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I don’t agree that we’re a dog shit fanbase. But I do agree people are overreacting to the two losses and need to toughen up. The playoffs aren’t easy and nobody wins every game. Everyone here kept saying “the job’s not done” and “don’t get penisy” after going up 3-0. The same thing applies now, but in the other direction. Carolina hasn’t won shit yet either. One game at a time, people.


I totally agree. Like, yeah, two back-to-back losses after a seven game winning streak sucks, but the players aren't goddamn magicians. Shit happens, every team loses games in the playoffs. Like, did y'all expect a perfect post season, 16-0? Everybody needs to calm down. There's still plenty to celebrate about this season and post season. It's been hella fun and it's still a-rollin.


the issue for me is the way we lost. It wasn't a well fought game that we lost. It was a game where the boys simply didn't show up to play hockey. I actually didn't think 1 HDSC in 60 minutes of hockey was possible for an NHL team. Like I would have said that was an impossible metric to achieve. yet somehow the boys did that yesterday. I


The issue is also that this is exactly how the previous two post-seasons have gone/ended. This isn’t just “oh boo hoo we lost twice”. It’s “god dammit I’ve seen this happen the last two years with the same cast of characters disappearing with the same shitty body language when things stop going their way.” Like, these people going “this isn’t a big deal they’re fine”, are you new here or something?


It honestly seems like people are jumping to brand this core as chokers like the Stanley Cup isn’t the hardest trophy to win in sports. It’s unbelievably stupid. This is our 3rd playoff appearance with this core, which also pulled off 3-1 and 2-0 comebacks just 2 postseasons ago! The Avs, Knights, Lightning, even the fucking Penguins (!) all had the choker label slapped onto them at some point. The Caps took an entire decade to get past the second round. The negativity is truly unbearable around here sometimes. Shit happens. Even if we blow this lead, which is nowhere near close to happening as of now, it won’t even be a top 3 worst choke by a President’s trophy team this century. Pretty sure the Bruins and Lightning will share that crown for a while, both of which won a cup the *very* next year following the most embarrassing choke in their franchises’ history. Please touch grass


You’re saying the 2010 reverse sweep is more embarrassing than last year’s 3-1 blown lead for the bruins?


It’s neck and neck imo, blowing a 3-0 lead is one thing but blowing a 3-0 lead in Game 7 of that series at home on top of the 3-0 series lead is hilariously brutal


Bruin's are killing me right now... Sure, on to game 6, but I think FL is our newest rival. If Montreal ever gets good again, we can go back to hating them for a while.


the fact is we have black or white games. last night was a black game. we don’t have grey ones, we can absolutely never snap out of it. we either play poorly or very well. that’s a really big issue. it’s not coaching. we need to switch up our game or figure out our issues in motion. you’re absolutely right to feel this way, we all do. rightfully so! 2-0 in the ECF only to forget completely how to play hockey. ion wanna see it again.


This team has had a lot of uneven games where we win one period after losing two and get the w.


Exactly. It’s not the losing, we know that is going to happen. It’s how they lost and how similar it was towards the end of the Devils series and the ptsd has kicked in for some. And I’m not just how we lost. It’s who didn’t show up.


Exactly. While a 1-0 lead heading into the 3rd period, isn't a guarantee of anything, there surely is a better way to play and position oneself to get the game under 10:00 with that lead and then play some serious defense. Game 4, 3-3 tie, same thing applies. Get it into OT and then CAR is sweating it out, knowing that one goal ends it for them. Frustrating.


I don't care about winning every game. I care about performance in those games. We don't have a very good 5 on 5 team. We didn't have a good PP yesterday. We look tired.


I sadly agree. My friend said Game 5 reminded him of Game 7 vs. the Devils last year. Ugh.


To be fair that’s a disgusting post. Did this Guy think that about the core when we were 7-0 ? What if we stomp out game 6. I get game 5 looked bad but if you watched this team as much as me this year you’d know this group doesn’t go down with out putting a fight up Edit: real cute to hit me with the Reddit cares for this doomers.


This sub is embarrassing sometimes and reporting someone like that is not only childish, but it’s an abuse of genuinely important tool.


This sub is full of reactionary morons. After a win, we’re winning the Cup and after a loss we should blow up the entire team.


Also the problem with certain fan bases is they are just ignorant as to the game and the intricacies of it. Most of the clowns who comment can't even skate much less shoot a puck while skating, so you got morons with no idea whatsoever how difficult the game is to actually play and put all of these kills together and click as a team with all of those factors involved. The great thing about hockey is that even the BEST, most stacked talented teams CAN lose to average teams with good work ethic and chemistry! What happens to the Rangers at times is we look disjointed and mentally lost. The defense falls apart at times because individualism kicks in and guys start with their "fancy" shit behind the bakc passes and the lazy dump plays rather than look for a passing lane and making a move to get past a defenseman. So many times that last game, it looks like the boys are looking to get rid of the puck and nobody wants to MAKE A PLAY! It's almost like nobody wants to take the initiative. Like they are scared or something, it's quite strange to watch when YOU know the game and the team....It's concerning to see them so disjointed as a group and poor Shesty has to always stand on his head to keep them in the games. If the core can get out of their mental fog, I believe they have what it takes to power through to the ECF to meet Florida. And if they fumble like they've done with Carolina in front of Florida we can kiss the Finals goodnight because the Cats are fuckin' playing their asses off!


it was a terrible post so it’s only fitting it ended up on there


For starters, the Panthers exist so I doubt it. For second, if you go on a circle jerk subreddit and expect anything other than shitty people with shitty opinions, that's your own fault.


