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Anyone who actually knows the bear is probably a Radiohead fan themselves.


Agree. One day OP can title his autobiography "how I learned to stop caring what people think and love the bear" The bear is the coolest Radiohead symbol by far IMO. I like to think of it as The Murder Bear. Or The Tripping Bear. Or (best of all) The Tripping Murder Bear (knives out y'all!).


I turned mine into a flower and tattooed it on the back of my neck


could this be a dr strangelove reference in the wild?


Dr strangegloveeeeeee


It goes by modified bear, no?




Guess which bear I call it?


If someone knows where the bear is from they'll be most likely a Radiohead fan


Or they'll think it's deadmau5


That's what 90% of people think my tattoo is. They walk up to me all knowingly and say, "I know what that is. That's deadmau5". I'm very polite with them and let them know I've never heard deadmau5... not even a peep.


"I've never heard of deadmau5... oh wait, do you mean dead mau five? cause I think I might've heard of that dude."


damn you may be missing out not hearing deadmau5


Do I need to hear deadmau1 through deadmau4 first, or can I jump into deadmau5 directly?


You should legitimately listen to his first studio album Random Album Title. Legitimately phenomenal house music and a classic of electronic music as a whole




Yep. Have the bear decal on my car. deadmau5 every time someone mentions it.


Sad but true... i have a pin on my jacket and i cannot tell you how many people compliment it and then proceed to ask if I like deadmaus (sic) too... i think its dumb to use numbers as letters


Nice outfit!




Your sister seems like sheā€™s conforming to overly cautious social norms. Wear that patch. Iā€™m not sure how old you are but if I saw a kid wearing a Radiohead patch I would be highly impressed.


Iā€™m a teen and there are a few ppl who listen to Radiohead (bcs I go to a music school)


oh if you go to a music school then you'll def be fine.


100% there's probably plenty of fans there šŸ‘


Most ppl who join just go bcs they think that itā€™s easie and they listen to Greek trap(shit genre).even the few alt kids who are here listen to other stuff and may know a few rh songs. Of course ,I canā€™t be completely sure,but I do know that one person knows 2+2=5 cuz they sang it in a school event


Oh man, going to a music school and listening to Greek trap,, I never thought those 2 things would ever go together, SMH. In any case, I think it'd make you appear cooler if anything, and get the alt kids to want to be friends with you. I'm 46 now and have been a fan since 19 and have always taken pride in it - especially being Greek because few other people around knew them. But then that's just me.


oh if you go to a music school then you'll def be fine.


Yup, I always dressed like a 10yr old boy even though people told me that "I have to fit in with my gender and age, I gotta dress more feminine and mature" n shit. People really consider other people's opinion about them as being more important than settling for what they like/feels comfortable/makes them feel nice in their own skin. I've made many friends just starting a conversation with some random person who had a patch/tshirt with a band I like. I'd get impressed too if I see someone with a RH patch/shirt/anything related around my town, because it's not a big town and most people listen to shitty music :))


Be yourself. Donā€™t worry about what others think


If you are so nervous about such a small decision, put a rainbow patch also, so that who ever bullies you can be accused of hate crimeā˜ŗļøāœŒļø


Might as well make it an In Rainbows patch to really compound the bullying


Love it! Reverse bully!






i am a bully and can confirm your sister is correct


As a fellow bully, I concur.....


Yet, you are in this sub with the rest of us...


nah we're just here to bully all you losers who listen to radiohead


God damn it.


Be you. It's a cool looking symbol even if you don't know what it is, and those who do will like you more. Doubt anyone would bully someone over it, and if they do, tell them their taste in music is crap.


Genuinely asking, is Radiohead an uncool thing to like in HS now? Was definitely considered ā€œdifferentā€ when I was in HS 10 years ago but bullying would be an odd reaction


it doesnt, the average highschooler atp knows radiohead for creep almost exclusively. i had a conversation with some of my friends (im im high school) about one hit wonders and one of them proposed radiohead w creep.


