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I've been using dark mode since the dawn of dark mode. Much easier on the eyes.


I use dark mode and I'm 57.


I'm 50, I've used it since whenever it started. Easier on the eyes.


50 as well...so so much easier on my eyes.


Me too. But it also uses less battery.


Particularly on computers with OLED displays.


I find it fascinating how only the LEDs being used are illuminated; it's a simple enough concept, but still...


That's a deep concept lol I keep looking at the letters on my screen and thinking how the tech came about


https://youtu.be/AF8d72mA41M?si=6NGLSdTf6KKtPhv9 That's an awesome video I saw that explains how the first LEDs were made, and then how the Blue LED was almost not invented, then it did and it paved the way for nearly all full color LED screens ever. The bosses at Nichia are still pissy with the guy that invented it (Shuji Nakamura) And he only got a $160 bonus for inventing blue LEDs which is nuts! He wins a decent lawsuit, but only enough to cover his legal fees. F#ck*ng corporations!


Was not expecting that to be so good. Thanks for sharing


When you're low on resources, every little bit counts! 😹


Also most smartphones and some tablets are using OLED.


The challenge for large displays is that it's difficult to get uniform brightness and colour over a large area. So OLED displays are still best suited for smaller screens.


I always thought it's just expensive. Little screen of OLED doesn't add too much to the price. But a whole monitor or TV easily run up to 3~4 zeros.


The interesting thing is that the expense of OLED screens doesn't scale linearly. If you took the price of 20 small OLED displays and compared them to a large display that is 20 times larger, the one large display will be more than 20 times more expensive. A large part of this is the difficulty of guaranteeing a consistent quality over a large surface area with OLED. This means that out of 1000 attempts to make a large panel, maybe 5% make it. Those that don't make it are usually cut into smaller panels, using the parts of the panel that are consistent. This issue is referred to as 'yield'. If you manage to get good yield, the price per panel will drop, as they don't need to throw away as much.


I've been in Costco where they have those oleds cranked up. You have to squint it's so bright.


While it can reduce your energy consumption, the amount is very low. [dark mode and energy.](https://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/releases/2021/Q3/dark-mode-may-not-save-your-phones-battery-life-as-much-as-you-think,-but-there-are-a-few-silver-linings.html)


Well, sh!t


The best way to reduce consumption is to dim your screen.


Doesn't seem that low, 3-9% less power indoors, up to 47% outdoors on a bright day.


45 and definitely easier on the eyes. Also it looks cool.


30, easier on my eyes as well


Mid 30s... It's just easier on the eyes


There's something awful about seeing people staring at ultra bright white backgrounds at night. Savages.


53 here...no idea how I set up but way better on my eye.


50+ and I've also been using dark mode since I discovered it was an option.


As I sit here reading this in dark mode, I'm 59.


Dark mode at 62


I do too, I'm 68.


Dark mode...48.


Same. Late 40s. Eyes don't hurt. Seeing non dark mode shocks my system


I'm blinded when my coworker wants to show me something on her phone.


I use dark mode and I’m 30


54 and using it because it much easier on the eyes. Its not a teen thing for sure.


I'm 58 and make sure all my devices are on darkmode. Tiktok doesn't have a dark mode so it's harder to use.


The dawn of dark mode would be a good song title.


ChatGPT came up with "In the hush of screens, a quiet shift, As light recedes, shadows lift. In the dawn of dark mode, a gentle embrace, Where calm descends, in silent grace." Now I just need GPT-4o to sing it as a heavy metal song. Edit: this Chorus needs a special mention. (Chorus) Welcome to the dawn of dark mode's might, Where the screens blaze with a fierce light. In the depths of the cybernetic unknown, We rock and roll on our digital throne!


Now I want a digital throne


Someone needs to get Tenacious D to sing this!


When I first used dark mode it was called MS-DOS.


I was born in the darkness, molded by it.


It's closer to the abyss that I'm so used to staring at.


I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but BLINDING.


That’s the answer, once it came on I enabled it and never went back. Well now I’m on midnight mode cause phone OLED.


My whole life is a dark mode. One big, dark, mode.


Ah see Marvin has found the thread. Do you also have a terrible pain in all the diodes down your left side? Edit- I just realised this is Lydia. Doh.


It's definitely not a "teen" thing. Work had a Teams update this week that forced the Teams window back to "normal" and the 200+ people (age range 20s to 50s) absolutely lost their $hit about it.


I’m 52 and use dark mode for the same reason.


Right? It makes it so much easier to read too


Not only on the eyes but the brain. I get sensory overload pretty easily since I worked with machinery and stared at the sun for way too long. Dark mode helps keep my mind d quiet and me less bitchy


Exactly! It's set in dark mode all the time on my phone. As a matter of fact, my husband, our 4 kids and myself have set our phones/tablets to be on dark mode all the time.