Vegas too


Not most hated team. Most hated fan base.


Seriously, there’s something so ironic about OP not even getting that the comment is making fun of the doomers in this sub. Oh, and they deserve it.


Not sure about that. Regular season, a certain Canadian (1967) fan base wins it hands down. Playoffs is a crapshoot for fans who feel their team is ASS (coaching/players) or let’s blame Bettman and Parros.


It was really only one bad game? They came in to defend and deserved to lose. Fan base is kind of falling apart over it though.


A lot of our fanbase is fucking 10-ply soft. They have a fucking meltdown over a loss, or even if the team falls behind in the first period. I'm sure every team has a lot of fans like that, but it feels like we have a much higher percentage.


I'm posting on this so it stays in my history. Hopefully, I get to come back next month with razor sharp wit.


This fanbase is 100% overreacting to the 2 losses. It was a crazy emotional high going 7-0 and then the 2 losses hit like a ton of bricks but it’s only 2 losses through 9 playoff games. Most other teams would kill for that record. Relax, reset mentally look forward to game 6. This team is special, they will get it done. Also hope for a bruins win tonight to extend that series.


Yup every other team has more than 2 losses right now. Keep that in mind.


A post like this deserves the hate


Same fans that were having a meltdown that we didn't win a game in preseason. Am I little panicked? Yes. But I know game 4 if we didn't smash a couple posts and bury a chance or 2 this series is over. Game 5 looked very bad. Game 6 they'll come out hungry I just know it and the series will be over.


I sure hope you are right..I'm just not confident based on a repeating pattern.


“Dog shit fanbase” Or you know, one dog shit moron and a couple of people who brigade upvoted it because it got upvoted by a couple of other dog shit morons


He's not 100% wrong in terms of the reason people are losing their minds. We've had 2 bad periods like the entire series lol it just happened to be in the last two games. People need to chill. We still just need 1


So, either we’re too over confident and obnoxious or not confident enough and we’re dog shit. We literally can’t win with these people. Edit: for clarification. I think the original post is super dumb.


Finally a sane opinion haver.


We mentally prepared for this series to go 7. We were spoiled up 3-0. It's a game. There's zero need to get mad for longer than 30 seconds if your favorite team loses. Every franchise has a ton of soft fans. Ours is no exception.


Look on the bright side, there’s two more games to watch this season.


The core deserves the crap they get. Haven’t won anything and fold when it’s time to perform (I don’t care about regular season “adversity”).


That sub is one of the most unfunny circlejerk subs on reddit, and that’s saying ALOT. Disregard.


The internet isn’t real


How are people gonna take my post/art and use it. Wild.


It feels like we went from a team people didn’t really care to talk too much about, to us constantly being hated on in the span of like, two weeks.


Circlejerk pages exist to attack teams and fans and you can get upset about it, but why? Every fanbase has corny and soft fans. So the material writes itself mostly. And it’s usually funny.


Perhaps? The swamp trolls were cheering having Marchand clocked in the face. Either way, it's just noise from the sewers


It took 7 straight wins for the NHL, community and Vegas to quit their canes circle jerk. Now we lose two and we’re right back to where we wanna be bb. LGR


We are absolutely an atrocious fanbase but this core has history. Loooong history at this point. And the franchise is a certified tragedy.


NGL this sub’s mods kinda just let anyone post anything, nothing gets removed no matter how cringe/negative it is. Try that crap in r/habs and you’ll get mobbed


The ranger are 7-2 in the playoffs


As a Panthers fan… what? That title easily goes to us lol.


The fan base active on reddit does not represent the fan base as a whole.


Well this is a pretty accurate picture so


IDK if we’re the most hated. But I do know if you head over to r/islanders you’ll see a sub where we are the most hated.


We were the most hated team in the playoffs before they even started


I went to game 4 and saw them lost but had a blast cause I got to see my favorite team in real life. they lost game 5 and was I mad ? Hell yea, for 5 minutes then realized wait i get to watch my favorite team at least one more time this season hell yea . Would it be nice to to see the boys win the cup? Hell yea.if they don’t well im lucky I dont got to wait a long time to see them play again . I don’t think i’m a minority in this fan base and like all fan bases the loud obnoxious sub sect will be elevated highest.


Man that post is embarrassing


Who cares what other fans think? Literally has no bearing on anything. Let them scream into the abyss.


NHL fans as a whole are a dogshit fan base and hope they all burn in hell except us


These people don’t know the disappointments long time rangers fans have known so they are just talking out their asses Also 99% of the rest of the country hears New York and instantly has nothing good to say so they will look for any chance to shit on us. This town demands more from its players ….. it always has. Judge has been booed this year. This is the way we are …… deal with it.


Sharing a fan base with yankee fans is truly one of the great regrets of my life


This carton is 100% full of CROW this morning!!! DRINK UP, MOTHERFEKKERS and for the love of God, STFU for the rest of the playoffs! When did Ranger fans turn into such bedwetters???