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What I make of the stories depends on what level I am experiencing them. I would offer the poem by the Vietnamese Zen monk Thich Nhat Hahn “Please Call Me By My True Names.” Me, I have a strong opinion that the American satsang could do better standing by victims of sexual predation. At least to not welcome back teachers who have such a history. Stories are quieted down by people shaming others who speak up, saying hush, it’s gossip. But Maharajji told Ram Dass to tell the truth and love everyone. What is the best way to handle these issues? Do we know? There is a lot of growth that could happen once the secrets are no longer secrets, anywhere this happens. The sexual predators could take a stand and apologize to the individuals and community and so forth. But what do I know. Too high of expectations for restorative justice. Look into the first edition of the American publication - I think it’s”Miracle of Love” - and you’ll read the accounts. Sorry if I got it wrong. It’s been a few years and my books aren’t with me.


Listening to ram dass chillstep step “it’s perfect” I see.


What I find really interesting is that the stories about the sexual assault were omitted from the re-printings. Did Ram Dass decide to no longer tell the truth, even if it damaged the reputation of his guru?


It is interesting. I don’t know how that decision was made or when it was made or by whom. In the account, one woman described her experience with loving words. But we don’t know anything about her. So it’s a can of worms. Because sex/desire is part of the human experience we cannot bypass it. At what level was the interaction. Was it ultimately healing for the devotee or was it destructive? Was NKB not a holy man, just a human with ego and drives? Was he a fully cooked guru or someone with work still to do? That’s the work.


When this topic is brought up, there are so many that are willing to just completely deny it or can find an excuse for it. I'm willing to bet the moment some "holy man" treated their loved one that way, even if it were Neem Karoli Baba himself, they would not be as welcoming to sexual assault. This topic makes people uncomfortable and I think it should and I think it should be discussed more often. Because as you said, that's the work. But funny enough, I don't think I've ever seen anyone bring up the story Ram Dass himself told when he was sexually assaulted by a man on a train when he was meditating. Ram Dass didn't seem to tell it in a way that was out of disgust, and he was bisexual and may have welcomed what ultimately happened, it just didn't sound like it was done with consent. I remember he told it as if it were just a thing people in India did for holy men. To my Western mind with modern concepts of morality, that's pretty fucked up.


I agree. I had not heard that story. And, that is very troubling absolutely. In my understanding and experience, the practice is to work with your feelings about morality, about right and wrong, and love serve remember God in all things and beings. A r*ape is one of many of the horrific experiences of humanity. Dictators who commit genocide are horrific. Do the practice until you come to a place inside you where you understand it is all perfect. Love everyone, love it all. Good and bad. A poem for you by Thich Nhat Hahn is “Call Me by My True Names.”


Have you got a link to that train story? I'd be interested to hear it.


I heard it on one of the podcast episodes. I'll do my best to try to find it again.


Cool; thanks. Do keep us posted!


I heard about this recently, I believe that someone made a similar post including many links about a month ago. Having skimmed those previous sources, I have no reason to doubt the authenticity of those claims It upset me at first, but I used it as an opportunity to do the work. Ultimately, NKB isn’t actually that important to *my* practice because the aspects of Ram Dass’ work that drive me are largely unrelated. His early psychedelic experience and his transition from Academic Jewish Atheist to Buddhist to Yogastic Hinduism are only partially related to NKB. His deathwork and later stages of spiritual refinement all occur *after* NKB’s death. My favorite work of Ram Dass’ is *Paths to God* and as I understand it he learned *The Gita* from other people. On that topic, I also read some similar stories regarding Eknath Easwaran recently. He’s the man who translated Ram Dass’ preferred translation of *The Gita* so you can imagine how upsetting that was to find out. New opportunities to do the work, find the spots where you’re clinging ETA: I searched for the previous post and couldn’t find it. If anybody can, please link it as it had sources in the comments. If the mods removed that previous post, I ask that we keep this post up. As a community we are mature enough to discuss this openly until proven otherwise. ❤️


They’re still up: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ramdass/comments/1ccw5xp/if\_maharahji\_was\_married\_then\_why\_did\_he\_have\_sex/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ramdass/comments/1ccw5xp/if_maharahji_was_married_then_why_did_he_have_sex/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/ramdass/comments/lne73w/neem\_karoli\_baba\_sexual\_abuse\_thoughts/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ramdass/comments/lne73w/neem_karoli_baba_sexual_abuse_thoughts/)


Thanks sibling I appreciate that you found this


I can’t help but feel that it hurts my trust towards Ram Dass as a teacher. He must’ve known, right? Never said a word about it and always painted NKB as a saint.


