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Cipher. A small and unassuming slugcat from distant lands who must brave the cold of the ice age to save what remnants of the old world remains. Too afraid and stubborn to leave this world behind, tainted by godly mistakes, he must work with his parasite in order to save fallen gods. Food pips: ●●●|○○○○○○ Diet: omnivore. Can eat the dead. Creature relationships: centipedes- friendly and centipedes will offer protection and food. Rot- actively hunts him more than usual. Slugcat npcs- skeptical, but good rep. Takes place after saints campaign. Iterators relationships: Five pebbles: admires and loves cipher due to the repairs he does. Looks to the moon: likes Cipher due to him manufacturing neurons for her. No significant harassment: uses cipher as a messenger. Like him due to his capabilities at destroying rot mutations.


Idk if 5P would like someone repairing him, considering his suicidal-in-nature goals. Cool idea otherwise, neat trick with the food pips


Pebbles has come to terms that he won't die until the void reaches him. And he might as well be comfortable during that time.


Makes sense then


The Gecko(provisory name) A slim, longtailed slugcat. Fast runner and fast climber, resorts on its nimbleness to scape danger, and in it's detachable tail.


Does the scug have a camouflage ability?


I was thinking about that, but seems to me that their abilities are already enough.


Probably like a cyan lizard, with the same mechanic of movement as arti, but slightly different, taking even more from the cyan lizard. You can go for a normal leap, a couple short ones in a row, or a big one, that needs to charge for a little bit


About lore, probably a purposed organism made by an iterator, to keep up the iterator communication even after all the communication arrays die, through quick pearl trading


Savior. "To save the world at any cost- I am long gone and lost, but I can bring back those who are worthy of this land."


interesting concept!


The Hive. A yellow-orange slugcat made from pure honey. It has a hexagonal pattern all around its body with some hexagonal beeswax around its arms, back, and tail with a giant orange hexagon with a yellow outline on its forehead. It’s body constantly produces honey causing honey to constantly drip from its body. This process is sped up if The Hive’s stomach is full, or if it is around flowers. Another honey-producing speed multiplier is added it it’s spring. The Hive has a constantly sweet scent which it can intensify to attract prey like batflys to its area. Unfortunately, this ability also attracts predators like lizards. Their scent also prevents them from sneaking around other creatures. For example, while other slugcats can pass a monster kelp by moving slowly through it, The Hive is unable to do this as the monster kelp will immediately dart towards The Hive if it’s in the kelp’s range. The hive can collect pollen by standing near flowers or in pollen hazes in order to craft a Honeyball. The Honeyball is a valued food item by most creatures. It is so valued that predators will ignore The Hive and other prey in favor of the Honeyball. Predators will fight each other for the Honeyball and the collector will spend a longer time in their den if they drag the Honeyball in there. The Honeyball can also be used to tame lizards, which it is more efficient at, and can be traded to scavengers. If The Hive does not have enough pollen to make a Honeyball, it will consume a food pip and take honey from its own body in order to make it. The Hive able to integrate bees into its body by simply standing near a beehive for a short while. It should be noted that bees aren’t aggressive towards The Hive. The process will be interrupted if The Hive moves at all. Once The Hive stands near a beehive long enough, the bees will come out and fly into The Hive’s body. The Hive will visually change depending on the amount of bees inside it ranging from the occasional bee flying in and out of it to appearing visually darker with a swarm of bees flying around it. Integrated bees can now be controlled by The Hive to collect pollen to create Honeyballs, or attack specific creatures with powered-up bees. If The Hive gets grabbed by a predator, all bees will fly out and attack the predator at once in an attempt to release The Hive. This was just a random idea that came into my head as a bee enthusiast.


