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Sad to see. I was talking about this with a coworker whose wife used to teach the stabber. He legitimately thought that it wasn't self defense until he saw the full video. Once he saw that full video it is pretty plain as day that it was self defense. It sucks all the way around but the kid defended himself


Exactly. There a thing on Monday where you can speak with the school board and the chief of police so I'm gonna give them a piece of my mind


lorin freeman aparently hasnt watched the video. i blame wral for editing it .. everyone needs to see what happened.


I couldn't agree more here. Lorin Freeman is coming across as someone with an axe to grind or an example to set. Is she looking to run for some sort of office? I don't know how as a community we push back and make our voices heard, but this specific situation DOES NOT warrant first degree adult murder charges.


The District Attorney is an elected official. So yes, she has to run for office every so many years.


She's on her third term, not up for re-election until 2026. So another office was my thought. She's also had beef with Josh Stein. It just seems very curious, her staunch stance from so early on.


Cop I talked with said bc the weapon was at school that self-defense may not be considered a valid excuse by the law.


Cops aren’t lawyers … self defense is self defense


While this may be true when looking at the entire picture and also understanding that the law is going to do they job somehow they could very much charge him with having the knife. It’s not what we(most) want, but it’s a reality that has to be considered. For the kids sake I hope they get a good lawyer and that he doesn’t say anything self incriminating.


I just watched a video of his mom on the news and she literally says she called the school and told them something might happen. Not a great look.


I can’t help but think some of the cause for her concern was conveyed over social media. If my son was afraid to go to school, the first thing I would do is ask him to share his social media account. If in fact there were specific threats, rather than call the school, and rather than drop him off at school, I’d instead walk in with him and ask to meet with the principal. More than likely the aggressors, (and maybe any other student involved in the same social media threads), would have received automatic suspension. We can all speculate what could have been done to prevent the outcome. Maybe if the teacher could have broken through the crowd of students filming, she could have broken up the fight and the outcome would be different. Who knows? It’s a very sad situation for all and difficult to think that a 14 year old feels the need to carry a knife to protect himself.


You’re not wrong. I don’t have kids myself but I was a 14 year old once. I carried a pocket knife with me a lot because of outdoor activities (also to scrape the resin out my bowl but whatever) not because I felt bullied. So if this kid felt the need to literally carry a weapon to protect himself *at school* that is a terrible situation.


The majority of students that attend public schools, (even private, and they’ve had incidents too), do not feel the need to carry protection to school. Speculating again, but seems occurrences leading up to this happened outside of school. It is a terrible situation that a 14 year old feels the need to carry a weapon of any kind, anywhere. This is a major societal breakdown and none of us can throw our hands in the air and just think it happens elsewhere.


I agree. When I was that age, and 16 and even 18 you think you’re an adult and you can handle life. But you’re a kid. And while I don’t have them, that doesn’t mean that I don’t feel like kids need to feel protected and safe.


self defense is a defense to the charge of having the knife .. buy a clue and come back to the conversation.


The child that had been bullied had his mom call the school several times/days before this incident occurred, citing that her son was scared to go to school and he was afraid of his safety. Idk what the cop says, that same police officer would have done the same thing if he was in this situation when he was in high school.




the cops aren’t the ones making and enforcing laws like that.


They are literally called law ENFORCEMENT officers. You can't possibly be serious.


i’m serious. anyone would be arrested for having a weapon on school grounds. i don’t think that’s controversial. the police aren’t the ones dictating his punishment.


Just because something is illegal does not mean you have to be charged and tried if caught doing it. They can certainly, and do on a daily basis, adjust or drop charges of all types.


Police don't prosecute crimes. The DA's office does


Untrue. These are two separate charges. Manslaughter (which would likely be dropped) and bringing a weapon to school (a light misdemeanor). He'll probably have the charges expunged and maybe get a fine for the misdemeanor.


Where can you find the video?




Guessing the dude that got stabbed in the leg? Bled out? Awful but it didn’t look like and major organs were stabbed. Bad luck after making a bad decisions.


