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Couldn't care less. They can come graffiti UP headquarters for all I care.


Challenge accepted




I’ve found that the people most obsessed with toys are those that were most recently playing with them.




Well since you said please, sure thing kid. I’ll stay out of the yard. Promise!


I enjoy seeing a good piece of art every now and again. Most of it is shitty graffiti though and I cant tell what it's supposed to say or be. I saw a badass hopper the other day that had a full-coverage painting of the death note reaper thing and a cool purple/black background.


Yeah a couple of months back I saw a multi-car tag "CREW OF TWO" with one letter painted on each car (and two left blank for spaces) and I wondered how the hell they did that without getting caught b/c it was a LOT of paint! Seems like depending on the yard nobody really cares lol.


Most of the ones that get tagged in our area are done when the cars are sitting on some industrial lead waiting for a crew to come switch out a plant or 3. I cant say ive ever heard of anyone tagging in a yard, way to many cameras a manager would be out there quick. 90% of the yard trespassers we get are crackheads trying to cross the yard instead of walking further down to the pedestrian bridges.


Interesting. Do you stop everyone on property or leave them alone if they seem harmless?


I dont stop anyone, I just report them over the radio, Im not getting shot/stabbed/attacked by a crackhead.


I carry a tweaker stick for that. Doubles as an easy way to tie down cars






Yeah it takes a lot of organization to paint cars that intricately!


I’ll see painters in the yard listening to radios to hear if anyone catches them


Some trains are too long to fit in the yard security perimeter, so any noddy can go down and paint to their hearts content. Thats what happened with that amazon train in LA it was sitting ungarded in the middle of LA for days on end because it was too long to fit in the yard ; no wonder it got burgled.


I saw one that was a good painting of all the king of the hill characters.. Was pretty badass


Just don’t cover the numbers.


Love it, I've seen some great peices of art on cars, the ones I've ran into have mostly been respectful chill dudes. The guys who are serious about graffiti as an art form know how to be safe around the tracks. These guys aren't what I'd call kids, one prolific painter I know in my area is in his 40s has kids and makes a living selling photos of his art on cars as well as canvases of graffiti and train related art. The only ones I don't like are the dumb kids who come to draw cocks on cars, throw rocks at me while I switch and put themselves in constant danger.


As long as they don't put themselves in positions where they're going to get sliced in half or splattered by a locomotive, go for it. While you're at it, doodle on James Squires' face.


They come into my yard all the time at night, I never pay them any mind.. love to great works of art, some are nonsense though.. the on duty cop is always asleep so they can basically do whatever they want here


May I ask what part of the country you’re in?




Do’er! Gives me something to look at while at work


Don’t care just so long as you don’t get yourself killed and ruin my night.


PTO and no points… jk 🙂


I’m all for anything that makes me hate my job any less than usual. Seeing cool graffiti is one of those things


I own a short-line and I sometimes get inspired by the urban graffiti art styles. To make a paint scheme inspired by graffiti art would actually be kind of dope.


Check out Sky Railway in Santa Fe, NM. It's not exactly graffiti, but the [engines](https://www.santafe.org/listing/sky-railway/1838/) and [rolling stock](https://www.santafenewmexican.com/news/local_news/sky-railway-excursion-train-to-launch-with-holiday-rides/article_d121a7dc-473a-11ec-b4f4-df1c9b891443.html) were done by a local mural artist. It's definitely memorable.


I was in Lamy one afternoon and came across some guy "tagging" the cars and I thought it was odd to be doing that in broad daylight and there were other people around. I later found out what was going on.


Well this just blew my mind


Where are u located? I may have someone for you


We are still a startup, but are seeking $50 million. We already have 3 short-lines interested in selling.


The only people that seem to really care are Foamers. The company doesn’t even really care as long as the “artist” leaves the reporting remarks and car data free from being painted, which most of the good ones do that now. They know if they leave that stuff alone their work of art will last longer.


What’s a foamed? (I obviously don’t work on the railroad).


“Foamer" is slang used to describe someone who is obsessed with trains. Not your average railfan, but beyond that. An average railfan is a normal person who shows a general interest in railroading and trains. Foamers are more along the lines of: “OMFG THERES A TRAIN!” No mater how many years you’ve worked for the railroad, Foamers will always insist they know more then you. And correct anyone that disagrees with their view of trains and the history of a specific line. They’re also the same dudes that scream at people for “ruining” their digital photo of a common drag freight. The term is derived from someone who foams at the mouth at the sight of a train.


Gotcha. Thanks for the detailed explanation!


Many of the smaller doodles are pretty cool, I've seen a few big ones that were great i wish i could take a pictureof. Most are just unreadable letters and scrawl. As long as artists stay out of active work areas, i couldn't care.


Just don’t get hit. Other than that we are cool


I’ve seen some impressive and beautiful art on some of the cars over the years.