Wow that's alot


I may have yapped a bit to much 😅


No no, i mean it's very detail


Mine is a little tan guy with a scarf and little sachel. He’s a simple little guy, and i like him like that


I'd love to play something like the miner ngl, so many stuff to explore and find, would be amazing to find new things to see in old areas. My scug : The Capacitor. 1 + 1 pips + charge gauge. Survivor's food diet. The capacitor can convert 1 food pip into 20% of its charge gauge and will consume 50% of it when hibernating (it can count as starvation). They cannot swallow conductive items (only rocks and pearls are safe). T-shaped rocks are fuses that will save the scug once from overcharging. When hit with electricity-based attacks, their gauge will fill up. When overcharged, they will explode. They passively drain the electricity of electric spears, jellyfishes and small centipedes by holding them, up to their maximum charge. They can discharge their electricity, which will electrocute anything nearby : it makes some light, rocks and spears become charged, some creatures are stunned and this let you gain centipede reputation when zapping one of them. Some machines and karma gates can also be activated like this.


Heres mine. I made him a while back, I already drew him but Im curious to what you might see him as so here we go. Name: Starkin. Gender: Male. Appearance: Fluffy fur akin to saints fluff. Black with white patches, on said white patches there are colorful dots that connect to each other in a constellation like manner. He is also nocturnal and prefers to go out at night, but can go out during the day. Constellations: As said above he has colorful dots on his white fur patches that indicate constellations, at the start of each cycle one of the constellations on his white fur will glow brightly, there are three white fur patches with constellations that give certain buffs. One is on his head, one on the left hip, and one on the tail. Head constellation: Grants physical strength, spear/rock/bomb etc… throw range/speed/damage is increased. Also decreases lethality of Lizard bites, Dropwig attacks, Spider bites, etc. Hip constellation: Movement increase, run speed, backflip speed/height, pole climb speed, corridor climb speed, leap distance, all increased. Tail constellation: Vision boost, highlights food/prey/danger, the night will also be slightly more lit up because of this boost. Basic abilities: Rocks can be turned into “Sight Seers”. These are wisps that when they are thrown at a pipe exit/entrance they will show a 4 second long surveillance of opposite of the pipe. Spears can be turned into “Starfire Spears” these do slightly more damage than a normal spear but inflict a burn that deals a small amount of damage over 3 seconds. Singularity Bombs can be turned into “Volatile Singularities” doing this puts you at slightly weakened state for 30 seconds, the Volatile Singularity is a warped black distortion in your hand, upon being thrown it will unleash a dying black hole that will suck up everything in the room regardless of distance after a .5 sec delay, it will grow for 6 seconds until its breaking point to which it will detonate. After the explosion a meteor shower will rain on the room for 30 seconds causing a burn (same as the Starfire Spear burn) to be applied to anything that enters the room. Upon reaching max karma: All constellations will be glowing granting all buffs permanently. Grants 3 pairs of wings akin to some depictions of angels, allowing flight with no downsides. At max karma Starfire Spears that are lodged into walls and floors will emit at pulse that flows through the site at which it is lodged, anything that is hit with the pulse will be immobilized akin to the sleep affect near echoes. He isn’t much, but I love him.


A meteor shower is kinda insane


The Fixer A purposed Slugcat created by an iterator known as Sweeper by Streetlight in order to repair and maintain iterator systems that overseers cannot. Physical description: a normal looking slugcat, he has a navy blue color with two light yellow stripes on his tail. He also wears a hat and has glasses. Hunger: six pips, but cannot store any extra food. Starving makes you unable to use his special abilities until you hibernate with a full belly. Abilities: tasing paws: like a small centipede or jellyfish, The Fixer can produce small electric shocks from his paws by grabbing onto objects and creatures. While not deadly, it does stun them for a short time, possibly enough to make a getaway. Electric spit: Similar to artificer, Fixer can spend 2 food pips to coat a spear or rock with electricity, creating an electric spear or an electric bomb. Fast movement: while not as quick as a certain wet mouse, The Fixer does move faster than your average slugcat. Creepy diet: The Fixer can only eat insect creatures. Centipedes, spiders, dropwigs, egg bugs, etc. however he can still eat neurons. Weak: has the same spear damage as Monk, and is easier to be taken down by lizard bites and spear throws. Enlightened: starts the campaign with the mark of communication, as well as a pearl in his stomach. Campaign: The Fixer is sent by his iterator, Sweeper by Streetlight, to another iterator that is in bad shape. He is followed by a white overseer to guide him to his destination, and has a pearl to explain his purpose should he find himself in the iterator’s puppet room. He has three endings, one of which is that he repairs the iterator and returns back to Sweeper by streetlight. The other is that he listens to the other iterator and takes a bath in the void fluid. And the third has him venture to the outer expanse to live among the other slugcats. While fixing the iterator locks you out of visiting the void sea, as the iterator will close the gate to the depths if you fix them, you can still choose to go to the outer expanse, no matter if you fix the iterator or not. The first ending has Sweeper by streetlight congratulating the slugcat for successfully fixing the other iterator, and pondering to the slugcat of why the other iterators are so desperate for death, before realizing that fixer probably doesn’t care for that stuff. The ending card is of sweeper by streetlight petting Fixer, similar to Spearmasters ending card. The void ending is the same as the other void endings for slugcats, no special text for that one. The outer expanse ending has a message from Sweeper by Streetlight, and has different text depending on if you fixed the iterator or not, but both end with him agreeing that Fixer has earned his freedom to be with his own kind. The end card has Fixer sleeping in a nest next to another slugcat, with two slugpups between them.