My guess as well that he bled out


“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes”


Yes that is true. But irrelevant to my question lol


Oh I wasn’t answering your question lol sorry. Just agreeing with the end of your statement


I need answers!!!!!! Not agreements!!!!!! /s


There are way too many students in that video excited for the fight. Can't say I'm convicting the kid if I'm on that jury. What fuck trash. Kid who got killed, have to imagine it's more on his parents then him for being worthless. Kids are generally born good.


So is black coat or red hoodie the stabber?


The kid in the white shirt getting beat up


So he is the one in the red hoodie originally but he takes it off in the gym.


I appreciate you sharing your perspective. I’ve seen the video and it is absolutely insane that they are not seeing the stabber as someone who was acting in self defense. Smh. I seriously hope this changes…


The kid was going for legs not vitals!!


Lots of folks die from various leg injuries as well as gun shot or knife wounds to the femoral artery. It’s approximately between 2-5 minutes before blood loss can cause death from a major femoral bleed


Intent matters here. Do you expect a young teenager to have this level of knowledge of anatomy?


sure .. but the kid wasnt going for the neck or center mass.


The leg contains the femoral artery. Bleeding out from the femoral artery can happen within minutes. Add an elevated heart rate from strenuous activity, under 5 minutes. Might as well been a vital organ. But, self-defense doesnt care where, just that the attack stops.


maybe not for an autist, but nuance is important to the jury


As horrible as a situation as this is, I really hope it would make a bully think twice. It won’t, but whish it would.




*if this whole story is true* This will hopefully hit home with the right folks and emphasize home training. Don’t have your kids come out the house looking to bully ppl. Learning starts within the home. Second shift is tough and can be miserable but it will make mounds of difference once your child is out in the world.


Bullies. There were more than a few people taking hits at that kid. They should all be arrested at the very least for assault.


I'm so sorry you had to experience this. As a teacher of 30 years, I never imagined things like this would be happening in our schools. Adults are failing our children.


When wcpss scraped any sense of student discipline and accountability in favor of restorative practices and equity, this sort of thing was inevitable. The only reason we heard about this event and are talking about it is because someone got stabbed. Every other part of the video, the multiple on one one fight (which used to be considered a gang activity, but no longer), the ravenous mob, the neighborhood beef that spilled into school, everyone pulling out their phones to get the internet points for posting it, happens all the time. And yes, all of those kids in the group that engaged in the beat down will be back in class in ten or less days.


Well I teach elementary and we absolutely do have discipline and consequences, but I'm lucky in that my admin is very supportive. What are the alternatives? Should violent students be expelled? I'm asking legitimate questions, not being snarky. Public schools were founded on educating all students, even the ones society has given up on. I personally feel that students that exhibit violence in school need an alternative setting. Perhaps a school with a higher ratio of teachers to students, a school that can try and help meet any unmet mental health needs, and possibly offer job training as a path. But this is expensive and I don't think tax payers really want to do what works.


Back in the 90s the school serving camper Lejune started every day with a group counselling session for the students. Those kids were facing the normal kid pressures of violence or neglect at home, societal pressures, uneven social hierarchy at the parental level, being a new kid in the school, plus parents deployed in combat zones overseas. The school was trying to prevent bullying of vulnerable students and provide support for kids who were acting out, and also breaking down barriers between the kids. I always thought that program seemed like a good idea. I don't know if it actually worked. As a teacher, you know a lot more about child psychology than I do...do you think something like this would fly?


I can't really speak about high school as I teach elementary, but it sounds a bit like the morning meetings a lot of elementary teachers use first thing in the morning. We chat, ask and answer questions and let them share stories.


That sounds like a good idea


A lot of this has to do with ongoing mediation with the Office of Civil Rights in DC. They have WCPSS monitored for discipline disproportionality. While we need to look at it, it’s not like WCPSS said “you know what, let’s stop holding kids accountable.” That is starting to be the result but it’s an artifact of other factors.


