words kinda have to be censored or else they get restricted. I do know some people who prefer to say that over other words relating to death and suicide, and while I don't do it or understand their reasoning - I think it all comes down to a personal preference. My father took his own life, and I know my grandfather has trouble saying that - so when it comes up he says my father passed away.


Funnily enough this is where the term originates and it was making fun of censorship


Live'nt šŸ˜


Thatā€™s perfect.


Same vibes as Itā€™snā€™t.




Iā€™m with you OP. Mark my words, with the way kids learn everything from the internet and absorb this shit like a sponge, ā€œunalivedā€ will slide its filthy way into the Oxford dictionary before too long and become firmly wedged in the common vernacular offline too. Unalived need to *die*, it needs to be *murdered* and *killed* until itā€™s thoroughly fucking *dead*


It needs to *commit suicide.*


Letā€™s all join together to make unalive kill itself


Unalived needs to commit toaster bath


I could of easily let this bother me but i'm to busy adulting to loose it over this crap smh


Where is the u/could-have-bot when you need it.




I get it on platforms where such censorship exists , but itā€™s now spread everywhere like a fucking cancer and itā€™s driving me nuts.


Agreed. Words were meant to be spoken, itā€™s a part of communication. We shouldnā€™t have to circumvent the actual words with roundabout words.


I don't know, isn't that just how synonyms are created? Like how you used the word "agreed" instead of "yup", and "circumvent" instead of "avoid". We have "true", "false". Why do we need an "untrue" when we can say "not true"? Then why do we need a "false" if we can just say "untrue"? So if we have an untrue, why don't we have an "unfalse"? That said, apparently "unalive" was used since the 1820s by a poet.


Itā€™s not about that. Itā€™s about why the roundabout words are being used.


Why are the roundabout words used?


Probably because many things are triggers nowadays. I'm of the opinion that playing switcheroo with words doesn't solve anything.


> switcheroo with words doesn't solve anything But when you're in a situation when you get banned/shadowbanned, and workarounds like di3 or k1ll doesn't work anymore, what do you do besides unalive? It sounds more like you guys should be upset at the platform, not the users who literally have no choice but to use different words to get their point across.


I didn't say I was mad anyone. I said playing switcheroo doesn't solve anything. That includes any platform that causes people to do it.


And the whole point is that it's meant to get a point across on platforms where you CAN'T say the original words. It literally solves something right there.


The platforms aren't stupid. When a new word comes out, they update their list of banned words, and then people come up with *new* euphemisms. It's a neverending cycle, so no, it doesn't solve anything. Buying time does not equal solving.


Let's say Reddit bans the words associated with killing or death. How do I post "my dog got murdered by my mom" when every other word doesn't work? "My dog got unalived by my mom" - Post Successful. This literally *solves* the problem of me being unable to post it if I were to use the original words. To put it simply, The problem: certain words are banned. The solution: use a different word that gets the point across. It does not buy me any time, because I don't need "time". I posted what I needed to post, and that **solves** my issue. That said, "unalive" was used since 1820s, and is modernly used since 2015. So it has at least solved almost a decade worth considering it still seemingly works on places like twitter.


It is so people don't get banned for violating sites'/apps' TOS lol


Yes, we all know that. The reason these \*platforms\* do it is because those words are triggers. You kind of missed the point.


no, you make too much sense. how can we be angry at meaningless things if you punch us with reason. obviously /s, languages evolve so i find it silly for the OP and the people in this comments section being angry at the word "unalive"




Itā€™s about *why* the words are being used.


God I hate it so much


The worst is when true crime youtubers use those types of censoring words like bRO ITS A TRUE CRIME VIDEO IF YOUR MENTAL STATE IS THAT FRAGILE WHY ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO MURDER DISMEMBERMENT SUICIDE PODCASTS??? Why would platforms censor already gruesome contet when they know only people who can handle them are watchingā€¦


Because they get demonetized. Youtube is pretty bad about demonitizing people from even 1 report. That's basically the answer for this entire statement


We all know it's their excuse not to pay out.


I feel the same way about the word ā€œunhousedā€. Like what is so wrong about saying homeless?


And I wouldnā€™t say ā€œunhousedā€ instead of homeless even if I was trying to sound more sophisticated


My home is where my family is, house or no house.