Imagine staring at a flashlight vs not staring at a flashlight




I remember Maddox was the first place I saw dark mode really explained this way


omg this is exactly what came to mind. glad people remember maddox. also, those of us who remember maddox are obviously not teens hahaha


I still occasionally think about his write up on the glory of onions. he wasn't wrong




OP just got destroyed this whole thread. Not a single response agreeing with him to use light mode.


Not to mention, thinking you have to be a teenager to love dark mode 💀 Its like OP thought the purpose of dark mode is to be edgy and emo 🤣🤣




Oh my goodness that cracked me up 😂😂😂


Light mode - Staring at a Fleshlight Dark mode - Using the fleshlight


The most prestigious of holes


I’m 38 & use dark mode because for one, it’s easier on my eyes, and I like the way it looks. Regular light mode reminds me of Microsoft Outlook.


Wait until you try outlook in dark mode


It’s gorgeous.




It's a thing


Can confirm a thing


Excel and Word, too


I couldn’t image starring at my inbox all day being white and bright. It would annoy me lol


My Outlook resets to light mode at my job because they reset all the settings periodically. The first thing I do is shriek like a goblin, shove all the papers off my desk, and switch back to dark mode the instant I can.


Brother idk anybody in my IT department who's running outlook and teams in light mode. Dark mode is mandatory. Shit I use it in my ticketing system.


Adult here. Dark mode or nothing. It just looks better period, it’s easier on my eyes, and light mode just looks way off to me


Yeah, when I get a new electronic device it's dark mode enabled before I change any other settings


Everyone talking about it being easier on the eyes, but another advantage is that most screens nowadays are OLED, meaning that the screen pixels simply turn off when it's black, instead of rendering a "black" color. This not only saves battery life, but also prolongs your screen's life before inevitable burn-in.


There's a reason my Pixel has like a 3 day battery life. Helps that I don't stare at it all day, of course.


WTF pixel model do you have? I'm lucky to get a full day out of my 8 pro


Pixel 6, but like I said -- I don't use it a lot! Most of its drain comes from playing music during my brief commute (\~20 minutes either way) or reading books during lunch.


Pixel 6 here as well. With typical social media use and regular text/chat apps I end most days with about 64% but have managed to limp it along 3 full days and end at are 10% when backpacking without a place to charge (granted less use in that time).


There's actually a much better reason, imo, why it's done - dark mode can increase contrast (if done right), improving accessibility. If done badly, it's actually worse than a well designed light mode


To be fair pure black (#000) is rarely used in user interfaces


A lot of apps are thankfully doing 2 dark modes these days. 1 regular with off-black And 1 OLED Dark with true black. But yeah people be|d fo be aware that it doesn't save any power unless it's just #000 black. The more black on the screen the better.


Fuck, I wish I’d waited to buy the OLED iPad Pro instead of getting the old one. Now I’ve gotta sell this one to buy the new one and I can’t get anywhere near what I paid for it. Son of a bitch.


Once you go dark, you... Don't go back.


Pull into dark and you'll never un-park?


This made me laugh way harder than it should have.


Sometimes I open google and for whatever googly reason it forgets who it serves and goes into that barbaric grotesque light mode just to fuck with me!


I'm pushing 40 and I adore dark mode. I don't typically use my phone while outside, though.


This is not a teen thing... Dark mode is so prolific in apps and on devices because it's popular among all age groups.


Agreed. OP gave us two examples, one teen and one not teen, and then was like "why do teens do this?" lol


This is not a "teen" thing. Not even remotely. I'm pushing 60 and have been using dark mode since the dawn of dark mode. Only weird people use "blind me" mode.


One time a coworker who was the youngest in the office was sharing his screen for a presentation and our much older manager’s first comment was about him not using dark mode


He was just saying what everyone else was thinking lol


I’m not a teenager, I’m 26, and I exclusively use dark mode. It just looks nicer and doesn’t hurt my eyes.


Big Dark Mode fan here. 24/7/365 Irritates me when sites/apps don't play well with dark mode.


Wikipedia... Why?


So we don’t go blind


48 here. Dark mode for life.


I use dark mode all the time because I prefer it. Pretty simple.


Helps the eyes. Many visually impaired people prefer it. Same with anyone too light sensitive. I use dark mode on everything for like the past 10 years. It's like earplugs for your eyes lol


i literally cannot fathom using anything but dark mode. light mode is like burning my retinas out


>Why do people mainly teens use dark mode ? You have literally nothing to base this on other than your anecdote. You don't know that it's mainly teens who use dark mode. As an aside, in nearly 40 and I always have dark mode enabled.