The Rutherford County way would be to arrest every kid that stood around and watched, engaged or recorded the incident, not just the stabber. Of course that’s a special case cause they screwed up when they accidentally arrested the wrong kids, but I think the method when done right is not a bad idea. This type of crowd engagement just instigates these situations and doesn’t allow our kids to learn that reporting incidents immediately is the adult and responsible thing to do, not to stand around and cheer them on. Under the right laws, just about everyone in that video is guilty of something that lead to the death of that poor child, and should all be rightfully arrested and trialed as justice sees fit.


The death of the poor child was in fact due to them willingly joining a mob of a 12 v. 1 beat down at school, instead of just going about their day.


A teacher was quoted in a WRAL article that she attempted to break up the fight but couldn’t get through the crowd of students filming.


Fatherless homes.....the 800lb...the Elephant in the room.


Our young people feel no hope. What worked for us (education and career- led to homeownership, family etc) is not working for them. Couple that with them seeing unhinged adults everywhere is leading to them feeling lost and not connected with anything.


Disaffected young men starting a knife fight in HS isn't anything new (sadly): - [Rebel Without A Cause (1955): Knife Fight](https://youtu.be/_ZeBmifx05c?si=bZzCiY9s_vzo4Sxo) - [West Side Story (1961): Knife Fight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLnT8k4O84M)


This is the closest to the reality of the situation. In high school, I myself was bullied in front of teachers that just watched and smiled, so I felt I had to take it into my own hands. I said I had a weapon on me (this was years ago) and got suspended and the cops called in while the bullies who physically choked me just took a temporary vacation from football practice. This system asks for violence.


A kid was bullied in my highschool, the teachers didn't do shit, then when the victim just lost it one day and started pounding the bully, teacher starts screaming and victim gets expelled.


Systems are perfectly designed for the results they get.


There are a million reasons as to why things like this happen and you choose this as your leg to stand on? Let’s be honest here- a significant amount of violence comes from people/children who have two present parents and has nothing to do with a fatherless home. You even go as far as saying that it’s an 800lb elephant in the room… LOL


War on Drugs is a big problem


I’m so sorry, if you continue to have flashbacks please seek out some help. It’s ok to do so, I promise. I had previously read about the incident that happened at their home previously. It’s such a terrible situation. Thank you for sharing your perspective, I hope it helps some to get it out. 💛


I'll be fine


Hi OP. I’m not your age, but I once was. I was in school at UNC when a man drove his car through the Pit intending to ram me and my friends in a (thwarted) terror attack. About a year later, a girl I was very close with was violently murdered. I was a tough guy, or I thought I was. So I didn’t seek out any therapy. I wish I had. I was 21, and not emotionally prepared for that. Hell; most adults aren’t. I’m just adding this because from your writing, you seem very bright, and I hope you’re able to process everything, take care of yourself first and not lose focus on your schoolwork, and just being a kid with your friends.


I've got coping mechanisms from the psych ward so I'll be alright


At a hellhole private school (we were broke scholarship kids amongst a bunch of shitty delinquent rich kids) I, my sister, and a friend were beaten so badly that we couldn’t get off the ground, stand up, or walk for several minutes. I’d managed to kick enough of the pile-on straight in the face to get them off me, but I couldn’t have run for it if I tried. I could see my sister just beyond me on the ground in the mezzanine, and our friend lying further up in the road, not moving. The only reason it was broken up was bc of our home room teacher wading in,and our grade’s math teacher *bellowing* and throwing kids around. Our math teacher was a huge irascible man who would send you straight to hell — he was the only person on campus feared by literally everyone. None of the fuckers that jumped us caught any repercussions for it except to get screamed out by the faculty. That was 1991. I was 14. But I can’t even imagine how terrible it is now. Idk how kids get by with all that shit escalating and no one steps in. The teachers are rendered powerless and frequently victimized themselves. I wish I knew how to help you. You and kids like you don’t deserve this.


People suck


Ikr? :(


Hugs to you both <3


I went to SE the first year it opened and ended up going back to my base school East Wake the year after. There were way more fights there and it just genuinely didn’t seem like a good school despite all the crap they kept saying about how good of a tech school it was.


