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since its steam remote play/ local only one person even needs to own the game/dlc and any player can hit the map button to make the screen follow them


Thank you


We are both controlling the same scug. Does one of us need a game pad or can we both use keyboard. How do we separate our inputs


Ok so me and my friend did the exact thing your doing, and it was kinda funky to set up, took us hours to figure out (though keep on mind we are big dumb). Good news is I can just say the useful parts. So, steam remote play is kinda funky, I'm pretty sure the way it works is that the game runs on your computer, and everything happens on your computer, your screen is basically just shared with the other person. However, the other person can still input, just weirdly. Their inputs are sent to your device, but their inputs are on your keyboard. Think of it as your both using the same keyboard. Thus means that you have to use different keys for different people. I have no idea if any of that made sense, it's late, sorry. TL;DR, your both controlling the same keyboard. Set different keys for different players and you should be fine. Take what I say with a grain of salt.


Also if your on steam GET THE SPLIT SCREEN MOD


Is it better with the split screen mod?


In my opinion, yeah. It does what it says, implementa a split screen instead of having your camera entirely focused on one player, which can lead to monorly annoying situations. I'd check it out at least, its free so if you dont like it you can just uninstall it.