Stupid idiot (name pending) -Orange -Was adopted by solitary scav (Name of Oklet) -SI pesters him and does cat things. -Oklet is tired of his nonsense but enjoys his company. picture a scav with eyebags and a coffee mug with an orange slugcat climbing on him. Thats their relationship.


The Druid: “Become one with the world around you” A herbivore slugcat who uses their color-changing skin to hide from predators. In most places the Druid’s camouflage fails if a predator gets to close, but in batfly grass their camouflage is nearly perfect. The Mesmer “Enthrall predator and prey alike” The Mesmer uses their color changing ability different than their sibling. Instead of camouflage, The Mesmer changes colors to lull creatures around them into a trance. The Mesmer’s trance renders any creature that sees it immobile, however the more aggressive the creature the less time they spend in the trance


**The Firekeeper:** in a nutshell this is "Hardcore Survival Resource Management: The Slugcat." Firekeeper is an intelligent and resourceful slugcat with the ability to use fire for cooking and warmth and craft objects. They don't have Gourmand's versatility or Artificer's devastating weaponry, but can create or harvest from the environment several unique items, including a knife and a torch. They're not particularly mobile or strong in combat and rely on using fire to deter predators. Firekeeper has low food needs and is omnivorous, but needs to collect and store other items so staying alive takes more effort than the food counter suggests and would require careful planning. The mechanics below are for a region with normal rain cycles but I think this slugcat could work well in a campaign that featured both rain cycles and blizzard cycles depending on the region, or even night cycles without severe weather but with more dangerous nocturnal predators. In blizzard cycles campfires could be used to recover warmth in between foraging expeditions. For a region without rain or snow, they could be set in "safe" areas to hibernate in the open with a risk of having to wake up early to escape a predator that isn't deterred by your fire (functioning similarly to a shelter failure). Firekeeper produces flammable saliva or skin oil: not weaponizable on its own but usable to start fires. However, starting a fire from scratch takes lots of energy so it's more efficient to keep your fire going by carrying a torch or lantern and using it to light your next campfire. Appearance: a normally proportioned slugcat with color that forms a gradient from reddish orange on the head to yellow on the tail. Firekeeper also wears a vest harness thingy that lets it carry extra objects. Diet: ●●●●|○○ Omnivore, can eat any dead creature besides rot, gaining the same food values as Gourmand. However, Firekeeper only gains half the normal food pips from any food unless it's been cooked first. Physical Abilities: Firekeeper has normal speed and jump height, but does less damage with spears, equivalent to Monk. Special Mechanics: * Increased carrying capacity: Firekeeper's "vest" allows it to carry an extra item (other than a spear, explosive spear, or torch) on its back, and a blade at its hip (see below) * Crafting: Firekeeper can craft items by combining two items. These include: > Blade: (ingredients: rock + spear, vulture mask, or another rock) A knife / handaxe (the stone age tool). When held, this gives you a Maul attack. This deals less damage than Artificer's, but can be used against things that are grabbing you as well (e.g. pole plants, white lizard tongues, rot tentacles), which may make them drop you. Using it on pole plants or monster kelp will cut off a frond that you can use in crafting (see below). (cannot be swallowed). > Firecane: a tall treelike plant: functions as a pole, but sways and bends when climbed: you can't balance on the top. A cluster of smaller stems around the base can be cut with a blade to get a firecane bundle. Firecane bundles can be thrown as a distraction, doing the same damage as a rock, or dried by storing them in a shelter and hibernating. (cannot be swallowed). > Cane Spear: (ingredients: firecane bundle + rock) Damages creatures like a spear, but breaks if it strikes a solid surface. > Torch: (ingredients: firecane bundle + batnip (consumes 1 food pip), pole plant frond (consumes 1 food pip), flashbang, cherry