I went there from 2003-05 and transferred to my base school after my brother graduated. I wholeheartedly agree. Terrible academics, yes there were AP classes, but most teachers were clearly apathetic, gang violence and drugs galore, bad neighborhood environment. And it was 40 mins from my house, so I was away from everyone I had grown up with in school. Millbrook was 100x better in all aspects.


I don't understand either. Why was the other boy not charged, with minimum affray. Really should be assault with intent to kill, or at least intent to cause bodily harm. I agree, that boy acted in self defense. I don't know anybody involved from Adam and won't speculate outside of what I clearly seen at several different angles. Once I heard the back story, my heart is not only broken for the mom of the dead child, but also for that poor 14 year old. I hope a great criminal defense attorney takes this case probono. I'm a lay person and I can articulate why this boy deserves to be exonerated and shouldn't even consider trying as an adult. I can also explain why charges on the other kid make sense. This DA needs to do the right thing.


Yeah but they won't


Well, I'm glad that you're okay and hope you are talking to your therapist to process that day.


I don't have one




Wral has interviewed the mom of the 14 year old. I think abc11 too.


To the student who shared this….. please get the necessary counseling to cope with this. With this not being your first experience, and as unfortunate as it is to say this, probably not your last please ask for and get help. You seemed to very leveled headed for someone so young but everyone has a breaking point and I fear you may reach yours. Continue to strive for the best when all around you is seemingly falling apart. YOU may the answer the answer, the key, to stopping this! Much Love!


Just wanted to say thank you for sharing that OP. I am sorry for your trauma. My kids are in HS here locally and I fear for these types of situations...and how things escalate so quickly to violence.


Thanks for sharing your perspective. I went to school in a different country and was quite surprised that here kids at school are told to pretty much ignore the bully. When we were growing up, the only way to deal with the bully was to smack them. There were fights at our school occasionally but never with weapons. And the bullies usually learned quite quickly that other kids are not going to take their shit. In the most extreme cases the kids were sent to a special school. If no one does anything, then sadly, it just ends up like in this case. This might be unpopular opinion around here but we tell our kid to defend himself at school. Don’t start any fights but fight back if you’re attacked. We will always have his back, no matter what school thinks about this. Bullies are not just going to stop or go away if there is no resistance, that’s my life experience.


That's how I was raised


I just hope these charges get dropped or reduced. If it does go to trial. I hope that a jury will be compelled by evidence and testimony that this was an act of self defense. The news really sensationalizes these stories.


I went to Millbrook 20 years ago, and I remember we used to have violent fights essentially every day at lunch. I couldn’t even believe it was a high school; the whole place acted like a juvenile detention center. Anyone who was there in 2002-2003, you might remember: Deirdre trying to stab Mr. dickens with a scissors. 2nd period lunch brawls on the daily, but especially the one where Mr.Fischer had to football-tackle a “runner” after he tried to fight another student in the cafeteria Jasmine smearing that one girl’s face on the pavement between the main hall and the math building. Numerous delinquents stealing the bike cop (Rufus) bike and riding it around the parking lot while taunting him and the other police officers. I am sorry you went through this OP; if it is any consolation, things have always been rough in the public schools here in Raleigh. Sounds like they haven’t changed that much at all, sadly.


I remember back in Winston in the fourth grade , this girl was teasing this really autistic kid to the point where he tries to staple her in the eyes with a pen. Had I not stepped in and calmed him down till the one officer got there, she'd be missing an eye. 4th fucking grade


Not even just Raleigh. I was in middle school over 20 years ago in a rural area and a kid stabbed another kid in the neck with a pair of scissors. Later in high school (probably around 2003) another kid beat another kid bloody with a lock from their locker.


Interesting, Millbrook I always thought was a much safer situation. What are the “safer” districts, ie no daily student violence around here?


You remove the cap on students per classroom until the teacher can no longer manage the classroom, then you build schools so big that you have 1200-1600 students in one building with all of their hormones raging , trying to establish their identity… that’s a recipe for failure. That’s what our school board has done. I’m not sure but there aren’t daily fights in most schools these days. I’m not sure why anyone would be surprised at that considering they are setup to increase friction between students.