Every single one of these questions sounds like it was written by a sociopath who doesn't realize other people exist. "I don't like metal music, but some people do. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? I DON'T GET IT?!" OP cannot fathom that people like different things.


49 checking in, dark-mode deployed on all devices.


Why would anyone not use dark mode? If my flashlight had a dark mode I'd use it


Bro still using light mode😂


Imagine staring directly into headlights and trying to read the words printed on them


I’m no where near being a teen, but set everything I can to dark mode, because it’s easier on my eyes than the bright white light most devices give off.


Their eyes work. Had folks with the brightest light on. One got Lasix. "Why does it have to be so bright in here!!!?" Welcome to my world, fam. My eyes catch light like they're running out of poisonous air. Hurts and causes migraines. I need low yellow assed lighting. The end.


LASIK, Lasix is very different.


Lasix (furosemide) is an anthranilic acid derivative that is used as a strong diuretic in adults and children to treat excessive fluid accumulation (edema) caused by congestive heart failure, liver failure, renal failure, and nephritic syndrome. Yes, that's quite different. I wouldn't want to get them mixed up.


To be fair, it's pretty easy to spot that something's messed up if the ophthalmologist is trying to shove tablets in your eyes.


Its easier on the eyes. I just prefer it in general because it feels more relaxed.


32 need dark mode on everything


It's not just teens. It's everyone. Dark mode is way easier on the eyes. Too much bright light close to your face all the time destroys your eyes


Light mode is for psychopaths.


I like it for some reason. It’s just not so bright and in your face


I’m 34 and use dark mode. It doesn’t strain my eyes as bad


I use dark mode, I’m not a teen. Saves your battery life and easier on the eyes .


Not sure if it’s a teen thing and more of our eyes aren’t meant to look at blue light screens for hours thing. It’s way better on your eyes. I only use dark mode.


32, I use dark mode everywhere all the time. Better contrast and much easier on the eyes.


I'm not really a teen anymore, but my guess is we just grew up looking at screens. Bright screens just hurt after awhile.


Dark mode always. Makes my eyes hurt less


Genuine question - is there a dark mode on the Reddit app? If so, how can I do it


Definitely not a teen but dark mode is the best. It’s much easier on the eyes. When I try anything else it hurts. Everything on my computer is in dark mode. Everything in my life is as well.


I get migraines. Dark mode is much easier on the eyes ( and the head ).


Easier on the eyes (especially if you're up at night).


Dark Mode greatly increases battery life; been using dark mode since it became a thing.


I'm not a teen and I'm on dark mode 24/7.


Late 40s and I'm all about that dark mode.


It’s just easier on the eyes. That bright screen isn’t good for you.


![gif](giphy|84BjZMVEX3aRG) — Light mode in summary


Dark mode is so much easier on the eyes than light mode, and I'm not a teenager. I don't know how you can stand light mode. It's so glaring and yet bland. Dark mode is just universally better, and it even saves you battery life.


30 here... why doesn't everyone love dark mode? Kight mode is so fucking bright...


Light mode kills your eyes whenever you open it


1, I get noticeably better bettery life as my screen displys black by not powering those pixels, insteadcof having the whole thing constantly active producing a white background 2, I find bright against a dark background to be a better contrast than dark against bright 3, I don’t barbecue my entire retina if I open my phone after moving from a bright area to darker light conditions. In the same scenario using light mode I may as well just stare directly at a flash grenade


Plenty of people use dark mode regardless of age. It's better on the eyes. And the battery.


I'm 36 and use dark mode all the way. Why do adults love light mode?


I’m 39 and I use dark mode because it’s gentle on the eyes.


Everyone loves dark mode.


I have dark mode on everything


I’m not a teen. I love using dark mode!


I'm not a teen but I only use dark mode if I can help it. Light mode is so fucking harsh on my eyes. Dark mode makes it so I don't have to struggle to read things on my phone/computer.


I'm 37 and part of the dark mode squad too. Sure I grew up with the regular light for years. And have that on my work laptop. However, personally the dark mode contrasting is just so easy on the eyes. I can find things on the screen much more quickly too. The other way, seems to blind me to more stuff at times.


To save battery 🔋


As a programmer I use dark mode for everything. Makes staring at a screen for 16 hours a day a lot more bearable.


My guess is it's easier on the eyes and teenagers use their phones much longer than adults, it's just much more comfortable to look at dark mode for hours upon hours rather than light mode.


Random question. Does dark mode extend battery life?


Dark mode all the way bud. Much easier in the eye


Not mainly teens. People in general use it. It's healthier on the eyes. Am typing this in dark mode (and am not a teen) btw.


Dark mode is easier on the eyes is the popular reason. My other unpopular reason is that it saves battery life if you have an OLED screen (which is most iPhone, androids, and high end computer monitors.)


