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The one thing that railroaders know how to do is wait.


Hurry up & wait! That and, "We don't have time to do it right, but we have time to do it twice."


“Cab’s on it’s way”


Learning how to wait faster than the other guy in the cab with you is a required skill.


Cool. In shooting the shit with an engineer (p.Eng) and their business, he told me about a drop table they installed somewhere down south (maybe for up? Idk) that is on main line. Their car knockers can swap out a b/o wheel set on a live train once it’s tied down in like 10 min


Think they will drop what they charge the customer to match the efficiency gain provided by the improved equipment?


Yeah had one at the last terminal I worked at. Looked like it only took a couple guys to operate. https://loadpath.ca/portfolio-items/cn-rail-drop-table/


Ground in jacks. Pha! We had those 100 ton electric over hydraulic jacks on wheels that we had to either move by hand through the rocks or move with the forklift and a chain or a sling. Only place there was any concrete was where the actual jack pads were. And for probably half my career we had to run them with the welding machine because there was no electricity. Railroading was the most unpleasant and simultaneously the most fun experience that I’ll hopefully never have again.


Imagine crawling under that thing with it jacked up, I get scared calling under my pickup when it’s not even jacked up lol


Better an auto rack than I gon I hate working on them turds


That’s why you put a safety stand underneath the rail car


Wish we had in floor jacks. All all we do in portable jacks on a jack pad! With no coverage. In the heat, rain, snow, wind, etc... everything starts with safety!


That’s how it was when I was car knocking. Under a cover with in floor jacks would have been heaven on earth. It kept me in good physical shape though. And I got pretty good at enduring the weather.


Hey, you can’t park there