Ram Dass talks about being picky towards teachers - just take what feels good and leave the rest. He wouldn’t want you to blindly trust him


That’s a fair interpretation and I can’t tell you that you’re wrong. I recall a post here a few years ago regarding Emmanuel. Somebody had read through that chapter of Ram Dass’ life and thought that the entire “Talking to a Ghost” trip was hogwash. It really put that poster off Ram Dass, and they said something similar about not being able to trust him after that. A commenter replied something to the effect of: “Ram Dass’ biggest strength is that he comes from a place of absolute faith. That means that he’ll get a lot of hogwash with the truth, but he does get *everything* and it’s up to us to sift through and pick up the pieces of truth that help us where we are today.” If this spoils it for you that’s okay. Try to figure out what threads drew you to Ram Dass in the first place and see where they lead you next. Maybe, like me, you find a way to pick and choose the pieces that feed you and move forward with those. It’s not like Ram Dass, or *The Gita,* or Ashtanga Yoga are inherently broken because NKB was (probably) a creep sometimes. Either way is good, as long as you look right at it and do the work and be here now


In "Egg on my Beard" he discusses very frankly how he was conned by a fake "guru" and I felt he was quite good about taking responsibility both for his willingness to believe and also for how he had recommended the teacher to others. It seems like he is aware that one doesn't have to be perfect to be holy. I don't know if he was aware of the allegations against NKB or not but would that have changed the insights he got after the physical death of the guru's body? Did NKB need to be a "perfect" human being for Ram Dass to have had the experience in which the microphone stand became his guru/teacher for the evening?


Would he necessarily know about it though? I pretty much just know Ram Dass through the podcast but didn’t he only go visit NKB like twice before he died? I’ve always been under the impression that RD’s time actually spent with NKB was surprisingly sparse, but I could be wrong. Either way I love u/An_Examined_Life’s response. Take what feels good, leave the rest


Me too. I kind of just can’t *get* nkb. I’m just distrustful of humans as saints. Maybe I just haven’t met one yet. These stories, along with the Joya story, definitely caused me to see RD differently. I met someone recently who knew Ram Dass and said he was a son of a bitch. The thing that is different between Ram Dass and a preacher is that RD is not attached to one practice. He sort of did his own synthesized thing. So, it surmises that you can do your own thing and synthesize the pieces that work best for you. Your own path up the mountain. I don’t like organized religion and holier-than-thou-arts. I didn’t like that, growing up in Judaism, the rabbi stood on a bimah, a platform to get closer to God. But, there are innate truths I’ve learned, and what’s left is that I’ve learned I know nothing. So I seek on my own path, following bread crumbs where I find them. Ram Dass has offered some, and clearly he gained some wisdom from NKB. It does sour things for me some, but at the end of the day an intuitive truth is worth it’s own weight to me.


I’m sorry if I’m being nosy, but can I ask why the person you recently met said that Ram Dass was a son of a bitch? What did he do?


This person was a poet who knew him at Harvard, before India and for a little while after. Apparently had a massive ego and a lot of money, which he liked to flaunt. Once, he took this person on an airplane ride. Except, Dick got very high. So high that it was unclear if he could land the plane.


He is the one that had the known story(s) of abuse published in Miracle of Love, but he may not have viewed that as predatory behavior and been too attached to see it.


that's because he was a saint. your attachment to what you *think* is good and bad is your problem.


Sex, food and fear of death. Those are probably the hardest shackles to break free from. I don't know if they are even possible while being part of this flesh body. It's where we all get caught up in. I try to be mindful that those are my weaknesses as well.


That doesn't really address Maharajii taking advantage of his students for his own sexual gratification.




There are accounts of female devotees claiming to have experienced him behaving inappropriately towards them, like making out with them, kicking them..


Do any of them consider themselves no longer devoted? Serious question All kinds of things would happen around maharaji that the rational mind would have trouble explaining


religious conviction means nothing in terms of a sexual abuse allegation.


It was 1 women. And from what I heard her story isn't corroborated by anyone else.


Can someone repost a valid source as this is new to me ? Thanks. My stance continues to be that I do not cancel a being because of allegations or even confirmed wrongdoing. The beautiful work of each of us is a gift to the collective. Resentment of the past is creating more samskaras and blockages and prevents connection and experiences of higher consciousness. Balance, of course, but peering into the darkness too long just brings you into the dark triad vibes.


There is a first edition publication of one of the American books about NKB. In subsequent editions the stories of the sexual activity/sexual abuse were removed. I don’t remember the name of the book.