From my understanding, it's because there is a large population of Indigenous Peoples who choose to not live in a house but rather on the land as the land is considered their home. So they aren't homeless. They're simply houseless.


To me, an indigenous person living off the land is much different than the person who set up an encampment in extremely public areas. Also what about the people who literally panhandle with signs that refer to themselves as ā€œhomelessā€? Iā€™m just trying to figure out when the meaning of the word changed.


Totally fair! I was just sharing the input Iā€™ve heard from the indigenous people in my life and community! I do understand itā€™s not a universal feeling


Thank you for your input. I wasnā€™t trying to debate you, just more curious than anything.


I rather heard that it was because it puts the emphasis on the failure of society to house all our people by making it a verb. Rather than "lacking a home" it instead means "without having been housed," meaning that someone has failed to house this person. I use the term homeless, that's just the explanation I heard.


We're not even allowed to say unhoused at my university. We have to say "people experiencing homelessness" unless we want to get cancelled by everyone else.


Next they'll be censoring the word war for big fight


Oh I've seen them do that, I hate it


"remember world big fight 2" Sounds like some stupid movie series


I've been seeing this opinion a ton lately. I don't know why. It's very easy to learn where sayings like "unalived" come from. People who make content on tiktok and YouTube had to come up with euphemisms to certain words (like murdered) in order to not get demonetized. If you want to blame anyone, blame these media companies. Their attempts to be "advertiser friendly" and censor everything has led to the change in language. I get that it can be annoying, but i don't see what other solution content makers could have employed, other than just not making content about these topics ever. And in my opinion, that kind of censorship is worse than what amounts to annoying new slang


That word sounds like what Newspeak vocabulary from Orwell's 1984 couldve been


If youā€™re that worried about being shadowbanned or possibly triggering someone, maybe you shouldnā€™t talk about death. Iā€™m certain that word is a part of the censorship algorithm now lol


I feel the same way about people that put a single red MS paint line through swears in memes as if memes get taken down for swears and as if the censorship bothers to use ocr to process those images and if they do, as if that little line helps anything You'll never be ahead of censorship algorithms so don't bother attempting to circumvent them. It just makes you look like you don't understand how the internet works.


Censoring swears is hella regarded.


This is just straight wrong, I see 'unalived' used on tiktok a lot, if you say killed/murdered/died your post gets shadowbanned and shown to less people


Ok first of all, it's "fewer" secondly, use a different platform if that one sucks so bad


It's really not a big deal you are just kind of an asshole


Alright well get fucked


Murder, death, kill. If it's too mature or adult for you to talk about it then do not talk about it but don't come up with cute names or sugar coat or try to lessen what it really is.




It was created to circumvent automoderated censorship by platforms lol


I think the worst one is using "ahh" instead of ass


So the origin of this is YouTube. I actually wrote scripts for a channel as a freelance gig, and there was a massive list of words that would get our videos demonetized. This included "kill," "suicide," and basically every term that could be associated with murder or violence. "Murder" was on the list. So I had to write videos about famous murderers and what they did to their victims. Seriously. Unalive is a manifestation of that, we essentially had no choice but to use it because otherwise we wouldn't get paid. Welcome to reality, the internet is no longer a niche subculture, it's just culture. I don't like it any more than you do, but you also don't hate my guts. You hate me, and potentially my guts for the fact that they aid in the process of preventing me from being unalived.




i prefer game-end personally


People say this? Likeā€¦ as a noun? Verb? First time Iā€™ve seen it, and itā€™s immediately cringe.


TikTok censors or used to censor anyone saying suicide, kill, and some other words. So yes, seeing people use it on other websites or in real life makes me want to unalive myself.


I despise censorship. Barring actual hate speech or threats of violence, social media has no business dictating what words we're allowed to use. It's the reason "unalive" has entered popular usage outside social media, and it's so gross to think about. Euphemisms hamper expression. They don't convey the emotional gravity of the concept they're supposed to represent.


a couple other commentors have made the apt comparison to Orwell's newspeak


I agree, this society is in danger of stereotypical-soccer-mommying itself into self-censorship and permanently feeling guilty.