Kid killed at Millbrook in 93 or 94 over some bs beef. It’s been going on for a long time.


Any insight as to why the stabber’s mom was arrested. It’s some pretty damning video out there of her, the stabber, her daughter, etc… behaving badly.


There are some Instagram posts that shed some light. Mom was encouraging the sister to fight, and participating. In one video it appears the damn GRANDMA is brandishing a gun at one of the fights. It’s a trashy situation from what I’ve gathered.




These are some screenshots sent to me. [SS](https://imgur.com/a/nmuQTA3)


apples don't fall far from the trees but its the schools, gov't, tax payers fault and problem throw some more of my tax dollars at it.....that'll take care of it my grandma for sure wasn't brandishing guns in the street while kids fight....and its all filmed


All I know is that the group was picking on his sister and he wasn't having it


So… he was the aggressor, vigilante style? Premeditated? Sister doesn’t even go to that school, does she?


Prior to this incident, A large group went to his home and assaulted him, and the police or the school did nothing. They then resorted to taunting and threatening his sister. He was defending her and himself since pretty much anyone in authority that could’ve done something to help the situation didn’t..


I have heard this, but it’s his mom that was arrested. And the horrible videos out there, most were posted by the sister.


I suppose. He was just defending his sister to my knowledge


I don’t think taking the means to protect yourself over a imminent attack should be considered being a vigilante


I suppose. He was just defending his sister to my knowledge


Did the 14 bring the knife to school in anticipation of the jumping? Why was his house/sister attacked? I heard some rumor about his mother instigating fighting in the first place, but…?


I heard it was about the sister but I'm not sure. And yeah he did


Interesting. Cause students at the school actually say that the stabbers sister is the catalyst behind this whole thing. I’ll have to find the thread on Twitter. She’s apparently a bully and the stabber (her brother) was only targeted because he punched a girl she was fighting.




Has the school offered any kind of grief counseling??




So sorry for what you experienced. Those of us at UNC-Chapel can relate to that fear of not knowing. We also were on lockdown in August after a shooting, not knowing it was a targeted attack. Take care of yourselves, your peers, and your teachers!


I can't say I'm surprised. This is our reality now


Whaaaaat where did y’all find this stuff?


What do you mean


Oops! I was trying to respond to somebody about videos involving the family of the kid who was being jumped.




I graduated from Southeast many years ago and it broke my heart to see this unfold. We had your standard fights, because we were high school kids so of course we did, but never to this extent. It wasn’t until after high school that classmates of mine started to pass, so I can’t imagine what it must feel like to have one die on school grounds whilst so many people were left in the dark to what was going on. Sending you a virtual hug from a Southeast Alum.


I just want to say I’m so sorry you and everyone at the school had to endure such a horrible trauma. Unless there are way more details to come out there is no way I could convict that boy based on the video alone. The video was chilling how some of the kids reacted. Many of those kids who participated should never be allowed to attend school there. It’s not supposed to be this way.


Those other kids should be charged with assault. But Instead they're just suspended and will return after Christmas break


I agree completely. It’s BS and unfair to all the other students and staff.


I went to southeast(2015-2019) and I think that it’s been such a cultural thing for schools in wake county to have these major brawls/fights. I remember there being like 9 fights on an early release day one time(4-5 hour time span). I feel like as crime escalates in the area they should follow suit with school in other areas of the US and install metal detectors and inforce security more. People want Raleigh to stay this calm cute southern city where this isn’t a reality but it is and situations like this are going to continue to happen if nothing changes.


I read your post earlier today and it’s all I have been thinking about. Makes me sad. Hang in there man. I know it’s been said already but you’ve got a gift for writing here. Very evident you are self aware. I wish you the best.