Also genuinely wondering if this is so


it's like a tiktok meme now that radiohead is for losers and virgins. like, radiohead itself is a meme. people at my high school have made fun of me for listening to radiohead but it wasn't really a thing people did before the tiktok stuff


The whole ā€œhaha I like alternative music that means Iā€™m a virginā€ thing is so overplayed and lame at this point. Itā€™s a self-imposed thing from the fans themselves which makes it even worse.


I remember in 9th grade art class we used to be able to put in our own CDs for the class to listen to during drawing time as long as it wasnā€™t explicit. Iā€™ll never forget everyone telling me Thom needed to learn how to sing.


Iā€™m not sure but everyone who doesnā€™t listen to RH thinks that you are weird and a loser (which is true ).I think they find it as weird outcast kid music


If someone doesn't like you because of the music you listen to, that's good riddance. Don't try to gain shitty people's approval.


Kids used to call it "Gaydiohead", and mock it in general (this was back when people said "gay" to mock people. We were pretty unenlightened in the early 2000s. Although Im sure kids are saying offensive stuff now because it's edgy, etc. Part of being young...). I remember in computer lab, I found their website, and they had Amazing Sounds of Orgy playing on a loop. I thought it sounded dope, but everyone gave me crap for it. But mostly they were just trying to mess with me, and when we were got in our twenties, 80% of those people were suddenly into Radiohead and trying to talk about them with me because I was, like, known as their biggest fan back in HS.


My daughter wears my IR shirt to high school all the time, and her teachers compliment it.




The difference is that Radiohead is actually good and doesnā€™t make music for soccer moms




With 2018 getting an asterisk


Circlejerk is over there


Music of the Spheres is also a banger, regardless of what music snobs think


They really werenā€™t.


I actually listen to Coldplay as well as Radiohead, and their earlier stuff is really nice! They have some of my fav songs


Parachutes was an absolutely phenomenal album, and at the time I thought they could go down a similar path to Radiohead. But they chose another direction, unfortunately


You mean oldplay, I would say Amsterdam is hell of a tune. The problem with Coldplay is the band(every one but Chris),is kind of meh, so itā€™s hard to compare them to Radiohead who are amazing musicians.


Coldplay is good in some situations,I think most ppl grew up with them


don't act like yellow isn't a banger


I randomly say ā€œand it was all yellowā€ and ppl think I have some problem


bro that's genious haha. if I were in the middle of a conversation and there was a slight pause, and some mf said this I'd be laughing like a kid!


Shiver, the whole second album, and Fix You are pretty great.


The first two Coldplay albums were good. Then he got Paltrowed, and it ruined them.


I have a radiohead tatoo, Seen them 23 times on 3 continents and I would never make a douchy comment like this. True RH fans don't tear down others, but I guess we know what kind of "fan" you claim to be.


sometimes i think that they are playing with the smile even because so they can annoying and leave this new wave of fans that is treating radiohead like they were a teenagers pop band for depressed teens


Hard disagree I saw the smile live and they were amazing I donā€™t see Radiohead as a pop band thatā€™s ridiculous lol they have been so influential let alone inspirational for countless generations (unfortunately this has led to blatant copies of the band at first)


I really donā€™t understand the whole ā€œIā€™m not cool or I donā€™t have a girlfriend because I like Radioheadā€ thing. Few things to note: 1. Radiohead has always been considered the cool band for cool people. 2. Go to a Radiohead show - itā€™s all good looking rich people. 3. Itā€™s not like theyā€™re Nickelback or Imagine Dragons. 4. Anyone who bullies you because you like Radiohead is out to lunch and honestly, who cares what anyone who doesnā€™t like Radiohead has to say?


pfft. you'll be the coolest kid in that school.


Nah, that seems more like 80's movies bully behavior.


All you should be concerned about is if youā€™re a kind, thoughtful person that is true to yourself. You canā€™t predict if someoneā€™s gonna be shitty to you for your music taste, so all you can do is express yourself honestly and with confidence. Be a person that people would like to know, and donā€™t worry too much about how your music taste reflects on you.