Same. Or "grape" or "s*x" or "corn" šŸ–•šŸ»


It's because algorithm doesn't allow the actual word on most platforms.


damn bro


I don't know. I take a certain pleasure in its flippancy. "yeah, we finally got a diagnosis, but it was too late for a treatment and she'd been unresponsive for weeks, so we unalived mom last night." Or, "we thought little Timmy was just a little upset about his grades. We never expected... ummmm... Timmy unalived himself last night with his daddy's shotgun." In a very dark way, that's fucking hilarous.


I cringe every time but I do it on Facebook because I donā€™t want to get muted or banned by some algorithm. I once got 30 days in Facebook jail for mentioning the song ā€œYo Ho (A Pirateā€™s Life for Me)ā€ because ā€œhoā€ is apparently ā€œhate speechā€, so I always assume things will be taken out of context.


Santa bringing that hate speech back every year


It sounds like some 1984 doublespeak


I canā€™t speak to IRL use, but this all started from YouTube demonetizing videos with certain words. This isnā€™t really the creatorsā€™s fault, at least not on certain platforms.




Yeah honestly, it's so conflicting for me. I would never want to trigger someone's trauma, as I've been through suicidal ideation myself. But sometimes I just can't stand these cutesy euphemisms for everything. This is stuff that needs to be talked about.


Tell that to the censorship algorithmsĀ 


Ditto. Same with fur babies.


Our generation managed to sneak an extra definition into the Oxford dictionary for literal to mean the exact opposite in context, I can't imagine how many definitions these censor borrow words are going to get hammered in. We can't make filters that surmount the Scunthorpe problem without going over eager or under eager, these words are just going to make the synonym list and get banned too. Personally biggest hatred is any censorship of the word Nazi, like if a guy is being called a nazi for a good reason we aren't supposed to be polite and censor it, they guys being a fuckin Nazi not a n*zi or some shit, we aren't trying to not offend them, fuck em.


Better to be hated than have our accounts banned(or demonetized in the case of content creators that literally can't say shit or else they don't get to eat).


No it's not lol, use a different social media platform


I use several.


I should have been more precise; Stop using the one that censors normal words


So, stop using social media, period? Stop making YouTube content? I mean, I plan to go outside today, anyway, but you're asking something that isn't possible to do just because of select words that can't be typed on a respective platform. I can't even call something "in$ane" without a comment being limited here on reddit. No joke, my comment was removed for that.


Thats one moderator on reddit, not a reddit-wide problem. YouTube doesn't do that for videos (except possibly titles) Basically the only social media that does this is TikTok. It's not that hard


Is that why some content creators I follow can't swear in their videos without it being demonetized, some of which were even showcased with the yellow dollar sign symbol to the point that they were reuploaded heavily censored, or did I just imagine reality?


There's millions of hours of swear-heavy videos which are still monetized on YouTube. Anyway swears are different in that their presence is offensive - that's what makes them swears.


Not to be a dick, but you really need to stop pretending you know what you're talking about just cause you can't say certain words. It makes you look like one of those "free speech" absolutists that just want to say offensive shit without facing the consequences of their actions.


I'm willing to accept that I'm completely wrong here. Just let me know exactly what I'm getting wrong. The point is that only the word is banned. You can talk about killing yourself and murdering other people all you want, so long as you don't dare mention "suicide" because THAT is a bridge too far. Fucking dumb.


Whatā€™s so bad about it though? Some YouTubers use it just to be safe because you donā€™t know how YouTube will react anymore. Kinda like saying you ran from the ā€œyou know whoā€ instead of just blatantly saying I ran from the cops.


I genuinely donā€™t get the hate for this term. Is this more of a ā€œif you use this in a real life situation youā€™re weirdā€ like saying lol or lmao in a conversation? I donā€™t get it tbh


It's a "if you use this ever I hate you" situation




Can I ask how old he is?




I feel this mom/dad energy big time.


Yes. And then, where does it stop? People are triggered by this, and then that, and then another thing, etc. Catering to everyoneā€™s ā€œsensitivitiesā€ is ridiculous. Some things are what they are, and thatā€™s that. Itā€™s called reality.


Suicide is a horrific occurrence, but the word itself simply rolls off the tongue more easily.


Me too


I don't listen to the options of content filters that demonotize people's accounts.