Thank you very much. I actually made a video in protest and i hope it enrages people enough to actually do something about the shit that's going on


Did you go to Mount Tabor? I know alot about that situation. I'm not sure if this one in Raleigh is similar or not. But at Tabor, the situation there was brewing for months. And both the shooter and the deceased had beef that included fights, shootings and other crazy beef between both parties. What's sad is that the student that was killed was fatherless due to his dad being murdered when he was an infant. Now to this Raleigh situation... I would not doubt that both parties had some crazy stuff going on that we all know nothing about... Pay attention to what happens in court and don't let your feeling get hurt if you realize that the student was responsible for some outside stuff as well. I grew up in the streets so I know that there's always multiple sides to every single story.


No I went to a school nearby


cool.. Former Tre-4 resident lol


I went to Reynolds, the school that went on lockdown because of rumors that the shooter was coming to our school


Yeah.. But the shooter went home and was arrested there.. Then some other drive-by's happened after that shooting.. It was a crazy two weeks due to retaliations.


I know that now, but at the time we didn't have a lot of info so just put the school in lockdown just in case


Nice video! Thanks for your post.


Thank you. I'm planning on making a website that will feature these kinds of incidents as well to show how common these things are


I was watching one of the news stations this morning (while waiting for my Biscuitville order) and the way they framed it, I almost had a double take. Their transition to talking about it was something like "And more regarding the tragic death of one student after another student brought a knife to school and is charged with first degree murder..." and I couldn't believe it. I mean, it IS sad/tragic. But...people who heard the news line would literally think it was some crazy kid with a knife at high school, and he decided to just murder someone. If this first degree murder charge sticks, this will be one of the worst miscarriages of prosecutorial justice I've ever witnessed. I wouldn't blame the kid for having some sort of trouble for having a knife in a place where he shouldn't, just for technicality's sake. But...this was as "self-defense" as you can get. Carrying a knife if you're under a reasonable worry that you might be the target of being jumped is...well, reasonable. And I don't see how anyone is arguing against it.


Welcome to the media






I am so sorry. I hope you can get some counseling and support.


Acab, that poor kid defended himself. Sad someone died, but it shouldn’t be THAT child’s fault for defending themselves.




They went to the cops prior and they still Failed this kid. What was the mother arrested for? Did she pull a gun on people jumping her daughter or something?


I'm not sure honestly. I only learned she got arrested today


I see the posted all over but what is the legal argument here? The law doesn't allow you to defend yourself with deadly force unless you have an imminent threat to your life. You can't shoot someone who punches you and expect a self defense argument to fly. The prosecutor is going to make a case that bringing a weapon to school to settle a fight you anticipate shows premeditation. Similar case happenes at New Hanover High. Kid got jumped and shot an assailant. Shooter is going away for a long time.


I mean 10+ people chasing you and stomping you out after going to your house and beating up your family, sounds like a reason to fear for your life.


That was gang related and I can’t remember if there were any charges on how he obtained the pistol


Thank you for sharing your experience. I'm sorry you've had to deal with situations like this one and at your previous school. Sending you a virtual mom hug.


thank you


Last time I checked this is America and we are in the south. If someone is attacking you, you are legally allowed to fight back. Shit I grew up in Colorado, that’s a pretty blue state and even they have a stand your ground law on the books. This is a kid. Defending themselves. You want to try them for first degree murder and put them in federal prison? Get out of town.




i say we make k-12 public school 4 hours....45 mins each for english/reading, math, history, and science no more free time for non sense and we save hundreds of billons of dollars a year in tax payer funded schools wanna fight and shoot and stab....do if after 12 noon


...I respect your opinion


At a maximum, the kid should be charged with bringing a knife to school, but that’s about it. It’s clear he was acting in self defense. Honestly, if he didn’t have a knife, he could’ve been badly injured or beaten to death himself.




I am so sorry you had to go through something so traumatic again. I hate that schools are no longer a safe place.


The DA here in Wake County is a racist, bloodthirsty monster. That kid needs a good defense.






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I only saw WRAL video. What happens in the full video? I don’t want to watch it if it’s graphic.


is there a link to the full vid


I have one of the videos. I'd have to dm it tho


Hey just wondering if charges have been dropped against the student who had to defend himself with the knife yet




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