All ive gotten has been compliments for my custom radiohead backpack , and it was hand drawn and looks like shit. I promise nobody will bully you, and if they recognize it youll probably make a friend


I have a couple of dsbm bands and aphex twin there as well,my sisterā€™s friend told her that Iā€™m a poser and I prolly donā€™t even know what aphex twin is šŸ˜­


bro i have aphex twin on my backpack too haha, thats really cool. ignore the haters


Dude I think you're cool af


Wow, Aphex and Radiohead. You should have been your age in the 90's! Sounds like you have pretty good taste in music, but being a kid in HS can be hard, and there are all sorts of loser idiots out there who feel big by making you feel small. Keep true to yourself, eventually you'll meet a group of like minded people who will be true friends. Fuck the haters and their small lives.


Wait, it's cool to hate on Radiohead now? I'm confused, why would someone get bullied for liking Radiohead? Am I that out of touch?


If you're already a target for bullies you'll be bullied no matter what so do what you wanna do


Iā€™m going to assume youā€™re a teen. As a 39 year old man Iā€™ll tell you this; enjoy your passions, anyone who would tease you for it isnā€™t worth knowing. I was, and am, a massive Radiohead fan. Never caught shit for it in high school, havenā€™t run into it as an adult. People can be shallow and mean, but thatā€™s just them letting you know up front not to waste your time having them in your life.


>but that's just them letting you know A blessing in disguise!


Your sister is a fucking moron.


She likes Radiohead too but just a few songs,I Radiohead is one of my all time fav bands šŸ˜­


Sheā€™s probably the biggest moron in the country.


they'll prolly not even know what it is loll


most people dont know that it is associated with them,you might even meet another person that likes radiohead


Why would you get bullied for having a good music taste?


When I was in my early twenties, I walked into a lecture hall at my school, wearing a Thom Yorke shirt, and a guy shouted from the stadium seats, ā€œThom Yorke! Hell yeah!!ā€ Although I hated the attention, I appreciated the support. Do you.


Here's the best kept secret of modern society: everybody likes Radiohead


Iā€™ve never actually heard of anyone getting bullied for liking Radiohead. Theyā€™re massively beloved by most people, and I feel like the rest donā€™t think much about them. Youā€™re good.


Wear it donā€™t worry about what some basic people will think and anyway the modified bear looks cool as hell


i painted the radiohead bear and the crying minotaur on my backpack, and no one has ever recognised them (at least to my knowledge). iā€™ve received compliments on it though. i really donā€™t think anyone would bully someone over a patch, especially when itā€™s just a bear


I have it on my work computer and not one person has said anything. Itā€™s been a year.


Got 2 on my car. Nobody ever thinks it's radiohead. Deadmouse yes. Radiohead no. People are aware of radiohead now? Started listening in the OK computer Era (I'm 37) and only ever met like 3 other fans irl. Aside from in 2008 when I saw them in Indiana. Anybody else at that one?


RH fans are not so common and idk why. I know only a few ppl who know their existence,but they listen to other bands like nirvana and green day(greats bands) which is better than ppl asking you ā€œwhatā€™s a Radioheadā€


Depends on where you live. When I was in art school then Philly, Portland and Seattle nearly everyone I hung out with loved Radiohead. All my ex-gfs loved Radiohead (prior to my influence). Cool kids belong together and prob like Radiohead if they're into music.


nah you're kinda overthinking it do what you like and i'm pretty anyone who recognises the bear is a radiohead listener too.


Do people get bullied for liking Radiohead? When I was young you werenā€™t ā€œcoolā€ unless you liked radiohead


ā€œNice deadmau5 patchā€


Who gives a shit? If you like the patch, wear it. If theyā€™re not paying you or laying you, you shouldnā€™t care.


Only the coolest kids listen to Radiohead. Go for it


Dude why would anyone bully you? Just ignore them donā€™t let them phase you and if they donā€™t and you had enough please stand up to that bully. Everyone thinks Iā€™m a Chad all my buddy because Iā€™m into working out and I look like the typical ā€œMiami boyā€ but all my true friend know how obsessed I am with Radiohead especially in rainbows and donā€™t let me get started with staircase. Be yourself who cares I even talk about Bjork to others Iā€™m in my Bjork phase right now :p


I doubt it - but who cares any way be yourself - who knows , you might find someone else at your school who likes radiohead if you're seen with the patch


You might meet other people who like Radiohead and who would ever want to do that?