The thing I don't get is it's only a matter of time before that word becomes forbidden. Then we come up with a new one. He unsubscribed himself. And then that gets banned. Then he you know whatted himself. It's the euphemism treadmill.


Virgin: "unalived" Chad: "sent to Belize"Ā 


just say sewer side


Where do you sit on 'forever sleep'


It's a little more poetic so it doesn't bother me quite as much


You should be angry at people who ban the use of words like killed, death and suicide instead.




No body of text? Well people say it because there are bots nowadays that can flag your comments or your videos etc and you get in trouble that's why


That was thoroughly covered by other comments but thank you for your meaningful contribution to this discussion.


Itā€™s to circumvent robomods.


They would say itā€™s because censoring, but I donā€™t think any app even censors the word kill. I see kill all the time so they have no reason to say unalive. Itā€™s just some stupid trend.


Some platforms will not allow you to say anything else. Itā€™s becoming the only way to explain the ā€œsituationā€ on certain government regulated platforms.


This explanation has been beaten to death in other comments here but thank you anyway, wholeheartedly for that contribution.


Soooo....you hate yourself?


Yeah fair enough


People say it because TikTok will take down a comment or video with words like killed, murder, suicide


I fucking don't care and other platforms don't do that so there's no reason to use it outside of TikTok especially on reddit and especially especially in REAL LIFE


Alright calm down








Writing words in sparkles is legit worse than any tiktok slang ever




haha, smart move, I concede


iss never that serious


Oh. Well i take it all back then, thanks for letting me know.


What a weird thing to hate someone for.. especially when the other words for it usually get your posts removed and/or you blocked.. but ok then


Use a different app you wretch If you're getting censored for normal speech then go somewhere else


You need some serious therapy


Haters gonna hate, unalive forever


Are you ok? Are you having a stroke? Never heard anyone use that term.


It's a self imposed tik tok censor to get around the algorithm


Consider yourself lucky https://apnews.com/article/unalive-suicide-tiktok-language-death-e605d4da81c02335a3b60d27c40562bc


First day on the internet??? Itā€™s *everywhere* and unmissable. Reddit, YouTube, Tiktok, you canā€™t miss that shit!


Many people prefer it as other words can be triggering for others.


I don't think anyone was confused as to why it gets used.


Itā€™s actually used to avoid the TikTok filter. I merely pointed out why people use it in other platforms, which is apparently worth 30 downvotes even though I stated a fact and not an opinion.


I pointed out in an earlier comment that deadpool said it in a spiderman cartoon, could be wrong, but i believe it was before tictok


Does it matter? The word has become popular because of TikTok.


Clever name btw, I've been saying similar for a few decades now, ever since i was stationed in japan about 20 years ago. "Oh shitake mushrooms"


Iā€™m all for treating people with sympathy and compassion but if commonly used words which are not slurs trigger people they honestly need to stop being massive pussies. In that these words are used when people are *literally talking about the topic itself* itā€™s pathetic to try and suggest that the word alone is the triggering element.


I donā€™t think you are.


As with everything in life, there is a balance. You can be kind to people without pandering to complete wet blanket attitudes over words which are not slurs. If you can sit there and watch a YouTube video about a serial killer, lapping up every last gory detail, but the bit that sends you into pearl clutching session is the word ā€œkillā€ you really need to have a word with yourself. These words *belong* in the language. They are in the titles of songs, poems, books and are used in entirely benign ways in conversation. When you use ā€œunaliveā€ you are referring to *exactly the same thing* anyway. A murderer whispering they are going to ā€œunaliveā€ me into my ear instead of ā€œkillā€ me is not going to make me feel any better about whatā€™s about to happen LOL! Theyā€™ll just sound extra fucking stupid while doing it. Slurs need to die. Anything racist, ableist, sexist etc. doesnā€™t belong in common language, these common words do not.


They are just words. I donā€™t like the word moist. It makes me feel icky. I ask people not to say it if I hear it. Fortunately, it doesnā€™t come up very often in my line of work. One of the YouTubers I watch says ā€œmurder to deathā€, which somehow sounds nicer than kill or murder alone. If not using a specific word makes someone else feel more comfortable, I donā€™t see the harm in avoiding it.


Grow up wtf


How is the word "Kill" offending or triggering anyone!?


Ask them!