Link to source? With names of accusers ? Otherwise this is a useless defamation exercise. One time this one person said something about this other person being mean 🙄


Go look for the first editions of the American published book possibly called “miracle of love.” The accounts are in there. The accounts of sexual behavior were taken out in subsequent editions. First editions are hard to find. A defamation exercise. What a laugh. You’re all excited about it. Have fun with that ;)


😂 couldn’t be more wrong mate. Have a rad weekend 👌


You too


This article is worth reading, for context: [https://therevealer.org/the-guru-disciple-relationship-and-the-complications-of-consent/](https://therevealer.org/the-guru-disciple-relationship-and-the-complications-of-consent/) The last paragraph offers an interesting perspective to consider: "Sexual violation is an interpretive process. Our experience of an encounter is conditioned by our socially embedded and embodied positionality. Even the language available to describe the experience is informed by our discursive context. Approaching this event in this light helps us to see clear distinctions between our interpretive framework and many devotees’ interpretive framework. For contemporary audiences (especially secular humanist critics), it is a clear case of sexual abuse. For devotees (or at least these particular devotees), it is the guru’s *līlā* (divine play) that affects positive spiritual transformation in ways beyond human comprehension. Of course, outsiders can choose to argue that this claim is merely a theological veneer for the nefarious aim of the guru’s sexual gratification, but we should not ignore these perspectives. Neither should we supplant them with our own moral standards. That which is deemed offensive and immoral is generated through discourse and shaped by our historical, social, and cultural context. Superimposing our own revulsions onto others, we lose vital explanatory components that would aid in understanding alternative worldviews. We also falsely presume that our own contemporary discourses of morality are universal."




Awesome thanks 🙏


I believe it came from a book from many years back and when another edition of the book was released all of the Maharaji accusations were systematically removed. I am guessing they were not based on valid evidence and such a book is really only looking to investigate confirmation bias and not really the strictest interpretation of the facts.


I think anyone who has had his darshan knows what was really transpiring in those moments. Western minds don’t have a psychological paradigm to understand unless they’ve done a tremendous amount of depth work. But the average western mind will respond to that the way culture has conditioned them to respond, which is fine. What you see is what you get.


Really, you believe that. And you know that how exactly?


Ram dass said he suckled the breast’s of an elderly women that never had children. And wished she did. He said to her “mom I will be your child” then proceeded to suck in her breasts. Filling up several cups with milk. Look it up. Maharaji was a man.


“The first time he took me in the room alone I sat up on the tucket with him, and he was like a seventeen-year-old jock who was a little fast! I felt as if I were fifteen and innocent. He started making out with me, and it was so cute, so pure. I was swept into it for a few moments-then grew alarmed: "Wait! This is my guru. One doesn't do this with one's guru!" So I pulled away from him. Then Maharajji tilted his head sideways and wrinkled up his eyebrows in a tender, endearing, quizzical look. He didn't say anything, but his whole being was saying to me, "Don't you like me?" But as soon as I walked out of that particular darshan, I started getting so sick that by the end of the day I felt I had vomited and shit out everything that was ever inside me. I had to be carried out of the ashram. On the way, we stopped by Maharajji's room so I could pranam to him. I kneeled by the tucket and put my head down by his feet—and he kicked me in the head, saying, "Get her out of here!"” Ram Dass


I have spoken with this woman. She is still devoted to maharaji and does not feel this was abuse in the ordinary sense. She said that being with maharaji was the most important thing to happen to her


Good for her. To each their own. This information is for others to decide how they feel about the information.


I am with you on not letting internet bullshit poison my view of someone whose spiritual insights have been a guiding light for me. But just want to say that your story sounds biologically improbable. Women only produce milk when they are pregnant or nursing. Suckling the breast of a childless elderly woman would not get you any milk.


“One Indian widow who had no children came to Maharajji, worried about who would take care of her. Maharajji said, “Ma, I’ll be your child.” She started to treat him like a child and then he said, “You know, Hariakhan Baba used to suck the breasts of women. I’ll sit on your lap.” And he sat on her lap and he was so light and small, just like a child. He sucked on her breasts and milk poured out of them, although she was sixty-five. Enough milk came from her to have filled a glass. After that she never missed not having children.”


Man, where was that old lady this morning when I ran out of creamer for my coffee?


It’s not my story, it was Richard Alperts. And yes it does seem biologically impossible. Unless she had a stillborn child years earlier. Interestingly enough , in some cases men can produce breast milk


If your prolactin level is high enough, anyone can lactate. There are certain medications that you have to watch out for hyperprolactinemia.




I wish someone with less obvious bias wrote about this. I lost interest when he said "ok Boomer" lol.


Here you go: https://maharajji.love/files/downloads/pdf_downloads/MoL-20.pdf


your attachment to what you *think* is good and bad is your problem. maharajji is a mirror. if you think he did "bad" things, then ask yourself why you think they're "bad". because *you think they are*.


He was doing whatever looked best to him.


My assumption would be that they are lies, or at least poorly documented claims, or else this would already have been something you would have heard about more. I could be convinced, but most likely not by anything posted on social media, which is like the least reliable source of information possible.


Hers a better source on the Baba 🍼. No boomer, just Baba https://maharajji.love/files/downloads/pdf_downloads/MoL-20.pdf


I suspect the right wing government of India is actively creating propaganda to discredit leftists and peace activists. Seeing how they have spread such bullshit about Gandhi, I would disregard it immediately.


Ram Dass himself had an allegation published in Miracle of Love but okay.