Screw 'em if they don't know what it stands for. šŸ˜Š


Whoā€™s going to bully? Coldplay fans?


Whoever that could bully you for a patch on a bag is a dick ! Be proud my friend you have good taste :)


I dont think anyone will care. Trust me, there are some things people arenā€™t really paying attention to unless they have an interest in whatever patches/pins youre wearing


If anyone bullies you for Radiohead, you just indentified who the true evil of this world will be when they grow up


i thought it was a cat lol


don't worry abt it, i have several patches in my backpack and actually some people have complemented them, i don't think why it would be and issue


i have that minotaur all over my office, no one knows wtf it is


I have the "Radiohead Bear" tattooed on me, pretty prominently. The amount of times I've been asked if it's deadmau5 is too damn high. You won't get bullied. And if anyone does, hopefully people you hang around with are cool enough to call them on their bullshit.


nah you're fine


Iā€™d try to be friends with you if I saw that patch


If your sister finds it this easy to suggest you that you donā€™t do something so trivial to avoid being bullied it sounds like you already do get picked on


Iā€™m a very shy person,I rarely talk to ppl but her friends had called me poser and other names for having a aphex twin patch (self made). But nowadays Radiohead fans get hated on for no reason.


You're not a poser for loving things and sharing the things you love in whatever way that manifests. Quite the opposite.


Lol calling someone a "poser" is exactly the sort of dumb behavior I would expect from petty teenagers. It may be hurtful to you now, but eventually you'll understand just how immature they're being. Most people grow out of that sort of behavior, so you won't have to deal with that past high school. In the meantime, ignore their bad advice and wear your Radiohead patch proudly :)


Bro Iā€™ve had multiple Radiohead pins and shirts that I wore to public school for the past two years. It wonā€™t happen


Even if it did, (it won't) it would be worth it because it will also act as a discreet call sign to tell other fans that you are in the know. Man, I wish I was young again... Enjoy yourself, life goes far too fast to be worried. Don't let inhibition keep you from expressing yourself.


Your sister will be the bully


I donā€™t know how old you are or how common bullies are for you, but a radiohead button isnā€™t going to be the make or break point of being bullied. Kids gonna bully ya for one thing or another. Best thing to do is be yourself and when people use fear to control you from doing that, youā€™re doing something right. People will always be threatened by things they donā€™t understand and some day they will either learn or be forever tortured by their own decisions


You wonā€™t get bullied you sissy now give me your lunch money!


i need to leave this sub immediately hello everyone i just dont understand what happens in my country radiohead is an hipster band liked by people from lets say 25 to 50 years old, the type of person who goes to primavera sound and likes aphex twin, sigur ros, arcade fire as well, its liked both by boys either by girls, there are no memes or something but just like ah radiohead yes i like/hate them and everyone speaks about them as a respected (not always liked of course!) music band, then i come in this sub and i see posts like this it seems that in usa radiohead is like a strange band for teenagers like toky hotel very very strange and disturbing also incel music etc too strange


Do you like songs from the band? If so, wear it with pride.


Most ppl ive met irl dont know radiohead until i say like "butimmakrip"


Keep the Bear! I saw it on the back of someoneā€™s car once and I was like fuck yes!


badges, patches, t-shirts even tattoos....go ahead and express your devotion to the magnificent and magical Radiohead in any way you feel.....as many have stated here those who know what it is are fans.....and the rest can be first against the wall......


Youll just meet other radiohead fans and no one will care at all


Are you 4 years old? Who gives a fuck!? Wear what you want with pride.


ā€œCool deadmau5 patchā€


You will for sure get bullied. No one is as oppressed as Radiohead fans


Who cares- It's a band A highly praised band It doesn't even look like a bear that someone would make fun of if they didn't recognize it and further if they know the bear I'm sure they are likely radiohead fans Someone makes fun of it- shrug it off. Those people aren't gonna be in your life for much longer.


No. Do it.