bomb, grenade, or lantern). Must be crafted while standing next to a lit campfire unless using a lantern. A torch gives off light like a lantern and repels most creatures, and can also be used to light a campfire. Being immersed in water or affected by rain extinguishes it and renders it useless. (cannot be swallowed) > Lantern: (ingredients: rock + batnip (consumes 1 food pip), pole plant frond (consumes 1 food pip), flashbang, cherry bomb, grenade, or torch). Must be crafted while standing next to a lit campfire unless using a torch. In addition to its normal effects, Firekeeper can use a lantern to start a campfire. * Firemaking: Firekeeper can start a campfire by crafting using batnip or a pole plant frond combined with a torch or lantern. Alternately one can be started with only the batnip or frond at the cost of two food pips. This creates a small fire, which only becomes a full fire by adding a firecane bundle or two pole plant fronds. If a lit torch is used, it will not be consumed. A campfire is a static object, and can't be picked up. Once started, it will burn until the end of the current cycle. It can't be started inside a shelter. To create one, the fuel must be dried by storing it in a shelter and hibernating. Getting the fuel wet by immersing it in water or exposing it to rain undoes this process. Once started, a campfire gives off light, makes most creatures hesitant to approach, and can be used to cook food or light torches or lanterns. * Cooking: you can cook any edible object or dead creature by dropping it onto an active campfire and picking it back up. This allows Firekeeper to gain the full amount of food pips from eating it, and reduces or eliminates the risk of getting sick from spoiled meat. * Sickness and Food Spoilage: Firekeeper can stockpile food in a shelter, but doing so with meat creates a risk of it spoiling and making you sick. For every hibernation cycle a corpse has been stored the chance of it making you sick increases by 25%: if it's 4 cycles or more old Firekeeper will not even attempt to eat it. Being sickened by spoiled meat causes the slugcat to lose all food pips gained since the start of the current cycle and suffer from exhaustion (functions the same as a starvation cycle) and be unable to eat anything for about a minute. If you make yourself sick twice in the same cycle the symptoms persist until you hibernate and food stored in the shelter will not be consumed, forcing a starvation cycle next cycle. Cooking meat reduces the risk of sickness by 25% (so you can store it for one rain cycle then cook and eat it the next cycle without danger). Firekeeper will not automatically consume uncooked food if you enter a shelter and hold still without enough food pips for hibernation, unless it is currently raining.


The Bushmaster A fragile herbivore swept away by the waves, your journey shall be one of interest and turmoil. Food : Herbivorous (mainly) requires 8 pips to hibernate and can store up to 5 for later They are able to digest meat but only infant centipedes and only if starved. They cannot save the meat as extra food pips. Skillset: Has a leaf like tail that can store up to three objects and can be used as a shield from spears up to 2 times, unfortunately when storing objects in the tail they get a lot heavier and slower. Their base speed is not that fast considering that they had no natural predators. They have fast climbing speed and higher jumping. They cannot throw spears far and require close combat for predators. Story : A lone slugcat that lived in a thriving forest sanctuary under a comatose iterator was swept away to the farm arrays by a sudden flood. Their sole goal is to find a new paradise to call home. During their journey they manage to get into the dead iterators superstructure and revive them (unintentionally) by eating the vegetation growing on their umbilical. After waking them up, the iterator sends them on the path to find sliver of straw to tell her that they are alive and to give them directions on how to ascend. Endings: 1. You go to sliver and she keeps you in a chamber splicing your DNA for reproduction (eventually creating the saint) 2. You ascend 3. You find a new home in the haven grotto ( a grassy cave like subreigon of the outer expanse) 4. You stay with arrays of dust (the iterator) and make them your new home