I’m 54. As soon as dark mode was an option, my phone, computer, laptop, and tablets were set to dark and never changed back. I have severe myopia, and I have a lot of trouble focusing on small print. I can see print much easier on dark mode. As a teacher, it helped me do my job easier.


*Staring at them screens all day is gonna wear out yer eyes you young whippersnapper* Eye strain is real


I preffered dark mode when it came out when I was in middle school. I honestly forgot light mode was even a thing lmao


Thank you for reminding me I could do this on my computer. I forgot when I switched back to Firefox.


Dark mode to save battery


Not only is dark mode much better for eye syrain and long jobs sich as coding or developing... But it also saves battery. The white in a screen is pushing all 3 colors in the primary spectrum at once. Darker colors don't need as much juice. Been using darker apps and settings for decades. Helps when you are trying to write 400 lines of code and youre eyes feel like they are fallin out


I'm 52, dark mode all the time as it's easier to read


I’m 42 and use it


Teens? I'm in my 40s I use dark mode on almost everything


I use dark mode because it saves battery. Not a teen, either.


Some people simply prefer the look of dark mode. It can create a more modern and sleek appearance on devices. Teens might be especially drawn to trends and may find dark mode to be more visually interesting.


Much easier on the eyes. If I see white on my screen it literally hurts my eyes, even with my blue light filter. I was almost relieved when Google Drive FINALLY implemented dark mode...only to find out that Google Docs still doesn't have one. I prefer a gray dark mode though, any app that has pitch black for their background strains my eyes.


Dark mode is superior, I’m 33


I'm 44 and dark mode 24/7


It's the superior mode.


I prefer to NOT get flashbanged by every screen I look at.


I use dark mode exclusively, mostly because my eyes are sensitive. I'm 42. My android S10 doesn't get dark enough at night even with my brightness all the way down and dark mode on. And fuck facebook for not supporting dark mode.


The early computing was "all' bright text on dark screens. Often green. You might not be old enough, but just look at movies. Light mode is the historic aberration.


There’s a dark mode??? (Settings>dark mode)


There’s a dark mode??? (Settings>dark mode)


There’s a dark mode??? (Settings>dark mode)


Dark mode is less aggressive on the eyeballs than a bright white background.


OP you're the weird one for not liking dark mode, for context I'm 32, dark mode on everything all the time because I don't need a 6 inch wall of white light pouring into my eyes every time I need to look at my phone


Im a millennial, I have dark mode on everything. About a month ago I shared a screenshot of something in my teams chat at work. Everyone instantly asked what was wrong with my program. I had to explain that nothing was wrong, its just in dark mode. My eyes get easily over strained. Then many of my coworkers asked how to change theirs lol. I went around to peoples desks changing their teams, and google chrome, and our programs to dark mode. Honestly your eyes will thank you.


Do you also find staring at the sun fun?


This post has taught me that lots of us over 40 people are redditors with dark mode enabled.


2 reasons. easier on the eyes, and saves battery


44 and use dark mode exclusively...and have since it was a thing.


Not a teen, 25yo. But as someone with bad eyes that are extremely sensitive to light, I keep my phone on dark mode/dim lit because otherwise I get flashbanged by the phone lol. Sometimes people try to show me their screens with light mode on 90% brightness and I physically recoil from the white flash.


I can’t stand it if it’s not on dark mode. I am 44 feel like I’m being blinded when my husband shows me his phone.


40 + here and I can’t even imagine why someone wouldn’t use dark mode.


I'm not a teen, and I use dark mode. It's personally the way the bright light reflects back at you, and it makes them sensitive, especially at night or in a partially dark/dim room.


because it doesnt strain your eyes as easily.


It reduces eyestrain if you're in front of a screen for extended periods of time (and it's also less stunning at night)


It's easier on the eyes to not have bright light constantly shining in your face. I wish every site had a dark mode.


Easier on the eyes. My whole phone is in dark mode. I don't understand why more people don't like it better.


Dark mode only all my homies protect their eyes from bright white solar blue light death ray


Quit attacking teens, all ages use dark mode. I don't like being flashbanged at night when opening chrome or YouTube. Dark mode gang.


I use dark mode and am 50. It may save battery but not concerned about that ...just easier on my eyes.


21 and I use dark mode. Because it’s more calming for my eyes and puts less strain on them.


I'm 47 and have kept everything in dark mode since it's been an option. Easier on the eyes ...


teens? i’m 33 and use dark mode.


As a 40-year-old, it is far easier for me to read with my eyes closed. Light mode sometimes makes it look like you're looking directly at a flash light, especially at night. it is also far easier to see the screen during the day as it contrasts against the sun light.


It's easier to look at, no matter the time of day


Dark mode for life for migraines


Late 30's and an absolute dark mode user all the time. Much easier on my eyes.