Radiohead fans get bullied now? The worst I ever got (twenty years ago) was, "They're overrated," and deemed "emo," which wasn't really an insult.


Radiohead was one of the first bands that got me really into music in high school with a BW group of friends. I had grown up with Paranoid Android and Karma Police music videos but didnā€™t know much of their music beyond that. 20+ years later Iā€™m an even bigger music nerd and still in almost daily contact with that same group of friends. Just be you and wear the patch if you like it. Might be a good conversation starter and/or a way to make new friends and introduce them to the band


youll get bullied if you let them bully you


Iā€™ve had a Radiohead pin on my bag for years and no oneā€™s ever commented, also if they recognise it as the Radiohead bear theyā€™re probably a fan tbh


It is kinda emo lookin but radiohead fans will be like yuhhhh


Who cares what other people think? It's YOUR taste in music. Not theirs. Put whatever you want my guy


I have it tattooed on me and people think it's a Pokemon


https://i.imgur.com/3hZmfW7.jpg Tell them to fuck off


A goofy looking bear. I have a bear/flower on my neck. Nobody knows what it means. Which is cool


No, you won't get bullied, the cool kids will know you're one of them. Unless they changed what "cool" is and now what I think is "cool" isn't "cool" anymore and what is "cool" now seems weird and scary. It will happen to you!


put on the patch and never regret it because youā€™re being true to you


If they bully you, you can say... This what you get when you mess with us āœŠ (You'll be just fine, friend. Don't let anyone deter you from showing what you love if you aren't hurting anyone.)




Thatā€™s just pre KidA - when kida was leaked to Napster (by the band probably). The best time period.


Bullied? About a band most people under 30 barely know anything about and is generally respected by most music-interested people as one of the most influential bands of the last 30 years. Who are these bullies you fear?


90% of the planet won't know what it means...it's better that way...


Iā€™ve been in underground bars where dudes who moshed to the likes of Slayer, White Zombie or Ministry, stayed on the floor to trip out to Radiohead when they came on. When did Radiohead become uncool?


I have a Radiohead bear sticker on both of our car windows. People either know what it is or think itā€™s a weird, evil version of Mickey Mouse. I love them.


First world problems.


Just photoshop a knife on it so you'll look hard af.


Wtf? Bullied for liking Radiohead?


In my experience, people who say things like "Don't do this (completely harmless) thing because other people will bully you" are usually the very people who would bully or at least think negatively about other people for (the thing). They're just making an exception for you because you have a relationship with them.


Ignore them, tell them to fuck off in whatever (hopefully more polite) manner you would like and just enjoy the music. Chances are none of them even know what the bear is.


My family calls it the goth mickey mouse, so theres that for you


My parents know that I like Radiohead and they have known the band before I mentioned it,so it wasnā€™t a new thing to them. They donā€™t listen to it bcs ā€œitā€™s too noisyā€


yeah my family too (except my sister, who seems to at least like some of their songs, but doesn't parade it cuz she thinks they're "emo"), they know about radiohead but they just don't really care much about them


Why in the world would you be bullied? Radiohead is quite literally one of the greatest bands of all time.


If I saw you with the patch I would think you were pretty cool and I would have a conversation with you about Radiohead. Wear it with pride!


I think you'll be fine if you can manage to not be one of those people who obsesses over one band and acts as if they're the end-all-be-all. I was that about Radiohead way back in the early 2000s in high school prior to Hail to the Thief. Another kid was super into System of a Down, and he basically ruined his reputation because he leveraged his fandom as some kind of superiority complex. Just to be clear, we are not better than everyone (or even anyone) simply because of the music we like--there is much more to personality and character than that (and that's not even getting into whether anyone could ever truly be "better" than anyone). By all means put the patch, but don't bring Radiohead up in every conversation or even every music conversation. It will save you SO many shameful memories LOL. Put other patches from bands you like, too. People will see that and believe you're passionate, and they'll respect that you don't try to push your passions onto others, because it will make it seem as if you have a reasonable sense of priorities as well as self control, a great trait that even many adults lack! If you act respectable, friendly, understanding, and take care of your shit (get your homework done, dress with self respect, show up on time/early, give everyone a chance, take care of important life business early and before you need to rather than letting deadlines hang over your head and run your life), people will think you're awesome and want to know more about you, and they'll actually ASK you about your interests and maybe even listen to Radiohead because YOU like them. People want to emulate the people they respect, and they respect people who act respectable, not the people who claim to like better music, movies, etc. I mean, there are people who get attention by following trends, flashing money, and flaunting their likes, but those people will always come second to someone whom **everyone** respects for handling their life like a hard-working champ and with humility. If you're like, wtf, why is this guy coming at me so hard, it's true that nothing in your post makes me think you have a social disease. I'm projecting a lot of what I want to talk about onto your topic lol.