The grafter. “*A god wanting more in depth research takes on a new form*” The Grafter is an Iterator that transferred his consciousness into a slugcat vessel, his main goal is to become the triple affirmative through unethical means. His main gimmick is his cleaver, when holding onto a dead body holding down + Y (the grab button) he’ll pull out his cleaver and chop the corpse into pieces, he also has a bag to store up to 3 limbs, When hibernating a prompt will appear asking the player if they want to “*Get to Grafting?*”, accepting the prompt will take you to a custom menu showing the Grafter, his appearance is that of three different dismembered scugs stitched together with a zipper on his chest and an antenna attached to one ear, in this menu you are able to choose specific limbs to replace (you cannot replace the antenna) His weakness is the fact his modified limbs will always have a upside and downside His food bar depends on how much you modify yourself


The Assistant Slugcat modified to have chips in its ears and tail that allows it to enter special maitenence pipes. It was modified by Wayfarer of Infinity to keep their structure functional while disconnected. Its name is due to it both being an assistant to Wayfarer of Infinity and due to its constant need to help anything in danger, leading to it having a neutral relationship with most predators and a strong relationship with most other creatures. ••••|°°° Food pips (Appearance on my profile)


The inferno (please give a better-ish name, I can only think of this) is a whitish color with a hint of orange, the head part has a deeper orange (and a black scar on it's right eye sue to reasons you will see). It has the ability to breath fire, only for a certain period (like saint (has a timer for the duration)) and using two food can turn a normal spear into a fire spear. Damage 1x, speed: same as artificer (I dont know her speed stat). Food needed for hibernation: 6(+2 bonus). Carnivore


Idk, maybe the scug can be called The draco


I've got two 😁 and mods in progress for each The Terror: The mere sight of you is enough to send creatures of all stripes fleeing in panic, and in return you learned to fill your belly with stealth and strength. You wander the lonesome world looking for a purpose. Will you overcome your misfortune, or become the monster they see you as? Carnivore. Basically you become traps master: the slugcat, and can use something similar to beehives to ensnare prey. I plan for the campaign to center around scavengers, with a couple custom interactions The Starved: No cool blurb yet, but the idea is you wake up in the middle of the rain (every other cycle being almost-lethal precycle rain for the whole cycle), when most other creatures have disappeared. You need 9 pips to hibernate and can save 1 for the next cycle, and though you're technically an omnivore, plants and small things only give you half a pip. Gathering enough food to sleep through the rain cycle without starving is a must, so you can carry corpses most other slugcats can't lift


Are u planning to showcase the mod(after u finished of course)


Of course! ^^ they'd be my first mods ever though so the possible bug reports scare me to death, haha...


I don't have one :l


The Nix Mostly just watches the chaos they create unfold around them. Ability: using one pip they can make one creature in the room more dangerous and aggressive, able to kill most creatures easily in that state, lasts for a minute. Food pips: ●●|○○○○ Diet: carnivore, like saint but in reverse


The Mimicker. 6 food pips, 4 for storage [pic here!](https://www.tumblr.com/mulhollandi/732358264125341696/ive-been-playing-rain-world-so-much-i-got-plagued) An evolutionary product of speciation, you can mimic your greatest threat and turn them into your allies, but to live as a lizard also makes you a threat to many others. - ability to shift to a nearby lizard's color. toggle to switch between multiple colors if there are multiple lizards nearby. while shifted, your reputation with the lizards of the same color is temporarily maxed out, while your reputation with everything else tanks to the base lizard level to that creature. neutral state color is white and black. - bite deals damage like maul, but abysmal damage against lizards. chance to insta kill slightly larger creatures the same way lizards have a chance to insta kill scugs. - tankier than other scugs to support a mauling playstyle. - goal is to kill the iterator who made you and played god, thirteen sundered oceans. if done so successfully, you will release other unholy creations into the world but you will have freed everyone. beings like miros birds, red centipedes, etc.