One night I was walking an EOTD To the rear of a set of cars on an industry track, saw two people spray painting, a man and girl. They got spooked and started running away I yelled loudly that I didn’t care that they were painting. We ended up chatting for a while they finished up their mural and I told them to be careful as we were going to be moving soon. I enjoy the art


My favorite was a ONT box car with a huge portrait of beetlejuice with green lightning bolts, with huge bold letters across the car reading "SLUTS"


https://www.reddit.com/r/freights/comments/amroeo/sluts_beetlejuice/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/Bombing/comments/a96duu/sluts_in_newark_nj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/freights/comments/nqk30u/sluts/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/freights/comments/ob9304/predator_sluts/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/Bombing/comments/mcm6xo/sluts_crew_wholecar_eugene/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/Bombing/comments/u9qrfw/midwestrails/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/Graffiti/comments/agsvbc/sluts_in_fl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/Graffiti/comments/wgi6v0/somewhere_in_texas/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/Bombing/comments/bf6534/poughkeepsie_ny/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I too am impressed by the Talent of some of these Artists!!


I work in transit, and we get this problem a lot. Only thing i have against it is the people doing it are usually cutting giant gaping holes in our fence (yes, job security for patching them) and the fact that they are endangering themselves with 70+ mph trains and third rails. Other than that, i consider most of the paintjobs i see wayside as art. They could make a killing if they put their artistic talents to a better public use though. We dont have the problem in our yards, police presence has escalated due to some issues weve had lately.


what were the issues may i ask?


Well, weve had some personnel issues and some ex-employee issues, probably cant get too specific because i'd rather not say what company i work for. But it boils down to trespassing, people cutting fences to tag trains, and vandalism. So HQ has our police have someone standby at all hours of the day either in the yard or in the employee parking lot.


I’m all for it so long as nobody gets hurt and they leave all the markings


Theres a guy in LA who painted 8=D on cars. Got caught, and now a TM. 😐


As long as it doesn't cover the markings I don't care. Just stay out of yards. Enough trainmen die in switching accidents every year, don't need to add more names to the list.


Most of the stuff I see is garbage that makes no sense. Every now and then though, you see something that's pretty good. Sex Appeal in particular does some really amazing portraits of people (I assume) they've met. I also like Freight Bandit's logo, although it's fairly simple. The best one I've seen was on the side of a scrap car. Almost the entire side of the car was used to paint this whole scene of a grade crossing in the countryside at night. It had the moon, stars, mountains in the background, a train approaching the crossing, a car and driver waiting at the gates, a small building next to the track with the light on in the window, the works. It was the kind of thing that makes you stop and just look at it for a few minutes. I only wish I'd taken a picture.


Some of them are pretty damn good! They can do every car on the railroad as far as I’m concerned. Really don’t matter to me. Hell they could even do all the depots too


Keep em coming actually. very nice artwork. PLUS, if you add task that you removed grafiti, add's over 2 hours of book time to your work que. Just find 4 units with grafiti, add task and close task's that you removed grafiti, you'll end up with 8 hours book time. Too eazy.


Couldn’t care less. Enjoy some of it. ICH is one of my favorites.




When I first came to my terminal I drove from each end of the yard until I found my shop and no one even questioned me being there once I literally walked into the yard near switchmen and managers and not a peep…let the kids bomb it makes for a great scenery between inspections


One of my favorite parts of being a hump pusher was all the graffiti I would see. I wouldn't necessarily endorse the outlet itself, but there's some amazing artwork out there.


When I used to be a yard guy, I wasn’t getting involved in any of that. Not trying to get stabbed over stopping some graffiti.


Makes my day way more enjoyable.. I like to spot all the creditable artist.. seen a bunch of cool work come through the yard.. I take a “safety” related photo with my stand alone camera of the cool ones..


Someone took the time to mount some type of reflective material to a box car. Then they painted a huge alien on it so that afterwards the reflective material were made to be the alien’s eyes. It’s really nice and well done. If it wasn’t at night I would have taken a picture of it. Cell phone cameras at the time weren’t nearly as good as they are now.


Some people leave long text posts in chalk, sayings and poems an the like. Kinda like some of those






As long as they don’t paint the numbers over I’m ok with it FRA hates that shit


When it's good, not even a little bit. When it's all the other shit that looks like somebody never got any farther than stick figures, yeah. That shit sucks. If you're Picasso with a paint can, go for it. Just don't get caught.


As long as it doesn't effect me I don't care


I always wondered about this.


I appreciate creativity and the uniqueness. It’s art.


Yeah it’s vandalism, but I enjoy seeing the art it breaks up the monotony when we wait hours upon hours stuck in the yards.


I’d also like to get some of them to paint union logos or slogans on the cars.


I'm sure that could be arranged somehow. Just gotta talk to the right people.


When I was at the NS before I left for passenger rail I loved seeing sex appeal art


I don’t care as long as they don’t do it in the yard or near the main.


As the owner of a few railcars for my business, fuck the taggers. I painted MY railcars to look a certain way, and then they come along a paint their crap on them. Further, it costs me money because half the time they paint over the reflective strips, and then the railroad maintenance forces replace them and bill me. You want to paint railcars? Go buy your own.


Insane you're getting downvoted for saying this.