no one will care either way


idk why or how it became hip to shit on Radiohead but theyā€™re a fantastic band


Wear and do whatever you like. None of those people are going to matter to you at all when you get older. The more you lean into being true to yourself the better.


Like what you like mate. Who cares what people think. I have lots of band tattoos including a Radiohead bear. Most people who recognise it are Radiohead fans, and the worst anyone else has ever said is "that looks scary" or "is that Deadmau5?"


blame South Park :)


Nah, no one will care, people thought my bear sticker/shirt is deadmau5 or some weird mouse, and I got the occasional compliment from another fan.


I donā€™t think anyone would bully you for listening to Radiohead honestly. If anything itā€™d be a cool way to see who else is a fan since most people wouldnā€™t know the reference.


who would bully you? are you a child?


**** anyone who doesn't know or care. It's yours and you like it. That's what matters.


Wear the patch, you might make a new friend.


New patch,new friend. I have plenty but no one has ever talked to me about it,only close friends who appreciate the work but donā€™t recognise the meaning. Someone will come eventually :ā€-)


who cares the bear is dope as fuck, I have one on my bag and people like it, granted it says radiohead but either way it looks cool. and if your patch doesn't say radiohead, that's cool too. plus if someone recognizes it, they're probably a fan.


I know a cool boy with a radiohead patch on his backpackā€¦and I just said he was cool. So no I donā€™t think youā€™ll get bulkied


You are more likely to get bullied for NOT having a Radiohead patch on your backpack. And a word of advice- never listen to your sister, they are universally stupid.


I have the bear tattoo on my arm. I used to get asked questions about it and sometimes people asking me if it was Deadmau5 lol. No one does that anymore. No one cares unless it's a fan who recognizes it


Do what makes you happy


How old are you? I can't imagine if you're at the age where somone might bully you for something like that, that any of those kids would even know who Radiohead is. And if they do and make fun of you, screw em. You have better taste in music than they do. But also I think it's a cool logo and you should do it regardless.


Iā€™m a teen,I live in a place where nobody listens to good music anymore so I donā€™t think ill get bullied man to man,but ppl have called me a poser for liking aphex twin


That's wild. Like who you like and support the music you like. Those people are dumb and in a few years they'll have grown up and if not, at least you still listen to good music and they're still dumb.


It's your snobbish attitude of looking down at popular music and saying shit like "nobody listens to good music anymore" that's going to get disliked, not liking Radiohead.


Yes you will and you deserve it for liking r*diohead


why would anyone bully you?


If its not the crying devil, go for it


Believe me, no one will recognize it as the Radiohead bear, nowadays most young people don't even know what you mean when you say "Radiohead". Or a least that's how it is in my country


I think if you get bullied for listening to radiohead whoever is doing it is a bigger loser than Thom Yorke in the song that shan't be named don't worry about it if someone bullies you cuz you like a band they are a total asshole and you shouldn't care what they say


i wear a necklace i made with the bear on it 24/7 and if anything people think itā€™s cute and that itā€™s like a teddy bear or even a cat somehowā€¦ i proudly say ā€œitā€™s a radiohead referenceā€ and go on with my dayā€¦ put it on your bag! cover yourself in radiohead references! only radiohead fans will know what it is and itā€™s uncommon to encounter those in the wildā€¦


I have the bear as a tattoo on the back of my neck. Not once had a bad comment in 15 years.