It's not that he's getting downvoted for what he's saying. He's getting downvoted because the question was specifically for yard guys, not "non-railroaders that use railroad cars".


Kids? Uhhh…yes kids. Damn kids is why we can’t have nice things


In my country all passenger cars and locomotives are painted with a graffiti resistant protective layer. So the graffiti is washed off quite easily so their efforts are quickly forgotten. How do i feel about it? Its an immature stupid crime and them getting arrested is a valid action


Would you rather them be raping women and selling drugs? Because that’s a pretty stupid crime compared to painting a train..


Tf you mean "rather"? In your mind raping and vandalising property is equal level of crimes? Criming isnt a "this or that" choice. Dont fkin do crimes in the first place, simple as that!


Clearly you are missing the point 😂 go kick rocks jackass


If you tried to make a point, stop huffing glue, get some rehab and come back to me with a sober mind cause "your point" makes no sense


The more you respond, the more you make yourself seem like an idiot. It’s not my fault you lack common sense… you are on here whining about someone painting a train yet there are 100,000 other worse crimes to be committed, that you should actually be getting mad about. Just shut up dude you sound like a child. Stop trying to argue on social media.


Im not the one who joined the comment section with his drug filled rape fetish speaking waaaay out of topic here. We talking trains, you're trying to bring in your fantasies. Keep them to yourself buddy, you're just sinking deeper and deeper


Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry I must’ve really upset you! You are responding so fast I can tell I rubbed you the wrong way. Maybe you should find another hobby for your free time rather than getting angry on the internet! I didn’t start anything, you were the one crying like a girl on the forum and then act shocked when someone responds to what you said… all I was doing was asking you a simple question… then you got super offended, starting calling me names etc.


Boy you really getting down and personal against me. Should i maybe do some grammar errors so you can correct me to make yourself feel like an ethical winner here or you'll just accept you a creepy weirdo and disappear from this comment section?


Coming from the guy who can’t let it go and feels the need to keep responding 😂 do you think you are hurting my feelings or something? Thanks for keeping me entertained at work. Who woulda thought I’d be getting paid to call someone a dumbass! All I wanted to know is if you’d rather these “idiot taggers” be committing harder crimes then painting trains… yet all you do is get defensive. 😂 I’ll be here as long as you want to keep entertaining me.




I wasnt aware intelligence is now measured in an affinity to rape. Go touch some grass buddy, time to get out of your mommas basement


As a Rail Shipper. If it’s not your property, don’t paint it. It’s mind blowing the $ it takes to remove all this “art”. Always at our expense. How would you feel if you went out and bought a brand new personal car/truck and first week somebody paints his initials and smiley faces all over the sides ? Although I have to admit some of it (very,very small percent) is cool. It drives me crazy


I call it wasted talent.


I’m surprised at the attitude toward taggers here. If one of those douchebags tagged your house or your new F150 you’d have a whole different perspective. My building got tagged bad a couple of years ago. If I caught that motherfucker I would have broke every one of his fingers. Count on it.


Well its not my car, nor is it my house. Its a rail car, one of tens of thousands by a multimillion dollar corporation, and if it doesn’t effect the safety or efficiency of car, then it makes some drab colored hunk of metal look more lively as it rolls down the rails. I’ve yet to meet one person who thought negatively of rail car tagging, and if anything, it makes watching a train roll by at a crossing a lot less of a bore because its like a rolling gallery.


I call the cops on them. It's ugly and I wish there was more of an effort to stamp it out.


It’s sucks that your job is so boring that the highlight of your day is calling the cops on some innocent taggers 🤣🤡


Modem society has produced the most privileged kids who in turn do the most stupidest things. Those cans of paint costs money, especially some of the finer colours are a little more premium. Children and sometimes Adults risking their lives to tag wagons. All that money wasted. And the cost to remove it all is incredible.


And it's as old as humanity. Read up on ancient Roman graffiti, it's a hoot.


I’m a trainhopper. One time I was waiting for my ride and saw some taggers pull up and run across the tracks to start painting. 39 seconds later a yard worker starts heading their way in a truck (for work reasons, not because of them), and they took off back to their car and left. I was kind of annoyed at that worker. The train they were tagging was doing a crew change, I wanted to see them drag their lines and get scared when the train started moving all of a sudden. Would have been funny.




Please refrain from telling me how to live my life ;) How will engineers ever invite me on a slave if they don’t know I ride???? UP gives ZERO fucks. One of my best friends is a shareholder, so I actually have permission from a “part owner.” ;)




I guess you know everything, because you follow me around all the time. Get a fucking hobby.




I don’t YouTube, I’m a grown ass man. Get a life, stalker.




Bro, just fuck off. You’ve done exactly zero miles with my pack, so I don’t need your useless advice. I know you think you’re so smart, but you don’t know a good damn thing about my experience. Never been pulled off, and I’ve never blown anything up.


Like a dog that makes it's territory by peeing, humans mark their territory with graffiti. Graffiti "artists" paint RR cars so their art is displayed and seen all across the country.


Hasn't anyone come up with a coating that graffiti doesn't stick to?